Soul Mantle

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Soul Mantle
Spidersilk Robe
Energy Shield: (202-257)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 49, 134 IntSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage
(100-120)% increased Energy Shield
(20-30)% increased Totem Life
Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die
The greatest mistakes cause suffering
long after they have been made
Vendor Offer
5x Alchemy Shard
6x Alteration Shard
Item class: Body Armour

Soul Mantle is a unique Spidersilk RobeSpidersilk RobeEnergy Shield: (101-117)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 49, 134 Int


Applicable skill gems socketed in this item are supported by level 20 Spell Totem SupportSpell Totem SupportSupport, Spell, Totem
Icon: T
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 200%
Requires Level 8Supports spell skills that are not triggered. Instead of casting that spell, you will summon a totem that casts the spell for you.Supported Skills deal (49-40)% less Damage
Supported Skills will summon a Totem which uses that Skill
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Supported Skills have 40% less Cast Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Totem Placement speed
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
. All support stats are accounted for, including the cost and reservation multiplier.

Whenever the character's totem "dies", the character is inflicted with a random hex curse (except Silence). This curse does not count toward any active curse limit; it will be applied in addition to any existing curses.[1] A totem dies when its life is reduced to zero, when its duration expires, or when it is destroyed due to the character's active totem limit.[2]

A character may obtain some curse resistance using Thief's TormentThief's Torment
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances(20-30)% increased Rarity of Items Found
Can't use other Rings
+(25-40)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain (40-60) Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
Gain 30 Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacks
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
The ring I stole,
My finger they took,
A shrouded mind,
Cut their curses short,
As I drained their spirit
And stole their soul.
A blessing is often a curse.
or KikazaruKikazaru
Topaz Ring
Requires Level 20+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10-15) to all Attributes
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
60% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Regenerate 3 Life per second per Level
Hear no evil.
to counter this. Atziri's ReflectionAtziri's Reflection
Golden Buckler
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (991-1221)
Energy Shield: (180-200)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Hex Reflection
Unaffected by Curses
(15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses
"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
, can be used to completely nullify the negative effect of Soul Mantle. The jewel Self-FlagellationSelf-Flagellation
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you
An additional Curse can be applied to you
CorruptedBeg for forgiveness.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
can be used to gain a certain advantage from the curses. Consecrated ground from Holy Flame TotemHoly Flame TotemTotem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.Deals (2-153) to (5-230) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
grants curse immunity.

Item acquisition

Soul Mantle can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Soul Mantle can be created from the following recipes:

4The BodyThe Body4Body ArmourThey say it is the head that leads, but all must flow through the body at some point.Random body armourA
Influenced Item
One who is blinded by their past may only see a sliver of the present.
Random influenced itemA
6Costly CurioCostly Curio6Item
Double-Influenced Item
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly afford this fine artefact. I'm... just looking."
Random double-influenced itemA
8Arrogance of the VaalArrogance of the Vaal8Item
Discovery can lead to beauty, or it can lead to ruin.
Random two-implicit corrupted itemA
4Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank,
close your eyes,
and pray to the gods
for a pleasant surprise.
Random itemA
1Singular IncubatorSingular IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Unique item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random itemA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Legacy variants

Soul Mantle has legacy variants.

Version discontinued Stats Compare each legacy variant to the current variant.
  • Stat line – Same as current variant
  • Stat line – Different from current variant

  • Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
  • (20-25)% increased Spell Damage
  • (100-120)% increased Energy Shield
  • (20-30)% increased Totem Life
  • +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect
  • Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
  • (20-25)% increased Spell Damage
  • (100-120)% increased Energy Shield
  • 50% increased Totem Life
  • +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect
  • Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 14 Spell Totem
  • (20-25)% increased Spell Damage
  • (100-120)% increased Energy Shield
  • 50% increased Totem Life
  • +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect
  • Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 14 Spell Totem
  • (20-25)% increased Spell Damage
  • (100-120)% increased Energy Shield
  • 25% increased Totem Life
  • +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect

All versions of this item, including legacy versions, lost the "with 80% more Effect" due to changes in version 3.20.0.

WARNING unlike Vis MortisVis Mortis
Necromancer Silks
Energy Shield: (369-470)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 59, 160 Int(200-220)% increased Energy Shield
+(20-30) to maximum Mana
Minions have 20% reduced maximum Life
Minions deal 15% increased Damage
Minions gain (15-20)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Reap what others have sown
Muster them from their graves
Parade them for your pleasure
Zealots in mortis enslaved
, using a Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it. on Soul Mantle will delete the legacy mod +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems,[3] as the dev added a new default value = 0 to the mod.

Design attribution

Soul Mantle was created by supporter Durentis.[4]


Version history

Version Changes
  • Item modifiers that inflict a specific Hex no longer do so with increased effect. This includes instances where the Hex is a downside on the player, such as from Coward's Chains, Coward's Legacy, or Soul Mantle. This change affects existing items.
  • The Soul Mantle Unique Body Armour no longer has +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems. Existing items can be updated with a Divine Orb and a momentary lapse in judgement.
  • Soul Mantle Unique Body Armour now grants 20-30% increased Totem Life (previously 50%).
  • Existing items can be updated to these new (worse) values with a Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it..
  • Updated the description of the "Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% increased Effect" modifier on the Soul Mantle unique body armour to be 80% more Effect. This does not impact the already-hotfixed functionality of Soul Mantle.
  • Changed the Increased Effect of Hexes on Soul Mantle to be More Effect. This was a server-side change, and we will fix the description in our next client patch.
  • Items which previously inflicted a random Curse will now inflict a random Hex.
  • Items which apply a Curse to an enemy (such as the curse-on-hit Ring modifiers) no longer specify a level, and instead have a set magnitude for their values with a fixed amount of Doom, which is overwritten when another source applies a more potent version (similar to Arcane Surge).
  • Soul Mantle now has the mod Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% increased Effect. Affects all version. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Added 3D art.
  • Socketed gems now supported by level 20 Spell Totem.
  • Soul Mantle now has +50% totem life. This has been increased as the result of fixing a bug with totem life - the change won't affect the power of the item. Existing versions of the item will have the smaller value, which will have less impact on totem life than it previously did. Older versions can be updated with a Divine Orb.
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Mark_GGG (April 12, 2013). "unique items *no longer updated*". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved February 23, 2014.
  2. Mark_GGG (April 12, 2013). "unique items *no longer updated*". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved February 23, 2014.
  3. Version 3.17.0 patch notes
  4. Mark_GGG (April 24, 2013). "Soul Mantle". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved April 24, 2013.