Fire damage

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"Fire Damage" redirects here. For the passive skill, see Fire Damage (passive skill).

Fire damage is one of the five damage types and of the three types which count as elemental damage.

If a creature lands a critical strike with an attack or spell that deals fire damage, the ignite status ailment is inflicted. Some fire damage, including that caused by ignite, is further classified as burning and is a type of damage over time. (Note that if the source deals non-fire damage that is taken as fire by the target, the ignite will not occur due the source having no base fire damage to scale an ignite off of.)

Fire damage is mitigated by fire resistance and reduction to fire damage taken. Skills which deal or affect fire damage have the Fire gem tag. Some modifiers convert other types of damage into fire.


A list of gems with the gem tag: Fire

Attack skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Artillery BallistaArtillery BallistaAttack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: (50-65)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (50-65)%
Requires Level 28Summons a ballista totem that propels a sequence of fiery arrows into the air. The arrows impact the ground in a line, each dealing area damage to enemies around it. Requires a Bow.Totem lasts 8 seconds
+(2-3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
Fires 6 Arrows
Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Arrows
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Artillery Ballista of Cross StrafeArtillery Ballista of Cross StrafeAttack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: (50-65)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (50-65)%
Requires Level 28Summons a ballista totem that propels a sequence of fiery arrows into the air. The arrows impact the ground in two perpendicular lines, each dealing area damage to enemies around it. Requires a Bow.Totem lasts 8 seconds
+(2-3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
Fires 6 Arrows
Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Arrows fall in two perpendicular lines

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Arrows
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Artillery Ballista of Focus FireArtillery Ballista of Focus FireAttack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: (80-120)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (80-120)%
Requires Level 28Summons a ballista totem that propels a number of fiery arrows into the air, each targeting a specific enemy. Arrows deal area damage to enemies around it on landing. Requires a Bow.Totem lasts 8 seconds
+(2-3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
Fires up to 5 Arrows at different targets
Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Arrows
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blast RainBlast RainFire, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (30-35)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (30-36)%
Requires Level 28Fires arrows up in the air, to rain down in an area. Each arrow deals area damage around where it lands, and they will all overlap on the targeted location.Fires 6 Arrows
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Penetrates (20-30)% Fire Resistance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Arrows
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Burning ArrowBurning ArrowAttack, Projectile, Fire, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (280-420)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (280-420)%
Projectile Speed: 3260
Fires a burning arrow that deals fire damage and has a chance to ignite.25% chance to Ignite enemies
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% more Damage with Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Burning Arrow of VigourBurning Arrow of VigourAttack, Projectile, Fire, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Fires a burning arrow that deals fire damage and has a chance to ignite.Deals Added Fire Damage equal to (15-24)% of Maximum Life
25% chance to Ignite enemies
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% more Damage with Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Elemental HitElemental HitAttack, Melee, Strike, Fire, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Prismatic
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
AoE Radius: 10
Requires Level 12Each attack with a melee weapon will choose an element at random, and will only be able to deal damage of that element. If the attack hits an enemy, it will deal damage in an area around them, with the radius being larger if that enemy is suffering from an ailment of the chosen element. It will avoid choosing the same element twice in a row.(21-609) to (40-1133) Added Cold Damage
(26-748) to (49-1389) Added Fire Damage
(4-118) to (80-2287) Added Lightning Damage
Only Deals Damage of the chosen Element
Deals no Damage of other Damage Types
(30-49)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
Base radius is 1 metre
80% more Area Radius against Enemies affected by an Ailment of the chosen Element
10% more Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on the Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% more Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on the Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Elemental Hit of the SpectrumElemental Hit of the SpectrumAttack, Projectile, Fire, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Requires Level 12Fires a projectile with a wand or bow that deals fire, cold and lightning damage. If the projectile hits an enemy, it will deal damage in an area around them.(6-148) to (12-275) Added Cold Damage
(8-182) to (14-337) Added Fire Damage
(1-29) to (23-555) Added Lightning Damage
(30-49)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
Base radius is 1.5 metres
Deals no Non-Elemental Damage
10% more Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on the Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% more Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on the Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive ArrowExplosive ArrowAttack, Projectile, AoE, Duration, Fire, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Projectile Speed: 3260
AoE Radius: 15
Requires Level 28Fires an arrow which will stick into an enemy or wall, and then explode, dealing area damage around it, either after a duration or when the maximum number of arrows stuck to that target is reached. If an enemy has multiple Explosive Arrows stuck in them, the first one to explode will consume the others, adding their damage to its explosion.Base duration is 1.00 seconds
Explosion deals 50% less Base Damage
Explosion will have (47-522) to (71-783) added Fire Damage
+0.2 metres to Explosion Radius per Explosive Arrow on Target, up to a maximum of +1.2 metres
Explosion deals 6% more Damage with Hits per Explosive Arrow on Target
Explosion deals 3% more Damage with Ailments per Explosive Arrow on Target
Maximum 20 Explosive Arrows stuck in an Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) Maximum Explosive Arrows stuck in an Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive ConcoctionExplosive ConcoctionAttack, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Projectile
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-9) Mana
Attack Speed: 115% of base
Requires Level 28Throws a bottle that explodes to deal unarmed attack damage in an area. Can consume charges from your Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz flasks to add further damage. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon.(116-1203) to (173-1805) Added Fire Damage
+6% to Critical Strike Chance
Base radius is 1.8 metres
Can consume Charges from Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz Flasks
Consumes 1 Charge per Projectile Fired from 1 Flask of each valid type, if possible
Deals (45-466) to (68-707) Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask
Deals (10-105) to (104-1083) Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask
+(60-98)% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Ignite if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.75-15)% reduced Flask Charges used
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive Concoction of DestructionExplosive Concoction of DestructionCritical, Attack, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Projectile
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-9) Mana
Attack Speed: 115% of base
Requires Level 28Throws a bottle that explodes to deal unarmed attack damage in an area. Can consume charges from your Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz flasks to add further damage. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon.(92-960) to (138-1440) Added Fire Damage
+10% to Critical Strike Chance
Base radius is 1.8 metres
Can consume Charges from Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz Flasks
Consumes 1 Charge per Projectile Fired from 1 Flask of each valid type, if possible
Deals (36-372) to (54-564) Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask
Deals (8-84) to (83-864) Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask
+(60-98)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.75-15)% reduced Flask Charges used
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Burning ArrowVaal Burning ArrowAttack, Projectile, AoE, Vaal, Fire, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 15
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 2 sec
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (390-560)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (390-560)%
Projectile Speed: 3260
Fires an arrow that explodes, dealing fire damage to its target and other nearby enemies, with an increased chance of igniting them.50% chance to Ignite enemies
Projectiles Pierce 3 additional Targets
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Can't be Evaded

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% more Damage with Ignite
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Wild StrikeWild StrikeAttack, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Projectile, AoE, Chaining, Prismatic
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (219-403)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (219-403)%
Projectile Speed: 1800
Requires Level 28Your melee weapon strikes enemies, converting physical damage to a random element. Then, depending on the element chosen, it releases a fiery explosion, an arcing bolt of lightning, or an icy wave. It will avoid choosing the same element twice in a row.Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Beams Chain (4-7) Times
Fires 3 Projectiles
(0-19)% increased Area of Effect
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Wild Strike of ExtremesWild Strike of ExtremesAttack, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Projectile, AoE, Chaining, Prismatic
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-28) Energy Shield, (14-28) Life, (14-28) Mana
Attack Damage: (178-328)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (178-328)%
Requires Level 28Your melee weapon strikes enemies, converting physical damage to a random element. Then, depending on the element chosen, it releases a fiery explosion, an arcing bolt of lightning, or an icy wave. It will avoid choosing the same element twice in a row.Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Beams Chain (4-7) Times
Fires 3 Projectiles
(0-19)% increased Area of Effect
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
Hits treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Consecrated PathConsecrated PathFire, Attack, AoE, Movement, Duration, Slam, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (227-417)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (227-417)%
Requires Level 28Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deals up to 20% more Damage with Hits to closer targets

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals up to +(0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Consecrated Path of EnduranceConsecrated Path of EnduranceFire, Attack, AoE, Movement, Duration, Slam, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (166-305)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (166-305)%
Requires Level 28Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending an Endurance Charge. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deals up to 20% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
10% more Area of Effect per Endurance Charge
10% more Attack Damage per Endurance Charge

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals up to +(0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Infernal BlowInfernal BlowAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (164-377)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (164-377)%
AoE Radius: 15
Requires Level 12Attacks with your weapon, applying a charged debuff to enemies hit by your strike, and an uncharged debuff to any other enemies hit. Upon reaching 6 charges, expiring, or the enemy's death, the charged debuff is removed to damage that and other surrounding enemies. Enemies with either debuff explode when they die, damaging other surrounding enemies. Damage from this explosion cannot be reflected. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Base duration is 0.80 seconds
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 6% of the corpse's Maximum Life
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base radius is 2.4 metres
Base explosion radius is 1.8 metres
Debuff deals 66% of Damage per Charge

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Debuff deals +(0.5-10)% of Damage per Charge
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Infernal Blow of ImmolationInfernal Blow of ImmolationAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (164-377)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (164-377)%
Requires Level 12Attacks with your weapon, applying a charged debuff to you the first time you hit an enemy with this skill. Upon reaching 6 charges, or charges expiring, the charged debuff is removed to damage nearby enemies. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Base duration is 3.00 seconds
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base radius is (2.6-2.9) metres
Debuff deals 80% of Damage per Charge

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Debuff deals +(0.5-10)% of Damage per Charge
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Infernal CryInfernal CryWarcry, AoE, Duration, Fire, Attack, Trigger, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-10) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. The user and nearby allies gain a buff that grants a portion of their physical damage as extra fire damage. In addition to being taunted, enemies are inflicted with a secondary debuff causing them to explode when they die, dealing fire damage in an area.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
Base secondary duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Damage cannot be Reflected
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Explosion deals Base Fire Damage equal to 8% of the Monster's maximum Life
Buff grants gain 5% of Physical Damage as
Extra Fire Damage per 5 power, counting a maximum of 25 Power
Exerts the next 6 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks Trigger Combust the first time they deal a Melee Hit
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
This Skill is Triggered by Attacks Exerted by Infernal Cry

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Molten StrikeMolten StrikeAttack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (126-329)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (126-329)%
Projectile Speed: 750
Infuses your melee weapon with molten energies to attack with physical and fire damage. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth from the enemies you hit, divided amongst all enemies hit by the strike. These will deal area attack damage to enemies where they land.Fires 4 Projectiles
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Projectiles deal 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Projectiles deal (0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Molten Strike of the ZenithMolten Strike of the ZenithAttack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (92-239)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (92-239)%
Infuses your two-handed melee weapon with molten energies to attack with physical and fire damage. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth from the enemies you hit, divided amongst all enemies hit by the strike. These will deal area attack damage to enemies where they land. Every fifth time you attack with this skill it fires more, high-damage projectiles.Fires 3 Projectiles
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Projectiles deal 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments
Every fifth Attack fires 5 additional Projectiles
Every fifth Attack, Projectiles deal 800% more Damage with Hits and Ailments

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Every fifth Attack, Projectiles deal (10-200)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Shield Crush of the ChieftainShield Crush of the ChieftainAttack, AoE, Fire, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-15) Mana
Attack Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Swipe your shield, dealing area damage in three waves in front of you. Enemies can be hit by two of the waves where they overlap.(6-389) to (8-583) Base Off Hand Fire Damage
(7-13) to (10-20) Added Fire Damage per 15 Armour on Shield
Central wave has (50-88)% more Area of Effect

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Central wave has (2-40)% more Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Tectonic SlamTectonic SlamFire, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (295-542)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (295-542)%
Requires Level 28Slam the ground, unleashing a fiery fissure in front of you, dealing area damage and randomly releasing a number of smaller fissures branching off from it. Consume an Endurance Charge every third time you slam the ground with this skill. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Sword, Axe, Staff, or Unarmed.60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
5% more Area of Effect per Endurance Charge
30% fissure branching chance
+5% fissure branching chance per Endurance Charge

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1.5-30)% Fissure branching chance
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Tectonic Slam of CataclysmTectonic Slam of CataclysmFire, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (257-472)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (257-472)%
Requires Level 28Slam the ground, consuming all Endurance Charges and unleashing a fiery fissure in front of you, dealing area damage and randomly releasing a number of smaller fissures branching off from it. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Sword, Axe, Staff, or Unarmed.60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
15% more Damage per Endurance Charge removed
10% more Area of Effect per Endurance Charge removed
10% fissure branching chance per Endurance Charge removed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% more Damage per Endurance Charge removed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Molten StrikeVaal Molten StrikeAttack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Chaining, Vaal
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 15
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 3 sec
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (86-199)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (86-199)%
Infuses your melee weapon with molten energies to attack with physical and fire damage. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth causing area attack damage to enemies where they land.Fires 9 Projectiles
+0.4 metres to radius
Chains +8 Times
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Can't be Evaded
Projectiles can Chain when impacting the ground
Projectiles do not change direction when Chaining

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Projectiles deal (0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Volcanic FissureVaal Volcanic FissureMelee, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Slam, Fire, Vaal
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 25
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 6 sec
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (201-352)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (201-352)%
Requires Level 12Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts, releasing a burst of molten projectiles. After erupting, the fissure continues moving towards enemies to cause further eruptions. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Fires 9 Projectiles
50% more Area of Effect
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Fissure erupts 5 additional times

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Volcanic FissureVolcanic FissureMelee, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Slam, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (177-344)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (177-344)%
Requires Level 12Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts, releasing a burst of molten projectiles. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.Fires 5 Projectiles
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Projectiles deal 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Volcanic Fissure of SnakingVolcanic Fissure of SnakingMelee, Attack, AoE, Slam, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (164-318)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (164-318)%
Requires Level 12Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts dealing damage in an area. After erupting, the fissure continues moving towards enemies to cause further eruptions. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.50% more Area of Effect
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Fissure erupts 2 additional times

