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Glorious Plate
Armour: (776-892)Requires Level 68, 191 Str(25-40)% increased Melee Damage
+(60-90) to maximum Life
Having a placed Banner does not prevent you gaining Valour
The Trickster God turned the very Day and Night against each other.
What hope have you?
Drop level: 82
Vendor Offer
4x Alchemy Shard
3x Alteration Shard
Item class: Body Armour

Perfidy is a unique Glorious PlateGlorious PlateArmour: (776-892)Requires Level 68, 191 Str.


Version history

Version Changes
  • The Perfidy Unique Body Armour no longer has "You can have two different Banners at the same time", "Banners you are carrying gain 1 Stage on Melee Hit, up to 5 per second", "Defiance Banner has 100-200% increased Taunt duration", "Dread Banner grants an additional +2-4 to maximum Fortification when placing the Banner" or "War Banner has 100-200% increased Adrenaline duration". It now has "Having a placed Banner does not prevent you gaining Valour". This change affects existing versions of this item.
  • No longer has Dread Banner has 100-200% increased Fortification duration. Instead, it now has Dread Banner grants an additional +2-4 to maximum Fortification when placing the Banner.
    • This change affects existing items.
  • Now grants two random Banner buff duration modifiers. This does not apply to existing items.
  • Several Simulacrum, Legion, Shaper Guardian, Elder Guardian, and Conqueror Drop-Restricted Uniques have been changed to be core Uniques instead. These no longer drop deterministically from their original sources.[1]
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Tarke Cat (interviewer), Rory Rackham (interviewee) (April 9, 2021). "Baeclast #68 Lead Designer Rory Rackham on PoE2 & Ultimatum League". Youtube. Retrieved April 9, 2021.
