Jack in the Box

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Jack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank,
close your eyes,
and pray to the gods
for a pleasant surprise.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 23
The City of SarnThe Ebony BarracksThe SlumsThe MarketplaceThe BattlefrontThe DocksThe Sarn RampartsThe Solaris ConcourseThe Harbour BridgeThe Grand PromenadeThe Lunaris ConcourseThe QuayThe Grain GateColonnade Map
Item class: Divination Card
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardJackInTheBox

Jack in the Box is a divination card. A set of four can be exchanged for a random unique item.[1]

Item acquisition

Jack in the Box has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

Area restrictions

This item can be acquired in the following areas:


Jack in the Box can be created from the following recipes:

5The GamblerRandom divination cardA
1Stacked DeckRandom divination cardA
1The VoidRandom divination card set exchangeA

Usage in recipes

Jack in the Box is used in the following recipes:

The Battle Within4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mightblood Ire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Overflowing Chalice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sin's Rebirth4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wildfire Phloem4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Zerphi's Last Breath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Wise Oak4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rotgut4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Forbidden Taste4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sap of the Seasons4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Witchfire Brew4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Coralito's Signature4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Grasping Nightshade4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Writhing Jar4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lion's Roar4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Taste of Hate4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rumi's Concoction4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Divination Distillate4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Elixir4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kiara's Determination4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Death and Taxes4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hallowed Ground4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Olmec's Sanctum4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Pillars of Arun4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Oba's Cursed Trove4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Sorrow of the Divine4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Acton's Nightmare4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maelström of Chaos4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Whakawairua Tuahu4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Coward's Trial4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hall of Grandmasters4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ancient Skull4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Galesight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mind of the Council4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voll's Vision4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Pure Talent4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ezomyte Peak4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Flamesight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ahn's Contempt4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Brine Crown4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Geofri's Crest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Broken Crown4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Heretic's Veil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dead Reckoning4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Asphyxia's Wrath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Eber's Unification4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Twilight Temple4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thundersight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Poised Prism4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Three Dragons4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Skullhead4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Malachai's Simula4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ahuana's Bite4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rime Gaze4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thrillsteel4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Black Sun Crest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Goldrim4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Akoya's Gaze4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Obscurantis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wilma's Requital4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ancestral Vision4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Usurper's Penance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mindspiral4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Putrid Cloister4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mao Kun4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Deidbell4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fractal Thoughts4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Witchbane4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Memory Vault4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maloney's Nightfall4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Leer Cast4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Scorpion's Call4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rearguard4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Blood Price4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Skirmish4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Curtain Call4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Might of the Meek4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Saemus' Gift4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chitus' Apex4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Reefbane4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Heatshiver4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Speaker's Wreath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Poorjoy's Asylum4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Abyssus4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Veil of the Night4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Baron4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodnotch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mark of the Red Covenant4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hrimnor's Resolve4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kitava's Thirst4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Intuitive Leap4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Blackgleam4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soul Strike4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Craghead4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Starkonja's Head4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Immutable Force4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Elevore4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Stormshroud4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Eye of Malice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Crown of Thorns4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Firesong4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Blood Dance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kongor's Undying Rage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Alberon's Warpath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lightbane Raiment4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Algor Mortis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Inpulsa's Broken Heart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wondertrap4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Painseeker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Karui Ward4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Malachai's Loop4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Breath of the Council4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chober Chaber4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Willowgift4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Triad Grip4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ungil's Harmony4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Southbound4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Infernal Mantle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cherrubim's Maleficence4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Anvil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Skyforth4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kongming's Stratagem4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hinekora's Sight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Unnatural Instinct4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Stone of Lazhwar4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hrimnor's Hymn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Restless Ward4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Volkuur's Guidance (Fire)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Volkuur's Guidance (Lightning)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cospri's Will4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Torchoak Step4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sundance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Saffell's Frame4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maligaro's Lens4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wheel of the Stormsail4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Frostbreath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Jaws of Agony4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Daresso's Defiance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Brightbeak4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Brain Rattler4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Yriel's Fostering (Snake)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doon Cuebiyari4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ahn's Heritage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Ivory Tower4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Oskarm4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chalice of Horrors4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Coming Calamity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Hand of