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fissure erupts (0.05-1) additional times
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Spell skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Alchemist's MarkAlchemist's MarkSpell, Curse, Mark, AoE, Duration, Fire, Chaos
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, granting flask charges when you hit them and creating Burning Ground under them if your hit Ignites them, and Caustic Ground if it Poisons them. Damage modifiers do not apply to these ground effects. You can only have one Mark at a time.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Burning Ground deals (20-26)% of the Fire Damage per Second of strongest Ignite on Enemy
Caustic Ground deals (60-79)% of the Chaos Damage per Second of strongest Poison on Enemy
Can create each Ground effect no more than once each second
Gain 1 Flask Charge when you Hit a Cursed Enemy, no more than once every 3 seconds

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Effect of Mark
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
CremationCremationSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 28A targeted corpse explodes, dealing area damage and turning into a volcanic geyser, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area for a duration. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.Fires Projectiles every 1.0 seconds
Base duration is 8.00 seconds
Deals (49-434) to (74-651) Fire Damage
Fires 4 Projectiles
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (4-5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Maximum of 3 Geysers at a time
+(0-0.3) metres to radius

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires Projectiles (0.5-10)% faster
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Cremation of ExhumingCremation of ExhumingSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 28A targeted corpse explodes, dealing area damage and turning into a volcanic geyser, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area and detonate nearby corpses for a duration. Corpse explosions are not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.Fires Projectiles every 1.0 seconds
Base duration is 8.00 seconds
Deals (49-434) to (74-651) Fire Damage
Fires 4 Projectiles
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (5-6)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Maximum of 1 Geysers at a time
+(0-0.3) metres to radius
Explode a nearby Corpse when Firing Projectiles

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires Projectiles (0.5-10)% faster
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Cremation of the VolcanoCremation of the VolcanoSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile, Orb
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70%
Requires Level 28Creates a volcanic geyser at a location, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area for a duration.Fires Projectiles every 1.0 seconds
Base duration is 2.50 seconds
Deals (34-303) to (52-454) Fire Damage
Fires 4 Projectiles
Maximum of 6 Geysers at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires Projectiles (0.5-10)% faster
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Detonate DeadDetonate DeadSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160%
AoE Radius: 22
Requires Level 4Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected.Deals (15-798) to (22-1197) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (6-7.9)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Base radius is (2.2-2.6) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.75-15)% chance to detonate an additional corpse
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Detonate Dead of Chain ReactionDetonate Dead of Chain ReactionSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 4Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. This will continue to target other corpses in the area, with a shorter delay between each one, until it runs out of corpses or has destroyed 8 corpses. Cannot be supported by Spell Cascade.Deals (9-469) to (13-704) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (4-5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Base radius is (2-2.4) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Detonate Dead of ScavengingDetonate Dead of ScavengingSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (5-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 4Targets a corpse, causing it to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. Cannot target corpses that have been created by skills.Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (20-29.5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
60% less Damage with Ailments
Base radius is (2.8-3.2) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (0.25-5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive TrapExplosive TrapTrap, Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Throws a trap that creates an explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it. A number of smaller explosions occur within a secondary area around the trap in quick succession after the first.Deals (4-437) to (6-655) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base explosion radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base secondary radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base smaller explosion radius is (0.7-1.3) metres
Causes (3-7) smaller explosions
Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Causes +(0.1-2) smaller explosions
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Explosive Trap of ShrapnelExplosive Trap of ShrapnelTrap, Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Throws a trap that creates an explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it. A number of smaller explosions occur within a secondary area around the trap in quick succession after the first.Deals (5-635) to (8-952) Physical Damage
Trap lasts 4 seconds
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Base explosion radius is (1.2-1.8) metres
Base secondary radius is (2.4-3) metres
Base smaller explosion radius is (0.7-1.3) metres
Causes (3-7) smaller explosions
Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Causes +(0.1-2) smaller explosions
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Fire TrapFire TrapTrap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260%
AoE Radius: 15
Requires Level 12Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies and leaving an area of burning ground that damages enemies who walk through it.Trap lasts 4 seconds
Deals (32.5-3018.8) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 1.75 seconds
Deals (10-915) to (15-1373) Fire Damage
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
+(0-0.8) metres to radius
(3-286) to (5-429) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(4-80)% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Fire Trap of BlastingFire Trap of BlastingTrap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-20) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260%
Requires Level 12Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.Trap lasts 4 seconds
Deals (4-366) to (6-549) Fire Damage
+(0-0.8) metres to radius
50% Chance for Trap to Trigger an additional time
(9-881) to (14-1316) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(4-80)% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flamethrower TrapFlamethrower TrapTrap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (15-30)%
Requires Level 28Throws a trap that releases a number of flames in different directions around it when triggered. The flames last for a duration, rotating around the trap and repeatedly dealing damage. Burning enemies are dealt more damage.Trap lasts 4 seconds
Base duration is 3.50 seconds
Deals (6-243) to (9-366) Fire Damage
Has 4 Flames
25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Tornado of Elemental TurbulenceTornado of Elemental TurbulenceSpell, Duration, Physical, AoE, Orb, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%
Requires Level 34Create a Tornado of a random element that hinders and repeatedly damages enemies around it, converting physical damage to its element. The Tornado will chase down enemies for a duration.Deals (22-290) to (32-435) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Deals Damage every 0.25 seconds
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
Enemies in range are Hindered
Tornado has (0-57)% increased Movement Speed
Maximum 3 Tornadoes

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Tornado has (2-40)% increased Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Detonate DeadVaal Detonate DeadSpell, AoE, Vaal, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 30
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200%
Requires Level 4Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. This will continue to target other corpses in the area, with an increasing delay between each one, until it runs out of corpses or has destroyed 22 corpses.Deals (23-1395) to (33-2092) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (6-7.9)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Base radius is (2.4-2.8) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1.5-30)% chance to detonate an additional corpse
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Volatile DeadVolatile DeadSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170%
Requires Level 12Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.Deals (20-753) to (30-1129) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (3-4)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Consumes up to 3 corpses
Base radius is 2 metres
Base explosion radius is 1.5 metres
Maximum of 60 Orbs at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Orb Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Volatile Dead of ConfinementVolatile Dead of ConfinementSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 210%
Requires Level 12Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which detonates after a duration, dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.Base duration is 1.50 seconds
Deals (25-938) to (37-1407) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (3-4)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Consumes up to 3 corpses
Base radius is 2.8 metres
Base explosion radius is 1.5 metres
Maximum of 60 Orbs at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Volatile Dead of SeethingVolatile Dead of SeethingSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170%
Requires Level 12Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.Deals (20-753) to (30-1129) Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (3-4)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Consumes up to 10 corpses
Base radius is 2 metres
Base explosion radius is 1.5 metres
Maximum of 10 Orbs at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Orb Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Armageddon BrandArmageddon BrandSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.40 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (180-210)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.Activates every 1.5 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Deals (69-924) to (104-1386) Fire Damage
Base radius is 2.2 metres
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5.00 seconds
Deals (10-29)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.5-10)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Armageddon Brand of RecallArmageddon Brand of RecallSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.40 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (270-300)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.Activates every 1.5 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Deals (102-1357) to (152-2036) Fire Damage
Base radius is 2.2 metres
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5.00 seconds
Deals 80% less Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Armageddon Brand of VolatilityArmageddon Brand of VolatilitySpell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-27) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (330-370)%
Requires Level 28Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It activates once, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky, then is destroyed.Deals (125-1676) to (188-2514) Fire Damage
Base radius is 2.6 metres
Cannot be Recalled
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Activates once when Attached, then is Destroyed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blazing SalvoBlazing SalvoSpell, AoE, Fire, Projectile
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Requires Level 12Fires projectiles which fly in an arc, dealing area damage on impact with either enemies or the ground near where you target. Targeting farther away causes the projectiles to spread out and land over a wider area.Deals (7-270) to (10-405) Fire Damage
Fires (5-7) Projectiles

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
BodyswapBodyswapMovement, Spell, AoE, Fire, Travel
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 10Violently destroys your body and recreates it at the location of a targeted enemy or corpse, dealing spell damage in an area at both locations. If there is no specific target, it will prioritise corpses over enemies. If targeting a corpse, the corpse will also explode, dealing damage around it that is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated.This Spell deals (3-210) to (5-315), plus 4% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (6-7.9)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
200% more Area of Effect if Consuming a corpse

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Deals +(0.2-4)% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bodyswap of SacrificeBodyswap of SacrificeMovement, Spell, AoE, Fire, Travel, Minion
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Requires Level 10Violently destroys your body and recreates it at the location of a targeted enemy or damageable minion, dealing spell damage in an area at both locations. If there is no specific target, it will prioritise minions over enemies. If targeting a minion, the minion will also be destroyed in an explosion which deals damage around it that is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated.This Spell deals (3-210) to (5-315), plus 4% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (15-24)% of the Minion's maximum Life
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
50% less Damage with Ailments
200% more Area of Effect if Consuming a Minion

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (0.2-4)% of the Minion's maximum Life
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
DischargeDischargeSpell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 600%
AoE Radius: 30
Requires Level 28Discharge all the character's charges to deal elemental damage to all nearby monsters.Deals (69-639) to (206-1918) base Lightning Damage per Power Charge removed
Deals (110-1023) to (165-1535) base Fire Damage per Endurance Charge removed
Deals (110-1023) to (165-1535) base Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge removed
60% less Damage with Ailments
Base radius is 3 metres
15% more Area of Effect per Charge removed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% chance to deal Damage without removing Charges
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Discharge of MiseryDischarge of MiserySpell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 180%
Requires Level 28Discharge all the character's charges to deal elemental damage to all nearby monsters.Deals (21-195) to (63-584) base Lightning Damage per Power Charge removed
Deals (33-311) to (50-467) base Fire Damage per Endurance Charge removed
Deals (33-311) to (50-467) base Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge removed
Base radius is 2 metres
15% more Area of Effect per Charge removed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% chance to deal Damage without removing Charges
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
FireballFireballProjectile, Spell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (260-370)%
Projectile Speed: 1040
AoE Radius: 9
Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.Deals (9-1640) to (14-2460) Fire Damage
25% chance to Ignite enemies
Base radius is (0.9-1.4) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
FirestormFirestormSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (60-80)%
Requires Level 28Flaming bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Base duration is 1.40 seconds
Deals (23-361) to (35-541) Fire Damage
One impact every 0.15 seconds
Base radius is 1.3 metres
First Impact has 100% more Area of Effect
First Impact deals 325% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
Maximum 3 Firestorms at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Firestorm of MeteorsFirestorm of MeteorsSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (280-370)%
Requires Level 28A large flaming bolt falls towards the targeted area. The bolt explodes when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Deals (107-1658) to (160-2487) Fire Damage
Base radius is 2.3 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Firestorm of PeltingFirestorm of PeltingSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (95-120)%
Requires Level 28Flaming bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Base duration is 2.00 seconds
Deals (35-551) to (53-826) Fire Damage
One impact every 0.15 seconds
Base radius is 1.2 metres
Maximum 10 Firestorms at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Maximum (0.1-2) Firestorms at a time
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame DashFlame DashSpell, Movement, Duration, Fire, Travel, Blink
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.50 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (80-140)%
Requires Level 10Teleport to a location, damaging enemies and leaving a trail of burning ground. Shares a cooldown with other Blink skills.Deals (19.7-1738.6) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Deals (7-659) to (11-988) Fire Damage
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
(0-19)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame Dash of ReturnFlame Dash of ReturnSpell, Movement, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (150-270)%
Requires Level 10Teleport to a location, damaging enemies and leaving a trail of burning ground, then repeat the teleport in the other direction. Cannot be triggered, or used by a totem, trap or mine. Cannot be supported by Unleash.Deals (9.4-834.1) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Repeats once
Deals (14-1201) to (20-1802) Fire Damage
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Reverses direction when Repeating

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased maximum travel distance
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame SurgeFlame SurgeSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 190%
AoE Radius: 30
Requires Level 12Strikes enemies in front of you with a surge of flame. Burning enemies are dealt more damage. If you hit an ignited enemy, will create burning ground under them. Your damage modifiers don't apply to this burning ground.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Deals (26-832) to (40-1247) Fire Damage
(50-88)% more Damage with Hits against Burning enemies
Cannot Ignite
+(0-9) to Area of Effect length
Hits on Ignited Enemies create Burning Ground, no more than once every 2 seconds
Burning Ground deals 25% of Fire Damage per second of Ignite affecting Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1-20)% more Damage with Hits against Burning enemies
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame Surge of CombustingFlame Surge of CombustingSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 280%
Requires Level 12Strikes enemies in front of you with a surge of flame. If this ignites an enemy a large area of burning ground will be created under them. Your damage modifiers don't apply to this burning ground.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Deals (40-1249) to (59-1874) Fire Damage
25% chance to Ignite enemies
+(0-9) to Area of Effect length
Igniting Enemies creates Burning Ground, no more than once per second
Burning Ground deals 35% of Fire Damage per second of inflicted Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Burning ground deals +(0.5-10)% of Fire Damage per second of inflicted Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame WallFlame WallSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 4Create a wall of fire for a duration, which deals burning damage to everything in its area. Each enemy that enters the wall also receives a secondary burning debuff which persists for a short duration after leaving the wall. Any projectiles fired through the wall by you and allies deal added fire damage and apply the wall's secondary debuff on hit.Deals (2.1-679.9) Base Fire Damage per second
Secondary Debuff Deals (7.2-2266.4) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is (3.00-4.90) seconds
Base secondary duration is (1.00-2.00) seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Wall will be (4-5.9) meters long
Projectiles which pass through the wall deal (3-78) to (5-117) Added Fire Damage
Maximum 3 Flame Walls at a time

