Poorjoy's Asylum Temple MapMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 14 Guild Character: ß Item Quantity: +100% Item Rarity: +250%150% increased Experience gain (140-160)% more Monster Life (140-160)% increased Monster Damage 25% increased Monster Movement Speed 25% increased Monster Attack Speed 25% increased Monster Cast Speed Area is a large Maze Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>Laughs of all the twisted Echo through these halls of gold. In this cold forgotten void They wander, forever uncontrolled.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Echo through these
halls of gold.
In this cold forgotten void
They wander, forever uncontrolled.
Poorjoy's Asylum is a uniqueTemple MapTemple MapMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 14 Guild Character: -Immaculate white stone rises from the abyss. Perfection.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once..
Poorjoy's Asylum is in the current map series (Settlers) for the Atlas of Worlds.
Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>: The <Item Class> placeholder is replaced by one of 24 possible item classes, chosen randomly: Amulets, belts, body armours, boots, bows, claws, daggers, rune daggers, gloves, helmets, one-handed axes, one-handed maces, one-handed swords, one-handed thrusting swords, quivers, rings, sceptres, shields, staves, warstaves, two-handed axes, two-handed maces, two-handed swords, and wands.[1] For example, a Poorjoy's Asylum could roll with Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare Amulets, which causes the map boss, Mistress Hyseria, to drop a random assortment of rare amulets in addition to any other loot drops. A Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it. can be used to reroll the item class.
Due to the massive bonus to monster damage, the risk of getting killed in a fraction of a second in this map is severe. Enemies to beware of include:
Whipping Miscreations can deal upwards of 2000 damage per hit in this map, more if they are able to curse you with VulnerabilityVulnerabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex Level: (1-20) Cost: (16-33) Mana Cast Time: 0.50 sec AoE Radius: 22Requires Level 24Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage. Attacks against the cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding.Base duration is (8.00-11.80) seconds +(0-1) metre to radius Cursed enemies take (15-30)% increased Physical Damage Attack Hits against Cursed Enemies have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Attack Hits against Cursed Enemies have (0.5-10)% chance to Aggravate BleedingPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. beforehand or have damage-increasing affixes. Try not to be attacked by more than one at a time.
Otherworldly IncubatorOtherworldly IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Unique Map item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random map
Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.
Random item
Singular IncubatorSingular IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Unique item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
The Army of BloodThe Army of Blood6BloodbondI gave my mind without a fight, The twelfth hour I lost control. The day is gone but there is light, eyes that glow like red-hot coal.
The FiendThe Fiend11Headhunter CorruptedYour era is now, your power unwavered, soon we will see who the gods truly favoured.
The Golden EraThe Golden Era7Flaring Eclipse Staff Item Level:100Before gemlings, before thaumaturgy, a simple court magician could enthrall the masses.
The ThaumaturgistThe Thaumaturgist8Shavronne's Revelation Corrupted"Mastery of thaumaturgy is like any other pursuit; it requires dedication and sacrifice. Sometimes several sacrifices." - Shavronne of Umbra
(140 to 160)% increased Monster Life (140 to 160)% increased Monster Damage 25% increased Monster Movement Speed 25% increased Monster Attack Speed 25% increased Monster Cast Speed 250% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area Area is a Large Maze 150% increased Experience gain Unique Boss drops (10 to 15) additional Rare <Item Class>
(140 to 160)% increased Monster Life (140 to 160)% increased Monster Damage 25% increased Monster Movement Speed 25% increased Monster Attack Speed 25% increased Monster Cast Speed 250% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area Area is a Large Maze 150% increased Experience gain Unique Boss drops (10 to 15) additional Rare <Item Class>
Related items
Replica Poorjoy's AsylumReplica Poorjoy's Asylum Temple MapMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 14 Guild Character: ß Item Quantity: +100% Item Rarity: +250% Monster Pack Size: +50%200% increased Experience gain (140-160)% more Monster Life 50% increased Pack size Monsters have (500-1000)% increased Critical Strike Chance +(60-100)% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier (140-160)% increased Monster Damage 25% increased Monster Movement Speed 25% increased Monster Attack Speed 25% increased Monster Cast Speed Area is a large Maze Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>"Suppression troop two, the 'Martyrs for Science,' were able to seal the portals before Outpost Four was overrun. Only three men survived."Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked.
The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time.
Valdo's MapValdo's Puzzle BoxStack Size: 10Contains a Mysterious Map with a Foil Unique RewardI can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within... perhaps, someday, you will find a way.Right click to open.