Phrecia4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Vixen's Entrapment4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kiloava's Bluster4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Blood of the Karui4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fleshcrafter4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lochtonial Caress4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soul Mantle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Axiom Perpetuum4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sadima's Touch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Greed's Embrace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thunderfist4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Light of Lunaris4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Incandescent Heart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kingsguard4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cameria's Maul4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Augyre4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tukohama's Fortress4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodsoaked Medallion4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Scorn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Devoto's Devotion4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Great Old One's Ward4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Replica Dragonfang's Flight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Callinellus Malleus4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chains of Command4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Carnage Heart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Briskwrap4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maligaro's Cruelty4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Inya's Epiphany4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaltenhalt4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voidhome4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rashkaldor's Patience4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gang's Momentum4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Deerstalker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kalisa's Grace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Storm's Gift4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Aegis Aurora4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Geofri's Sanctuary4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fairgraves' Tricorne4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Nomic's Storm4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Flesh-Eater4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Garukhan's Flight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wanderlust4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wyrmsign4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Matua Tupuna4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Song of the Sirens4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bronn's Lithe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Clayshaper4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Iron Fortress4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cloak of Flame4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Ignomon4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tear of Purity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Surgebinders4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thousand Teeth Temu4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Goldwyrm4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Victario's Charity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Victario's Flight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Titucius' Span4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Aurseize4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sin Trek4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lycosidae4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Solaris Lorica4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Stormcharger4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sidhebreath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Embalmer4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Drillneck4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Spirit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Abberath's Hooves4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Geofri's Baptism4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tanu Ahi4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gorebreaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dialla's Malefaction4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gruthkul's Pelt4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Singularity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kintsugi4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Orbala's Stand4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Snakebite4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Foxshade4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maata's Teaching4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gloomfang4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Covenant4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Black Cane4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hyrri's Ire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dusktoe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cloak of Defiance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Retaliation Charm4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Veruso's Ambition4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lavianga's Spirit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Crown of Eyes4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tainted Pact4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Jinxed Juju4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Empire's Grasp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tinkerskin4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chernobog's Pillar4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Daresso's Courage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Windscream4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ondar's Clasp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Perquil's Toe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Darkray Vectors4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Beast Fur Shawl4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ralakesh's Impatience4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hrimsorrow4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodgrip4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Eternal Apple4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Marylene's Fallacy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Zeel's Amplifier4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Araku Tiki4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bitterdream4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Great Old One's Tentacles4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Winterheart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Alpha's Howl4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Meginord's Vise4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Utula's Hunger4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Deep One's Hide4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ambu's Charge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ghostwrithe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Asenath's Mark4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sentari's Answer4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Warped Timepiece4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ashrend4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Giantsbane4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Grip of the Council4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Springleaf4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Yriel's Fostering (Ursa)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hyrri's Bite4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Icetomb4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Bringer of Rain4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mistwall4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Eye of Innocence4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Crest of Perandus4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voidbringer4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gravebind4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Stormseeker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ikiaho's Promise4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lioneye's Fall4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Volkuur's Guidance (Cold)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Vis Mortis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Haemophilia4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Zahndethus' Cassock4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rat's Nest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kahuturoa's Certainty4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Three-step Assault4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Repentance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Brass Dome4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Allelopathy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Yriel's Fostering (Rhoa)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shackles of the Wretched4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Veruso's Battering Rams4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Leper's Alms4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Earendel's Embrace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Quecholli4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Unending Hunger4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bones of Ullr4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thousand Ribbons4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Iron Commander4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wings of Entropy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lioneye's Remorse4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hiltless4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Martyr of Innocence4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fencoil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Roots4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Goredrill4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Terminus Est4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ephemeral Edge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Widowmaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Beltimber