Physical damage

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"Physical Damage" redirects here. For the passive skill, see Physical Damage (passive skill).

Physical damage is one of the five damage types. It is the most common and the only one reduced by armour, rather than by a resistance. Most physical damage comes from weapon attacks, but some spells deal physical damage as well. Physical damage over time can be inflicted with the bleed ailment.

Every 10 points of strength give a 2% bonus to physical damage from melee attacks. The Iron Grip keystone passive extends this bonus to also apply to physical damage from projectiles. The Iron Grip SupportIron Grip SupportProjectile, Physical, Support
Icon: i
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
Requires Level 18Supports attack skills that fire projectiles, making the increase to physical melee damage from strength also increase their physical projectile damage.Strength's Damage bonus applies to Projectile Attack Damage as well for Supported Skills
Supported Skills deal (0-38)% increased Projectile Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Projectile Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
gem applies the same effect to a single skill.


A list of gems with the gem tag: Physical

Skills with the attack keyword will do any physical damage of the weapon used and apply the appropriate physical damage passive skills. Some spells also deal physical damage.

Attack skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Blade Trap of LacerationBlade Trap of LacerationTrap, Attack, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-20) Mana
Attack Damage: (140-180)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (140-180)%
Requires Level 12Throws a trap which, once triggered, swings two copies of your equipped Dagger, Claw or One Handed Sword around it in a circle, each damaging enemies it spins through.Trap lasts 4 seconds
Rotates 1 time
Base radius is (1.6-2.2) metres
(40-59)% more Damage with Bleeding
25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1-20)% more Damage with Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Double StrikeDouble StrikeAttack, Melee, Strike, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (143-409)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (143-409)%
Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon.25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Double Strike of ImpalingDouble Strike of ImpalingAttack, Melee, Strike, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (104-298)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (104-298)%
Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon.Killing Blows cause Impales on Enemies to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies
40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Glacial Shield SwipeGlacial Shield SwipeAttack, AoE, Cold, Physical, Retaliation, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-11) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.50 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Attack Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 16Retaliate against a blocked hit with a sweep of your Shield, unleashing a wave of ice in a cone in front of you.(78-607) to (117-911) Base Off Hand Physical Damage
(17-29) to (25-43) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Cannot be used by default
Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
Always Freezes enemies
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Can't be Evaded
50% less Damage with Ailments
Base radius is 8 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
LacerateLacerateAttack, AoE, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-17) Mana
Attack Speed: 60% of base
Attack Damage: (171-393)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (171-393)%
AoE Radius: 38
Requires Level 12Slashes twice, releasing waves of force that damage enemies they hit. Enemies in the middle of the slashes can be hit by both. The slashes will have a chance to inflict bleeding in Blood Stance, or have a wider angle in Sand Stance. Can be used with Axes and Swords. You are in Blood Stance by default.+(0-0.9) metres to radius
(50-88)% more Damage with Bleeding while in Blood Stance
25% chance to cause Bleeding while in Blood Stance
50% increased angle while in Sand Stance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Attack Speed if you've changed Stance Recently
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Lacerate of HaemorrhageLacerate of HaemorrhageAttack, AoE, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (150-346)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (150-346)%
Requires Level 12Slashes twice, releasing waves of force that damage enemies they hit. Enemies in the middle of the slashes can be hit by both. Requires a One Handed Axe or One Handed Sword.(75-132)% more Damage with Bleeding
25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(2-40)% more Damage with Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Lancing SteelLancing SteelAttack, Projectile, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (110-175)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (110-175)%
Requires Level 28Thrust an Axe or Sword forward, consuming your Steel Shards to form a cluster of shards in front of you. The cluster will fire a number of projectiles in sequence, aiming at enemies in front of or close to it. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.Fires 4 Projectiles
Fires 50% more Projectiles per Steel Shard consumed
20% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
Hits after the first on each Enemy deal 60% less Damage
Consumes up to 4 Steel Shards

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
PuncturePunctureAttack, Projectile, Duration, Physical, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (168-205)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (168-205)%
Requires Level 4Punctures enemies with your Bow, causing a bleeding debuff, which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration.Base duration is 8.00 seconds
(30-49)% more Damage with Bleeding
Causes Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1-20)% more Damage with Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Puncture of ShankingPuncture of ShankingAttack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (170-437)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (170-437)%
Requires Level 4Punctures enemies, causing a bleeding debuff, which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration. Puncture works with daggers, claws or swords.Base duration is 6.00 seconds
(80-118)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
(30-49)% more Damage with Bleeding
Causes Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1-20)% more Damage with Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shattering SteelShattering SteelAttack, Projectile, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-12) Mana
Attack Speed: 85% of base
Attack Damage: (170-265)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (170-265)%
Requires Level 12Swing an Axe or Sword, firing projectiles which shatter on impact or soon after being launched, dealing area damage in front of where they shatter.Fires 3 Projectiles
40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shattering Steel of AmmunitionShattering Steel of AmmunitionAttack, Projectile, AoE, Physical, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-12) Mana
Attack Speed: 85% of base
Attack Damage: (170-265)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (170-265)%
Requires Level 12Swing an Axe or Sword, consuming Steel Shards to gain a Steel Ward that protects you for a duration, and fire projectiles which shatter on impact or soon after being launched, dealing area damage in front of where they shatter. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.Base duration is 6.00 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Gain a Steel Ward if you have at least 2 Steel Shards, up to a maximum of 6
Each Steel Ward grants +8% Chance to Block Projectile Attack Damage
40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
If you have no Steel Shards, only Fires 1 Projectile
Projectiles deal up to (50-110)% more Damage with Hits per Steel Shard consumed at the start of their movement, lowering this bonus as they travel farther
Consumes up to 2 Steel Shards

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shrapnel Ballista of SteelShrapnel Ballista of SteelAttack, Projectile, Totem, Physical, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: (59-68)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (59-68)%
Requires Level 4Summons a ballista totem that consumes your Steel Shards to fire multiple arrows with extreme force, breaking them apart into shrapnel. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows from the same attack. Requires a Bow. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.Totem lasts 8 seconds
+(2-3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
Fires 3 Arrows
Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
If you have no Steel Shards, only Fires 1 Projectile
Totem Attacks consume up to 1 of your Steel Shards

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
SnipeSnipeAttack, Projectile, Channelling, Physical, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-6) Mana
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%
Cooldown Time: 0.05 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Attack Speed: 180% of base
Requires Level 34Channel to charge up your bow, gaining stages. Release to trigger one supported bow skill for each stage gained. If there are no supported skills, but at least one stage was gained, this skill will fire its own arrow instead. Cannot be used by Totems.Maximum 6 Stages
This Skill's Arrows deal (50-80)% more Damage with Ailments per Stage
This Skill's Arrows deal (70-108)% more Damage with Hits per Stage
Supported Skills deal 40% less Damage
Supported Skills deal (70-108)% more Damage with Hits per Snipe Stage
Supported Skills deal (50-80)% more Damage with Ailments per Snipe Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) Maximum Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Spectral Shield ThrowSpectral Shield ThrowAttack, Projectile, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Attack Time: 0.65 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 28Throws a spectral copy of your shield as a projectile which cannot pierce, and deals off-hand damage augmented by the defences of the shield. When it collides with something it will shatter, launching a number of smaller shards as projectiles in all directions. Modifiers that cause additional projectiles to be fired will add more shards, not more copies of the shield.Shard Projectiles Deal 50% less Damage
(56-243) to (84-364) Base Off Hand Physical Damage
(3-5) to (5-9) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Fires 3 additional Projectiles
Primary Projectile Chains +3 Times

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires (0.1-2) additional Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Splitting SteelSplitting SteelAttack, Projectile, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-11) Mana
Attack Speed: 90% of base
Attack Damage: (120-330)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (120-330)%
Fire a single projectile that splits on impact or at the targeted location, dealing area damage when it splits and again when the split projectiles explode at the end of their flight. Requires a Sword or Axe.Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to
the number of targets Projectile Splits towards
Projectiles Split towards (2-5) targets
Base radius is (0.6-1) metre
40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
Projectiles can Split without hitting a target

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Splitting Steel of AmmunitionSplitting Steel of AmmunitionAttack, Projectile, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (120-330)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (120-330)%
Consume Steel Shards to fire a single projectile that splits on impact or at the targeted location, dealing area damage when it splits and again when the split projectiles explode at the end of their flight. Requires a Sword or Axe. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to
the number of targets Projectile Splits towards
Projectiles Split towards (4-7) targets
Base radius is (1.2-1.6) metres
If you have no Steel Shards, Projectile counts as already having Split
60% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
Projectiles can Split without hitting a target
Consumes up to 2 Steel Shards

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Double StrikeVaal Double StrikeAttack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Vaal, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 30
Can Store 2 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec
Attack Damage: (40-101)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (40-101)%
Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon, each of which summons a double of you for a duration to continuously attack monsters in this fashion.Base duration is 6.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Doubles have (0-57)% increased Movement Speed
Can't be Evaded
25% chance to cause Bleeding
Maximum 8 Summoned Doubles

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Kinetic Blast of ClusteringKinetic Blast of ClusteringAttack, Projectile, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-9) Mana
Attack Speed: 115% of base
Requires Level 28Fires a projectile from a Wand that causes a series of area explosions in a secondary radius around its point of impact, each damaging enemies.Kinetic Blast creates 3 additional explosions
Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 200% of their value
Deals Added Physical Damage equal to (8-15)% of Maximum Mana
Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to the number of Explosions
Base explosion radius is 1.9 metres
Base secondary radius is 2.8 metres
Projectiles cannot Split

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Kinetic Blast creates (0.05-1) additional explosions
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
BoneshatterBoneshatterAttack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-12) Mana
Attack Speed: 85% of base
Attack Damage: (231-338)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (231-338)%
Requires Level 28Attack enemies with a forceful melee strike that also hurts you. Successive uses will raise the damage dealt both to enemies and you. Stunning an enemy with the strike releases a damaging pulse. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe or Staff.(11-158) to (17-238) Added Attack Physical Damage
Gain 1 Trauma the first time this Attack Hits an Enemy
Take (6-194) Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma
Trauma lasts 6.0 seconds
(2-4)% more Damage per Trauma
Pulse has 15% increased Area of Effect per 0.1s of Stun Duration, up to 400%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1)% more Damage per Trauma
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Boneshatter of Complex TraumaBoneshatter of Complex TraumaAttack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-12) Mana
Attack Speed: 85% of base
Attack Damage: (231-338)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (231-338)%
Requires Level 28Attack enemies with a forceful melee strike that also hurts you. Successive uses will raise the damage dealt both to enemies and you. Stunning an enemy with the strike releases a damaging pulse. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe or Staff.(11-158) to (17-238) Added Attack Physical Damage
Lose all Trauma on reaching 10 Trauma
Gain 1 Trauma the first time this Attack Hits an Enemy
Take (18-582) Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma
Trauma lasts 6.0 seconds
(8-15)% more Damage per Trauma, up to 200%
Pulse has 15% increased Area of Effect per 0.1s of Stun Duration, up to 400%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.25-5)% more Damage per Trauma, up to 200%
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
EviscerateEviscerateAttack, AoE, Retaliation, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Attack Damage: (674-1345)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (674-1345)%
Requires Level 16Retaliate against a blocked hit with an arcing slash that releases two waves of force. Enemies close in front of you can be hit by both waves. Requires a Sword or Axe and a Shield.Cannot be used by default
Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
Can't be Evaded
Base wave length is 10 metres
Base wave width is (2.8-3.2) metres
Causes Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Perforate of BloodshedPerforate of BloodshedPhysical, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (86-245)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (86-245)%
Smash the ground to bring forth multiple spikes from the ground in sequence, able to hit enemies multiple times.
Requires a Sword or Axe.
Creates 5 Spikes
(50-88)% more Damage with Bleeding
25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Creates +(0.05-1) Spikes
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shield ChargeShield ChargeAttack, AoE, Movement, Travel, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
AoE Radius: 8 / 16
Requires Level 4Charges at a targeted location or enemy, pushing away enemies in your path and repeatedly dealing off-hand damage in a small area in front of you. You deal damage in a larger area when you reach the target. The further you travel, the more damage you deal, and the greater your chance of stunning enemies.(9-252) to (13-378) Base Off Hand Physical Damage
(3-8) to (5-12) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
75% increased Stun Threshold reduction on enemies at Maximum charge distance
100% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance
(90-109)% increased Movement Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shield CrushShield CrushAttack, AoE, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Swipe your shield, dealing area damage in three waves in front of you. Enemies can be hit by two of the waves where they overlap.(4-300) to (6-450) Base Off Hand Physical Damage
(3-8) to (5-12) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
+(0-0.6) metres to radius