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) Maximum Flame Walls at a time
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
FlameblastFlameblastSpell, AoE, Fire, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-7) Mana
Cast Time: 0.20 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%
Requires Level 28Channels to build up a large explosion, which is released when you stop using the skill. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion.Deals (31-405) to (46-608) Fire Damage
50% chance to Ignite enemies
165% more Spell Damage for each stage
60% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
10 maximum Stages
+0.3 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) to maximum Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flameblast of CelerityFlameblast of CeleritySpell, AoE, Fire, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 28Channels to build up an explosion, which is released when you stop using the skill or automatically at maximum stages. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion.Deals (34-443) to (50-665) Fire Damage
165% more Spell Damage for each stage
Base radius is 0.8 metres
3 maximum Stages
+0.5 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius per Stage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flameblast of ContractionFlameblast of ContractionSpell, AoE, Fire, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-7) Mana
Cast Time: 0.20 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%
Requires Level 28Channels to concentrate an explosion, which is released when you stop using the skill. The longer you channel, the larger the damage of the explosion, but the smaller the area.Deals (11-140) to (16-210) Fire Damage
50% chance to Ignite enemies
600% more Spell Damage for each stage
250% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
Base radius is 2.6 metres
10 maximum Stages
-0.2 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) to maximum Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
FlammabilityFlammabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
AoE Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their fire resistance and giving them a chance to be ignited when hit.Base duration is (8.00-11.80) seconds
+(0-1) metre to radius
Cursed enemies have -(17-36)% to Fire Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Ignite on Cursed enemies has (1-20)% increased Duration
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
IncinerateIncinerateSpell, Fire, Channelling, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-4) Mana
Cast Time: 0.20 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%
Requires Level 12Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you. When you stop channelling you release a wave of fire damage over a wide and long area that will apply a powerful Ignite.Deals (3-207) to (5-311) Fire Damage
25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
Final wave always Ignites
8 maximum Stages
+(0.4-0.5) metres to radius per stage, up to a maximum of +(1.5-1.9) metres
Final wave deals 500% more Damage with Hits
Final wave deals 250% more Damage with Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Incinerate of ExpanseIncinerate of ExpanseSpell, Fire, Channelling, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (3-6) Mana
Cast Time: 0.30 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%
Requires Level 12Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you. When you stop channelling you release a slow-moving wave of fire damage over a very large area that will apply a powerful Ignite.Deals (3-207) to (5-311) Fire Damage
25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
Final wave always Ignites
4 maximum Stages
+(0.4-0.5) metres to radius per stage, up to a maximum of +(1.5-1.9) metres
Final wave deals 700% more Damage with Hits
Final wave deals 400% more Damage with Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Final wave deals +(5-100)% more Damage with Hits
Final wave deals +(2.5-50)% more Damage with Ignite
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Incinerate of VentingIncinerate of VentingSpell, Fire, Channelling, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-4) Mana
Cast Time: 0.17 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%
Requires Level 12Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you.Deals (3-207) to (5-311) Fire Damage
25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
12 maximum Stages
+(0.4-0.5) metres to radius per stage, up to a maximum of +(2.4-3) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum Stages
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purifying FlamePurifying FlameFire, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (220-300)%
A wave of divine fire deals damage in a line, then creates Consecrated Ground and deals damage in an area around the targeted location. A larger shockwave then expands outwards, damaging enemies standing on Consecrated Ground that were not already hit.Deals (8-1324) to (11-1986) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
+(0-0.6) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Shockwave deals 25% less Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.01-0.2) metres to radius
+(0.015-0.3) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purifying Flame of RevelationsPurifying Flame of RevelationsFire, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-25) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (140-190)%
A wave of divine fire deals damage in a line, then creates Consecrated Ground and deals damage in an area around the targeted location. A larger shockwave then expands outwards, damaging enemies standing on Consecrated Ground that were not already hit.Deals (5-860) to (7-1291) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
+(0-0.6) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Shockwave deals 90% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Shockwave deals +(1-20)% more Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Pyroclast MinePyroclast MineMine, Spell, Projectile, Fire, AoE, Aura, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-6) Mana
Reservation: (4-6) Mana
Cast Time: 0.18 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 80%
AoE Radius: 30
Requires Level 28Throws a mine that deals damage in an area when detonated, then launches fiery projectiles that rain down around it, each exploding to deal damage in a smaller area.Mine lasts 5 seconds
Deals (26-240) to (39-361) Fire Damage
Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.35 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Fires an additional Projectile for every 4 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
Each Mine Adds (1-12) to (2-18) Fire Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up
to a maximum of (64-601) to (96-901)

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Pyroclast Mine of SabotagePyroclast Mine of SabotageMine, Spell, Projectile, Fire, AoE, Aura, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-6) Mana
Reservation: (16-24) Mana
Cast Time: 0.18 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Requires Level 28Throws a mine that deals damage in an area when detonated, then launches fiery projectiles that rain down around it, each exploding to deal damage in a smaller area.Mine lasts 5 seconds
Deals (7-62) to (10-94) Fire Damage
Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.35 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Fires an additional Projectile for every 4 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
Each Mine Adds (4-37) to (6-56) Fire Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up
to a maximum of (133-1249) to (200-1873)

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.05-1) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Righteous FireRighteous FireSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.30 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. Your spell damage is substantially increased while under this effect. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining.Deals 70% of your Maximum Life as Base Fire Damage per second
Deals 70% of your Maximum Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second
You Burn for 90% of your Maximum Life per second as Fire Damage
You Burn for 70% of your Maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage
Grants (20-39)% more Spell Damage
Base radius is (1.8-2.3) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Righteous Fire of Arcane DevotionRighteous Fire of Arcane DevotionSpell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.30 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining.Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Deals 70% of your Maximum Mana as Base Fire Damage per second
You Burn for 90% of your Maximum Mana per second as Fire Damage
Base radius is (1.8-2.3) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Rolling MagmaRolling MagmaSpell, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Chaining
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (230-280)%
Lob a fiery orb that deals area damage as it hits the ground. The skill chains, bouncing forward to deal damage multiple times.Deals (9-1245) to (12-1868) Fire Damage
+(0-0.4) metres to radius
Chains +(2-3) Times
Projectiles can Chain when impacting the ground
Projectiles do not change direction when Chaining

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Chains +(0.1-2) Times
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Scorching RayScorching RaySpell, Fire, Duration, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Requires Level 12Unleash a beam of fire that burns enemies it touches. Remaining in the beam raises the burning, adding a portion of the beam's damage in stages. Inflicts Fire Exposure at maximum stages. Enemies who leave the beam continue to burn for a duration. Increasing cast speed also increases the rate at which the beam turns.Deals (13.4-780.7) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 1.50 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Burning Debuff can have a maximum of 8 stages
Additional Debuff stages add 60% of Damage
Fire Exposure applies -25% to Fire Resistance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Additional Debuff stages add +(0.5-10)% of Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Scorching Ray of ImmolationScorching Ray of ImmolationSpell, Fire, Duration, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-5) Mana
Cast Time: 0.18 sec
Requires Level 12Unleash a beam of fire that burns enemies it touches. Remaining in the beam raises the burning, adding a portion of the beam's damage in stages. Enemies who leave the beam continue to burn for a duration. Increasing cast speed also increases the rate at which the beam turns.Deals (32.4-1893.9) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 3.00 seconds
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Burning Debuff can have a maximum of 8 stages
Additional Debuff stages add 10% of Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Additional Debuff stages add +(0.2-4)% of Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Raging SpiritSummon Raging SpiritSpell, Minion, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (4-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 4Summons a short-lived flaming skull that rushes at nearby enemies and attacks them rapidly, converting all its physical damage to fire. Enemies will not directly engage these spirits, and can pass through them.Maximum 20 Summoned Raging Spirits
Base duration is 5.00 seconds
Minions cannot Taunt Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1.5-30)% chance to summon an extra Minion
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Raging Spirit of EnormitySummon Raging Spirit of EnormitySpell, Minion, Duration, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-26) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Requires Level 4Summons a short-lived flaming skull that rushes at nearby enemies and attacks them rapidly, converting all its physical damage to fire. Enemies will not directly engage these spirits, and can pass through them.Maximum 6 Summoned Raging Spirits
Base duration is 5.00 seconds
Minions have (50-88)% more Maximum Life
Minions' Hits are always Critical Strikes
Minions cannot Taunt Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have +(2-40)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal FireballVaal FireballProjectile, Spell, AoE, Vaal, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 30
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 4 sec
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 240%
Launches a series of fireballs in a spiral around the caster.Deals (9-1095) to (14-1643) Fire Damage
Fires 32 Projectiles in a spiral
25% chance to Ignite enemies
Base radius is (0.9-1.4) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal FirestormVaal FirestormSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Vaal
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 35
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 7 sec
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (600-760)%
Requires Level 28A fixed number of flaming bolts rain down in a spiral, culminating in the central one impacting the targeted location. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies and leaving burning ground, which deals fire damage over time.Deals (256.8-3995.2) Base Fire Damage per second
Burning Ground lasts 4.00 seconds
Deals (224-3487) to (336-5230) Fire Damage
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
16 Bolts
Impacts have 20% more Area of Effect
Base radius is 1.3 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal FlameblastVaal FlameblastSpell, AoE, Vaal, Fire, Channelling
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 30
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 3 sec
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Requires Level 28Targets an area and builds up stages in that area based on cast speed. It explodes every 3 stages, until it reaches a maximum of 15. As it gains more stages, the area gets smaller but the damage gets higher.Deals (31-280) to (46-419) Fire Damage
50% chance to Ignite enemies
200% more Spell Damage for each stage
110% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
-0.2 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Damage
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Righteous FireVaal Righteous FireSpell, AoE, Fire, Vaal, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Souls Per Use: 40
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 6 sec
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Sacrifices a portion of your Life and Energy Shield to engulf you in magical fire that rapidly burns nearby enemies for a duration. Your spell damage is increased while under this effect.Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Sacrifices 60% of your total Energy Shield and Life
Deals (120-158)% of Sacrificed Energy Shield and Life as Fire Damage per second
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Grants (10-19)% more Spell Damage
Base radius is 3 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Wave of ConvictionWave of ConvictionFire, Lightning, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (220-330)%
Requires Level 16An expanding wave of energy surges forward, damaging enemies in a cone-shaped area over a duration. Each enemy hit is inflicted with Exposure matching the element of which they took the highest damage. Only one Wave of Conviction can be active at a timeDeals (35-1476) to (52-2214) Physical Damage
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Base duration is (0.50-0.69) seconds
Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Exposure applies -15% to Elemental Resistance matching highest Damage taken

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Damage Penetrates (0.75-15)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
AngerAngerAura, Spell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 50% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 24Casts an aura that adds fire damage to the attacks and spells of you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius
You and nearby allies deal (16-109) to (23-155) additional Fire Damage with Attacks
You and nearby allies deal (16-109) to (23-155) additional Fire Damage with Spells

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flame LinkFlame LinkSpell, Duration, Link, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-32) Mana per second
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 34Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, they deal additional fire damage based on your life. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Base duration is (8.00-9.90) seconds
Linked target gains (23-169) to (35-254) Added Fire Damage
Linked target gains Added Fire Damage equal to 5% of your Maximum Life
Link breaks if target leaves range or line of sight for 4 seconds
Maximum 1 Link from any source per target
You die if Linked target dies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.075-1.5) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Herald of AshHerald of AshSpell, AoE, Fire, Herald, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 25% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 10
Requires Level 16Grants a buff providing fire damage based on your physical damage. While you have this buff, if you kill an enemy, other enemies near them will be burned based on the overkill damage. The burn inflicted by this skill can only be affected by modifiers to damage over time (burning damage is damage over time).Base duration is 4.00 seconds
(0-38)% more Burning Damage
Buff grants (15-20)% of your Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Base Burning Damage is 25% of Overkill Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base burning damage is an additional (0.25-5)% of Overkill Damage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Holy Flame TotemHoly Flame TotemTotem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.25 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.Deals (2-153) to (5-230) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Fires 3 Projectiles
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Holy Flame Totem of IreHoly Flame Totem of IreTotem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-39) Mana
Cast Time: 0.18 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.Deals (2-153) to (5-230) Physical Damage
Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(50-88)% more Projectile Speed
Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% more Projectile Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Molten ShellMolten ShellSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Guard
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-12) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 15
Requires Level 16Applies a buff that adds to your armour, and can take some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. When the buff expires or is depleted, the skill deals reflected damage to enemies around you based on the total damage that was taken from the buff. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills.Base duration is 3.00 seconds
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect
Buff grants +(115-858) to Armour
75% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take Damage equal to 10% of your Armour, up to a maximum of 5000
Reflects (100-3000)% of Damage taken from Buff as Fire Damage when Buff expires or is depleted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purity of FirePurity of FireAura, Spell, AoE, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: 35% Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 36
Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants fire resistance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius
You and nearby allies gain (22-41)% additional Fire Resistance
You and nearby allies gain (0-4)% additional maximum Fire Resistance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
You and nearby allies gain (0.5-10)% additional Fire Resistance
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Searing BondSearing BondSpell, Totem, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (18-51) Mana
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 12Summons a totem that casts a beam of fire at you and each other totem you control, dealing burning damage to enemies caught in the beam. Enemies near either end of a beam also suffer burning damage.+1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Totem lasts 8 seconds
Deals (32.1-3899.6) Base Fire Damage per second
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2) to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Flame GolemSummon Flame GolemFire, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Flame Golem that grants you increased Damage. The Flame Golem can cast a fire spray, a wave of fire damage, and an explosive arcing projectile.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
Golems Grant (15-20)% increased Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Buff Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Flame Golem of HordesSummon Flame Golem of HordesFire, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Flame Golem. The Flame Golem can cast a fire spray, a wave of fire damage, and an explosive arcing projectile.Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Summon Flame Golem of the MeteorSummon Flame Golem of the MeteorFire, Minion, Spell, Golem
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (30-54) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 34Summons a Flame Golem. When summoned, the Flame Golem attacks by falling from the sky, dealing fire damage in an area and leaving burning ground around the impact. After landing, it can cast a fire spray and a wave of fire damage.Maximum 1 Summoned Golem

