Tabula Rasa has 6 linked white sockets, but provides no defence values, even no base values of a Simple RobeSimple RobeEnergy Shield: (14-20) Movement Speed: -3%Requires 17 Int.
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Tabula Rasa is an item where theme trumped the general rules in the game slightly. The entire theme of the item is that it grants no stats, so as a result, there's nothing on it to describe exactly what it does, which can make it a little confusing for players who find one while still new to the game.
The (hidden) modifiers on this item cause it to have no defenses - not even the base values that would be on a normal Simple Robe, and cause it to always have a full 6, linked, white sockets. White sockets can accept gems of any colour, making it easy to link lots of gems together, since you don't have to care about finding items with the right colours on their sockets to match the supports you want to use.
Like a literal blank slate, the item does nothing on it's own, but has lots of potential, depending on how you chose to fill it up.
Practically, it offers offensive power (easier to get five support gems on you main skill) at the cost of defenses (item in body armour slot isn't helping keep you alive). It can be quite useful while leveling new characters through early content, and for experimenting with different gem layouts for future builds, but is unlikely to do well in endgame.