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals up to (0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Spell skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Animate WeaponAnimate WeaponDuration, Minion, Spell, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Requires Level 4Animates a Melee Weapon Item or Lingering Blade to fight by your side. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.Base duration is 40.00 seconds
Can use Items requiring up to Level (9-100)
Minions' Attacks deal (5-126) to (8-184) additional Physical Damage
Animated Lingering Blades deal (1-17) to (2-80) Added Attack Physical Damage
Minions deal (0-38)% more Damage
Maximum (5-14) Animated Weapons
Minions have (0-38)% more Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum number of Animated Weapons
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Animate Weapon of Ranged ArmsAnimate Weapon of Ranged ArmsDuration, Minion, Spell, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Requires Level 4Animates a Ranged Weapon Item or Lingering Blade to fight by your side. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.Base duration is 40.00 seconds
Can use Items requiring up to Level (9-100)
Animated Lingering Blades become Bows
Minions' Attacks deal (5-126) to (8-184) additional Physical Damage
Animated Lingering Blades deal (1-17) to (2-80) Added Attack Physical Damage
Minions deal (0-38)% more Damage
Maximum (5-14) Animated Weapons
Minions have (0-38)% more Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum number of Animated Weapons
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bear TrapBear TrapTrap, Spell, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-23) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 300%
Requires Level 4Throws a trap that damages and immobilises a single enemy for a duration based on how much damage was dealt. After the immobilise expires, a debuff remains on the enemy for a duration, lowering their movement speed by an amount which lessens over time. The affected enemy will take increased damage from traps and mines until the debuff expires. Modifiers to spell damage do not affect this skill's damage.Deals (16-1447) to (22-2026) Physical Damage
Traps do not Trigger at the end of their Duration
Trap lasts 4 seconds
Base duration is 3.00 seconds
Locks enemy in place
Enemies take 25% increased Damage from Trap or Mine Hits
Enemies have 80% less Movement Speed when the Debuff starts

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.05-1) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bear Trap of SkewersBear Trap of SkewersTrap, Spell, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-23) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 150%
Requires Level 4Throws a trap that damages and impales a single enemy, and immobilises them for a duration based on how much damage was dealt. Modifiers to spell damage do not affect this skill's damage.Deals (8-711) to (11-995) Physical Damage
Traps do not Trigger at the end of their Duration
Trap lasts 4 seconds
Locks enemy in place
Killing Blows cause Impales on Enemies to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies
(100-195)% increased Impale Effect
Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(4-80)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blade BlastBlade BlastSpell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70%
Requires Level 16Deals spell damage in a targeted area. Each time this spell deals damage, it will detonate any of your Lingering Blades it touches, dealing damage again in an area around them. Up to 50 Blades can be detonated this way.Deals (11-309) to (17-464) Physical Damage
Base radius is 1.4 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.005-0.1) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blade Blast of Dagger DetonationBlade Blast of Dagger DetonationSpell, AoE, Physical, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-21) Mana
Cast Time: 0.65 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 16Deals spell damage in an area around you. Your equipped daggers add to this damage.Deals (11-309) to (17-464) Physical Damage
Deals Added Spell Damage equal to (200-675)% of Damage of Equipped Dagger
If two Daggers are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage
Base radius is 2.6 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blade Blast of UnloadingBlade Blast of UnloadingSpell, AoE, Physical, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-21) Mana
Cast Time: 0.65 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 250%
Requires Level 16Deals spell damage in an area around you. If you have Blade Vortex blades orbiting you, it will detonate each of them in turn, dealing damage again in an area around you for each one.Deals (40-1107) to (60-1661) Physical Damage
Base radius is 1.4 metres
100% more Area of Effect per Blade Vortex blade detonated

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.005-0.1) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blade VortexBlade VortexSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%
Requires Level 12This spell creates ethereal blades which orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius. As more blades are added, the damage becomes greater and more frequent.Deals (3-140) to (5-211) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
35% increased Hit Rate for each blade
35% more Damage for each blade
Can have up to 10 active spinning blades

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% increased Hit Rate for each blade
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blade Vortex of the ScytheBlade Vortex of the ScytheSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200%
Requires Level 12This spell creates a swarm of ethereal blades which briefly orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius.Deals (22-902) to (32-1353) Physical Damage
Base duration is 0.60 seconds
+(1-1.9) metres to radius
Can have up to 1 active spinning blade

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.01-0.2) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
BladefallBladefallSpell, AoE, Physical, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
AoE Radius: 12
Requires Level 28Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of volleys. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.Deals (43-595) to (65-893) Physical Damage
Base duration is 6.00 seconds
Leaves a Lingering Blade in the ground for every Volley
5 Volleys
Maximum 40 Lingering Blades can be left in the ground at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) Volleys
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bladefall of ImpalingBladefall of ImpalingCritical, Spell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Requires Level 28Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of volleys. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.Deals (43-595) to (65-893) Physical Damage
5 Volleys
Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
(50-107)% increased Impale Effect
Critical Strikes Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Impale Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bladefall of VolleysBladefall of VolleysCritical, Spell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 28Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of volleys, each wider and more damaging than the last. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.Deals (33-446) to (49-669) Physical Damage
6 Volleys
10% more Damage per Volley
25% increased Critical Strike Chance per Volley

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) Volleys
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blood RageBlood RageSpell, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-29) Life
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Adds a buff that deals Physical Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and can grant a Frenzy Charge.Base duration is (7.00-10.80) seconds
Grants (5-15)% increased Attack Speed
1.2% of Attack Physical Damage Leeched as Life
You take 4% of your Maximum Life per second as Physical Damage
You take 4% of your Maximum Energy Shield per second as Physical Damage
25% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Grants (0.25-5)% increased Attack Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Ethereal KnivesEthereal KnivesSpell, Projectile, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (190-220)%
Projectile Speed: 1300
Fires an arc of knives outwards in front of the caster which deal physical damage.Deals (7-949) to (10-1423) Physical Damage
Fires (10-13) Projectiles

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Ethereal Knives of Lingering BladesEthereal Knives of Lingering BladesSpell, Projectile, Physical, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (190-220)%
Fires an arc of knives down into the ground in front of the caster which deal physical damage.
Cannot be supported by Volley.
Deals (7-949) to (10-1423) Physical Damage
Base duration is 6.00 seconds
Fires (6-8) Projectiles
Each Projectile fired remains in the ground as a Lingering Blade
Maximum 40 Lingering Blades can be left in the ground at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Ethereal Knives of the MassacreEthereal Knives of the MassacreSpell, Projectile, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (190-220)%
Fires a circle of knives outwards around the caster which deal physical damage.Deals (7-949) to (10-1423) Physical Damage
Fires (12-16) Projectiles
Fires Projectiles in a circle

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.15-3) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive TrapExplosive TrapTrap, Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Throws a trap that creates an explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it. A number of smaller explosions occur within a secondary area around the trap in quick succession after the first.Deals (4-437) to (6-655) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base explosion radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base secondary radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base smaller explosion radius is (0.7-1.3) metres
Causes (3-7) smaller explosions
Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Causes +(0.1-2) smaller explosions
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive Trap of MagnitudeExplosive Trap of MagnitudeTrap, Spell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-28) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 330%
Throws a trap that creates a large explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it.Deals (13-1478) to (19-2216) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
50% increased Stun Duration on enemies
Base explosion radius is (1.8-2.4) metres
30% less Trap Throwing Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive Trap of ShrapnelExplosive Trap of ShrapnelTrap, Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Throws a trap that creates an explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it. A number of smaller explosions occur within a secondary area around the trap in quick succession after the first.Deals (5-635) to (8-952) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base explosion radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base secondary radius is (2.4-3) metres
Base smaller explosion radius is (0.7-1.3) metres
Causes (3-7) smaller explosions
Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Causes +(0.1-2) smaller explosions
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Herald of AgonyHerald of AgonySpell, Herald, Minion, Chaos, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 25% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Grants a buff giving more poison damage and a chance to inflict poison. When you poison an enemy while you have this buff, you gain Virulence, and summon an Agony Crawler minion that uses projectile and area attacks. You will lose Virulence over time, at a rate which increases the more Virulence you have. The minion will die when you have no Virulence.Maximum 1 Summoned Agony Crawler
Buff grants 20% chance to Poison on Hit
Grants Virulence when you Poison an Enemy
Buff grants 10% more Damage with Poison
40 Maximum Virulence
Minions cannot Taunt Enemies
Agony Crawler has (2-4)% increased Attack Speed per Virulence you have
Agony Crawler deals (5-9)% increased Physical Damage per Virulence you have
Agony Crawler has (1-45) to (3-84) Added Physical Damage per Virulence you have

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5) to Maximum Virulence
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Phase RunPhase RunSpell, Duration, Movement, Physical, Travel
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-13) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 34Gain a buff that makes you faster, harder to detect, and grants Phasing, letting you pass through enemies. Performing any skill replaces this buff with one that boosts melee physical damage of skills you use yourself (it will not apply to your melee skills used by totems). Consumes Frenzy Charges to increase duration.Base duration is 1.80 seconds
Base secondary duration is 0.20 seconds
(30-39)% increased Movement Speed
(20-30)% more Melee Physical Damage
100% increased Skill Duration per Frenzy Charge removed
Grants Phasing
100% increased Stealth

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Poacher's MarkPoacher's MarkPhysical, Spell, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 16Curses a single enemy, lowering their physical damage reduction, and adding physical damage to all hits against them. Attacking the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and killing them will grant a frenzy charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when slain
Cursed enemies grant (15-50) Life when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies grant (8-25) Mana when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies have -20% to Physical Damage Reduction
Adds (3-30) to (4-45) Physical Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Cursed Enemies have a (0.25-5)% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when Hit
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Seismic TrapSeismic TrapTrap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Requires Level 28Throws a trap which, once triggered, repeatedly releases a number of waves for a duration. Each wave deals damage in a series of small bursts in a line, ending with a larger burst.Deals (49-645) to (74-967) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
Base duration is 3.50 seconds
Modifiers to Trap Throwing Speed also apply to wave release Frequency
Releases waves every 0.9 seconds
Releases 5 waves

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Releases +(0.05-1) waves
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Seismic Trap of SwellsSeismic Trap of SwellsTrap, Spell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-22) Mana
Cooldown Time: 0.75 sec
Can Store 6 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (220-240)%
Requires Level 28Throws a trap which, once triggered, releases a number of waves. Each wave deals damage in a series of small bursts in a line, ending with a larger burst.Deals (81-1060) to (121-1589) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
Releases 3 waves

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Releases +(0.05-1) waves
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
TornadoTornadoSpell, Duration, Physical, AoE, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (55-95)%
Requires Level 34Create a Tornado that hinders and repeatedly damages enemies around it. It will move forward for a duration, during which your projectiles can collide with it to deal damage as though it was an enemy. Then it will chase down enemies for a secondary duration, and reflect a portion of the damage it took from your projectiles to them in addition to its own damage.Deals (31-414) to (46-620) Physical Damage
Base duration is 1.50 seconds
Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
During initial Duration, can be hit by your Projectiles up to 20 times
Deals Damage every 0.25 seconds
Reflects 10% of Damage Taken to Enemies
Enemies in range are Hindered
Tornado has (0-57)% increased Movement Speed
Maximum 1 Tornado

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Tornado has (1-20)% increased Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Tornado of Elemental TurbulenceTornado of Elemental TurbulenceSpell, Duration, Physical, AoE, Orb, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%
Requires Level 34Create a Tornado of a random element that hinders and repeatedly damages enemies around it, converting physical damage to its element. The Tornado will chase down enemies for a duration.Deals (22-290) to (32-435) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Deals Damage every 0.25 seconds
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
Enemies in range are Hindered
Tornado has (0-57)% increased Movement Speed
Maximum 3 Tornadoes

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Tornado has (2-40)% increased Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
UnearthUnearthSpell, Projectile, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-10) Mana
Cast Time: 0.30 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Requires Level 10Fires a projectile that will pierce through enemies to impact the ground at the targeted location, creating a Bone Archer corpse where it lands.Deals (15-607) to (22-911) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Spawned corpses are Level (10-70)
Maximum of 10 corpses allowed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Corpses Spawned have (1-20)% increased Maximum Life
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Animate WeaponVaal Animate WeaponDuration, Minion, Spell, Vaal, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 50
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 40 sec
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Requires Level 4Animates multiple Melee Weapon Items and Lingering Blades to fight by your side, and transforms them into different, unique weapons. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.Base duration is 15.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Can use Items requiring up to Level (9-100)
Animated Weapons are transformed into random Unique
Weapons with Level Requirement between (1-40) and (9-100)
Minions deal (50-107)% more Damage
Maximum (5-10) Animated Weapons
Minions have (0-38)% more Attack Speed
Animates up to (5-10) Weapons