Blade4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rive4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Piscator's Vigil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodbond4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Nycta's Lantern4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Quill Rain4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dreamfeather4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Debeon's Dirge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Fourth Vow4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kondo's Pride4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rainbowstride4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Innsbury Edge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tremor Rod4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Pillar of the Caged God4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Reverberation Rod4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cane of Unravelling4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Last Resort4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Twyzel4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Eclipse Solaris4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ungil's Gauche4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Tempestuous Steel4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Taproot4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Heartbreaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Screaming Eagle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cybil's Paw4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Vaults of Atziri4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ichimonji4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Queen of the Forest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Wasp Nest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodplay4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Searing Touch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shavronne's Pace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Abberath's Horn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Limbsplit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fury Valve4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Defiance of Destiny4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bloodseeker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Dancing Dervish4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Death's Oath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mortem Morsu4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Inspired Learning4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rise of the Phoenix4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Tongue4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Storm Prison4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Eye of Chayula4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doomsower4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Prismatic Eclipse4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Oppressor4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Prism Guardian4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shiversting4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Vulconus4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Skin4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shade of Solaris4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Supreme Truth4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rakiata's Dance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Seven-League Step4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Queen's Decree4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Apep's Rage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Scourge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sinvicta's Mettle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Stormheart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Goblinedge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Null's Inclination4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Roth's Reach4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Taryn's Shiver4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Blood Thorn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Blood Reaper4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Tenure4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Redbeak4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dyadus4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Oro's Sacrifice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Aylardex4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Jack, the Axe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hezmana's Bloodlust4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wideswing4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Daresso's Passion4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Reach of the Council4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wake of Destruction4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Allure4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Princess4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mightflay4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Advancing Fortress4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dying Breath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Atziri's Foible4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Relentless Fury4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lightning Coil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mjölner4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tidebreaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Moonbender's Wing4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Widowhail4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wildslash4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
White Wind4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Consuming Dark4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hegemony's Era4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mon'tregul's Grasp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Extractor Mentis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Scaeva4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Essentia Sanguis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lakishu's Blade4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ahn's Might4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Slivertongue4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Nuro's Harp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Carcass Jack4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mark of the Doubting Knight4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Silverbranch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shaper's Seed4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Trypanon4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ewar's Mirage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Belly of the Beast4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Infractem4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Touch of Anguish4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kitava's Feast4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dreadarc4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Balefire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Facebreaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bramblejack4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Slitherpinch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Aurumvorax4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Femurs of the Saints4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Realmshaper4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Reaper's Pursuit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Death's Hand4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Grelwood Shank4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ornament of the East4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Death's Harp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Void Battery4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ashcaller4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Astramentis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dendrobate4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Razor of the Seventh Sun4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Moonsorrow4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Obliteration4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Agnerod North4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Midnight Bargain4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Agnerod West4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bisco's Leash4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Scold's Bridle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Sign4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Pyre4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doomfletch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Auxium4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Perseverance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soulthirst4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chain of Endurance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soul Tether4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Storm Cloud4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Poet's Pen4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maw of Conquest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ceinture of Benevolence4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tabula Rasa4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ascent From Flesh4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Agnerod East4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hyaon's Fury4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sire of Shards4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Siegebreaker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ylfeban's Trickery4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cospri's Malice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bino's Kitchen Knife4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lioneye's Vision4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rigwald's Charge4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doryani's Fist4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Varunastra4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Gull4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Stormfire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Binding4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Goddess Bound4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Emberwake4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Agnerod South4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wreath