Port Map

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This article is about the variant of Port Map from the most recent map series in which it appeared. For other variants, see § Map variants.
[view] [edit]Port MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Drop level: 81
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Map
Map area
No Waypoint
Area level70
BossesUnravelling Horror
Unravelling Horror
Unravelling Horror
Unravelling Horror
Unravelling Horror
Area type tagsurban
Tagsmap, einharmaps, marketplace_area, urban_sarn_area, dock_area, ocean_area, ruined_area, cannot_possess_boss, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_fortress
The Shaper: The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.
Vaal Side AreasEvacuated Quarter (MapSideArea8_3)
Concealed Caldarium (MapSideArea8_5)
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.

Port Map is a map area.

Port Map is in the current map series (Necropolis) for the Atlas of Worlds.




Unravelling Horror

The fight consists of 4 stages – upon death a smaller version with less hitpoints and an additional ability is spawned.

Boss video

Items found from this monster

Required level
MatryoshkaMatryoshka8 Onyx Amulet
Item Level: 85
Quality: +20%
Influenced Item
Four Anointments
Incubating Talisman Item
I cannot contain myself,
but I can barely squeak,
so many words I'd have for you,
if I could only speak!

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Assassin's FavourAssassin's Favour9DaggerBy the time their eyes meet,
the dark deal has long since been made,
and his fate long since sealed.
Dying AnguishDying Anguish8Level 19 Transfigured Gem
Quality: +19%
Moribund, he gazed upon the journey taken as blood trickled down his chin. His eye closed on the city ahead that he would never call home.
Her MaskHer Mask4Sacrifice FragmentTo her beauty you submit,
lest your neck the great Queen slit.
HopeHope5Prismatic Ring
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.
Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank,
close your eyes,
and pray to the gods
for a pleasant surprise.
Lantador's Lost LoveLantador's Lost Love7Two-Stone RingThey fought the storm together as one,
Until the longest of days was done.
Their love grew stronger
with every breath,
Until it was broken apart in death.
Lingering RemnantsLingering Remnants16Vaal Temple Map
Item Level: 83
Never dying, yet not living,
Endlessly they wander
beneath the harvest moon.
Lucky ConnectionsLucky Connections720x Orb of FusingLuck is a fool's game, and I know plenty of rich fools.23
ProsperityProsperity10Perandus' Gold RingAccumulating wealth has its own costs.61
RatsRats8Rat's NestWhoever said 'more is always better' has obviously never met a rat.41
The Encroaching DarknessThe Encroaching Darkness8Map
No matter where your dreams take you, Nightmare follows close behind.
The GamblerThe Gambler5Divination Card"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."68
The JourneyThe Journey3Harbinger's OrbOh the places you will go, the sights you will see, the things you will meet.68
The MessengerThe Messenger4Harbinger Piece

The PactThe Pact9Pledge of Hands"On this day I mark the first of many agreements that I will have with this land and its people."51
The PoetThe Poet9Blood of Corruption
God had forsaken the land
And Victario wept.
Corruption consumed the land
And Victario's tears turned to blood.
The Saint's TreasureThe Saint's Treasure102x Exalted OrbPublicly, he lived a pious and chaste life of poverty. Privately, tithes and tributes made him and his lascivious company very comfortable indeed.68
The Tinkerer's TableThe Tinkerer's Table55x FossilTrying to bring your vision to life is enough to drive you mad.33
The TrialThe Trial7Map
Map Tier: 15
You cannot journey to new lands until you have the courage to leave the safety of home.
The TyrantThe Tyrant9Merciless Weapon
Item Level: 100
"Fear controls the masses."
- Laszlo, the Scourge
Three Faces in the DarkThree Faces in the Dark73x Chaos OrbFor every threat you spy in the shadows, there are two others you don't.23
The Tireless ExtractorThe Tireless Extractor810x Oil"I am not alone in this. I have God by my side! And... you help sometimes, I suppose."
- Sister Cassia
Azure RageAzure Rage4Punishing Map
Map Tier: 16
The mask hides his identity
but also makes it hard to read...
The Return of the RatThe Return of the Rat3TavukaiAnd he shall be heralded by the screams of the damned.50

Item acquisition

Port Map can drop anywhere.


Port Map can be created from the following recipes:

8Lost WorldsLost Worlds8Map
Map Tier: 15
"There are worlds that lie beyond the edge of my page, the edge of my understanding. Worlds of wonder. Worlds of terror."
Aramil - Cartographer to Emperor Chitus
Random tier 15 mapA
7The TrialThe Trial7Map
Map Tier: 15
You cannot journey to new lands until you have the courage to leave the safety of home.
Random corrupted tier 15 mapA
2The Easy StrollThe Easy Stroll2Map
Map Tier: 15
Modifiers: 8
"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon."

- Blonca's last words
Random corrupted tier 15 map with 8 modifiersA
5The Price of ProtectionThe Price of Protection5Elder Guardian Occupied Map
Map Tier: 14 to 16
Modifiers: 8
To protect her mansion, she would cut a deal with anyone. Anything.

Something answered.
Random corrupted tier 14–16 map with 8 modifiers and occupied by an Elder GuardianA
4Boundless RealmsBoundless Realms4MapBoundless is the distance between where we start and where we start again.Random mapA
6The ExplorerThe Explorer6Map
A map is only useful if you know where you stand.
Random corrupted mapA
5A Dusty MemoryA Dusty Memory5Item
Item Level: 100
In the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.
Random fractured item level 100 itemA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Map variants

Port MapPort MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 69
Map Tier: 2
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
370The Forbidden Sanctum
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 79
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 79
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle
the ocean for domain.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 74
Map Tier: 7
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 11
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 73
Map Tier: 6
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 73
Map Tier: 6
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 74
Map Tier: 7
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: e
The wealthy foolishly battle the ocean for domain.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: e
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
370War for the Atlas
Port MapPort MapMap Level: 77
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: r
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1077Atlas of Worlds
Shaped Port MapShaped Port MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: r
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1582Atlas of Worlds

Unique versions

There are currently no unique items for this base item type.

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • Many map bosses have also shifted around. Some have been retired and replaced!
  • Added 32 new maps including two new Unique maps.
  • The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked.
  • The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time.
  • The Quay map has been renamed Port.
  • We've added thirty new maps and dozens of new map bosses.