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum number of Animated Weapons
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Blade VortexVaal Blade VortexCritical, Spell, AoE, Duration, Vaal, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 30
Can Store 2 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 6 sec
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Requires Level 12Creates an independently-moving vortex of ethereal blades which lasts for a duration. The vortex moves toward nearby enemies, repeatedly damaging enemies that it passes through.Deals (11-276) to (17-413) Physical Damage
Base duration is 5.00 seconds
Hits Enemies every 0.20 Seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
+(0.8-1.2) metres to radius
100% increased Critical Strike Chance
Has 10 blades

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% increased Hit Rate for each blade
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Divine IreDivine IreLightning, Spell, AoE, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (3-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.22 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 45%
Requires Level 28Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages, damaging a number of nearby enemies when you do so. Release to unleash this energy in a burst around you and a beam in front of you. Modifiers to area of effect do not affect the beam. Maximum of 10 Stages.Deals (17-203) to (25-305) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Damages 5 nearby Enemies when you gain Stages
Beam deals 240% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
Beam deals 100% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased beam width
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Divine Ire of DisintegrationDivine Ire of DisintegrationLightning, Spell, AoE, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (3-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.22 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%
Requires Level 28Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages. Release to unleash this energy in a beam in front of you. Modifiers to area of effect do not affect this skill. Maximum of 10 Stages.Deals (32-394) to (48-591) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
(0-19)% increased beam width
Beam deals 200% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
Beam deals 60% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased beam width
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Divine Ire of Holy LightningDivine Ire of Holy LightningLightning, Spell, AoE, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (3-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.22 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Requires Level 28Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages, damaging a number of nearby enemies when you do so. Release to unleash this energy in a powerful burst around you. Maximum of 10 Stages.Deals (22-271) to (33-406) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Damages (6-10) nearby Enemies when you gain Stages
20% less Area of Effect
Burst deals 120% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
Burst deals 80% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Damages (0.2-4) nearby Enemies when you gain Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Divine RetributionDivine RetributionSpell, AoE, Lightning, Physical, Retaliation
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-23) Mana
Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 390%
Requires Level 16Retaliate against a blocked hit with a surge of divine power, causing multiple waves of lightning bursts to expand outward from a targeted location. This skill cannot be Triggered or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Deals (57-1745) to (86-2617) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Cannot be used by default
Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
Burst Base radius is (1.2-1.6) metres
Each wave has 6 Bursts
Causes 4 Waves

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Glacial CascadeGlacial CascadeSpell, AoE, Cold, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%
Requires Level 28Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area and knocking them back in the direction of the next burst.Deals (21-300) to (32-450) Physical Damage
Knocks Enemies Back on Hit
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Cannot Knockback Unique Enemies more than once per second
Final Burst Deals 200% more Damage
Final Burst has 100% more Area of Effect
Final Burst cannot Knockback
Causes 4 Bursts

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Final Burst Deals +(2.5-50)% more Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Glacial Cascade of the FissureGlacial Cascade of the FissureSpell, AoE, Cold, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (110-130)%
Requires Level 28Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.Deals (40-568) to (60-852) Physical Damage
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Causes 6 Bursts

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Causes +(0.1-2) Bursts
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
HydrosphereHydrosphereSpell, AoE, Duration, Cold, Orb, Lightning, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (65-110)%
Requires Level 34Create a sphere of water, or move an existing sphere and reset its duration. The sphere continually applies a drenched debuff with a short duration to enemies in its area or those it moves through. You can hit the sphere with other skills to inflict Cold and Lightning Ailments (other than Chill). The sphere pulses when created, at regular intervals while afflicted by an Ailment, and after moving, damaging all drenched enemies in a large area.Deals (37-510) to (56-765) Physical Damage
Base duration is 8.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
Pulses every 0.4 seconds while Frozen, Shocked, Brittle or Sapped
Can only be Hit once every 1 second
Drenched Enemies have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -10% to Resistances
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while Sphere has no Ailments
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage while sphere is Shocked or Sapped
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while Sphere is Frozen or Brittle

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.5-10)% increased Pulse Frequency
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Penance BrandPenance BrandSpell, AoE, Physical, Lightning, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (470-570)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy. When the branded enemy reaches 20 energy, a large explosion occurs and the brand is removed. All energy is removed from the enemy when the brand is detached.Deals (177-2541) to (265-3811) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Activates every 0.1 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
30% less Damage with Ailments
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Penance Brand of ConductionPenance Brand of ConductionSpell, AoE, Physical, Lightning, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (95-110)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and nearby enemies who do not have energy. When the brand is detached, all enemies with energy are dealt damage.Deals (35-509) to (53-764) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Activates every 0.15 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 0.50 seconds
Deals 100% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Up to +(0-0.9) metres to Energy spread radius, scaled by distance from Brand

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(1-20)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Penance Brand of DissipationPenance Brand of DissipationSpell, AoE, Physical, Lightning, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (45-50)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and causing a pulse that deals damage to the branded enemy and other nearby enemies. The pulse gains area of effect and damage for each energy on the branded enemy, up to 20. All energy is removed from the enemy when the brand is detached.Deals (16-231) to (24-347) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Activates every 0.75 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5.00 seconds
Pulses deal 30% more Damage with Ailments per Energy after the first
Pulses deal 30% more Damage with Hits per Energy after the first
+0.1 metres to Pulse radius per Energy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purifying FlamePurifying FlameFire, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (220-300)%
A wave of divine fire deals damage in a line, then creates Consecrated Ground and deals damage in an area around the targeted location. A larger shockwave then expands outwards, damaging enemies standing on Consecrated Ground that were not already hit.Deals (8-1324) to (11-1986) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
+(0-0.6) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Shockwave deals 25% less Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius
+(0.015-0.3) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purifying Flame of RevelationsPurifying Flame of RevelationsFire, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (140-190)%
A wave of divine fire deals damage in a line, then creates Consecrated Ground and deals damage in an area around the targeted location. A larger shockwave then expands outwards, damaging enemies standing on Consecrated Ground that were not already hit.Deals (5-860) to (7-1291) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
+(0-0.6) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Shockwave deals 90% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Shockwave deals +(1-20)% more Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Storm BurstStorm BurstAoE, Spell, Lightning, Channelling, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 12Unleash orbs of energy while you channel that repeatedly jump towards the targeted location until their duration expires, dealing damage in small area after each jump. When you stop channelling, all remaining orbs explode, dealing higher damage in a larger area.Deals (6-168) to (8-252) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Base duration is 1.20 seconds
+(0-0.4) metres to radius
Orbs jump every 0.4 seconds
Exploding Orbs deal 75% of Skill Damage for each 0.4 seconds of remaining Duration

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.02-0.4) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Carrion GolemSummon Carrion GolemPhysical, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Carrion Golem that grants added physical damage for your non-golem minions. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, as well as a cascade of bone spikes, and deals more damage for each of your non-golem minions near it.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
Golems deal 5% more Damage per Non-Golem Minion near them, up to 50%
Golems grant (7-27) to (11-41) additional Physical Damage for Non-Golem Minions

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Buff Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Carrion Golem of HordesSummon Carrion Golem of HordesPhysical, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, as well as a cascade of bone spikes.Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Carrion Golem of ScavengingSummon Carrion Golem of ScavengingPhysical, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, can consume corpses to heal itself and gain the ability to unleash a devastating cascade of bone spikes, and deals more damage for each of your non-golem minions near it.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
Golems deal 5% more Damage per Non-Golem Minion near them, up to 50%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions Regenerate (0.1-2)% of Life per second
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon ReaperSummon ReaperPhysical, Minion, Spell
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-28) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Requires Level 28Summons a powerful Reaper which uses a variety of slashing area attacks. The Reaper's presence weakens your other minions, and it will consume them to temporarily empower and heal itself. Using this skill while the Reaper is already summoned causes it to dash to the targeted location and perform a powerful attack.Maximum 1 Summoned Reaper
Minion's Attacks have 50% chance to inflict Bleeding
Minion deals (30-87)% more Damage with Bleeding
Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to deal (20-29)% less Damage
Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to have (20-29)% less Maximum Life

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minion's Attacks have (1-20)% chance to inflict Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Reaper of EvisceratingSummon Reaper of EvisceratingPhysical, Minion, Spell
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (19-35) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 28Summons a powerful Reaper which passively follows you without attacking enemies. The Reaper's presence weakens your other minions, and it will consume them to temporarily empower and heal itself. Using this skill while the Reaper is already summoned causes it to dash to the targeted location and perform a powerful attack. Cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Maximum 1 Summoned Reaper
Minion's Attacks have 50% chance to inflict Bleeding
Minion deals (30-87)% more Damage with Bleeding
Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to deal (20-29)% less Damage
Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to have (20-29)% less Maximum Life

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minion's Attacks have (1-20)% chance to inflict Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Void SphereVoid SphereSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical, Chaos, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 10.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (50-75)%
Requires Level 34Creates a Void Sphere which Hinders enemies in an area around it, with the debuff being stronger on enemies closer to the sphere. It also regularly releases pulses of area damage. The Void Sphere will consume the corpses of any enemies which die in its area. Can only have one Void Sphere at a time.Deals (27-344) to (40-516) Physical Damage
Base duration is 5.00 seconds
Pulses every 0.40 seconds
40% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Base radius is 3.8 metres
Enemies in range are Hindered, with up to (30-39)% reduced Movement Speed, based on distance from the Void Sphere

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Void Sphere of RendingVoid Sphere of RendingSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical, Chaos, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (120-190)%
Requires Level 34Creates a Void Sphere which Hinders enemies in an area around it, with the debuff being stronger on enemies closer to the sphere. It also regularly releases pulses of area damage. The Void Sphere will consume the corpses of any enemies which die in its area. Can only have one Void Sphere at a time.Deals (68-860) to (101-1290) Physical Damage
Base duration is 2.00 seconds
Pulses every 0.30 seconds
40% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Base radius is 2.2 metres
Enemies in range are Hindered, with up to (30-39)% reduced Movement Speed, based on distance from the Void Sphere

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Wave of ConvictionWave of ConvictionFire, Lightning, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (220-330)%
Requires Level 16An expanding wave of energy surges forward, damaging enemies in a cone-shaped area over a duration. Each enemy hit is inflicted with Exposure matching the element of which they took the highest damage. Only one Wave of Conviction can be active at a timeDeals (35-1476) to (52-2214) Physical Damage
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Base duration is (0.50-0.69) seconds
Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Exposure applies -15% to Elemental Resistance matching highest Damage taken

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Damage Penetrates (0.75-15)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
AbsolutionAbsolutionSpell, Minion, Duration, Physical, Lightning, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (180-200)%
Requires Level 12Damages enemies in an area, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the corpse will be consumed to summon a Sentinel of Absolution for a secondary duration, or to refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them.Deals (21-873) to (31-1310) Physical Damage
Base duration is 1.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 10.00 seconds
+(0-0.6) metres to radius
25% chance to Summon a Sentinel of Absolution on Hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy
This Spell and Minions Convert 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Maximum 3 Summoned Sentinels of Absolution

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Absolution of InspiringAbsolution of InspiringSpell, Minion, Duration, Physical, Lightning, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (180-200)%
Requires Level 12Damages enemies in an area, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the corpse will be consumed to summon a Sentinel of Absolution for a secondary duration, or to refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them.Deals (21-873) to (31-1310) Physical Damage
Base duration is 1.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 10.00 seconds
Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
to this Skill's Damage at 250% of their value
+(0-0.6) metres to radius
25% chance to Summon a Sentinel of Absolution on Hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy
This Spell and Minions Convert 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Maximum 2 Summoned Sentinels of Absolution

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
to this Skill's Damage at (2.5-50)% of their value
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Corrupting FeverCorrupting FeverSpell, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (78-520) Life
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Draws out your own blood to power a buff for a duration, letting this skill inflict the Corrupting Blood debuff on enemies you hit, dealing physical damage over time for a short secondary duration. The buff's duration will be refreshed if you spend enough life before it expires.Deals (7.8-335.4) Base Physical Damage per second
Base duration is 6.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 1.00 seconds
Buff Duration is refreshed after you spend a total of (26-205) Life

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
DeterminationDeterminationAura, Spell, AoE, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 50% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 36
Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants armour to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius
You and nearby allies gain (90-1026) additional Armour
You and nearby allies gain (40-49)% more Armour

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
ExsanguinateExsanguinateSpell, Chaining, Physical, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-46) Life
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (150-270)%
Requires Level 12Releases several tendrils of blood from your character, targeting enemies in a narrow angle in front of you. The beams deal physical damage and inflict a physical damage over time debuff to enemies, which can stack up to 3 times. Effects which allow skills to chain can apply to these tendrils.Deals (17-1193) to (25-1789) Physical Damage
Deals (23.4-1121) Base Physical Damage per second
Base duration is 1.00 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Fires tendrils at up to (7-9) Targets