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Impurity of FireVaal Impurity of FireAura, Spell, AoE, Duration, Vaal, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Souls Per Use: 50
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 24Casts an aura that reduces fire damage taken and provides ignite immunity to you and nearby allies, and makes hits against nearby enemies ignore their fire resistance.Base duration is 3.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
+(1.4-2) metres to radius
(0-76)% increased effect of Aura
You and nearby allies gain 5% additional maximum Fire Resistance
You and nearby allies are Immune to Ignite
Nearby Enemies' Fire Resistance is Ignored by Hits

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Area of Effect
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vaal Molten ShellVaal Molten ShellSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Vaal, Guard
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Souls Per Use: 50
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 14 sec
Cast Time: Instant
Requires Level 16Applies a buff that raises your armour, and takes some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. Each second, the skill deals reflected damage to surrounding enemies based on the damage taken by the buff in that second. When the buff is removed, the skill deals reflected damage to enemies around you based on the total damage that was taken by the buff. You cannot have the buff at the same time as any other Guard skill.Base duration is 9.00 seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
Buff grants +(115-858) to Armour
(35-39)% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take Damage equal to 20% of your Armour, up to a maximum of 10000
Reflects (300-9000)% of Damage taken from Buff as Fire Damage each second,
or when Buff expires or is depleted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Other skill gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence

Support gems

GemRequired character level at gem level 1Gem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Combustion SupportCombustion SupportFire, Support
Icon: i
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 8Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills deal (10-19)% more Fire Damage
Supported Skills have 25% chance to Ignite
Enemies Ignited by Supported Skills have -10% to Fire Resistance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Elemental Proliferation SupportElemental Proliferation SupportCold, Fire, Lightning, Support, AoE
Icon: S
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
Supports any skill that hits enemies, or could otherwise apply elemental ailments.(0-19)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
Elemental Ailments inflicted by Supported Skills spread to other enemies within (1.2-1.5) metres
Supported Skills have 20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Ignite Proliferation SupportIgnite Proliferation SupportFire, Support, AoE
Icon: I
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 38Supports any skill that hits enemies.Ignites caused by Supported Skills spread to other Enemies within (1.4-2) metres
Supported Skills deal (15-24)% more Damage with Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Immolate SupportImmolate SupportFire, Support
Icon: m
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 38Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills deal (42-205) to (63-308) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Infernal Legion SupportInfernal Legion SupportFire, AoE, Support, Minion
Icon: O
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 8Supports skills which create Minions.Minions from Supported Skills take 40% of their Maximum Life as Fire Damage per second
Minions from Supported Skills deal (15.4-2092.6) Fire Damage per second to Enemies near them
Minions from Supported Skills have +(0-0.5) metres to Radius of their Burning Effect

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions from Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Prismatic Burst SupportPrismatic Burst SupportSupport, Spell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic, Trigger
Icon: J
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Cooldown Time: 0.80 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Supports attacks, causing them to trigger the Prismatic Burst spell. Cannot support triggered attacks or attacks used by things other than you. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills will Trigger Prismatic Burst on Hit
Deals (3-1224) to (5-1836) Cold Damage
Deals (1-153) to (7-2907) Lightning Damage
Deals (3-1224) to (5-1836) Fire Damage
+(0-0.9) metres to radius
Deals 100% less Damage of each unchosen Damage Type
(0-57)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Elemental Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Added Fire Damage SupportAdded Fire Damage SupportFire, Physical, Support
Icon: F
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 8Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (25-39)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Added Fire Damage SupportAwakened Added Fire Damage SupportFire, Physical, Support
Icon: F
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 72Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (40-44)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+(0-1) to Level of Supported Physical Skill Gems

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Burning Damage SupportAwakened Burning Damage SupportFire, Support
Icon: b
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 72Supports any skill that hits enemies, or can deal burning damage directly.+(0-1) to Level of Supported Fire Skill Gems
Supported Skills deal (35-39)% more Burning Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Burning Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Fire Penetration SupportAwakened Fire Penetration SupportFire, Support
Icon: V
Level: (1-5)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 72Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy fire resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate (35-39)% Fire Resistance
Supported Skills have (0-10)% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Burning Damage SupportBurning Damage SupportFire, Support
Icon: b
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports any skill that hits enemies, or can deal burning damage directly.Supported Skills deal (20-34)% more Burning Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Burning Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Cold to Fire SupportCold to Fire SupportCold, Fire, Support
Icon: x
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 18Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (10-29)% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Supported Skills have 50% of Cold Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Cold Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Controlled Blaze SupportControlled Blaze SupportFire, Support, Melee, Attack
Icon: Z
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports melee attack skills.Supported Skills have (10-19)% chance to Ignite
Each Supported Skill deals (10-14)% more Damage with Ignite for each Ignite inflicted with it Recently, up to a maximum of (230-364)%
Each Supported Skill deals 3% less Damage for each Ignite inflicted with it Recently, up to a maximum of (69-78)%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% chance to Ignite
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Fire Penetration SupportFire Penetration SupportFire, Support
Icon: V
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy fire resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate (20-34)% Fire Resistance

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flamewood SupportFlamewood SupportSupport, Totem, Spell, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Trigger
Icon: f
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Requires Level 8Supports skills which summon totems. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Totems from Supported Skills gain the Avenging Flame
Skill and Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy
Base radius is (1.3-1.8) metres
Deals base Fire Damage equal to (80-137)% of Totem's Maximum Life
Totems with this Skill Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Totem Life
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

Base items

The following base items are related to fire damage:

ItemRequired levelStats
Ashscale TalismanAshscale TalismanTalisman Tier: 1(20-30)% increased Fire DamageCorruptedThe fire of the hearth is a docile dog,
leashed and tamed.
The fire of the First Ones is a ravening wolf,
wild and free.
- The Wolven King
1(20-30)% increased Fire DamageCorrupted
Avian Twins TalismanAvian Twins TalismanTalisman Tier: 250% of Cold Damage from Hits taken as Fire DamageCorruptedThe first ones live where they can, where they must.
They embrace the frost, the storm, the drought.
Waxing and waning, breaking and mending,
living with time and happenstance, as must we.
- The Wolven King
150% of Cold Damage from Hits taken as Fire DamageCorrupted
Avian Twins TalismanAvian Twins TalismanTalisman Tier: 250% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold DamageCorruptedThe first ones live where they can, where they must.
They embrace the frost, the storm, the drought.
Waxing and waning, breaking and mending,
living with time and happenstance, as must we.
- The Wolven King
150% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold DamageCorrupted
Avian Twins TalismanAvian Twins TalismanTalisman Tier: 250% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Lightning DamageCorruptedThe first ones live where they can, where they must.
They embrace the frost, the storm, the drought.
Waxing and waning, breaking and mending,
living with time and happenstance, as must we.
- The Wolven King
150% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Lightning DamageCorrupted
Avian Twins TalismanAvian Twins TalismanTalisman Tier: 250% of Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Fire DamageCorruptedThe first ones live where they can, where they must.
They embrace the frost, the storm, the drought.
Waxing and waning, breaking and mending,
living with time and happenstance, as must we.
- The Wolven King
150% of Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Fire DamageCorrupted
Goat's HornGoat's HornWand
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
6Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Fire Arrow QuiverFire Arrow QuiverRequires Level 9Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to Attacks9Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to Attacks
Shadowed RingShadowed RingRequires Level 24Left ring slot: 25% of Cold Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Right ring slot: 25% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
24Left ring slot: 25% of Cold Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Right ring slot: 25% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Shadowed RingShadowed RingRequires Level 24Left ring slot: 25% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Right ring slot: 25% of Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
24Left ring slot: 25% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Right ring slot: 25% of Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Faun's HornFaun's HornWand
Physical Damage: 21-38
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 35, 116 IntAdds (5-10) to (11-13) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
35Adds (5-10) to (11-13) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Blazing Arrow QuiverBlazing Arrow QuiverRequires Level 45Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Attacks45Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Attacks
Foundry BowFoundry BowBow
Physical Damage: 13-20
Elemental Damage: (80-97) to (126-144)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Requires Level 50, 161 DexAdds (80-97) to (126-144) Fire Damage
50Adds (80-97) to (126-144) Fire Damage
Demon's HornDemon's HornWand
Physical Damage: 31-57
Critical Strike Chance: 9.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 56, 179 IntAdds (18-36) to (53-59) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
56Adds (18-36) to (53-59) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Solarine BowSolarine BowBow
Physical Damage: 16-24
Elemental Damage: (121-133) to (184-197)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Requires Level 70, 212 DexAdds (121-133) to (184-197) Fire Damage
70Adds (121-133) to (184-197) Fire Damage

Unique items

Flat added fire damage

Unique items that add a flat amount of fire damage or grant Added Fire Damage SupportAdded Fire Damage SupportFire, Physical, Support
Icon: F
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 8Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills gain (25-39)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Fire Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
to socketed skills.

