Mageblood Heavy BeltRequires Level 44+(25-35) to Strength+(30-50) to Dexterity +(15-25)% to Fire Resistance +(15-25)% to Cold Resistance Magic Utility Flasks cannot be Used Leftmost (2-4) Magic Utility Flasks constantly apply their Flask Effects to you Magic Utility Flask Effects cannot be removedRivers of power course through your veins.
Due to its powerful flask-enhancing effects and extremely low drop rate as a tier 0 unique, it is typically one of the most expensive items in each league, traded amongst players for several hundred Divine OrbsDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it.. It is also commonly used as a status symbol.
Magic Utility Flasks cannot be Used prevents the player from activating Magic Utility Flasks equipped on their character. This prevents effects such as replenishing Ward with an Iron FlaskIron FlaskLasts 4.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use +200 to WardRequires Level 27Restores Ward on useRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. or taunting enemies with a Basalt FlaskBasalt FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 20% more ArmourRequires Level 27Taunts nearby Enemies on useRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters..
Normal and Unique Flasks are unaffected and can be used as normal. All Life, Mana, or Hybrid Flasks are also unaffected.
Magic Utility Flask Effects cannot be removed prevents effects such as Drought Bringer from removing flask effects on you from Magic Utility Flasks.
Leftmost (2-4) Magic Utility Flasks constantly apply their Flask Effects to you causes the effect of Magic Utility Flasks to continually apply to the character, including suffixes that provide effects during Flask Effect.
This does not count as using a Flask, and thus effects that trigger on Flask use do not apply (e.g. Sulphur FlaskSulphur FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 40% increased DamageRequires Level 27Creates Consecrated Ground on UseRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. creating Consecrated Ground). Because Flask charges are not consumed, using Flasks with the Alchemist's prefix and up to 70% increased effect from Enchantments using the Enkindling OrbEnkindling OrbStack Size: 20Adds an enchantment to a utility flask that will improve it but prevent it from gaining charges during its effect Replaces any existing enchantmentRight click this item then left click a flask to apply it. greatly improves the effects without the downside; indeed, these two modifiers are a significant part of the power that Mageblood can provide.
Similarly, the Harvest craft that increases flask effect does not deplete because the flasks are not actively used. The Harvest enchantment Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants 50% increased Effect. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use can be used if the player does not have enough Enkindling Orbs.
Flask options
Since Utility Flasks used for Mageblood are usually rolled with a 25% increased effect prefix and a 70% increased effect Enkindling OrbEnkindling OrbStack Size: 20Adds an enchantment to a utility flask that will improve it but prevent it from gaining charges during its effect Replaces any existing enchantmentRight click this item then left click a flask to apply it.enchantment, both the flask implicit and suffix are scaled by 95%. This, without any additional flask scaling from other items or passives, offers the following stats, of which up to four can be picked:
Utility Flask
Scaled implicit effect
Quicksilver FlaskQuicksilver FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use 40% increased Movement SpeedRequires Level 4Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
78% increased Movement Speed
Bismuth FlaskBismuth FlaskLasts 8.50 Seconds Consumes 15 of 40 Charges on use +35% to all Elemental ResistancesRequires Level 8Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+68% to all Elemental Resistances
Amethyst FlaskAmethyst FlaskLasts 6.50 Seconds Consumes 35 of 65 Charges on use +35% to Chaos ResistanceRequires Level 18Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+68% to Chaos Resistance
Ruby FlaskRuby FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use +40% to Fire Resistance +5% to maximum Fire ResistanceRequires Level 18Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+97% to Fire Resistance
+9% to maximum Fire resistance
Sapphire FlaskSapphire FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use +40% to Cold Resistance +5% to maximum Cold ResistanceRequires Level 18Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+97% to Cold Resistance
+9% to maximum Cold resistance
Topaz FlaskTopaz FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use +40% to Lightning Resistance +5% to maximum Lightning ResistanceRequires Level 18Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+97% to Lightning Resistance
+9% to maximum Lightning resistance
Aquamarine FlaskAquamarine FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use 60% reduced Effect of Freeze on youRequires Level 27Creates Chilled Ground on UseRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
117% reduced Effect of Freeze on you
Basalt FlaskBasalt FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 20% more ArmourRequires Level 27Taunts nearby Enemies on useRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
39% more Armour
Corundum FlaskCorundum FlaskLasts 7.50 Seconds Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use 30% increased Stun Threshold Cannot be Stunned if you've been Stunned during EffectRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
58% increased Stun Threshold
Diamond FlaskDiamond FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 20 of 40 Charges on use 100% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
195% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Gold FlaskGold FlaskLasts 5.00 Seconds Consumes 60 of 80 Charges on use 30% increased Rarity of Items foundRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
58% increased Rarity of Items found
Granite FlaskGranite FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use +1500 to ArmourRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+2925 to Armour
Iron FlaskIron FlaskLasts 4.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use +200 to WardRequires Level 27Restores Ward on useRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+390 to Ward
Jade FlaskJade FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use +1500 to Evasion RatingRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+2925 to Evasion Rating
Quartz FlaskQuartz FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use Phasing +10% chance to Suppress Spell DamageRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
+19% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Silver FlaskSilver FlaskLasts 6.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use OnslaughtRequires Level 27Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
(granting 39% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed)
Stibnite FlaskStibnite FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 20% more Evasion RatingRequires Level 27Creates a Smoke Cloud on UseRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
39% more Evasion Rating
Sulphur FlaskSulphur FlaskLasts 8.00 Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 40% increased DamageRequires Level 27Creates Consecrated Ground on UseRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
78% increased Damage
Max rolled suffix
Scaled suffix effect
of Bloodletting
1.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
of Bog Moss
107% chance to Avoid being Shocked
of Draining
1.5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield
of Incision
107% increased Critical Strike Chance
of Infliction
66% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
of Runeblazing
58% increased Ward
of Stabilisation
156% increased Block and Stun Recovery
of Tenaciousness
107% Chance to Avoid being Stunned
of the Armadillo
117% increased Armour
of the Bear
126% reduced Effect of Chill on you
126% reduced Freeze Duration on you
of the Cheetah
27% increased Movement Speed
of the Eel
Immunity to Shock
of the Heron
126% reduced Effect of Shock on you
of the Iguana
Immunity to Bleeding and Corrupted Blood
of the Impala
117% increased Evasion Rating
of the Opossum
Immunity to Poison
of the Owl
126% reduced Effect of Curses on you during Effect
of the Penguin
Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Effect
of the Rainbow
78% additional Elemental Resistances during Effect
of the Seal
107% chance to Avoid being Chilled during Effect
107% chance to Avoid being Frozen during Effect
of the Starfish
Immunity to Ignite during Effect
Removes Burning on use
of the Sunfish
107% chance to Avoid being Ignited during Effect
Some useful synergies that can be used with these flask effects include StormshroudStormshroud Viridian Jewel+(10-15)% to Lightning Resistance Modifiers to Chance to Avoid being Shocked apply to all Elemental AilmentsThe true secret of the elements is that all are one and the same.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. with chance to avoid being shocked (NOT reduced effect of shock or immunity to shock!) and Self-FlagellationSelf-Flagellation Viridian JewelLimited to: 1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you An additional Curse can be applied to youCorruptedBeg for forgiveness.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. with reduced curse effect.
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Costly CurioCostly Curio6Item Double-Influenced Item"Oh no, I couldn't possibly afford this fine artefact. I'm... just looking."
Jack in the BoxJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.
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The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.