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.075-1.5) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Exsanguinate of TransmissionExsanguinate of TransmissionSpell, Chaining, Physical, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-46) Life
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Requires Level 12Releases a tendril of blood from your character, which will target an enemy in front of you, then chain to other enemies. The tendril deals physical damage and inflicts a physical damage over time debuff to enemies, which can stack up to 3 times.Deals (4-268) to (5-401) Physical Damage
Deals (26.2-1256) Base Physical Damage per second
Base duration is 2.00 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Chains +(6-10) Times
Fires tendrils at up to 1 Target

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.1-2) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flesh and StoneFlesh and StoneSpell, Aura, AoE, Stance, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 25% Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Buffs you, and affects nearby enemies with an aura, differently depending on your stance. Both stances are more impactful against enemies closer to you. Using the skill again alternates between Blood Stance and Sand Stance.Base Aura radius is 2.8 metres
(0-50)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
While in Blood Stance, Aura makes Enemies take up to (10-20)% more Physical Damage from Hits
While in Sand Stance, Buff makes you take up to (10-19)% less Damage from Enemies in Aura

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Herald of PurityHerald of PuritySpell, Herald, Minion, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 25% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Grants a buff which lets you deal more physical damage. When you kill an enemy while you have this buff, this skill will summon a Sentinel of Purity, or refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them. The Sentinels of Purity have a single-target melee attack and an area melee attack.Base duration is 12.00 seconds
Maximum 4 Summoned Sentinels of Purity
Minions have (0-38)% more Maximum Life
Summon a Sentinel of Purity when you Kill an Enemy
20% chance to Summon a Sentinel of Purity when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy
Buff grants (9-12)% more Physical Damage
Minions deal (0-95)% more Physical Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Holy Flame TotemHoly Flame TotemTotem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.Deals (2-153) to (5-230) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Holy Flame Totem of IreHoly Flame Totem of IreTotem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.18 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.Deals (2-153) to (5-230) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(50-88)% more Projectile Speed
Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% more Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Molten ShellMolten ShellSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Guard
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-12) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 15
Requires Level 16Applies a buff that adds to your armour, and can take some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. When the buff expires or is depleted, the skill deals reflected damage to enemies around you based on the total damage that was taken from the buff. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills.Base duration is 3.00 seconds
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect
Buff grants +(115-858) to Armour
75% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take Damage equal to 10% of your Armour, up to a maximum of 5000
Reflects (100-3000)% of Damage taken from Buff as Fire Damage when Buff expires or is depleted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
PridePrideSpell, AoE, Aura, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 50% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 24Casts an aura that causes nearby enemies to take more physical damage.+(0-1) metre to radius
Nearby Enemies take at least (15-19)% more Physical Damage,
raising up to (30-39)% as they stay in the Aura for 4 seconds

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
ReapReapSpell, Physical, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (25-46) Life
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (150-210)%
Requires Level 28A bloody scythe swipes across a selected area, applying a physical damage over time debuff and hitting enemies with physical damage. If any survive, you gain a blood charge which raises the damage and cost of the skill. Players can have 5 maximum blood charges.Deals (57-943) to (86-1414) Physical Damage
Deals (120.2-1463.3) Base Physical Damage per second
Base duration is 1.00 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Gain a Blood Charge if this Skill Hits Enemies and none of them Die
Lose a Blood Charge when an Enemy Dies while affected by this Skill's Debuff
Costs 20% more Life per Blood Charge
Deals 15% more Damage per Blood Charge

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.25-5)% more Damage per Blood Charge
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shockwave TotemShockwave TotemTotem, Spell, AoE, Physical, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (21-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%
AoE Radius: 24
Requires Level 28Summons a totem that shakes the earth around it, knocking back and damaging nearby enemiesDeals (33-412) to (65-765) Physical Damage
Totem lasts 8 seconds
25% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
Base radius is 2.4 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Stone GolemSummon Stone GolemMinion, Spell, Golem, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Stone Golem that grants you life regeneration. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
Golems grant (33-105) Life Regenerated per second

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Buff Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Stone Golem of HordesSummon Stone Golem of HordesMinion, Spell, Golem, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Stone Golem. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Stone Golem of SafeguardingSummon Stone Golem of SafeguardingMinion, Spell, Golem, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 15.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Stone Golem that takes a portion of the melee damage you recieve from enemy hits from its life before yours. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
Minions have 50% less Maximum Life
Golems grant 15% of Melee Damage is taken from your Stone Golems' Life before you

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Buff Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal AbsolutionVaal AbsolutionSpell, Minion, Duration, Physical, Lightning, Vaal, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 40
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 30 sec
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 12Causes one of your existing Sentinels of Absolution to Ascend, becoming more powerful, gaining new spells, and overriding its duration, while maintaining its other bonuses, including from support gems. If you cannot have more Ascended Sentinels of Absolution, an existing one will be refreshed instead.Base duration is 15.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Maximum 1 Ascended Sentinel of Absolution
Ascended Sentinel does not count towards the regular limit
Ascended Sentinels deal 200% more Damage
Ascended Sentinels take 70% less Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Molten ShellVaal Molten ShellSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Vaal, Guard
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Souls Per Use: 50
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 14 sec
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Applies a buff that raises your armour, and takes some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. Each second, the skill deals reflected damage to surrounding enemies based on the damage taken by the buff in that second. When the buff is removed, the skill deals reflected damage to enemies around you based on the total damage that was taken by the buff. You cannot have the buff at the same time as any other Guard skill.Base duration is 9.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Buff grants +(115-858) to Armour
(35-39)% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take Damage equal to 20% of your Armour, up to a maximum of 10000
Reflects (300-9000)% of Damage taken from Buff as Fire Damage each second,
or when Buff expires or is depleted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal ReapVaal ReapSpell, Physical, AoE, Duration, Vaal
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 25
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (310-420)%
Requires Level 28Bloody scythes swipe around a selected area, hitting enemies with physical damage. An area of boiling blood is left beneath them for a duration which deals physical damage over time. Also gives a bonus to maximum Blood Charges for a secondary duration.Deals (115-1886) to (172-2828) Physical Damage
Deals (179.1-2946.2) Base Physical Damage per second
Base duration is 5.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 8.00 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Effects of Boiling Blood Linger for 2 seconds
Grants +4 to maximum Blood Charges
Grants up to maximum Blood Charges

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.25-5)% more Damage per Blood Charge
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
VulnerabilityVulnerabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
AoE Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage. Attacks against the cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding.Base duration is (8.00-11.80) seconds
+(0-1) metre to radius
Cursed enemies take (15-30)% increased Physical Damage
Attack Hits against Cursed Enemies have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Attack Hits against Cursed Enemies have (0.5-10)% chance to Aggravate Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
War BannerWar BannerAoE, Spell, Duration, Aura, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 4You must gain Valour from melee combat to use this skill, which will consume all Valour to place a banner with an aura. The aura will be larger and more powerful the more Valour was consumed. The banner lasts for a duration, but will end early if you leave the aura, or use the skill again while it's active.Base duration is 10.00 seconds
Base radius is 2.4 metres
While you have no placed Banner, you can gain Valour
(5-10)% more Area of Effect per Valour consumed
(5-10)% more Aura effect per Valour consumed
Banner grants 8% increased Accuracy Rating to You and Allies
Banner grants 4% more Physical Damage with Melee Skills to You and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.1-2) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Other skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Intimidating CryIntimidating CryWarcry, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 10Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. The user and nearby allies gain a buff that grants movement speed.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Enemies Taunted by this Warcry are Intimidated
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff grants 3% increased Movement Speed per 5 Power, counting a maximum of 30 Power
Exerts the next 2 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks deal Double Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Support gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Awakened Vicious Projectiles SupportAwakened Vicious Projectiles SupportProjectile, Attack, Physical, Chaos, Support
Icon: d
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 72Supports projectile attack skills.Supported Skills deal (50-59)% more Chaos Damage over Time
Supported Skills deal (50-59)% more Physical Damage over Time
Supported Skills deal (50-59)% more Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Supported Skills have 10% less Projectile Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Impale SupportImpale SupportAttack, Physical, Support
Icon: I
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports attack skills.Supported Attacks have 60% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
Supported Attacks have (0-28)% increased Impale Effect

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Attacks have (0.5-10)% increased Impale Effect
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Rupture SupportRupture SupportAttack, Physical, Critical, Support
Icon: R
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 38Supports attack skills.Critical Strikes with Supported Skills that inflict Bleeding also inflict Rupture
Targets take (20-29)% more Damage from Bleeding per Rupture on them from Supported Skills
Bleeding expires 25% more quickly per Rupture from Supported Skills on targets

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (1-20)% increased Critical Strike Chance
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vicious Projectiles SupportVicious Projectiles SupportProjectile, Attack, Physical, Chaos, Support
Icon: d
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 18Supports projectile attack skills.Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Chaos Damage over Time
Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Physical Damage over Time
Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Supported Skills have 10% less Projectile Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Withering Touch SupportWithering Touch SupportChaos, Physical, Attack, Support, Duration
Icon: w
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 38Supports attack skills.Supported Skills have 25% chance to inflict Withered on Hit
Withered lasts 2 seconds
Supported Skills gain (10-29)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Chaos Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Physical to Lightning SupportPhysical to Lightning SupportLightning, Physical, Support
Icon: x
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 18Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (10-29)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Supported Skills have 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Added Fire Damage SupportAdded Fire Damage SupportFire, Physical, Support
Icon: F
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 8Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (25-39)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Added Fire Damage SupportAwakened Added Fire Damage SupportFire, Physical, Support
Icon: F
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 72Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (40-44)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+(0-1) to Level of Supported Physical Skill Gems

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Brutality SupportAwakened Brutality SupportPhysical, Support
Icon: U
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 72Supports any skill that deals damage.Supported Skills deal (40-44)% more Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal no Chaos Damage
Supported Skills have (0-10)% chance to Crush Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit
Supported Skills deal no Elemental Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Melee Physical Damage SupportAwakened Melee Physical Damage SupportMelee, Physical, Support, Attack
Icon: M
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 72Supports melee attack skills.Supported Skills deal (50-54)% more Melee Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal (50-54)% more Damage with Bleeding and Poison caused by Melee Hits
Supported Skills have (0-10)% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit
Supported Skills have 10% less Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Melee Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bloodlust SupportBloodlust SupportAttack, Physical, Support, Melee
Icon: L
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 18Supports melee attack skills, causing them to deal more damage against bleeding enemies, but preventing those skills from inflicting bleeding on enemies in any way.Supported Skills deal (25-39)% more Melee Physical Damage against Bleeding enemies
Supported Attacks cannot cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Melee Damage against Bleeding Enemies
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bloodthirst SupportBloodthirst SupportAttack, Physical, Support
Icon: C
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 31Supports attack skills. Cannot support triggered skills, skills which create minions, or skills used by totems, traps or mines.Supported Attacks deal Added Physical Damage with Weapons equal
to 2% of Maximum Life while on Low Life
Supported Attacks deal (0-9)% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills Deal (1-20)% increased Damage while on Low Life
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Brutality SupportBrutality SupportPhysical, Support
Icon: U
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 38Supports any skill that deals damage.Supported Skills deal (25-39)% more Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal no Chaos Damage
Supported Skills deal no Elemental Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Chance to Bleed SupportChance to Bleed SupportAttack, Physical, Support
Icon: E
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports attack skills.Supported Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
Supported Attacks deal (10-29)% more Damage with Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Attacks deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage with Bleeding
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Corrupting Cry SupportCorrupting Cry SupportAoE, Physical, Support, Warcry, Duration
Icon: C
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 1000%
Requires Level 31Supports warcry skills. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
Supported Skills have 20% less Area of Effect
Corrupted Blood inflicted by Supported Warcries deals (45.9-601.5) base Physical Damage per second
Supported Warcries inflict Corrupted Blood on the first
enemy Hit by each Attack they Exert
Corrupted Blood inflicted by Supported Warcries has a Base Duration of 2 seconds
Supported Warcries inflict 4 Corrupted Blood Debuffs