of Phrecia4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Fidelitas' Spike4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kalandra's Touch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lioneye's Glare4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Timeclasp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sunblast4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Willclash4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dream Fragments4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kikazaru4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Perandus Signet4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mokou's Embrace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sibyl's Lament4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ming's Heart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maligaro's Restraint4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Warden's Brand4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Victario's Influence4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ngamahu's Flame4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Squire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Chin Sol4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Assailum4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bated Breath4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Nevalius Inheritance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Heartbound Loop4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Praxis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Druggery4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Valyrium4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Anathema4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Winterweave4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Honourhome4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Grattus Signet4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soulbound4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Blackheart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Dyadian Dawn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shavronne's Wrappings4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Crown of the Pale King4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lifesprig4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Windripper4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Heart4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Snakepit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Bound Fate4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Cold Iron Point4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Perandus Blazon4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tawhanuku's Timing4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Magnate4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soul Taker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Hyrri's Truth4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Marohi Erqi4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voltaxic Rift4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Arakaali's Fang4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doryani's Prototype4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Meginord's Girdle4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Romira's Banquet4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Beacon of Madness (Fire and Lightning Resistance)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Essence Worm4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Badge of the Brotherhood4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Emperor's Vigilance4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lori's Lantern4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Jorrhast's Blacksteel4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Profane Proxy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Corpsewalker4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Aukuna's Will4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maloney's Mechanism4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Prismweave4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Belt of the Deceiver4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ryslatha's Coil4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Victario's Acuity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mother's Embrace4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Doedre's Damning4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voll's Protector4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Warrior's Legacy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Leash of Oblation4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Trolltimber Spire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Rat Cage4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Vaal Caress4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Immortal Flesh4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Sign of the Sin Eater4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Call of the Brotherhood4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Hungry Loop4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Flesh and Spirit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Thief's Torment4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Malachai's Artifice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Ephemeral Bond4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Brutus' Lead Sprinkler4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Ghastly Theatre4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Beacon of Madness (Fire and Cold Resistance)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mercenary's Lot4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Blunderbore4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rathpith Globe4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lavianga's Wisdom4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Beacon of Madness (Cold and Lightning Resistance)4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Le Heup of All4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Perfidy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Andvarius4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
March of the Legion4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Null and Void4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Whispering Ice4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Wurm's Molt4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shadows and Dust4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Maligaro's Virtuosity4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Asenath's Gentle Touch4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Umbilicus Immortalis4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Astral Projector4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Machina Mitts4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tavukai4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ventor's Gamble4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Daresso's Salute4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Primordial Chain4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gluttony4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Lioneye's Paws4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rebuke of the Vaal4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Demon Stitcher4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Al Dhih4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Darkscorn4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Kaom's Primacy4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mageblood4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Storm Secret4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Edge of Madness4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Venopuncture4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Soulwrest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Death Rush4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rigwald's Command4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Ngamahu's Sign4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Gifts from Above4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rigwald's Quills4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Divinarius4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voll's Devotion4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Tasalio's Sign4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Valako's Sign4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Icefang Orbit4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rigwald's Savagery4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Grey Spire4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Faminebind4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Highwayman4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Feastbind4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Pyroshock Clasp4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Voideye4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Mark of Submission4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Shavronne's Revelation4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Rigwald's Crest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
The Harvest4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Berek's Grip4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Berek's Pass4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Berek's Respite4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA
Headhunter4Jack in the BoxRandom itemA

Design attribution

Jack in the Box was created by supporter pechosa.[citation needed]

Version history

Version Changes
  • We've done a big shuffle of which Divination Cards can be found in each Map, which means most Maps drop fewer Divination Cards than before, but don't worry you can now see this information for yourself!
  • Jack in the Box now also drops from The Solaris Concourse, The Marketplace, The Battlefront, The City of Sarn. [Verified on Divcord This information has been verified by players on Divcord, the divination card discovery Discord server. Actual undocumented changes to drop locations may have occurred in a previous patch.]
  • Jack in the Box now also drops from Colonnade. [Verified on Divcord This information has been verified by players on Divcord, the divination card discovery Discord server. Actual undocumented changes to drop locations may have occurred in a previous patch.]
  • Cruel and Merciless difficulty and thus the former drop locations are removed.
  • The Jack in the Box divination card now drops less frequently.
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Chris (July 5, 2016). "Developer Q&A Answers". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved July 5, 2016.