ItemRequired levelLocal attack
fire damage
Global attack
fire damage
Global spell
fire damage
Global spell and
attack fire damage
fire damage
Sadima's TouchSadima's Touch
Wool Gloves
Energy Shield: (23-25)Adds 4 to 8 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to 13 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+18 to maximum Energy Shield
(5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
Wealth unspent is wealth wasted.
Thousand RibbonsThousand Ribbons
Simple Robe
Evasion: (30-60)
Energy Shield: (44-80)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires 17 IntSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Elemental Proliferation
Adds (2-4) to (5-9) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds (2-4) to (5-9) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds 1 to (4-12) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(30-60) to Evasion Rating
+(30-60) to maximum Energy Shield
+(25-50) to maximum Life
+(25-50) to maximum Mana
+(15-30)% to Fire Resistance
+(15-30)% to Cold Resistance
+(15-30)% to Lightning Resistance
The night of a thousand ribbons
To remember the day of a thousand flames
When Sarn burned
And was born again
Abberath's HornAbberath's Horn
Goat's Horn
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks(20-30)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-12) Fire Damage to Spells
(40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Gain 10 Life per Ignited Enemy Killed
25% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
The Goat King drank the smoke and ate the flames
as his ruin spread across the land.
The Goddess BoundThe Goddess Bound
Whalebone Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (14-16) to (59.5-68)
Elemental Damage: 3-7
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.92
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 7, 32 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier+1 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
Uses both hand slots
(250-300)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 3 to 7 Fire Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(20-40) to Evasion Rating
20% reduced Rarity of Items found
30% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life
She paints her offer in wicked hues
An off-white grin, an elegant bruise.
To the nascent scourge she sings the ruse:
"With me in hand, what else need you use?"
The IgnomonThe Ignomon
Gold Amulet
Requires Level 8(12-20)% increased Rarity of Items found20% increased Light Radius
Adds (18-24) to (32-40) Fire Damage to Attacks
+(100-150) to Accuracy Rating
+(100-150) to Evasion Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
Nearby Enemies are Blinded
The light that reveals is the glare that blinds.
Axiom PerpetuumAxiom Perpetuum
Bronze Sceptre
Physical Damage: 15-29
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 10, 22 Str, 22 Int12% increased Elemental DamageAdds (2-3) to (5-6) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (2-3) to (5-6) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds 1 to (10-12) Lightning Damage to Spells
(4-6)% increased Cast Speed
(100-140)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
The worst of Axiom were imprisoned by more than iron.
Carved Wand
Physical Damage: 9-16
Elemental Damage: (20-24) to (38-46)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Requires Level 12, 47 Int(11-15)% increased Spell Damage25% chance to Trigger Level 10 Summon Raging Spirit on Kill
Adds (20-24) to (38-46) Fire Damage
Adds (20-24) to (38-46) Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit
"We do not command fire.
Ngamahu lends it, and Hinekora returns it."
- Lavianga, advisor to Kaom
Iron Staff
Physical Damage: 14-42
Elemental Damage: (10-15) to (20-25), (10-15) to (20-25)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.60%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 13, 27 Str, 27 Int+20% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+1 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Cold to Fire
Adds (10-15) to (20-25) Fire Damage
Adds (10-15) to (20-25) Cold Damage
(30-50)% increased Elemental Damage
"God's creations always begin and end with flames and ice.
We should count ourselves lucky when we see neither."
- Archbishop Geofri
One Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (17-27) to (55-60)
Elemental Damage: (5-15) to (20-25)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.39-1.43)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 16, 48 StrAdds (5-15) to (20-25) Physical Damage
Adds (5-15) to (20-25) Fire Damage
(7-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
5% increased Movement Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit
The fastest way to a man's heart
is through his sternum.
Berek's RespiteBerek's Respite
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 20+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning ResistancesAdds (20-25) to (30-50) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(25-30)% increased Lightning Damage
+(30-40) to maximum Mana
When you Kill a Shocked Enemy, inflict an equivalent Shock on each nearby Enemy
When you Kill an Ignited Enemy, inflict an equivalent Ignite on each nearby Enemy
"With Flame licking at his heels
Berek berated the clouds
Until vengeful Storm spewed forth his rains
And Berek held on tight
As Fire screamed and steamed
And fled."
- Berek and the Untamed
Ixchel's TemptationIxchel's Temptation
Gold Ring
Requires Level 20(6-15)% increased Rarity of Items found+(10-15) to all Attributes
Adds (7-10) to (15-18) Chaos Damage to Attacks
Adds (9-12) to (19-22) Fire Damage to Spells
+(15-20)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(80-100) to Armour
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
+(30-35) to maximum Energy Shield
+(25-30) to maximum Life
+(20-25) to maximum Mana
+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
(6-8)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Maximum Quality is 200%
CorruptedChaos offers possibility, not outcome.
Our own imaginations ensnare us.
Coral Ring
Requires Level 24+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (25-30) Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds (12-15) to (25-30) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(20-40) to maximum Life
+(25-30)% to Cold Resistance
10% increased Movement Speed while Ignited
The Effect of Chill on you is reversed
Fury fuels defiance.
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 25(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds (14-16) to (30-32) Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds (10-12) to (24-28) Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to (60-68) Lightning Damage to Attacks
+(6-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
Nothing is as vivid as the rage of battle
Replica PrismweaveReplica Prismweave
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 25(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds (14-16) to (30-32) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (10-12) to (24-28) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds 1 to (60-68) Lightning Damage to Spells
+(6-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage during any Flask Effect
"A legion of forty soldiers attempted to break into Outpost Five and
steal Prototype #659. What do they know that we do not?"
Brutus' Lead SprinklerBrutus' Lead Sprinkler
Ritual Sceptre
Physical Damage: (34.8-40.8) to (91.2-97.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (9.10-9.80)%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.44)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 28, 51 Str, 51 Int16% increased Elemental Damage20% increased Physical Damage
Adds (8-13) to (26-31) Physical Damage
30% increased Fire Damage
(15-20)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 4 to 7 Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength
"A sprinkle of liquid encouragement is often required
to garnish the perfect confession."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Ngamahu's SignNgamahu's Sign
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 28+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+(15-25) to Strength
Adds (20-25) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
15% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
10% chance to Ignite
Recover (20-30) Life when you Ignite an Enemy
A gift from Ngamahu,
a sign to the Karui to spread like fire.
Given to Akoya, but inherited by Kaom with the swing of his axe.
Lioneye's PawsLioneye's Paws
Bronzescale Boots
Armour: (55-63)
Evasion: (55-63)
Requires Level 30, 30 Str, 30 DexTrigger Level 5 Rain of Arrows when you Attack with a Bow
+(40-60) to Strength
+(40-60) to Dexterity
Adds 12 to 24 Fire Damage to Attacks
20% increased Movement Speed
40% reduced Movement Speed when on Low Life
Stand and lead the righteous pride,
Fight till death, never hide.
Sacrificial HeartSacrificial Heart
Paua Amulet
Requires Level 32(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAdds (22-27) to (34-38) Fire Damage
Adds (20-23) to (31-35) Cold Damage
Adds (1-3) to (47-52) Lightning Damage
Gain up to maximum Power Charges when you use a Vaal Skill
Gain 10 Life per Enemy Hit if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
10% increased Movement Speed if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
The seed of life, saved and savoured.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Sacrifice
Eclipse SolarisEclipse Solaris
Engraved Wand
Physical Damage: 19-36
Elemental Damage: (30-45) to (60-80)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.70-1.76)
Requires Level 40, 131 Int(22-26)% increased Spell DamageAdds (30-45) to (60-80) Fire Damage
(6-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(27-33)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
20% increased Light Radius
Nearby Enemies are Blinded
(120-140)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Blinded Enemies
Every decade, Lunaris devours Solaris
Each time, Solaris emerges from Lunaris, born anew.
Nycta's LanternNycta's Lantern
Crystal Sceptre
Physical Damage: (87.5-105) to (130-156)
Elemental Damage: (76-98) to (161-176)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 41, 59 Str, 85 Int30% increased Elemental Damage(150-200)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (76-98) to (161-176) Fire Damage
50% increased Light Radius
Left in her tomb by the lynch mob,
the flame inside still blazed bright after her death,
and so did hers.
Volkuur's GuidanceVolkuur's Guidance
Zealot Gloves
Armour: (78-92)
Energy Shield: (16-19)
Requires Level 43, 34 Str, 34 IntAdds (16-20) to (25-30) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(30-40)% to Fire Resistance
Your Fire Damage can Poison
50% less Poison Duration
Fire Skills have 20% chance to Poison on Hit
You do not cease to be when you die.
Any more than the caterpillar ceases to be when it cocoons.
Come, let me show you.
Blazing Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 45Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Attacks10% increased Attack Speed
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
+(10-30) to maximum Mana
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
5 to 10 Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacks
Molten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.
Sibyl's LamentSibyl's Lament
Coral Ring
Requires Level 45+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (8-15) to (20-28) Fire Damage to Attacks
(20-10)% reduced Rarity of Items found
Left ring slot: You and your Minions take 80% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage
Right ring slot: You and your Minions take 80% reduced Reflected Physical Damage
(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
The portrait reflected his pain,
a pain that she could never see.
Replica Advancing FortressReplica Advancing Fortress
Gut Ripper
Physical Damage: (40-44) to (106-116.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 46, 80 Dex, 80 IntGrants 44 Life per Enemy HitSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 12 Cast when Damage Taken
15% Chance to Block Attack Damage
(100-120)% increased Physical Damage
+(30-50) to maximum Life
50% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Adds 45 to 75 Fire Damage if you've Blocked Recently
"Additional test subjects approved. Determine exactly how many wounds
need to be endured to activate Prototype #612's energies."
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Fire and Cold Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Dexterity
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Frenzy Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Frenzy Charge Mods
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Intelligence
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<Three Endurance Charge mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 49+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances+20 to all Attributes
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<One Endurance Charge mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod>
<One Power Charge mod>
History teaches humility.
The Scales of JusticeThe Scales of Justice
Chiming Spirit Shield
Chance to Block: 23%
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 49, 119 Int(10-15)% increased Spell DamageHas no Energy Shield
+(40-70) to maximum Life
+(40-70) to maximum Mana
(3-4) to (7-8) added Fire Damage per 100 of Maximum Life or Maximum Mana, whichever is lower
Unaffected by Ignite or Shock if Maximum Life and Maximum Mana are within 500
You shall be weighed and measured. You shall be judged...
and perhaps you shall be found worthy.
Circle of AnguishCircle of Anguish
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Strength
Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
<Two Random Herald of Ash modifier>
I condemned an innocent man to the pyres, but to admit this mistake is to condemn myself.
My only choice is to strive harder.
Martyr of InnocenceMartyr of Innocence
Highborn Staff
Physical Damage: 48-145
Elemental Damage: (315-360) to (450-540)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.25%
Attacks per Second: 1.15
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 52, 89 Str, 89 Int+22% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a StaffGrants Level 15 Battlemage's Cry Skill
+(12-16)% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Fire Damage
Adds (315-360) to (450-540) Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 15% of Fire Resistance if you have Blocked Recently
Immune to Freeze and Chill while Ignited
You have been found guilty.
Let the fires cleanse you of your sins.
Shagreen Gloves
Evasion: (283-466)Requires Level 54, 78 DexAdds (16-19) to (25-29) Fire Damage
Adds (16-19) to (25-29) Cold Damage
Adds (6-10) to (33-38) Lightning Damage
(60-120)% increased Evasion Rating
Critical Strikes do not inherently inflict non-Damaging Ailments
Inflict non-Damaging Ailments as though dealing (100-200)% more Damage
Lay bare paths to pain you never knew you had.
Crown of the TyrantCrown of the Tyrant
Magistrate Crown
Armour: (160-189)
Energy Shield: (33-39)
Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 IntHas 1 Socket
+(50-175) to maximum Life
Nearby Enemies have -10% to all Resistances
You and Nearby Allies have 64 to 96 added Fire Damage per Red Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 56 to 88 added Cold Damage per Green Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 16 to 144 added Lightning Damage per Blue Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 47 to 61 added Chaos Damage per White Socket
You will know if your subjects follow you from fear or respect when you have your first moment of weakness.
If it's the former, they will tear you into pieces like rabid dogs.
Replica AbyssusReplica Abyssus
Ezomyte Burgonet
Armour: (692-838)Requires Level 60, 138 Str+(20-25) to all Attributes
Adds 40 to 75 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 30 to 65 Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 10 to 130 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+(100-125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
(100-120)% increased Armour
(40-50)% increased Elemental Damage taken
"While Prototype #3 does imbue its wearer with strength to match the original,
the first researcher to don it burst into flames when he walked into sunlight..."
The Fracturing SpinnerThe Fracturing Spinner
Blunt Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 60Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to AttacksGrants Summon Harbinger of Directions Skill
+(30-50) to Strength and Dexterity
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(15-25)% to Fire and Cold Resistances

The Shattered DivinityThe Shattered Divinity
Blunt Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 60Adds (7-9) to (13-16) Physical Damage to AttacksGrants Summon Greater Harbinger of Directions Skill
+(30-50) to Strength and Dexterity
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
Adds (19-22) to (30-35) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(15-25)% to Fire and Cold Resistances

Chernobog's PillarChernobog's Pillar
Ebony Tower Shield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: (785-1027)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 61, 159 Str+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(120-150)% increased Armour
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(35-50)% to Fire Resistance
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit
Fire dances with those who doubt
Licks the skin and flesh from the fearful
Where there is no fear
There is no flame
Chin SolChin Sol
Assassin Bow
Physical Damage: (86-103.2) to (260-312)
Elemental Damage: 25-50
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.43)
Requires Level 62, 212 Dex+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier+(10-20) to Dexterity
(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 25 to 50 Fire Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
50% more Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range
Bow Knockback at Close Range
As a soldier you want to get close to enemy archers.
That is not the case when fighting the Maraketh.
Wings of EntropyWings of Entropy
Ezomyte Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (139.2-156.6) to (209.6-235.8)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.70%
Attacks per Second: 1.35
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 62, 140 Str, 86 Dex(7-10)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(8-12)% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (75-100) to (165-200) Fire Damage in Main Hand
Adds (75-100) to (165-200) Chaos Damage in Off Hand
Counts as Dual Wielding
Fire and Anarchy are the most reliable agents of change.
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Rebuke of the VaalRebuke of the Vaal
Vaal Blade
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (95-144) to (187-226)
Elemental Damage: (49-98) to (101-140), (49-98) to (101-140), 1 to (210-250)
Chaos Damage: (49-98) to (101-140)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.43-1.56)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Dex+460 to Accuracy RatingAdds (49-98) to (101-140) Physical Damage
Adds (49-98) to (101-140) Fire Damage
Adds (49-98) to (101-140) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (210-250) Lightning Damage
Adds (49-98) to (101-140) Chaos Damage
(10-20)% increased Attack Speed
Though the Vaal revered peace, it would have
been suicide for any culture to rouse them to war.
- Icius Perandus, Scholar to the Empire.
The Poised PrismThe Poised Prism
Primal Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
+(15-25)% to Cold Resistance
+(15-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Adds 1 to 2 Cold Damage to Attacks per 10 Dexterity
Adds 1 to 2 Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength
Adds 0 to 3 Lightning Damage to Attacks per 10 Intelligence
What do you see when you look inward?
Doryani's DelusionDoryani's Delusion
Sorcerer Boots
Energy Shield: (127-165)Requires Level 67, 123 Int(150-180)% increased Energy Shield
+(60-70) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
<One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>
"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth.
I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Oro's SacrificeOro's Sacrifice
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Elemental Damage: (425-475) to (550-600)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.49-1.55)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsNo Physical Damage
Adds (425-475) to (550-600) Fire Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
20% chance to Ignite
10% increased Physical Damage taken
10% increased Fire Damage taken
Culling Strike against Burning Enemies
Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy
Give yourself to the flames and your name
will burn in the minds of men forever.
Bitterbind PointBitterbind Point
Titanium Spirit Shield
Chance to Block: 25%
Energy Shield: (187-246)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 159 Int(30-50)% increased Spell Damage
(180-220)% increased Energy Shield
Spectres have (50-100)% increased maximum Life
Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Strike
Your Raised Spectres also gain Arcane Surge when you do
(40-50)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance per Raised Spectre
Veiled Prefix
Though we live and act as individuals, in truth, we are tethered together.
The barriers that divide us need not be broken for our spirits to become entangled.
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Doryani's DelusionDoryani's Delusion
Titan Greaves
Armour: (482-611)Requires Level 68, 120 Str(100-120)% increased Armour
+(60-70) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
<One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>
"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth.
I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Demon Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (109-134) to (232-247)
Elemental Damage: (130-160) to (220-240)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (85-110) to (135-150) Physical Damage
Adds (130-160) to (220-240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
Lava bled from the earth and,
after a time, cooled and hardened.
The world protecting its beating heart
with a thick, black scab.
Doryani's DelusionDoryani's Delusion
Slink Boots
Evasion: (492-622)Requires Level 69, 120 Dex(100-120)% increased Evasion Rating
+(60-70) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
<One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>
"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth.
I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Infernal Axe
One Handed Axe
Physical Damage: 51-85
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.43-1.49)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 69, 158 Str, 76 DexAdds (255-285) to (300-330) Fire Damage in Main Hand
Adds (255-285) to (300-330) Cold Damage in Off Hand
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
25% chance to Ignite when in Main Hand
100% increased Damage with Ignite inflicted on Chilled Enemies
Chill Enemies for 1 second on Hit with this Weapon when in Off Hand
Born of love, forged in blood
He burned as a torch in the blackest night
She shone as ice in the winter sun
Proudly, fiercely
At their mother's side, forever.
The Hungry LoopThe Hungry Loop
Unset Ring
Requires Level 70Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level
Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems
Has not Consumed any Gems
<Consumed support gem modifier>
Be careful where you put your finger.

Increased Fire Damage

Unique items that increase or reduce fire damage by a percentage.