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Area of Effect
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Iron Grip SupportIron Grip SupportProjectile, Physical, Support
Icon: i
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
Requires Level 18Supports attack skills that fire projectiles, making the increase to physical melee damage from strength also increase their physical projectile damage.Strength's Damage bonus applies to Projectile Attack Damage as well for Supported Skills
Supported Skills deal (0-38)% increased Projectile Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Projectile Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Maim SupportMaim SupportAttack, Physical, Support
Icon: m
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 8Supports attack skills, or other skills that can maim enemies.Supported Skills deal (10-19)% more Physical Damage
Supported Attacks have 30% chance to Maim on Hit
Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take 10% increased Physical Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (1-20)% increased Effect of Maim
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Melee Physical Damage SupportMelee Physical Damage SupportMelee, Physical, Support, Attack
Icon: M
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 18Supports melee attack skills.Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Melee Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Damage with Bleeding and Poison caused by Melee Hits
Supported Skills have 10% less Attack Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Melee Physical Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Trauma SupportTrauma SupportPhysical, Support, Melee, Attack, Strike, Duration
Icon: #
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 38Supports melee strike skills that do not inherently apply Trauma. Cannot support triggered skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by things other than you. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills have (2-10) to (3-17) Added Attack Physical Damage per Trauma
Supported Skills have 5% increased Stun Duration per Trauma
Gain 1 Trauma the first time a Supported Attack Hits an Enemy
Take (13-146) Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma from Supported Skills
Trauma lasts (5.0-6.9) seconds
Supported Skills can only be used with Axes, Maces, Sceptres or Staves

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

Base items

The following base items are related to physical damage:

ItemRequired levelStats
Breakrib TalismanBreakrib TalismanTalisman Tier: 1(20-30)% increased Global Physical DamageCorruptedI stood among the stones
And called out to the First Ones;
That with tooth and mighty claw,
They should tear our enemies asunder.
- The Wolven King
1(20-30)% increased Global Physical DamageCorrupted
Iron RingIron RingAdds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks1Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
Longtooth TalismanLongtooth TalismanTalisman Tier: 3(4-6)% additional Physical Damage ReductionCorruptedWe grew contemptuous of our past.
Dismissed the first ones as ignorant and wild.
We were fools and naive children
to turn our backs on our inheritance.
- The Wolven King
1(4-6)% additional Physical Damage ReductionCorrupted
Rustic SashRustic Sash(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage1(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage
Three Hands TalismanThree Hands TalismanTalisman Tier: 3Gain (6-12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random ElementCorruptedWe breed thoughts of single mind,
fashion tools of single purpose.
While the First Ones bring to bear
anything that the wildlands provide.
- The Wolven King
1Gain (6-12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random ElementCorrupted
Serrated Arrow QuiverSerrated Arrow QuiverRequires Level 4Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks4Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
Blunt Arrow QuiverBlunt Arrow QuiverRequires Level 31Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to Attacks31Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to Attacks
Etched HatchetEtched HatchetOne Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 26-46
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 35, 93 Str, 43 Dex8% increased Global Physical Damage
358% increased Global Physical Damage
Tiger's PawTiger's PawClaw
Physical Damage: 23-43
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 43, 88 Dex, 61 Int1.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
431.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Prehistoric ClawPrehistoric ClawClaw
Physical Damage: 26-68
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 49, 69 Dex, 100 Int2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
492% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Capricious SpiritbladeCapricious SpiritbladeOne Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 27-51
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 50, 94 Str, 94 Dex100% of Physical Damage from Hits with this Weapon is Converted to a random Element
50100% of Physical Damage from Hits with this Weapon is Converted to a random Element
Honed CleaverHoned CleaverTwo Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 60-95
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 50, 117 Str, 54 DexHits with this Weapon have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
50Hits with this Weapon have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Eagle ClawEagle ClawClaw
Physical Damage: 17-69
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 55, 94 Dex, 94 Int2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
552% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Vile Arrow QuiverVile Arrow QuiverRequires Level 55Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage55Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Engraved HatchetEngraved HatchetOne Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 40-71
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 56, 143 Str, 66 Dex8% increased Global Physical Damage
568% increased Global Physical Damage
Heavy Arrow QuiverHeavy Arrow QuiverRequires Level 61Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Physical Damage to Attacks61Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Physical Damage to Attacks
Hellion's PawHellion's PawClaw
Physical Damage: 29-55
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 62, 131 Dex, 95 Int1.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
621.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Vaal ClawVaal ClawClaw
Physical Damage: 29-76
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 66, 95 Dex, 131 Int2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
662% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Anarchic SpiritbladeAnarchic SpiritbladeOne Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 34-63
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 70, 121 Str, 121 Dex100% of Physical Damage from Hits with this Weapon is Converted to a random Element
70100% of Physical Damage from Hits with this Weapon is Converted to a random Element
Apex CleaverApex CleaverTwo Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 78-121
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 70, 139 Str, 65 DexHits with this Weapon ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
70Hits with this Weapon ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Terror ClawTerror ClawClaw
Physical Damage: 18-71
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 70, 113 Dex, 113 Int2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
702% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Runic HatchetRunic HatchetOne Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 44-79
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 71, 163 Str, 82 Dex12% increased Global Physical Damage
7112% increased Global Physical Damage
Steel RingSteel RingRequires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks

Unique items

Global flat added physical damage

Unique items that have global flat increases to physical damage.

ItemRequired levelGlobal Attack
Physical Damage
Physical Damage
Global Spell
Physical Damage
Physical Damage
Iron Ring
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (10-15) to (20-25) Chaos Damage to Attacks
Regenerate (10-15) Life per second
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
Fear is highly infectious.
Charan's Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 5-11
Critical Strike Chance: (8.50-9.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
40% increased Global Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
(70-90)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 2 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per Level
Gain Her Embrace for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy
While in Her Embrace, take 0.5% of your total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second per Level
Has 6 Linked Sockets (Hidden)
Uses goddess player audio (Hidden)
"Your name is Demon Slayer? Really? Good name for rotgut, that."
She said: I prefer "The Goddess Of Swords". Much more dignified. And accurate.
"Demon Slayer The Cheap And Nasty it is then. Burns going down, burns coming up?"
She said: Every single time, Charan. And'll bathe me, and you'll drink my love. Until you can't.
Serrated Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 4Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks(20-25)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
25% reduced Projectile Speed
(140-200)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
6 to 10 Added Physical Damage with Bow Attacks
Hit them hard. Hit them once.
Meginord's GirdleMeginord's Girdle
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 8+(25-35) to Strength+25 to Strength
Adds 10 to 20 Physical Damage to Attacks
10% increased maximum Life
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
25% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
Kaom's strength was rivaled only by
the great Meginord of the north.
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 11(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds 5 to 10 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20-40) to maximum Life
0.2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect
50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate during any Flask Effect
Our forefathers danced and drank and ate their fill
and did not honour the First Ones for their gifts.
So the First Ones filled the sky with fire.
The Deep One's HideThe Deep One's Hide
Studded Round Shield
Chance to Block: 27%
Armour: (87-133)
Evasion: (87-133)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 20, 29 Str, 29 Dex60% increased Block RecoveryAdds 4 to 8 Physical Damage to Attacks
Adds 12 to 15 Cold Damage to Attacks
(90-130)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30-50)% to Fire Resistance
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block
The thicker the shell,
the greater the beast that hunts it.
Edge of MadnessEdge of Madness
Etched Greatsword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (32.2-36.8) to (67.2-76.8)
Chaos Damage: (60-68) to (90-102)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 22, 45 Str, 38 Dex60% increased Global Accuracy Rating+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
(40-60)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (60-68) to (90-102) Chaos Damage
1% increased Chaos Damage per Level
Adds 1 to 2 Physical Damage to Attacks per Level
Soon, the pleas for mercy were muted.
Only one voice remained.
Bronze Gauntlets
Armour: (138-192)Requires Level 23, 36 Str+(30-40) to Strength
Adds (5-8) to (12-16) Physical Damage to Attacks
(80-100)% increased Armour
Iron Grip
10% reduced Attack Speed
Arrows Pierce 2 additional Targets
The monstrous men of yore used bows, they were just bigger.
Le Heup of AllLe Heup of All
Iron Ring
Requires Level 24Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks+(10-30) to all Attributes
(10-30)% increased Damage
(10-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(10-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Existence is infinite
A weave of the living and dead
Beyond the understanding
Of the many mortal threads
The Warden's BrandThe Warden's Brand
Iron Ring
Requires Level 30Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (5-15) to (25-50) Physical Damage to Attacks
30% reduced Attack Speed
15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy
"I don't always have a flame handy
when a fresh delinquent walks through our gates."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Blunt Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 31Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to Attacks(20-24)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
(12-15)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(400-450) to Armour
(20-30)% increased Projectile Speed
50% increased Stun and Block Recovery
(15-20)% increased Projectile Damage
"It's a rare man that has eyes in the back of his head."
- Kiravi, Vaal Archer
Iron CommanderIron Commander
Death Bow
Physical Damage: (36-40) to (89-97)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.44)
Requires Level 32, 107 Dex(30-50)% increased Critical Strike ChanceAdds (8-12) to (16-24) Physical Damage
(14-20)% increased Attack Speed
(14-20)% increased Totem Life
(14-20)% increased Totem Placement speed
Siege Ballista has +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Dexterity
Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Dexterity
The Eternals commanded an army that need not eat, sleep, or breathe
without the usual depravities of necromancy.
Replica Iron CommanderReplica Iron Commander
Death Bow
Physical Damage: (36-40) to (89-97)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.44)
Requires Level 32, 107 Dex(30-50)% increased Critical Strike ChanceAdds (8-12) to (16-24) Physical Damage
(14-20)% increased Attack Speed
(14-20)% increased Totem Life
(14-20)% increased Totem Placement speed
Shrapnel Ballista has +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Strength
Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Strength
"Admittedly lacking the finesse of the fabled original,
Prototype #4 achieved identical results through brute force alone."
Ryslatha's CoilRyslatha's Coil
Studded Belt
Requires Level 32(20-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies+(20-40) to Strength
(30-40)% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage
(40-30)% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage
Adds 1 to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(80-100) to maximum Life
Gain 50 Life when you Stun an Enemy
All creatures have the potential for greatness or unequivocal failure.
Penetrating Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 36Arrows Pierce an additional Target(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
+350 to Evasion Rating
+(40-50) to maximum Life
(10-14) to (19-24) Added Physical Damage with Bow Attacks
Arrows deal 50% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments to Targets they Pierce
"Why waste such a fine arrow on just one man?"
- Kiravi, Vaal Archer
Great Old One's TentaclesGreat Old One's Tentacles
Eelskin Gloves
Evasion: (125-148)Requires Level 38, 56 DexAdds (8-12) to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(10-20)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
50% chance for Impales on Enemies you Kill to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies
Under its influence, shards of metal take on a life of their own, wriggling into flesh, burrowing into organs, and exploding outwards in search of other victims.
Rock Breaker
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (61-67) to (103-109)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.24-1.26)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 41, 134 Str15% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdGrants Level 12 Summon Stone Golem Skill
Adds (24-30) to (34-40) Physical Damage
(8-10)% increased Attack Speed
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Golems
Golems have (96-120) to (132-160) Added Attack Physical Damage
There is nothing, flesh, spirit, or stone
Free from our hunger for dominion.
Mutewind SealMutewind Seal
Unset Ring
Requires Level 44Has 1 SocketSocketed Golem Skills have 20% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Gain Onslaught for 10 seconds when you Cast Socketed Golem Skill
+3 to Level of Socketed Golem Gems
Adds (5-10) to (11-15) Physical Damage to Attacks
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
(3-5)% increased Movement Speed
When a fallen leader's body is taken to the funeral peak,
those who seek power must ascend together.
One returns with the seal.
The rest do not return at all.
Great Old One's WardGreat Old One's Ward
Corrugated Buckler
Chance to Block: 27%
Evasion: (227-272)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 46, 112 Dex3% increased Movement Speed(8-12)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Adds (8-12) to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks
(6-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(50-70) to maximum Life
The horrors we've encountered are nothing
compared to the horrors we haven't.
Redblade TramplersRedblade Tramplers
Ancient Greaves
Armour: (377-522)Requires Level 46, 82 StrAdds (2-5) to (7-10) Physical Damage to Attacks
(5-10)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
(150-200)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
25% increased Movement Speed
Unaffected by Burning Ground
Our home was swallowed beneath
the great mountain for our complacency.
Now we must prove our value to the Molten One
by sating his hunger for life.
Icefang OrbitIcefang Orbit
Iron Ring
Requires Level 49Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks+(20-30) to Dexterity
25% chance to Poison on Hit
(40-60)% increased Damage with Poison
You are Chilled when you are Poisoned
Non-Chilled Enemies you Poison are Chilled
Poisoned Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
Those members of the Brotherhood who employ the venom of Trarthan ice snakes must take great care with the volatile substance.
Iron Ring
Requires Level 49Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks+(20-30) to Strength
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
(40-60)% increased Damage with Bleeding
You are Chilled while you are Bleeding
Non-Chilled Enemies you inflict Bleeding on are Chilled
Bleeding Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
There is a way to survive the bite of an ice snake,
but few have the resolve to attempt it.
Circle of GuiltCircle of Guilt
Iron Ring
Requires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes
Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Physical Damage
+(350-400) to Armour
<Two Random Herald of Purity modifiers>
I feel the moral weight of what I must to do to protect Wraeclast. I accept my guilt without shame.
It is my gift to humanity.
Maloney's NightfallMaloney's Nightfall
Vile Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 55Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage10% increased Attack Speed
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(12-16)% to Chaos Resistance
(8-10) to (14-16) Added Physical Damage with Bow Attacks
25% chance to create a Smoke Cloud when Hit
(40-60)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
Fear not the dark, the song of night,
Hear not the arch, the falling cry.
My giving sun, fight no more,
Rest alone, my grand nightfall.
The Crimson StormThe Crimson Storm
Steelwood Bow
Physical Damage: (92.8-104.4) to (137.6-154.8)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.88-7.43)%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 57, 190 Dex6% increased Movement Speed(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
(25-35)% increased Critical Strike Chance
50% chance to inflict Bleeding on Critical Strike with Attacks
Enemies you inflict Bleeding on grant (60-100)% increased Flask Charges
Adds (100-120) to (150-165) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies
50% chance to Maim Enemies on Critical Strike with Attacks
Veiled Suffix
"There were no survivors. It had only been fired twice."
- Order of the Djinn inscription
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Ezomyte Burgonet
Armour: (692-838)Requires Level 60, 138 Str+(20-25) to all Attributes
Adds 40 to 60 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(100-125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
(100-120)% increased Armour
(40-50)% increased Physical Damage taken
When you have slain all of your enemies,
what is left to fear?
Ezomyte Staff
Physical Damage: 53-160
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffTrigger Level 20 Summon Phantasm Skill when you Consume a corpse
(100-140)% increased Spell Damage
(25-30)% increased Cast Speed
(80-100)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Minions deal (45-51) to (66-78) additional Physical Damage
If you Consumed a corpse Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate 5% of Life per second
Death is but the start of your servitude.
The Fracturing SpinnerThe Fracturing Spinner
Blunt Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 60Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to AttacksGrants Summon Harbinger of Directions Skill
+(30-50) to Strength and Dexterity
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(15-25)% to Fire and Cold Resistances

