Vorana's March

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Vorana's March
Runic Sabatons
Ward: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 IntHas no Sockets
Triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists when Equipped
25% increased Movement Speed
<Four random Summoned Arbalists modifiers>
Summoned Arbalists have (30-40)% increased Attack Speed
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Chain +2 times
Summoned Arbalists' Attacks have (40-60)% chance to inflict Bleeding
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Crush on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (25-35)% chance to deal Double Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (15-25)% chance to Freeze, Shock, and Ignite
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Intimidate for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Maim for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (40-60)% chance to Poison
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Unnerve for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists fire (2-4) additional Projectiles
+1 to number of Summoned Arbalists
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Split into 3
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Freeze
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Ignite
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Shock
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Fork
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Pierce (2-4) additional Targets
In their hour of desperate need, the Knights of the Sun
called out for aid... and the Black Scythe answered.
Drop restricted
Vendor Offer
14x Alchemy Shard
5x Alteration Shard
Item class: Boots

Vorana's March is a pair of unique Runic SabatonsRunic SabatonsWard: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 Int.


Summon Arbalists

This item does not have any sockets, so the Arbalists cannot be modified by support gems. Instead, the random modifiers found on the boots can modify the Arbalists directly.

Taunt: Arbalists cannot taunt enemies.

Cost: This Skill Costs nothing bypasses all other cost modifiers, including flat cost modifiers.

Maximum number of Arbalists: Equipping this item will automatically summon the maximum number of Arbalists. By default, the cap is 2, and can be raised to 3 with the +1 to number of Summoned Arbalist modifier. This limit cannot be bypassed with Summon Triggerbots, nor is the trigger affected by Triggerbots.


+1 to number of Summoned Arbalists
Summoned Arbalists fire (2-4) additional Projectiles
Summoned Arbalists have (30-40)% increased Attack Speed
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Pierce (2-4) additional Targets
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Fork
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Chain +2 times
Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Split into 3
Summoned Arbalists have (25-35)% chance to deal Double Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Maim for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Intimidate for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (20-30)% chance to Unnerve for 4 seconds on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Crush on Hit
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Ignite
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Freeze
Summoned Arbalists Convert 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Summoned Arbalists have (10-20)% chance to Shock
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Summoned Arbalists have 20% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
Summoned Arbalists' Attacks have (40-60)% chance to inflict Bleeding
Summoned Arbalists have (40-60)% chance to Poison
Summoned Arbalists have (15-25)% chance to Freeze, Shock, and Ignite

Item acquisition

Vorana's March has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:


Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where summoned Arbalists had an effective accuracy rating that was approximately 70% lower than intended. Summoned Arbalists now deal approximately 50% more Damage. Almost every modifier that can randomly spawn on Vorana's March has either had its values increased or been disabled. Vorana's March now has 4 modifiers that affect Summoned Arbalists (previously 3).
  • Introduced to the game.