ItemRequired level% inc Fire Damage
Replica Blood ThornReplica Blood Thorn
Gnarled Branch
Physical Damage: 9-19
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.43)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Block
Reflects (22-44) Fire Damage to Attackers on Block
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
"Physical forces and flames seem to share some innate bond.
What logic lies beneath the veil of reality?"
The Light of MeaningThe Light of Meaning
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Large
<Random modifier that grants bonus stats to passive skills in radius>To name a thing is to give it power.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Xoph's HeartXoph's Heart
Amber Amulet
Requires Level 5+(20-30) to Strength+(20-30) to Strength
25% increased Fire Damage
+(25-35) to maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
Nearby Enemies are Covered in Ash
His is our heart.
To its beat we are all driven.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Xoph
Abberath's HornAbberath's Horn
Goat's Horn
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks(20-30)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-12) Fire Damage to Spells
(40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Gain 10 Life per Ignited Enemy Killed
25% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
The Goat King drank the smoke and ate the flames
as his ruin spread across the land.
Abberath's HoovesAbberath's Hooves
Goathide Boots
Evasion: (42-54)Requires Level 12, 26 DexTriggers Level 7 Abberath's Fury when Equipped
+(20-30) to Strength
15% increased Movement Speed
(6-10)% chance to Ignite
When you Kill an Ignited Enemy, inflict an equivalent Ignite on each nearby Enemy
1% increased Fire Damage per 20 Strength
Burning Hoofprints
The goat king knew not of war,
of the lands and laws he trampled.
The goat king knew only joy
at turning life into ash.
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 16+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance(30-40)% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to Ignite
40% less Burning Damage
You can inflict an additional Ignite on each Enemy
Leave the world in flames behind you.
Replica EmberwakeReplica Emberwake
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 16+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance(30-40)% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
90% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
10% chance to Ignite
Ignites you inflict deal Damage (35-45)% faster
"The flames raced through Lab Five with incredible speed, but were extinguished
just as quickly. This could have been much worse."
- Lead Researcher Ksaret
Berek's PassBerek's Pass
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 20+(12-16)% to Fire and Cold Resistances(25-30)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (20-25) to (30-50) Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks
+(30-40) to maximum Energy Shield
30% increased Damage while Ignited
+5000 to Armour while Frozen
"From Frost's ice-bound pass
Berek taunted and jeered
Until furious Flame scaled the mountain
Berek escaped through the thaw
And Frost's tortured moans."
- Berek and the Untamed
Brutus' Lead SprinklerBrutus' Lead Sprinkler
Ritual Sceptre
Physical Damage: (34.8-40.8) to (91.2-97.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (9.10-9.80)%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.44)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 28, 51 Str, 51 Int16% increased Elemental Damage20% increased Physical Damage
Adds (8-13) to (26-31) Physical Damage
30% increased Fire Damage
(15-20)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 4 to 7 Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength
"A sprinkle of liquid encouragement is often required
to garnish the perfect confession."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Natural HierarchyNatural Hierarchy
Rotfeather Talisman
Talisman Tier: 3
Requires Level 44
(25-35)% increased Damage(10-15)% increased Global Physical Damage
(25-30)% increased Fire Damage
(20-25)% increased Cold Damage
(15-20)% increased Lightning Damage
(30-35)% increased Chaos Damage
CorruptedJust as the rat cowers before the dog
and the dog cowers before Man,
so too should we cower before the First Ones
and pray we never learn of what comes next.
Redblade BandRedblade Band
Unset Ring
Requires Level 44Has 1 SocketSocketed Golem Skills have 25% chance to Taunt on Hit
Socketed Golem Skills have Minions Regenerate 5% of Life per second
+3 to Level of Socketed Golem Gems
+(30-40) to Strength
(20-30)% increased Fire Damage
+(30-40) to maximum Life
To ascend to leadership, the child of a Redblade warlord
must pull the band from the still-hot
ashes of their father.
Kongming's StratagemKongming's Stratagem
Ancient Spirit Shield
Energy Shield: (133-180)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 45, 110 Int(5-10)% increased Spell DamageTrigger Level 20 Fog of War when your Trap is triggered
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(250-300)% increased Energy Shield
(30-50)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
30% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies
No Chance to Block
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.
Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before they fight,
while the ignorant fight to win.
Circle of AnguishCircle of Anguish
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Strength
Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
<Two Random Herald of Ash modifier>
I condemned an innocent man to the pyres, but to admit this mistake is to condemn myself.
My only choice is to strive harder.
Eyes of the GreatwolfEyes of the Greatwolf
Greatwolf Talisman
Talisman Tier: 4
Requires Level 52
<Two random talisman implicit modifiers>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubledCorruptedI am but a vessel for a greater force.
It acts through me. Speaks through me.
Decides what lives and dies through me.
And will change the world through me.
Martyr of InnocenceMartyr of Innocence
Highborn Staff
Physical Damage: 48-145
Elemental Damage: (315-360) to (450-540)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.25%
Attacks per Second: 1.15
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 52, 89 Str, 89 Int+22% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a StaffGrants Level 15 Battlemage's Cry Skill
+(12-16)% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Fire Damage
Adds (315-360) to (450-540) Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 15% of Fire Resistance if you have Blocked Recently
Immune to Freeze and Chill while Ignited
You have been found guilty.
Let the fires cleanse you of your sins.
The Consuming DarkThe Consuming Dark
Fiend Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 53, 58 Dex, 123 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
+(20-40) to Intelligence
(40-60)% increased Fire Damage
30% of Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Your Chaos Damage has 60% chance to Poison Enemies
The brightest flames cast the darkest shadows.
Hrimnor's ResolveHrimnor's Resolve
Samnite Helmet
Armour: (552-715)Requires Level 55, 114 Str(30-40)% increased Fire Damage
(100-120)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+30% to Cold Resistance
100% chance to Avoid being Chilled or Frozen if you have used a Fire Skill Recently
Hrimnor's presence was as cold as ice,
but his heart burned for vengeance.
The Searing TouchThe Searing Touch
Physical Damage: 72-120
Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 62, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff+(40-60)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
(70-90)% increased Fire Damage
10% increased Cast Speed
+2 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
Burn to cinders, scar and maim,
Rule a world, bathed in flame.
Circle of AmbitionCircle of Ambition
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 64<Three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
10% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Herald Skills
<Three Random Herald modifiers>
I will build the wall that stands against the tide.
The day is coming... I have seen it.
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierAttacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<veiled mod pool>
What has no siblings but is always a twin?Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Replica ParadoxicaReplica Paradoxica
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierVeiled Prefix
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Prefix
<veiled mod pool>
"This is one riddle I can't solve."
- Researcher Graven
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Cane of KulemakCane of Kulemak
Serpentine Staff
Physical Damage: 56-117
Critical Strike Chance: 7.80%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 68, 85 Str, 85 Int+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(60-90)% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<Veiled Prefix or Veiled Suffix>
<veiled mod pool>
Stolen power is still power.Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Doryani's InvitationDoryani's Invitation
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 68+(25-35) to Strength(20-30)% increased Fire Damage
+(300-350) to Armour
+(30-35)% to Cold Resistance
+(30-35)% to Lightning Resistance
0.6% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life
(20-30)% chance to Ignite during any Flask Effect
"You can invite them but you can never be
sure who will come knocking."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Replica NebulisReplica Nebulis
Void Sceptre
Physical Damage: 50-76
Critical Strike Chance: 7.30%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 104 Str, 122 Int40% increased Elemental Damage(15-20)% increased Cast Speed
(15-20)% increased Cold Damage per 1% Missing Cold Resistance, up to a maximum of 300%
(15-20)% increased Fire Damage per 1% Missing Fire Resistance, up to a maximum of 300%
"We could rival the gods with this power, if only we had the mitigating mechanisms
to make it work. A jewel, a talisman, an armour... or the Font..."
Demon Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (109-134) to (232-247)
Elemental Damage: (130-160) to (220-240)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (85-110) to (135-150) Physical Damage
Adds (130-160) to (220-240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
Lava bled from the earth and,
after a time, cooled and hardened.
The world protecting its beating heart
with a thick, black scab.

Converted to Fire Damage

Unique items that convert damage to fire damage.

ItemRequired levelPhys %Light %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Sapphire Ring
Requires Level 11+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+(25-35)% to Fire Resistance
(60-80)% increased Burning Damage
40% of Cold Damage Converted to Fire Damage
10% increased Light Radius
Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed
Let winter come. It will only make my fire burn brighter.
The Goddess ScornedThe Goddess Scorned
Elegant Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (70-80) to (115.5-132)
Critical Strike Chance: (9.50-10.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 28, 46 Str, 55 Dex+190 to Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
(250-300)% increased Physical Damage
(90-110)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
Cannot be Ignited
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Ignites you inflict deal Damage 50% faster
You can only deal Damage with this Weapon or Ignite
Her purpose seems done; the oath is fulfilled.
Rust dulls her smirk with the last demon killed.
The embers grow dim and yet hope burns her lips:
"An old flame renewed can define our eclipse!"
Triad GripTriad Grip
Mesh Gloves
Armour: (104-147)
Energy Shield: (21-30)
Requires Level 32, 26 Str, 26 Int(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage per Red Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage per Blue Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage per White Socket
Minions have (5-10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
The secret of the elements lies within a square triangle.
Blazing Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 45Adds (12-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Attacks10% increased Attack Speed
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
+(10-30) to maximum Mana
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
5 to 10 Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacks
Molten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.
Ngamahu's FlameNgamahu's Flame
Abyssal Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (218.7-234.9) to (326.7-350.9)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.35-1.40)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 55, 128 Str, 60 Dex20% chance to Trigger Level 16 Molten Burst on Melee Hit
(170-190)% increased Physical Damage
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 20% Fire Resistance
"The Karui savages claim the weapon was forged by their fire god.
I'm rather inclined to believe them."
- Fairgraves, Renowned Explorer
Kaom's BindingKaom's Binding
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 56+(25-35) to Strength+(30-40) to Strength
+(300-500) to Armour
Take no Burning Damage if you've stopped taking Burning Damage Recently
Nearby Enemies Convert 25% of their Physical Damage to Fire
For centuries, he burned in an unending
nightmare of lava and flame... but he endured.
The FulcrumThe Fulcrum
Ezomyte Staff
Physical Damage: (127.2-148.4) to (384-448)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(140-180)% increased Physical Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you
Elemental Damage with Hits is Lucky while you are Shocked
Damage Penetrates (8-10)% Elemental Resistances while you are Chilled
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element while you are Ignited
To stand at the confluence of the elements,
the master must achieve perfect balance.
Chernobog's PillarChernobog's Pillar
Ebony Tower Shield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: (785-1027)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 61, 159 Str+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(120-150)% increased Armour
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(35-50)% to Fire Resistance
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit
Fire dances with those who doubt
Licks the skin and flesh from the fearful
Where there is no fear
There is no flame
Xoph's NurtureXoph's Nurture
Citadel Bow
Physical Damage: (95.4-106.2) to (381.6-424.8)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Requires Level 64, 185 DexSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ignite Proliferation
(165-195)% increased Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Recover (40-60) Life when you Ignite an Enemy
Upon the grey winds his love spreads.
Razor of the Seventh SunRazor of the Seventh Sun
Midnight Blade
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (125-145) to (244-269)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (90-110) to (145-170) Physical Damage
30% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Ignite
100% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy
100% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies
Quickly cooled the steel,
but never could it forget
the heat of the forge.
Demon Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (109-134) to (232-247)
Elemental Damage: (130-160) to (220-240)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (85-110) to (135-150) Physical Damage
Adds (130-160) to (220-240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
Lava bled from the earth and,
after a time, cooled and hardened.
The world protecting its beating heart
with a thick, black scab.
Vorana's MarchVorana's March
Runic Sabatons
Ward: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 IntHas no Sockets
Triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists when Equipped
25% increased Movement Speed
<Four random Summoned Arbalists modifiers>
In their hour of desperate need, the Knights of the Sun
called out for aid... and the Black Scythe answered.

Added as Fire Damage

Unique items that add a portion of other damage types as fire damage.

ItemRequired levelPhys %Light %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Leather Hood
Evasion: (181-254)Requires Level 20, 46 Dex(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain 1% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage per 1% Chill Effect on Enemy
Gain 30% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies
Give of your heated passions.
Give of your cold resolve.
You will be repaid.
Replica Tempestuous SteelReplica Tempestuous Steel
War Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (45-50)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.51-1.60)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 20, 41 Str, 35 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (5-8) to (15-20) Physical Damage
(8-14)% increased Attack Speed
100% reduced Global Accuracy Rating
+(60-100)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with One Handed Melee Weapons
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 30% Elemental Resistances
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
"Test subjects were unable to strike even a motionless target.
However, when a trained guard tried it..."
The Tempestuous SteelThe Tempestuous Steel
War Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (45-50)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.51-1.60)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 20, 41 Str, 35 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (5-8) to (15-20) Physical Damage
(8-14)% increased Attack Speed
Hits can't be Evaded
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 30% Elemental Resistances
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain 15% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
The blade thrums with wild energy
Eager for vengeance against all who walk free.
Kaom's PrimacyKaom's Primacy
Karui Chopper
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (242-290.4) to (378-453.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.05
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 58, 151 Str, 43 Dex(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
Gain 20 Life per Enemy Killed
+(150-250) to Accuracy Rating
Culling Strike
Gain 5 Rage on Melee Hit
Every Rage also grants 1% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
One by one, Kaom slaughtered the weakest tribe
leaders until the others leapt to join his cause.
Xoph's InceptionXoph's Inception
Citadel Bow
Physical Damage: (93.6-104.4) to (374.4-417.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Requires Level 58, 185 Dex(160-190)% increased Physical Damage
Gain (200-300) Life per Ignited Enemy Killed
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Burning Enemies
Arrows deal 30 to 50 Added Fire Damage for each time they've Pierced
Upon the red pyre we are born.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Xoph
Replica Grip of the CouncilReplica Grip of the Council
Arcanist Gloves
Energy Shield: (45-52)Requires Level 60, 95 Int+30 to Strength
+(30-50) to maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
Minions have 10% reduced maximum Life
Minions have +40% to Fire Resistance
Minions gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
"I feel altered when Administrator Qotra wears these gloves.
Somehow, I find that disturbing."
- Researcher Arn
Grace of the GoddessGrace of the Goddess
Prophecy Wand
Physical Damage: (112-126) to (208-234)
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 68, 245 Int(36-40)% increased Spell Damage(300-350)% increased Physical Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain (10-30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
+1 to maximum number of Sacred Wisps
+1 to number of Sacred Wisps Summoned
In a time of darkness, know that the Draíocht will bring you light.
Nightmare Mace
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (83-98) to (180-200)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 212 Str10% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdAdds (45-60) to (100-120) Physical Damage
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge
Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
+500 to Armour per Endurance Charge
200 Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently
They hoped that, trapped in its prison,
the creature would age and perish.
But time would not touch the fiend.
Vorana's MarchVorana's March
Runic Sabatons
Ward: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 IntHas no Sockets
Triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists when Equipped
25% increased Movement Speed
<Four random Summoned Arbalists modifiers>
In their hour of desperate need, the Knights of the Sun
called out for aid... and the Black Scythe answered.