The Shattered DivinityThe Shattered Divinity
Blunt Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 60Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to AttacksGrants Summon Greater Harbinger of Directions Skill
+(30-50) to Strength and Dexterity
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(15-25)% to Fire and Cold Resistances

Scorpion's CallScorpion's Call
Heavy Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 61Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Physical Damage to Attacks+(20-40) to Dexterity
Regenerate (150-200) Life per Second while in Blood Stance
(40-60)% increased Projectile Damage while in Blood Stance
+(700-1000) to Evasion Rating while in Sand Stance
(20-30)% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance
(25-30)% increased Attack Speed if you've changed Stance Recently
Claws open, brace for a bite.
Stinger raised, dodge or die.
Yriel's FosteringYriel's Fostering
Exquisite Leather
Evasion: (1619-2025)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 62, 170 DexGrants Level 20 Summon Bestial Ursa Skill
+(300-400) to Accuracy Rating
(130-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Projectile Attack Skills have (40-60)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Projectiles from Attacks have 20% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit while
you have a Bestial Minion
Adds (11-16) to (21-25) Physical Damage to Attacks while you have a Bestial Minion
Feed a beast and it will not hunt.
Protect it and it will not fight.
Ferocity must be learned, not taught.
It is suffering that forges the greatest warriors.
Maelström Staff
Physical Damage: (291-311) to (417-447)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.10%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Blurred is the boundary
between creator and destroyer.
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Elegant Ringmail
Armour: (377-433)
Energy Shield: (107-155)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 64, 90 Str, 105 IntHas 6 Sockets
+(8-24) to all Attributes
Adds (4-10) to (14-36) Physical Damage to Attacks
(20-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(15-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-60) to maximum Life
+(20-50) to maximum Mana
(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
(15-50)% increased Elemental Damage
Your Maximum Resistances are (76-78)%
When it comes to finding a use for surplus,
a rich man has within himself
boundless creativity.
Replica LoreweaveReplica Loreweave
Elegant Ringmail
Armour: (377-433)
Energy Shield: (242-305)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 64, 90 Str, 105 IntHas 6 Sockets
+(8-24) to all Attributes
Adds (4-10) to (14-36) Physical Damage to Attacks
(120-160)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(150-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(120-160) to maximum Life
+(120-160) to maximum Mana
(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
(15-50)% increased Elemental Damage
Your Maximum Resistances are (70-72)%
"Better... stronger... more vital... and then... failure. Always, failure.
What key fundamental secret are we missing?"
Replica Soul StrikeReplica Soul Strike
Spike-Point Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 64(20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Bows+30 to Dexterity
Adds (13-18) to (26-32) Physical Damage to Attacks
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
+(60-80) to maximum Life
80% reduced Maximum Recovery per Life Leech
40% increased Maximum total Life Recovery per second from Leech
"The theft of another's vitality is short-lived, but sweet.
It calls to me, bidding me abandon all other pursuits."
- Researcher Arn
The Bringer of RainThe Bringer of Rain
Nightmare Bascinet
Armour: (486-748)
Evasion: (699-1072)
Requires Level 67, 62 Str, 85 DexSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Melee Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Faster Attacks
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 30 Blind
6% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Adds 20 to 30 Physical Damage to Attacks
(200-300)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(200-300) to maximum Life
20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Block
Can't use Chest armour
Extra gore
"What lies beneath your feet?!"
"Sacred ground, watered with tears of blood!"
Bear's GirdleBear's Girdle
Leather Belt
Requires Level 68+(25-40) to maximum LifeAdds (5-7) to (11-12) Physical Damage to Attacks
(20-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Nearby Enemies are Crushed while you have at least 25 Rage
+10 to Maximum Rage
Simple. Deadly. Unstoppable
Nightmare Mace
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (83-98) to (180-200)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 212 Str10% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdAdds (45-60) to (100-120) Physical Damage
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge
Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
+500 to Armour per Endurance Charge
200 Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently
They hoped that, trapped in its prison,
the creature would age and perish.
But time would not touch the fiend.
Ceaseless FeastCeaseless Feast
Spiked Gloves
Armour: (440-632)Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAdds (2-3) to (22-26) Physical Damage to Attacks
(100-150)% increased Armour
(20-30)% chance to inflict Corrosion on Hit with Attacks
(20-30)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hitting an Enemy with no Armour
(20-30)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hitting an Enemy with no Evasion Rating
Lost in a sea of limbs and screaming faces, they claw
for any fleeting pleasure which might dull the pain.
Marble Amulet
Requires Level 74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per secondAdds 10 to 20 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(60-70) to maximum Life
Regenerate (16-24) Life per second
100% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra Damage
Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in.
Take theirs out.
Mark of the ElderMark of the Elder
Steel Ring
Requires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Tentacle Whip on Kill
Adds (26-32) to (42-48) Cold Damage to Attacks
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Be not stirred by the Void.

Increased physical damage

Unique items that increase or decrease physical damage by a percentage.

ItemRequired levelGlobal Physical Damage
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 11(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds 5 to 10 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20-40) to maximum Life
0.2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect
50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate during any Flask Effect
Our forefathers danced and drank and ate their fill
and did not honour the First Ones for their gifts.
So the First Ones filled the sky with fire.
Strapped Mitts
Evasion: (30-39)
Energy Shield: (7-9)
Requires Level 16+30% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
10% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
(600-800)% more Physical Damage with Unarmed Melee Attacks
Extra gore
Fly like a Storm Crow, crush like a Rhoa
Buckskin Tunic
Evasion: (316-442)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 17, 53 Dex(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
Cannot be Ignited
(75-150)% increased Physical Damage with Ranged Weapons
-(60-30) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
The blasted oak stands forever.
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 18(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
20% increased Projectile Damage
30% reduced Flask Charges gained
60% increased Flask Effect Duration
Deals 50 Chaos Damage per second to nearby Enemies
After the Great Fire, the land lay barren
and our forefathers grew weak.
Mother Gull took pity on them
and gave them grain and water.
Belt of the DeceiverBelt of the Deceiver
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 20+(25-35) to Strength(15-25)% increased Global Physical Damage
You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
+(30-40) to maximum Life
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
Nearby Enemies are Intimidated
In battle, virtue matters not.
Only victory.
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 25(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds (14-16) to (30-32) Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds (10-12) to (24-28) Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to (60-68) Lightning Damage to Attacks
+(6-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
Nothing is as vivid as the rage of battle
Replica PrismweaveReplica Prismweave
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 25(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds (14-16) to (30-32) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (10-12) to (24-28) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds 1 to (60-68) Lightning Damage to Spells
+(6-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage during any Flask Effect
"A legion of forty soldiers attempted to break into Outpost Five and
steal Prototype #659. What do they know that we do not?"
Gruthkul's PeltGruthkul's Pelt
Wyrmscale Doublet
Armour: (840-1180)
Evasion: (840-1180)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 38, 57 Str, 57 Dex100% increased Global Physical Damage
+(240-300) to maximum Life
(300-400)% increased Armour and Evasion
Regenerate 10% of Life per second
15% increased Character Size
Spell Skills deal no Damage
Your Spells are disabled
Simple is the life of the bear.
Brinerot WhalersBrinerot Whalers
Trapper Boots
Evasion: (74-85)
Energy Shield: (96-118)
Requires Level 41, 40 Dex, 40 Int20% increased Global Physical Damage
+(80-100) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
25% increased Movement Speed
(20-40)% increased Projectile Damage
Unaffected by Shocked Ground
Those Theopolis fatcats put a price on our heads.
Let's see what they'll pay for their own.
Natural HierarchyNatural Hierarchy
Rotfeather Talisman
Talisman Tier: 3
Requires Level 44
(25-35)% increased Damage(10-15)% increased Global Physical Damage
(25-30)% increased Fire Damage
(20-25)% increased Cold Damage
(15-20)% increased Lightning Damage
(30-35)% increased Chaos Damage
CorruptedJust as the rat cowers before the dog
and the dog cowers before Man,
so too should we cower before the First Ones
and pray we never learn of what comes next.
The RetchThe Retch
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 44(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
60% increased Flask Effect Duration
30% reduced Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect
200% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage
15% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
But the grain grew twisted and the water turned dark
and those who partook of Mother Gull's gift
birthed monsters that fed
on the flesh of one another.
Circle of GuiltCircle of Guilt
Iron Ring
Requires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes
Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Physical Damage
+(350-400) to Armour
<Two Random Herald of Purity modifiers>
I feel the moral weight of what I must to do to protect Wraeclast. I accept my guilt without shame.
It is my gift to humanity.
Eyes of the GreatwolfEyes of the Greatwolf
Greatwolf Talisman
Talisman Tier: 4
Requires Level 52
<Two random talisman implicit modifiers>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubledCorruptedI am but a vessel for a greater force.
It acts through me. Speaks through me.
Decides what lives and dies through me.
And will change the world through me.
Prismatic EclipsePrismatic Eclipse
Twilight Blade
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (90-100) to (157-166)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 53, 91 Str, 91 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating+8% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
Adds (60-70) to (71-80) Physical Damage
25% increased Global Physical Damage with Weapons per Red Socket
12% increased Global Attack Speed per Green Socket
0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana per Blue Socket
+0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range per White Socket
"A raging Solaris seared and contorted the orb's surface.
A despairing Lunaris filled the scars with her tears.
Yet Viridi remained, trapped within, forever more."
- Azmerian Creation Myth
Circle of AmbitionCircle of Ambition
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 64<Three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
10% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Herald Skills
<Three Random Herald modifiers>
I will build the wall that stands against the tide.
The day is coming... I have seen it.
Shaper's TouchShaper's Touch
Crusader Gloves
Armour: (217-305)
Energy Shield: (45-61)
Requires Level 66, 51 Str, 51 Int(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+4 Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence
+1 Life per 4 Dexterity
+1 Mana per 4 Strength
1% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength
2% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence
2% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity
By my hand, the inert is given life.
By my hand, that which rots is reborn.
There is nothing that cannot be changed.
Devoto's DevotionDevoto's Devotion
Nightmare Bascinet
Armour: (405-561)
Evasion: (582-804)
Requires Level 67, 62 Str, 85 Dex+(50-65) to Dexterity
10% reduced Global Physical Damage
16% increased Attack Speed
(150-200)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(15-25)% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Movement Speed
Mercury Footprints
Swift as thought are the actions of Man
when borne on wings of divine providence.
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Physical Damage can Shock
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Elemental Damage
The end is written into the beginning.
Void Sceptre
Physical Damage: (140-160) to (212.8-243.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (13.14-14.60)%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.44)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 104 Str, 122 Int40% increased Elemental Damage(180-220)% increased Physical Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(80-100)% increased Critical Strike Chance
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Every 16 seconds you gain Elemental Overload for 8 seconds
You have Resolute Technique while you do not have Elemental Overload
100% increased Physical Damage while you have Resolute Technique
When the world spins out of control,
the safest place to be is in the centre.
Doryani's InvitationDoryani's Invitation
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 68+(25-35) to Strength(20-30)% increased Global Physical Damage
+(30-35)% to Fire Resistance
+(30-35)% to Cold Resistance
+(30-35)% to Lightning Resistance
0.6% of Physical Damage Leeched as Life
25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold during any Flask Effect
"You can invite them but you can never be
sure who will come knocking."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Mon'tregul's GraspMon'tregul's Grasp
Void Sceptre
Physical Damage: 50-76
Critical Strike Chance: 7.30%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 104 Str, 122 Int40% increased Elemental Damage50% reduced maximum number of Raised Zombies
Raised Zombies have +5000 to maximum Life
Raised Zombies have +(25-30)% to all Resistances
25% increased Raised Zombie Size
Enemies Killed by Zombies' Hits Explode, dealing 50% of their Life as Fire Damage
Raised Zombies deal (100-125)% more Physical Damage
With death as my ally, all the world is within my grasp.
Razor of the Seventh SunRazor of the Seventh Sun
Midnight Blade
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (125-145) to (244-269)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (90-110) to (145-170) Physical Damage
30% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Ignite
100% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy
100% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies
Quickly cooled the steel,
but never could it forget
the heat of the forge.
Demon Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (109-134) to (232-247)
Elemental Damage: (130-160) to (220-240)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (85-110) to (135-150) Physical Damage
Adds (130-160) to (220-240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
Lava bled from the earth and,
after a time, cooled and hardened.
The world protecting its beating heart
with a thick, black scab.
Jaws of AgonyJaws of Agony
Supreme Spiked Shield
Chance to Block: 24%
Evasion: (242-278)
Energy Shield: (49-57)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 70, 85 Dex, 85 Int+5% chance to Suppress Spell DamageGrants Level 25 Bear Trap Skill
(18-28)% increased Trap Damage
(15-25)% increased Global Physical Damage
+(60-80) to maximum Life
-(18-14) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
25% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Throw a Trap
One wrong step triggers destruction.
Agony slowly dominates the will to live.

