This page is about the unique item. For the similarly named passive skill, see Soul Raker.
Soul Taker Siege AxeOne Handed Axe Physical Damage: (163.2-190.4) to (264-308) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: (1.80-1.88) Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 59, 119 Str, 82 Dex(140-180)% increased Physical Damage Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage (20-25)% increased Attack Speed +(20-25)% to Cold Resistance Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks Your Physical Damage can ChillIt is too easy for the soul to escape from an open heart.
Soul Taker has an exclusive property that allows meleeattacks to be used even if the character would have insufficient mana to use the skill normally. Additionally it makes your physical damagechill as if it were cold damage. Neither of these effects are limited to attacks with Soul Taker.
Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.
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Singular IncubatorSingular IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Unique item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
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Usage in recipes
Soul Taker is used in the following recipes:
KingmakerKingmaker Despot AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (360-414) to (488-561.2) Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)% Attacks per Second: (1.50-1.57) Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 66, 140 Str, 86 Dex(300-360)% increased Physical Damage (7-12)% increased Attack Speed (30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance Nearby Allies have 30% increased Item Rarity Nearby Allies have Culling Strike Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks Nearby Allies have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier Nearby Allies have +10 FortificationA King and his people are linked together like a soul and a beating heart. Both can be severed by a same edge, then forged anew.
Soul TakerSoul Taker Siege AxeOne Handed Axe Physical Damage: (163.2-190.4) to (264-308) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: (1.80-1.88) Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 59, 119 Str, 82 Dex(140-180)% increased Physical Damage Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage (20-25)% increased Attack Speed +(20-25)% to Cold Resistance Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks Your Physical Damage can ChillIt is too easy for the soul to escape from an open heart.
Corrupted items can not be used
HeartbreakerHeartbreaker Royal SkeanRune Dagger Physical Damage: 16-64 Critical Strike Chance: 8.00% Attacks per Second: 1.45 Weapon Range: 1.0 metresRequires Level 50, 71 Dex, 102 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance(60-70)% increased Spell Damage (40-80)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge +(60-100) to maximum Mana Your Spells have Culling StrikeA heart can be stabbed by thoughts, If your mind is sharp enough.
Orb of FusingOrb of FusingStack Size: 20Reforges the links between sockets on an itemRight click this item then left click a socketed item to apply it. The item's quality increases the chances of obtaining more links.
Replica Soul TakerReplica Soul Taker Siege AxeOne Handed Axe Physical Damage: (163.2-190.4) to (264-308) Critical Strike Chance: (8.00-9.00)% Attacks per Second: 1.50 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 59, 119 Str, 82 Dex(140-180)% increased Physical Damage Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage (60-80)% increased Critical Strike Chance +(20-25)% to Cold Resistance Your Physical Damage can Freeze Eldritch Battery"Nothing feels so smooth in the hand as Prototype #66. Results like these may justify everything we do here."
The Soul Taker Unique Axe now has 140-180% increased Physical Damage (previously 100-140%), and Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage (previously 10 to 20). Existing versions of this unique can be updated using a Divine Orb.
Changed the mod on the unique Soul Taker from "Melee attacks can't fail based on cost" to "Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks". This means it will no longer have any effect when using Blood Magic. Instead of killing you, the skill will fail.