Damage taken as Fire Damage

Unique items that cause non-fire damage to be taken as as fire damage.

ItemRequired levelPhys %Light %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Eyes of the GreatwolfEyes of the Greatwolf
Greatwolf Talisman
Talisman Tier: 4
Requires Level 52
<Two random talisman implicit modifiers>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubledCorruptedI am but a vessel for a greater force.
It acts through me. Speaks through me.
Decides what lives and dies through me.
And will change the world through me.

Add a percentage of fire damage as another damage type

Unique items that add a percentage of the fire damage as another damage type.

ItemRequired levelLight %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
The Red DreamThe Red Dream
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Large
Gain (6-10)% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Passives granting Fire Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius
also grant an equal chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
We flow like blood into Chayula's open mouth,
and spill into the land we have watched forever.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Chayula
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
The Red NightmareThe Red Nightmare
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1Gain (6-10)% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Passives granting Fire Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius
also grant Chance to Block Attack Damage at 50% of its value
We coagulate; a crimson shell
that suffocates the unworthy.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Fire and Cold Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Dexterity
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Frenzy Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Frenzy Charge Mods
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Intelligence
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<Three Endurance Charge mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 49+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances+20 to all Attributes
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<One Endurance Charge mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod>
<One Power Charge mod>
History teaches humility.
Replica ParadoxicaReplica Paradoxica
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierVeiled Prefix
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Prefix
<veiled mod pool>
"This is one riddle I can't solve."
- Researcher Graven
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.

Converted to another damage type

Unique items that convert fire damage to another damage type.

ItemRequired levelLightning %Cold %Fire %Chaos %
The Consuming DarkThe Consuming Dark
Fiend Dagger
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 53, 58 Dex, 123 Int40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
+(20-40) to Intelligence
(40-60)% increased Fire Damage
30% of Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Your Chaos Damage has 60% chance to Poison Enemies
The brightest flames cast the darkest shadows.
Infernal MantleInfernal Mantle
Widowsilk Robe
Energy Shield: (345-470)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 187 Int+3 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(120-160)% increased Energy Shield
15% of Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
100% increased Spell Damage taken when on Low Mana
Despair hums, softly, deadly, in the bones of my enemies.
Eyes will burn, and souls wither, as they bask in my radiance.

Passive skills

There are passive skills that grant fire damage bonuses.

Fire damage

These passive skills grant increased fire damage.

Fire and Cold Damage
8% increased Fire Damage
8% increased Cold Damage [1]
Fire Damage
16% increased Fire Damage [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
12% increased Fire Damage [3] [4]
Fire Damage and Area of Effect
8% increased Fire Damage
8% increased Area of Effect [1]
Fire Damage and Cast Speed
8% increased Fire Damage
3% increased Cast Speed [1]
Fire Damage and Life Regeneration
12% increased Fire Damage
Regenerate 0.4% of Life per second [1]
Physical and Fire Damage
8% increased Fire Damage
8% increased Physical Damage [1]
Breath of Flames
30% increased Fire Damage
+10% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier [1]
Explosive Impact
30% increased Fire Damage
12% increased Area of Effect [1]
Fire Walker
25% increased Fire Damage
+15% to Fire Resistance
5% increased Cast Speed with Fire Skills [1]
Heart of Flame
30% increased Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance [1]
Enemies Ignited or Chilled by you have -5% to Elemental Resistances
25% increased Fire Damage
25% increased Cold Damage [1]

Fire damage with weapons

These passive skills grant increased fire damage with weapons.

Weapon Fire Damage
16% increased Fire Damage with Attack Skills [1] [2]
Lava Lash
30% increased Fire Damage with Attack Skills
Damage with Weapons Penetrates 8% Fire Resistance [1]

Burning damage

These passive skills grant increased burning damage (fire damage over time). No results found for the given query.

Fire resistance penetration

Divine Fury
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 5% Fire Resistance [1]
Heart of Flame
30% increased Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance [1]
Lava Lash
30% increased Fire Damage with Attack Skills
Damage with Weapons Penetrates 8% Fire Resistance [1]

Cluster Jewel passive skills

The following Cluster Jewel passives are related to Fire Damage:

30% increased Fire Damage
Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed [1]
Raze and Pillage
Minions gain 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Minions have 20% chance to Ignite
Minions deal 20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies [1]
Wrapped in Flame
20% increased Fire Damage
5% chance to Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit while you are Burning
Cannot be Chilled while Burning [1]
Fire Damage
12% increased Fire Damage [1]
+20% to Fire Resistance
25% increased Armour
0.4% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life [1]
Smoking Remains
35% increased Fire Damage
10% chance to create a Smoke Cloud on Kill [1]


These passive skills are related to fire damage, but do not fit into any other category.

Burning Damage Multiplier with Attacks
+6% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills [1] [2] [3]
Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain 4% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage [1]
Burning Brutality
+12% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills
6% increased Attack Speed [1]
Concussive Force
Ignites from Stunning Melee Hits deal 20% more Damage
Hits Stun as though dealing 50% more Melee Fire Damage [1]
Divine Fury
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 5% Fire Resistance [1]
Invigorating Blaze
+10% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills
Recover 2% of Life when you Ignite a non-Ignited Enemy [1]
Magmatic Strikes
Every 10 seconds, gain 30% of Physical Damage
as Extra Fire Damage for 4 seconds

Timeless Jewel keystone passive skills

The following Timeless JewelTimeless JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. keystone passive skills are related to fire damage:

Name Stats
Tempered by War

50% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage
50% less Cold Resistance
50% less Lightning Resistance


Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits instead of Physical Damage
-5% to all maximum Elemental Resistances

Keystone passive skills

The following keystone passive skills are related to fire damage:

Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical, Cold and Lightning Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deal no Non-Fire Damage [1]
Minion Instability
Minions Explode when reduced to Low Life, dealing 33% of their Life as Fire Damage to surrounding Enemies [1]
Tempered by War
50% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage
50% less Cold Resistance
50% less Lightning Resistance [1]
Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits instead of Physical Damage
-15% to all maximum Elemental Resistances [1]


The following Masteries are related to fire damage:

Mastery Effects
Fire Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Burning Enemies you kill have a 3% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damage

Ascendancy passive skills

The following Ascendancy passive skills are related to fire damage:

20% chance to Cover Rare or Unique Enemies in Ash for 10 Seconds on Hit
Unaffected by Ignite
10% increased Strength
20% increased Warcry Buff Effect [1]
Life Regeneration, Fire Damage
Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
10% increased Fire Damage [1] [2] [3]
Ngamahu, Flame's Advance
Non-Unique Jewels cause Increases and Reductions to other Damage Types in a Large Radius to be Transformed to apply to Fire Damage
Non-Unique Jewels cause Small and Notable Passive Skills in a Large Radius to
also grant +3 to Strength [1]


Tattoo of the Ngamahu WarriorTattoo of the Ngamahu WarriorStack Size: 10
Replaces a Small Strength Passive Skill
5% increased Fire DamageRight click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill. Maximum 50 Tattoos.
5% increased Fire Damage