Add a percentage of physical damage as another damage type

Unique items that add a percentage of the physical damage as another damage type.

ItemRequired levelLight %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
The PrincessThe Princess
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (9.6-13.5) to (32.4-45)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.78
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 10, 18 Str, 26 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating(20-50)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (3-4) to (5-8) Physical Damage
15% increased Attack Speed
Gain (25-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
10% increased Damage taken from Skeletons
10% increased Damage taken from Ghosts
"She's pretty, aye. So pretty you'll
want to be with her long after you're dead."
Painted Buckler
Chance to Block: 29%
Evasion: (196-308)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 16, 44 Dex6% increased Movement Speed(60-100)% increased Evasion Rating
+5% to maximum Cold Resistance
+50% to Cold Resistance
Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Reflects (25-50) Cold Damage to Melee Attackers
+5% Chance to Block
Cold, miserable and alone... but alive.
Asphyxia's WrathAsphyxia's Wrath
Feathered Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 20(20-30)% increased Projectile SpeedGrants Level 5 Frostbite Skill
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
+(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
(30-40)% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
(7-10)% chance to Freeze
Hexes Transfer to all Enemies within 3 metres when Hexed Enemy dies
Mist of breath
Icing to lips and throat
As the warm ones choke and fall
Upon the frozen wasteland.
Replica Tempestuous SteelReplica Tempestuous Steel
War Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (45-50)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.51-1.60)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 20, 41 Str, 35 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (5-8) to (15-20) Physical Damage
(8-14)% increased Attack Speed
100% reduced Global Accuracy Rating
+(60-100)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with One Handed Melee Weapons
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 30% Elemental Resistances
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
"Test subjects were unable to strike even a motionless target.
However, when a trained guard tried it..."
The Tempestuous SteelThe Tempestuous Steel
War Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (45-50)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.51-1.60)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 20, 41 Str, 35 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (5-8) to (15-20) Physical Damage
(8-14)% increased Attack Speed
Hits can't be Evaded
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 30% Elemental Resistances
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
The blade thrums with wild energy
Eager for vengeance against all who walk free.
Royal Bow
Physical Damage: (26-30) to (76-80)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.65)
Requires Level 28, 95 Dex(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsAdds (12-16) to (20-24) Physical Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 100% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element
"Toasted or frozen
Or twitching in the light
I'm not fussy
And neither is Death."
- Koralus Doomfletch
Eyes of the GreatwolfEyes of the Greatwolf
Greatwolf Talisman
Talisman Tier: 4
Requires Level 52
<Two random talisman implicit modifiers>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubledCorruptedI am but a vessel for a greater force.
It acts through me. Speaks through me.
Decides what lives and dies through me.
And will change the world through me.
Great Crown
Armour: (143-161)
Energy Shield: (29-33)
Requires Level 53, 59 Str, 59 IntHas 1 Abyssal Socket
Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge
The eyes of the living hold a glimmer of hope.
Don't waste it.
Great Crown
Armour: (143-161)
Energy Shield: (29-33)
Requires Level 53, 59 Str, 59 IntHas 2 Abyssal Sockets
Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge
The eyes of the living hold a glimmer of hope.
Don't waste it.
Maloney's NightfallMaloney's Nightfall
Vile Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 55Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage10% increased Attack Speed
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(12-16)% to Chaos Resistance
(8-10) to (14-16) Added Physical Damage with Bow Attacks
25% chance to create a Smoke Cloud when Hit
(40-60)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
Fear not the dark, the song of night,
Hear not the arch, the falling cry.
My giving sun, fight no more,
Rest alone, my grand nightfall.
Kaom's PrimacyKaom's Primacy
Karui Chopper
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (242-290.4) to (378-453.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.05
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 58, 151 Str, 43 Dex(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
Gain 20 Life per Enemy Killed
+(150-250) to Accuracy Rating
Culling Strike
Gain 5 Rage on Melee Hit
Every Rage also grants 1% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
One by one, Kaom slaughtered the weakest tribe
leaders until the others leapt to join his cause.
Xoph's InceptionXoph's Inception
Citadel Bow
Physical Damage: (93.6-104.4) to (374.4-417.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Requires Level 58, 185 Dex(160-190)% increased Physical Damage
Gain (200-300) Life per Ignited Enemy Killed
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Burning Enemies
Arrows deal 30 to 50 Added Fire Damage for each time they've Pierced
Upon the red pyre we are born.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Xoph
Imbued Wand
Physical Damage: 27-50
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Requires Level 59, 188 Int(33-37)% increased Spell DamageGain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Enemies you Kill have a 20% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage
We forge order from the world around us
Wielding anarchy and destruction as our tools of genesis.
Grip of the CouncilGrip of the Council
Arcanist Gloves
Energy Shield: (45-52)Requires Level 60, 95 Int+30 to Strength
+(30-50) to maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Cold Resistance
Minions have 10% reduced Movement Speed
Minions have +40% to Cold Resistance
Minions gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Death does not remove you from our grasp.
Death only brings you closer.
Replica Grip of the CouncilReplica Grip of the Council
Arcanist Gloves
Energy Shield: (45-52)Requires Level 60, 95 Int+30 to Strength
+(30-50) to maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
Minions have 10% reduced maximum Life
Minions have +40% to Fire Resistance
Minions gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
"I feel altered when Administrator Qotra wears these gloves.
Somehow, I find that disturbing."
- Researcher Arn
The FulcrumThe Fulcrum
Ezomyte Staff
Physical Damage: (127.2-148.4) to (384-448)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(140-180)% increased Physical Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you
Elemental Damage with Hits is Lucky while you are Shocked
Damage Penetrates (8-10)% Elemental Resistances while you are Chilled
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element while you are Ignited
To stand at the confluence of the elements,
the master must achieve perfect balance.
Replica ParadoxicaReplica Paradoxica
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierVeiled Prefix
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Prefix
<veiled mod pool>
"This is one riddle I can't solve."
- Researcher Graven
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: 62-129
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Elemental Damage can Shock
Gain 700% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Non-Elemental Damage
A weapon born of nothingness,
can only create more nothingness.
Grace of the GoddessGrace of the Goddess
Prophecy Wand
Physical Damage: (112-126) to (208-234)
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 68, 245 Int(36-40)% increased Spell Damage(300-350)% increased Physical Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
+1 to maximum number of Sacred Wisps
+1 to number of Sacred Wisps Summoned
In a time of darkness, know that the Draíocht will bring you light.
Nightmare Mace
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (83-98) to (180-200)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 212 Str10% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdAdds (45-60) to (100-120) Physical Damage
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge
Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
+500 to Armour per Endurance Charge
200 Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently
They hoped that, trapped in its prison,
the creature would age and perish.
But time would not touch the fiend.
Ming's HeartMing's Heart
Amethyst Ring
Requires Level 69+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance25% reduced maximum Energy Shield
25% reduced maximum Life
+(40-50)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (40-60)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Ming slew Tranquillity
Took Chaos for his wife
And on Her immortal finger
He placed his Heart
Vorana's MarchVorana's March
Runic Sabatons
Ward: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 IntHas no Sockets
Triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists when Equipped
25% increased Movement Speed
<Four random Summoned Arbalists modifiers>
In their hour of desperate need, the Knights of the Sun
called out for aid... and the Black Scythe answered.

Converted to another damage type

Unique items that convert physical damage to another damage type.

