Rigwald's Quills Two-Point Arrow QuiverRequires Level 56(20-30)% increased Global Accuracy Rating-10% to Fire Resistance +(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance Gain 7 Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks 20% reduced Projectile Speed (30-50)% increased Projectile Damage Arrows ForkThe fortunate inscribe their legacy in the pages of history books. The rest of us must leave our mark with our blood or the blood of others.
Rigwald's Quills can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.
Rigwald's Quills belongs to a special group of unique items called league-specific items, which can be obtained from certain divination cards and other sources in addition to their normal acquisition methods.
Rigwald's Quills can be created from the following recipes:
The Wolven King's BiteThe Wolven King's Bite8Rigwald's QuillsA wolf does not bite his mate as he does his prey, yet both begin with bared teeth. Know who you are, and you will know the meaning of the bite.
The WolfThe Wolf5Rigwald ItemThe largest beasts cannot be overpowered. The Greatwolf teaches us to use guile, not strength, to probe for the soft flesh and strike deep.
Random Rigwald item
Fateful MeetingFateful Meeting9League-Specific Item Double-Influenced Item Item Level:97 Two-Implicit CorruptedSome people act as beacons, illuminating the path for others. I was lucky to meet one such person.
- Anton to Zhenya
Random two-implicit corrupted level 97 league-specific item
Time-Lost RelicTime-Lost Relic10League-Specific ItemTime cannot wash away that which cannot be forgotten.
Random league-specific item
Time-Lost IncubatorTime-Lost IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated League-specific Unique item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random league-specific item
PrejudicePrejudice7Item Influenced ItemOne who is blinded by their past may only see a sliver of the present.
Random influenced item
Costly CurioCostly Curio6Item Double-Influenced Item"Oh no, I couldn't possibly afford this fine artefact. I'm... just looking."
Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.
Random item
Singular IncubatorSingular IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Unique item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
Random divination card set exchange
Rigwald's Quills could only drop from a level 70 or higher Rigwald, the Wolven King.[1] Since the boss is currently not in the game, the only way to get this item now is through specific divination cards (see section above) or trading with other players. Other not confirmed methods are beastcrafting. harvest crafting, Ancient OrbAncient OrbStack Size: 20Reforges a unique equipment as another of the same item classRight click this item then left click a unique item to apply it., Hall of Offerings or Apex of Ascensionincursion rooms of The Temple of Atzoatl, etc.
Rigwald's CrestRigwald's Crest Two-Stone RingRequires Level 20+(12-16)% to Fire and Cold ResistancesTrigger Level 10 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill (20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration RateWithin the heart of every man and woman lies the soul of a ferocious beast. If you cannot tame it, embrace it.
Rigwald's ChargeRigwald's Charge Highland BladeTwo Hand Sword Physical Damage: (99-112.5) to (184.8-210) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.62 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 44, 77 Str, 77 Dex+305 to Accuracy Rating(120-150)% increased Physical Damage 20% increased Attack Speed 10% increased Movement Speed +(300-350) to Accuracy Rating 15% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recently"Today, clansmen, my sword is my voice!" - Rigwald, at the Battle of Glarryn
Rigwald's SavageryRigwald's Savagery Royal AxeOne Handed Axe Physical Damage: (104-124) to (235-265) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: (1.32-1.38) Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 67, 167 Str, 57 DexAdds (50-70) to (135-165) Physical Damage 40% increased Physical Attack Damage while Dual Wielding (10-15)% increased Attack Speed +10 to Maximum Rage while wielding a SwordTear the flesh from the bone. Turn the bone to dust. Scatter the dust to the wind.
Rigwald's CommandRigwald's Command Midnight BladeOne Handed Sword Physical Damage: (95-115) to (249-279) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.30 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating+10% Chance to BlockAttack Damage while Dual Wielding Adds (60-80) to (150-180) Physical Damage +(350-400) to Accuracy Rating Each Rage also grants +2% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding while wielding an AxeFear not death. Turn to him, face him. And smile as he sinks his teeth into the throats of our oppressors.