Related modifiers

Fire damage modifiers

NameDomainGeneration TypeFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
Redeemer'sItemPrefix68Adds (16-20) to (22-25) Fire Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recentlygloves_eyrie 500
Redeemer'sItemPrefix73Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recentlygloves_eyrie 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix75(2-3) to (4-5) Fire Damage per Endurance Chargering_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix80(3-4) to (6-7) Fire Damage per Endurance Chargering_adjudicator 500
Hunter'sItemPrefix68Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strengthsword_basilisk 200
axe_basilisk 200
mace_basilisk 200
sceptre_basilisk 200
Hunter'sItemPrefix68Adds (2-3) to (4-5) Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength2h_sword_basilisk 200
2h_axe_basilisk 200
2h_mace_basilisk 200
staff_basilisk 200
warstaff_basilisk 200
The Shaper'sItemPrefix68Adds (2-3) to (4-5) Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength2h_sword_shaper 200
2h_axe_shaper 200
2h_mace_shaper 200
staff_shaper 200
warstaff_shaper 200
The Shaper'sItemPrefix68Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strengthsword_shaper 200
axe_shaper 200
mace_shaper 200
sceptre_shaper 200
Warlord'sItemPrefix68(22-27) to (41-46) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemiesbelt_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix75(28-32) to (47-51) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemiesbelt_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix80(33-39) to (52-55) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemiesbelt_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix68Adds (19-26) to (38-46) Fire Damage against Ignited Enemiesring_adjudicator 500
The Elder'sItemPrefix68Adds (19-26) to (38-46) Fire Damage against Ignited Enemiesring_elder 800
Warlord'sItemPrefix75Adds (23-30) to (47-54) Fire Damage against Ignited Enemiesring_adjudicator 500
The Elder'sItemPrefix75Adds (23-30) to (47-54) Fire Damage against Ignited Enemiesring_elder 800
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds 1 to 2 Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds (1-2) to 3 Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
SmoulderingItemPrefix12Adds (3-5) to (7-8) Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
SmoulderingItemPrefix12Adds (5-7) to (10-12) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
SmokingItemPrefix20Adds (5-7) to (11-13) Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
SmokingItemPrefix20Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
BurningItemPrefix28Adds (7-10) to (15-18) Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
BurningItemPrefix28Adds (11-14) to (21-25) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
FlamingItemPrefix35Adds (9-12) to (19-22) Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
FlamingItemPrefix35Adds (13-18) to (27-31) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
ScorchingItemPrefix44Adds (11-15) to (23-27) Fire Damage to Attacksring 500
amulet 500
gloves 500
ScorchingItemPrefix44Adds (17-22) to (33-38) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
IncineratingItemPrefix52Adds (13-18) to (27-31) Fire Damage to Attacksring 100
amulet 500
gloves 0
IncineratingItemPrefix52Adds (20-27) to (40-47) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
BlastingItemPrefix64Adds (16-22) to (32-38) Fire Damage to Attacksring 100
amulet 500
gloves 0
BlastingItemPrefix64Adds (27-35) to (53-62) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 250
CrematingItemPrefix76Adds (19-25) to (39-45) Fire Damage to Attacksring 50
amulet 250
gloves 0
CrematingItemPrefix76Adds (37-50) to (74-87) Fire Damage to Attacksquiver 125
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
SmoulderingItemPrefix11Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
SmokingItemPrefix18Adds (12-17) to (25-29) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
BurningItemPrefix26Adds (17-24) to (35-41) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
FlamingItemPrefix33Adds (24-33) to (49-57) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
ScorchingItemPrefix42Adds (34-46) to (68-80) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
IncineratingItemPrefix51Adds (46-62) to (93-107) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 2000
sword 1200
axe 1200
sceptre 800
mace 500
wand 500
claw 1200
dagger 1200
BlastingItemPrefix62Adds (59-81) to (120-140) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 1600
sword 960
axe 960
sceptre 640
mace 400
wand 400
claw 960
dagger 960
CrematingItemPrefix74Adds (74-101) to (150-175) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 700
sword 420
axe 420
sceptre 280
mace 175
wand 175
claw 420
dagger 420
CarbonisingItemPrefix82Adds (89-121) to (180-210) Fire Damagetwo_hand_weapon 0
rapier 180
sword 108
axe 108
sceptre 72
mace 45
wand 45
claw 108
dagger 108
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds (3-5) to (6-7) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
SmoulderingItemPrefix11Adds (14-20) to (29-33) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
SmokingItemPrefix18Adds (23-31) to (47-54) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
BurningItemPrefix26Adds (32-44) to (65-76) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
FlamingItemPrefix33Adds (45-61) to (91-106) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
ScorchingItemPrefix42Adds (63-85) to (128-148) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
IncineratingItemPrefix51Adds (85-115) to (172-200) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1400
sword 1200
axe 1200
mace 500
staff 600
BlastingItemPrefix62Adds (110-150) to (223-260) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 1120
sword 960
axe 960
mace 400
staff 480
CrematingItemPrefix74Adds (137-188) to (279-325) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 490
sword 420
axe 420
mace 175
staff 210
CarbonisingItemPrefix82Adds (165-225) to (335-390) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 0
bow 126
sword 108
axe 108
mace 45
staff 54
Warlord'sItemPrefix68Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
sword_adjudicator 500
axe_adjudicator 500
claw_adjudicator 500
dagger_adjudicator 500
rune_dagger_adjudicator 500
mace_adjudicator 500
sceptre_adjudicator 500
wand_adjudicator 500
bow_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix68Adds (15-19) to (28-34) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
2h_sword_adjudicator 500
2h_axe_adjudicator 500
2h_mace_adjudicator 500
staff_adjudicator 500
warstaff_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix71Adds (12-16) to (24-28) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
sword_adjudicator 500
axe_adjudicator 500
claw_adjudicator 500
dagger_adjudicator 500
rune_dagger_adjudicator 500
mace_adjudicator 500
sceptre_adjudicator 500
wand_adjudicator 500
bow_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix71Adds (22-30) to (44-52) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
2h_sword_adjudicator 500
2h_axe_adjudicator 500
2h_mace_adjudicator 500
staff_adjudicator 500
warstaff_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix74Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
sword_adjudicator 400
axe_adjudicator 400
claw_adjudicator 400
dagger_adjudicator 400
rune_dagger_adjudicator 400
mace_adjudicator 400
sceptre_adjudicator 400
wand_adjudicator 400
bow_adjudicator 400
Warlord'sItemPrefix74Adds (31-41) to (61-72) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
2h_sword_adjudicator 400
2h_axe_adjudicator 400
2h_mace_adjudicator 400
staff_adjudicator 400
warstaff_adjudicator 400
Warlord'sItemPrefix77Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
sword_adjudicator 300
axe_adjudicator 300
claw_adjudicator 300
dagger_adjudicator 300
rune_dagger_adjudicator 300
mace_adjudicator 300
sceptre_adjudicator 300
wand_adjudicator 300
bow_adjudicator 300
Warlord'sItemPrefix77Adds (39-52) to (78-90) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
2h_sword_adjudicator 300
2h_axe_adjudicator 300
2h_mace_adjudicator 300
staff_adjudicator 300
warstaff_adjudicator 300
Warlord'sItemPrefix80Adds (26-35) to (53-61) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
sword_adjudicator 200
axe_adjudicator 200
claw_adjudicator 200
dagger_adjudicator 200
rune_dagger_adjudicator 200
mace_adjudicator 200
sceptre_adjudicator 200
wand_adjudicator 200
bow_adjudicator 200
Warlord'sItemPrefix80Adds (49-65) to (99-114) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5-7)% Fire Resistance
2h_sword_adjudicator 200
2h_axe_adjudicator 200
2h_mace_adjudicator 200
staff_adjudicator 200
warstaff_adjudicator 200
Warlord'sItemPrefix68(0.2-0.4)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Energy Shieldamulet_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix68(0.3-0.5)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Lifeamulet_adjudicator 500
The Elder'sItemPrefix68(0.3-0.5)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Lifeamulet_elder 800
Warlord'sItemPrefix68(16-20)% increased Fire Damagebelt_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix75(21-25)% increased Fire Damagebelt_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix80(26-30)% increased Fire Damagebelt_adjudicator 500
The Shaper'sItemPrefix68(101-115)% increased Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Added Fire Damage
sword_shaper 400
axe_shaper 400
mace_shaper 400
claw_shaper 400
sceptre_shaper 400
dagger_shaper 400
rune_dagger_shaper 400
wand_shaper 400
The Shaper'sItemPrefix75(116-126)% increased Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Added Fire Damage
sword_shaper 200
axe_shaper 200
mace_shaper 200
claw_shaper 200
sceptre_shaper 200
dagger_shaper 200
rune_dagger_shaper 200
wand_shaper 200
The Shaper'sItemPrefix80(127-134)% increased Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Added Fire Damage
sword_shaper 100
axe_shaper 100
mace_shaper 100
claw_shaper 100
sceptre_shaper 100
dagger_shaper 100
rune_dagger_shaper 100
wand_shaper 100
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
SmoulderingItemPrefix11Adds (6-8) to (12-14) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
SmokingItemPrefix18Adds (10-12) to (19-23) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
BurningItemPrefix26Adds (13-18) to (27-31) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
FlamingItemPrefix33Adds (19-25) to (37-44) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
ScorchingItemPrefix42Adds (24-33) to (48-57) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
IncineratingItemPrefix51Adds (31-42) to (64-73) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
BlastingItemPrefix62Adds (40-52) to (79-91) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
CrematingItemPrefix74Adds (49-66) to (98-115) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_dagger 0
wand 800
sceptre 800
dagger 800
HeatedItemPrefix1Adds (1-2) to (4-5) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
SmoulderingItemPrefix11Adds (8-11) to (17-19) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
SmokingItemPrefix18Adds (13-17) to (26-29) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
BurningItemPrefix26Adds (18-23) to (36-42) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
FlamingItemPrefix33Adds (25-33) to (50-59) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
ScorchingItemPrefix42Adds (32-44) to (65-76) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
IncineratingItemPrefix51Adds (42-56) to (85-99) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
BlastingItemPrefix62Adds (53-70) to (107-123) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
CrematingItemPrefix74Adds (66-88) to (132-155) Fire Damage to Spellsattack_staff 0
staff 800
Warlord'sItemPrefix68Adds (6-8) to (12-14) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance
sceptre_adjudicator 500
rune_dagger_adjudicator 500
wand_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix68Adds (8-11) to (17-19) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance
staff_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix71Adds (10-13) to (19-22) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance
sceptre_adjudicator 500
rune_dagger_adjudicator 500
wand_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix71Adds (13-17) to (26-30) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance
staff_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix74Adds (13-18) to (27-31) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance
sceptre_adjudicator 500
rune_dagger_adjudicator 500
wand_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix74Adds (18-24) to (36-42) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance
staff_adjudicator 500
Warlord'sItemPrefix77Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance
sceptre_adjudicator 400
rune_dagger_adjudicator 400
wand_adjudicator 400
Warlord'sItemPrefix77Adds (23-30) to (45-53) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance
staff_adjudicator 400
Warlord'sItemPrefix80Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance
sceptre_adjudicator 300
rune_dagger_adjudicator 300
wand_adjudicator 300
Warlord'sItemPrefix80Adds (28-38) to (57-66) Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance
staff_adjudicator 300
Hunter'sItemPrefix68Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_basilisk 500
The Elder'sItemPrefix68Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_elder 400
Hunter'sItemPrefix70Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_basilisk 500
Hunter'sItemPrefix75Adds (25-34) to (51-59) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_basilisk 500
The Elder'sItemPrefix75Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_elder 400
The Elder'sItemPrefix82Adds (25-34) to (51-59) Fire Damage to Spellshelmet_elder 400
The Elder'sItemPrefix68(45-52)% increased Fire Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Fire Penetration
sceptre_elder 400
wand_elder 400
The Elder'sItemPrefix75(53-56)% increased Fire Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Fire Penetration
sceptre_elder 200
wand_elder 200
The Elder'sItemPrefix80(57-60)% increased Fire Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fire Penetration
sceptre_elder 100
wand_elder 100
SearingItemPrefix2(10-19)% increased Fire Damagefocus 500
wand 500
sceptre 500
SizzlingItemPrefix11(20-29)% increased Fire Damagefocus 500
wand 500
sceptre 500
BlisteringItemPrefix23(30-39)% increased Fire Damagefocus 500
wand 500
sceptre 500
CauterisingItemPrefix35(40-54)% increased Fire Damagefocus 200
wand 200
sceptre 200
VolcanicItemPrefix46(55-69)% increased Fire Damagefocus 100
wand 100
sceptre 100
MagmaticItemPrefix58(70-84)% increased Fire Damagefocus 50
wand 50
sceptre 50
PyroclasticItemPrefix64(85-99)% increased Fire Damagefocus 25
wand 25
sceptre 25
Xoph'sItemPrefix84(100-109)% increased Fire Damagefocus 12
wand 12
sceptre 12
SearingItemPrefix2(15-29)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 500
SizzlingItemPrefix11(30-44)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 500
BlisteringItemPrefix23(45-59)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 500
CauterisingItemPrefix35(60-84)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 200
VolcanicItemPrefix46(85-104)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 100
MagmaticItemPrefix58(105-124)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 50
PyroclasticItemPrefix79(125-149)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 25
Xoph'sItemPrefix84(150-164)% increased Fire Damageattack_staff 0
staff 13
of the HuntItemSuffix68+(16-20)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skillsquiver_basilisk 500
of the HuntItemSuffix80+(21-25)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skillsquiver_basilisk 500
of ShapingItemSuffix68Enemies Killed with Attack or Spell Hits Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Fire Damage2h_mace_shaper 1000
mace_shaper 1000
of RedemptionItemSuffix78Enemies Killed with Attack or Spell Hits Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Fire Damagemace_eyrie 500
2h_mace_eyrie 500
of the ConquestItemSuffix68(5-7)% chance to Avoid Fire Damage from Hitsboots_adjudicator 500
shield_adjudicator 500
of the ConquestItemSuffix80(8-10)% chance to Avoid Fire Damage from Hitsboots_adjudicator 500
shield_adjudicator 500
of EmbersItemSuffix8(3-7)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
ring 500
amulet 500
of CoalsItemSuffix22(8-12)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
ring 500
amulet 500
of CindersItemSuffix36(13-17)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
ring 500
amulet 500
of FlamesItemSuffix50(18-22)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
ring 500
amulet 500
of ImmolationItemSuffix64(23-26)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
amulet 500
of AshesItemSuffix76(27-30)% increased Fire Damagewand 1000
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
of the ConquestItemSuffix85Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistancehelmet_adjudicator 250
FireDamageLifeLeechCorruptedItemIntrinsic10.2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Lifeamulet 1000
quiver 1000
two_hand_weapon 1000
weapon 200
V2AddedFireDamageCorrupted1ItemCorrupted1Adds (3-5) to (7-8) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacksring 1000
V2AddedFireDamageCorrupted2ItemCorrupted31Adds (7-10) to (15-18) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacksring 1000
V2AddedFireDamageCorrupted3ItemCorrupted82Adds (13-18) to (28-33) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacksring 250
V2AddedFireDamageToBowAttacksCorrupted1__ItemCorrupted1(11-14) to (21-25) Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacksquiver 1000
V2AddedFireDamageToBowAttacksCorrupted2ItemCorrupted31(24-31) to (46-55) Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacksquiver 1000
V2AddedFireDamageToBowAttacksCorrupted3ItemCorrupted75(29-39) to (59-69) Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacksquiver 500
V2LocalAddedFireDamage2hCorrupted1ItemCorrupted1Adds (12-17) to (23-27) Fire Damagebow 1000
staff 1000
V2LocalAddedFireDamage1hCorrupted1ItemCorrupted1Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Fire Damagesword 0
mace 0
axe 0
one_hand_weapon 1000
V2LocalAddedFireDamage2hCorrupted2ItemCorrupted31Adds (27-31) to (39-50) Fire Damagebow 1000
staff 1000
V2LocalAddedFireDamage1hCorrupted2ItemCorrupted31Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damagesword 0
mace 0
axe 0
one_hand_weapon 1000
V2LocalAddedFireDamage2hCorrupted3ItemCorrupted84Adds (31-39) to (52-61) Fire Damagebow 250
staff 250
V2LocalAddedFireDamage1hCorrupted3ItemCorrupted84Adds (21-28) to (40-48) Fire Damagesword 0
mace 0
axe 0
one_hand_weapon 250
V2FireDamageLifeLeechPermyriadCorrupted_ItemCorrupted500.5% of Fire Damage Leeched as Lifehelmet 1000
amulet 1000
quiver 1000
V2ReducedFireDamageTakenCorruptedItemCorrupted45(6-4)% reduced Fire Damage takenbody_armour 1000
Enchantment Fire Damage 1ItemEnchantment53Adds 16 to 24 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recentlyboots 100
Enchantment Fire Damage 2ItemEnchantment66Adds 33 to 50 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recentlyboots 100
Enchantment Fire Damage 3ItemEnchantment75Adds 45 to 68 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recentlyboots 100
Enchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 1ItemEnchantment6610% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 2ItemEnchantment7515% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fireball Damage 1ItemEnchantment6625% increased Fireball Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fireball Damage 2ItemEnchantment7540% increased Fireball Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Scorching Ray Damage 1ItemEnchantment6625% increased Scorching Ray Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Scorching Ray Damage 2ItemEnchantment7540% increased Scorching Ray Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Firestorm Damage 1ItemEnchantment6625% increased Firestorm Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Firestorm Damage 2ItemEnchantment7540% increased Firestorm Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 1ItemEnchantment6640% increased Fire Trap Burning Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 2ItemEnchantment7560% increased Fire Trap Burning Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fire Trap Damage 1ItemEnchantment6625% increased Fire Trap Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Fire Trap Damage 2ItemEnchantment7540% increased Fire Trap Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 1ItemEnchantment66Flame Wall grants 19 to 28 Added Fire Damage to Projectileshelmet 100
Enchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 2ItemEnchantment75Flame Wall grants 31 to 47 Added Fire Damage to Projectileshelmet 100
Enchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 1ItemEnchantment6610% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damagehelmet 75
Enchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 2ItemEnchantment7515% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damagehelmet 75
Enchantment Righteous Fire Damage 1ItemEnchantment6625% increased Righteous Fire Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Righteous Fire Damage 2ItemEnchantment7540% increased Righteous Fire Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 1ItemEnchantment66Righteous Fire grants 20% increased Spell Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 2ItemEnchantment75Righteous Fire grants 30% increased Spell Damagehelmet 100
HellscapeUpsideBaseMaximumLifeInflictedAsAoeFireDamageWhenHit2ItemScourge Benefit45Deal (8-11)% of your maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hitbody_armour 200
HellscapeUpsideBaseMaximumLifeInflictedAsAoeFireDamageWhenHit3ItemScourge Benefit68Deal (12-15)% of your maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hitbody_armour 200
HellscapeUpsideBaseMaximumLifeInflictedAsAoeFireDamageWhenHit4ItemScourge Benefit68Deal (16-19)% of your maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hitbody_armour 200
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage1h1ItemScourge Benefit1Adds (11-14) to (23-27) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamageRanged1__ItemScourge Benefit1Adds (18-22) to (35-39) Fire Damagebow 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage2h1_ItemScourge Benefit1Adds (22-26) to (38-44) Fire Damagebow 0
two_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage1h2_ItemScourge Benefit45Adds (21-26) to (31-38) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamageRanged2ItemScourge Benefit45Adds (27-34) to (46-53) Fire Damagebow 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage2h2__ItemScourge Benefit45Adds (34-43) to (59-67) Fire Damagebow 0
two_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage1h3___ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (29-35) to (43-48) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage1h4ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (40-45) to (56-62) Fire Damageone_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamageRanged3_ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (36-41) to (56-64) Fire Damagebow 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamageRanged4______ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (43-57) to (66-72) Fire Damagebow 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage2h3______ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (48-56) to (69-78) Fire Damagebow 0
two_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideLocalFireDamage2h4______ItemScourge Benefit68Adds (59-72) to (80-91) Fire Damagebow 0
two_hand_weapon 1000
HellscapeUpsideFireDamageLeechedAsLife2ItemScourge Benefit45(0.2-0.3)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Lifeamulet 250
HellscapeUpsideFireDamageLeechedAsLife3ItemScourge Benefit68(0.3