ItemRequired levelLightning %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
Paua Amulet
(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate+25% to Cold Resistance
Minions have (10-15)% increased maximum Life
Minions convert 50% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Minions deal (25-35) to (50-65) additional Cold Damage
Minions deal no Non-Cold Damage
The breath of life is yours to give.
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Goathide Gloves
Evasion: (72-92)Requires Level 9, 17 Dex+(20-30) to Strength
+(40-50) to Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Reflects 100 Cold Damage to Melee Attackers
Of ancient giants, none remain,
Their only trace is timeless pain.
The Goddess ScornedThe Goddess Scorned
Elegant Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (70-80) to (115.5-132)
Critical Strike Chance: (9.50-10.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 28, 46 Str, 55 Dex+190 to Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
(250-300)% increased Physical Damage
(90-110)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
Cannot be Ignited
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Ignites you inflict deal Damage 50% faster
You can only deal Damage with this Weapon or Ignite
Her purpose seems done; the oath is fulfilled.
Rust dulls her smirk with the last demon killed.
The embers grow dim and yet hope burns her lips:
"An old flame renewed can define our eclipse!"
Triad GripTriad Grip
Mesh Gloves
Armour: (104-147)
Energy Shield: (21-30)
Requires Level 32, 26 Str, 26 Int(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage per Red Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage per Blue Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage per White Socket
Minions have (5-10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
The secret of the elements lies within a square triangle.
Mortem MorsuMortem Morsu
Fright Claw
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (80.5-92)
Critical Strike Chance: 9.38%
Attacks per Second: 1.80
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 34, 61 Dex, 61 IntGrants 20 Life per Enemy Hit(75-100)% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
25% increased Critical Strike Chance
+40% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
(10-20)% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon
60% chance to Poison on Hit
Fear blisters the heart and thins the blood.
Fear squeezes lungs and sets the guts to fester.
Fear is the wound left untended.
Blazing Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 45Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Attacks10% increased Attack Speed
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
+(10-30) to maximum Mana
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
5 to 10 Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacks
Molten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.
Innsbury EdgeInnsbury Edge
Elder Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (72-86.4) to (132-158.4)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.52-1.62)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 47, 81 Str, 81 Dex+330 to Accuracy Rating(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
(17-25)% increased Attack Speed
0.2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Maim on hit
A sword he brought, his foes to maim and rend,
from places dark behind forbidden doors,
but night by night he woke with frighten'd roars
from ghoulish dreams, too strange to comprehend.
Lightbane RaimentLightbane Raiment
Ornate Ringmail
Armour: (569-715)
Energy Shield: (118-148)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 47, 69 Str, 69 Int(120-140)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
30% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Reflects 30 Chaos Damage to Melee Attackers
25% reduced Light Radius
100% chance to create Desecrated Ground when you Block
Desecrated Ground deals 250 Chaos Damage per second (Hidden)
Desecrated Ground has a radius of 16 (Hidden)
. . . and the Light faded and hope waned
Zahndethus cast aside his faith
and embraced the darkness.
Replica Innsbury EdgeReplica Innsbury Edge
Elder Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (72-86.4) to (132-158.4)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 47, 81 Str, 81 Dex+330 to Accuracy Rating(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
0.2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit with this Weapon
"The night-gaunts, they fly, soaring about in darkness beyond the ken of mankind.
I hear the silent whispers of their wings as they descend, for me, for me..."
- Researcher Arn
Ngamahu's FlameNgamahu's Flame
Abyssal Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (218.7-234.9) to (326.7-350.9)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.35-1.40)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 55, 128 Str, 60 Dex20% chance to Trigger Level 16 Molten Burst on Melee Hit
(170-190)% increased Physical Damage
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 20% Fire Resistance
"The Karui savages claim the weapon was forged by their fire god.
I'm rather inclined to believe them."
- Fairgraves, Renowned Explorer
The Winds of FateThe Winds of Fate
Foul Staff
Physical Damage: (520-585) to (968-1089)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 55, 94 Str, 94 Int+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(700-800)% increased Physical Damage
+100% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
75% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Maximum Critical Strike Chance is 50%
Non-Critical Strikes deal no Damage
Life... Death...
The whim of the cosmos.
The FulcrumThe Fulcrum
Ezomyte Staff
Physical Damage: (127.2-148.4) to (384-448)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(140-180)% increased Physical Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you
Elemental Damage with Hits is Lucky while you are Shocked
Damage Penetrates (8-10)% Elemental Resistances while you are Chilled
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element while you are Ignited
To stand at the confluence of the elements,
the master must achieve perfect balance.
Chernobog's PillarChernobog's Pillar
Ebony Tower Shield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: (785-1027)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 61, 159 Str+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(120-150)% increased Armour
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(35-50)% to Fire Resistance
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit
Fire dances with those who doubt
Licks the skin and flesh from the fearful
Where there is no fear
There is no flame
Assassin Bow
Physical Damage: (92.8-113.4) to (248-288)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Requires Level 62, 212 Dex+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (15-20) to (25-30) Physical Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
(15-30)% increased Global Accuracy Rating
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
25% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
20% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 300% more Damage
"The Spirit of War knows nothing of good and evil.
It knows only destruction."
- Sekhema Asenath
Brain RattlerBrain Rattler
Two Hand Mace
Physical Damage: (134-154) to (408-458)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 63, 212 Str5% chance to deal Double DamageAdds (60-80) to (270-320) Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
50% chance to Shock
Hits with this Weapon Shock Enemies as though dealing 300% more Damage
Damage Penetrates 20% Lightning Resistance
Enemies you Shock have 30% reduced Cast Speed
Enemies you Shock have 20% reduced Movement Speed
The mind may have no limits, but the skull sure does.
Xoph's NurtureXoph's Nurture
Citadel Bow
Physical Damage: (95.4-106.2) to (381.6-424.8)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Requires Level 64, 185 DexSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ignite Proliferation
(165-195)% increased Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Recover (40-60) Life when you Ignite an Enemy
Upon the grey winds his love spreads.
Void Sceptre
Physical Damage: (140-160) to (212.8-243.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (13.14-14.60)%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.44)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 104 Str, 122 Int40% increased Elemental Damage(180-220)% increased Physical Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(80-100)% increased Critical Strike Chance
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Every 16 seconds you gain Elemental Overload for 8 seconds
You have Resolute Technique while you do not have Elemental Overload
100% increased Physical Damage while you have Resolute Technique
When the world spins out of control,
the safest place to be is in the centre.
Razor of the Seventh SunRazor of the Seventh Sun
Midnight Blade
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (125-145) to (244-269)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (90-110) to (145-170) Physical Damage
30% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Ignite
100% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy
100% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies
Quickly cooled the steel,
but never could it forget
the heat of the forge.
Demon Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (109-134) to (232-247)
Elemental Damage: (130-160) to (220-240)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (85-110) to (135-150) Physical Damage
Adds (130-160) to (220-240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
Lava bled from the earth and,
after a time, cooled and hardened.
The world protecting its beating heart
with a thick, black scab.
Vorana's MarchVorana's March
Runic Sabatons
Ward: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 IntHas no Sockets
Triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists when Equipped
25% increased Movement Speed
<Four random Summoned Arbalists modifiers>
In their hour of desperate need, the Knights of the Sun
called out for aid... and the Black Scythe answered.

Passive skills

Many passive skills throughout the tree increase physical damage, but most are restricted to particular sources. Passives exist to increase physical damage from the following sources:

All of these categories of passive skills will only increase the physical damage of attacks, not spells. Passives which increase projectile damage, and the Iron Will SupportIron Will SupportSpell, Support
Icon: w
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
Requires Level 18Supports spell skills, making the increase to physical melee damage from strength also increase their spell damage.Strength's Damage bonus applies to all Spell Damage as well for Supported Skills
Supported Skills deal (0-38)% increased Spell Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
support gem, apply their bonuses to all types of damage, not just physical.

Base passive skills

These passive skills grant unrestricted physical damage bonuses. This includes physical damage generated by spells such as Ethereal KnivesEthereal KnivesSpell, Projectile, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (190-220)%
Projectile Speed: 1300
Fires an arc of knives outwards in front of the caster which deal physical damage.Deals (7-949) to (10-1423) Physical Damage
Fires (10-13) Projectiles

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
and Shockwave TotemShockwave TotemTotem, Spell, AoE, Physical, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (21-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%
AoE Radius: 24
Requires Level 28Summons a totem that shakes the earth around it, knocking back and damaging nearby enemiesDeals (33-412) to (65-765) Physical Damage
Totem lasts 8 seconds
25% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
Base radius is 2.4 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Physical and Chaos Damage
10% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Chaos Damage [1] [2] [3] [4]

12% increased Physical Damage
12% increased Chaos Damage [2]
Physical and Chaos Damage and Life
14% increased Physical Damage
+12 to maximum Life
14% increased Chaos Damage [1]
Physical and Elemental Damage
8% increased Elemental Damage
8% increased Physical Damage [1]
Physical and Fire Damage
8% increased Fire Damage
8% increased Physical Damage [1]
Physical and Lightning Damage
8% increased Lightning Damage
8% increased Physical Damage [1]
Physical and Minion Damage
Minions deal 10% increased Damage
10% increased Physical Damage [1] [2] [3]
Physical Damage
8% increased Physical Damage [1] [2] [3]
10% increased Physical Damage [3] [4]
14% increased Physical Damage [3]
12% increased Physical Damage [7] [8]
Physical Damage and Attack and Cast Speed
8% increased Physical Damage
3% increased Attack and Cast Speed [1] [2] [3]
Physical Damage and Ignore Physical Damage Reduction
14% increased Physical Damage
Hits have 10% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction [1] [2]
Physical Damage and Overwhelm
10% increased Physical Damage
Hits have 10% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction [1] [2]
Physical Damage and Strength
10% increased Physical Damage
+5 to Strength [1]
Born to Fight
+20 to Strength
26% increased Physical Damage
4% increased Attack Speed [1]
Fangs of the Viper
+20 to Dexterity
5% increased Movement Speed
20% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Chaos Damage [1]
Master of Blades
30% increased Physical Damage
+30 to Strength
Hits have 30% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction [1]
Path of the Warrior
+20 to Strength
16% increased Physical Damage
+50 to Armour [1]
25% increased Physical Damage
Regenerate 1% of Life per second if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently [1]
40% increased Physical Damage
Crush Enemies for 4 seconds when you Hit them while they are on Full Life [1]
Will of Blades
20% increased Physical Damage
40% increased Critical Strike Chance [1]

Cluster Jewel passive skills

The following Cluster Jewel passive skills are related to physical damage:

Physical Damage over Time
12% increased Physical Damage over Time [1]
Ancestral Preservation
Totems have 15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Totems gain +25% to Chaos Resistance
Totems gain +20% to all Elemental Resistances [1]
Blood Artist
+20 to Strength
+6% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier if you've Spent Life Recently [1]
Explosive Force
Gain 10% of Wand Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Enemies Killed with Wand Hits have a 10% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their Life as Chaos Damage [1]
Iron Breaker
Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
30% increased Physical Damage [1]
20% increased Critical Strike Chance
+6% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently [1]
Raze and Pillage
Minions gain 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Minions have 20% chance to Ignite
Minions deal 20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies [1]
+5% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
20% increased Bleeding Duration [1]
Storm's Hand
Gain 10% of Wand Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
25% of Wand Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage [1]
Wound Aggravation
20% increased Physical Damage with Axes or Swords
Axe or Sword Attacks deal 20% increased Damage with Ailments
+5% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier while wielding an Axe or Sword [1]
Physical Damage
12% increased Physical Damage [1]
35% increased Physical Damage
30% increased Evasion Rating and Armour [1]
20% increased Attack Damage
20% increased Damage with Ailments from Attack Skills
Enemies Killed with Attack Hits have a 15% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their Life as Physical Damage [1]
Dread March
Minions have 10% increased maximum Life
Minions have 10% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Minions have +10% to Chaos Resistance
Minions have 10% increased Movement Speed [1]
Force Multiplier
25% increased Physical Damage
5% chance to deal Double Damage [1]
Furious Assault
25% increased Physical Damage
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed [1]
Grim Oath
Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage [1]
Master the Fundamentals
35% increased Physical Damage
35% reduced Elemental Damage
+10% to all Elemental Resistances [1]
Run Through
15% increased Physical Damage with Axes or Swords
10% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Axes or Swords
10% increased Impale Effect
Axe or Sword Attacks deal 15% increased Damage with Ailments [1]
Skeletal Atrophy
Summoned Skeletons have 30% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Summoned Skeletons have 10% chance to Wither Enemies for 2 seconds on Hit [1]

Timeless Jewel keystone passive skills

The following Timeless JewelTimeless JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. keystone passive skills are related to physical damage:

Name Stats

Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits instead of Physical Damage
-5% to all maximum Elemental Resistances

Cluster Jewel keystone passive skills

The following Cluster Jewel keystone passive skills are related to physical damage:

Hollow Palm Technique
You count as Dual Wielding while you are Unencumbered
40% more Attack Speed with Melee Skills while you are Unencumbered
Adds 14 to 20 Attack Physical Damage to Melee Skills per 10 Dexterity while you are Unencumbered [1]
Veteran's Awareness
+10% to all Elemental Resistances and maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% more Damage taken if a Non-Vaal Guard Buff was lost Recently [1]

Keystone passive skills

The following keystone passive skills are related to physical damage:

Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical, Cold and Lightning Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deal no Non-Fire Damage [1]
Divine Shield
Cannot Recover Energy Shield to above Armour
3% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits Recently is Regenerated as Energy Shield per second [1]
Hollow Palm Technique
You count as Dual Wielding while you are Unencumbered
40% more Attack Speed with Melee Skills while you are Unencumbered
Adds 14 to 20 Attack Physical Damage to Melee Skills per 10 Dexterity while you are Unencumbered [1]
Strength of Blood
Life Recovery from Non-Instant Leech is not applied
2% additional Physical Damage Reduction for every 3% Life Recovery per second from Leech [1]
Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits instead of Physical Damage
-15% to all maximum Elemental Resistances [1]
Veteran's Awareness
+10% to all Elemental Resistances and maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% more Damage taken if a Non-Vaal Guard Buff was lost Recently [1]


The following Masteries are related to physical damage:

Mastery Effects
Armour and Energy Shield Mastery
  • Recover 5% of Energy Shield over 1 second when you take Physical Damage from an Enemy Hit
Chaos Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Cold Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Elemental Mastery
  • 3% chance for Hits to deal 300% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
Energy Shield Mastery
  • 10% less Physical Damage Taken while on Full Energy Shield
Fire Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Impale Mastery
  • Impale Damage dealt to Enemies Impaled by you ignores Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Lightning Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Minion Offence Mastery
  • Minions Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Physical Mastery
  • 40% increased Physical Damage with Skills that Cost Life
  • 60% reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken
  • Cannot be Stunned by Hits that deal only Physical Damage
  • Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction

Ascendancy passive skills

The following Ascendancy passive skills are related to physical damage:

Physical Damage, Attack Speed
10% increased Physical Damage
5% increased Attack Speed [1]
Physical Damage, Critical Strike Chance
10% increased Physical Damage
15% increased Critical Strike Chance [1] [2]
Physical Damage, Life Leeched per Second
10% increased Physical Damage
30% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech [1]
Physical Damage, Rage on Hit
10% increased Physical Damage
Gain 1 Rage on Attack Hit [1] [2]
Physical Damage, Warcry Speed
10% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Warcry Speed [1]


Tattoo of the Kitava WarriorTattoo of the Kitava WarriorStack Size: 10
Replaces a Small Strength Passive Skill
5% increased Global Physical DamageRight click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill. Maximum 50 Tattoos.
5% increased Global Physical Damage

See also