Influenced item

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For Eldritch item, see Eldritch implicit modifier.
For Influenced maps, see Map#Other map categories.

Influenced items are special types of base items with an expanded pool of exclusive modifiers, and are the only type of items that can obtain elevated modifiers. They can be recognized by their graphical effects and icon on the sides of the name plate. Influenced items are primarily dropped by influenced monsters and bosses. Certain unique items are influenced as well.


Influence types
Icon Influence Type

An item can normally have one influence type at a time and newly dropped influenced items will always have at least one influenced affix when acquired. Modifying the item will not guarantee an influence modifier.

It is possible to create items with two influences by using Awakener's OrbAwakener's OrbStack Size: 10Destroys an item, applying its influence to another of the same item class
The second item is reforged as a rare item with both influence types and new modifiers
Right click this item, then left click the item you wish to take the influence from, then left click an item of the same item class you wish to apply it to.
: the orb will destroy an item and transfer its influence type to a different item. This last item will have two different influence types as a result. Currently there are 15 combinations (6 combinations of 2). The order of the donor item does not affect the order of the influence icon on the final item, for example using an Elder item as a donor and a Shaper item as receiver of the mods yields the same influence set as using a Shaper item as donor and an Elder item as receiver. The item has a fixed order of influence icons. Additionally, some unique items will naturally drop with both Shaper and Elder influences, like VoidfletcherVoidfletcher
Primal Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsConsumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill
Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (20-40) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every 0.5 seconds
Even emptiness may be harnessed.

Astrolabe AmuletsAstrolabe AmuletRequires Level 69Has Elder, Shaper and all Conqueror Influences
Implicit Modifiers Cannot Be Changed
count as having all six influences.

There are currency items that add a modifier from their influence mod pool to the item. This cannot be done if the item already has an influence different than the orb being applied.

Items retain their influences when modified, even if an Orb of ScouringOrb of ScouringStack Size: 30Removes all modifiers from an itemRight click this item then left click on a magic or rare item to apply it. is used. It is possible to create certain unique items on an already influenced item using Orbs of ChanceOrb of ChanceStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a random rarityRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it.. These influenced unique items can interact with certain influenced items that dropped from Elder or Uber Elder fight. For example,Blasphemer's GraspBlasphemer's Grasp
Assassin's Mitts
Evasion: (260-369)
Energy Shield: (52-75)
Requires Level 58, 45 Dex, 45 Int+(40-50) to Dexterity
(150-200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(50-60) to maximum Life
+6 to Maximum Life per Elder Item Equipped
+4% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
8% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
Remove an Ailment when you use a Flask if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
Reaching nature's limits,
many sought power in the unnatural.
, Mark of the ShaperMark of the Shaper
Opal Ring
Requires Level 80(15-25)% increased Elemental Damage20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Summon Volatile Anomaly on Kill
Adds (13-18) to (50-56) Lightning Damage to Spells
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Spell Damage if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Cannot be Stunned by Spells if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Let madness take control.
, Mark of the ElderMark of the Elder
Steel Ring
Requires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Tentacle Whip on Kill
Adds (26-32) to (42-48) Cold Damage to Attacks
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Be not stirred by the Void.
, DisintegratorDisintegrator
Maelström Staff
Physical Damage: (291-311) to (417-447)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.10%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Blurred is the boundary
between creator and destroyer.
or The Eternity ShroudThe Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items
There can be no defence against the celestial siblings entropy and time.
. Notably, Mark of the Elder's #% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item and Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item can both be activated by using a dual-influenced Elder + Shaper ring in any rarity.

Fractured items, synthesised items and items with eldritch implicit modifiers are not considered influenced and cannot be given influences under any circumstances. Conversely, influenced items cannot be fractured or synthesised, or have eldritch currency applied to them. They also cannot be split.

By using a Horticrafting Station Harvest craft for 1000 Primal Crystallised LifeforcePrimal Crystallised LifeforceStack Size: 50000Can be used at the Horticrafting bench in your hideout., it is possible to randomise the influence types on an influenced normal, magic or rare item, as well as reforging the item with new random modifiers.

Crusader item

Crusader items are dropped by Baran, the Crusader or rarely from monsters and chests of map under his influence. They can also drop while under the effects of a Crusader's Shrine. It can be crafted by using Crusader's Exalted OrbCrusader's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Crusader influence and a new Crusader modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.. They can be recognized by their electric outline and symbols next to the item's name.

  • Prefix: Crusader's
  • Suffix: of the Crusade

Hunter item

Hunter items are dropped by Al-Hezmin, the Hunter or rarely from monsters and chests of map under his influence. They can also drop while under the effects of a Hunter's Shrine. It can be crafted by using Hunter's Exalted OrbHunter's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Hunter influence and a new Hunter modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.. They can be recognized by their poisonous outline and symbols next to the item's name.

  • Prefix: Hunter's
  • Suffix: of the Hunt

Redeemer item

Redeemer items are dropped by Veritania, the Redeemer or rarely from monsters and chests of map under her influence. They can also drop while under the effects of a Redeemer's Shrine. It can be crafted by using Redeemer's Exalted OrbRedeemer's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Redeemer influence and a new Redeemer modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.. They can be recognized by their sparkly outline and symbols next to the item's name.

  • Prefix: Redeemer's
  • Suffix: of Redemption

Warlord item

Warlord items are dropped by Drox, the Warlord, or rarely from monsters and chests of map under his influence. They can also drop while under the effects of a Warlord's Shrine. It can be crafted by using Warlord's Exalted OrbWarlord's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Warlord influence and a new Warlord modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.. They can be recognized by their blazing outline and symbols next to the item's name.

  • Prefix: Warlord's
  • Suffix: of the Conquest

Shaper item

An example of a rare Shaper item

Shaper items are found in Shaper-influenced maps or dropped by the Shaper and Uber Shaper (and including Uber Elder fight, which most drops from that fight is dual Shaper-Elder influenced), with the exception of Replica VoidwalkerReplica Voidwalker
Murder Boots
Evasion: (444-596)
Energy Shield: (43-58)
Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int+(30-50) to Dexterity
(140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
30% increased Movement Speed
10% increased Damage taken while Phasing
You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
Projectiles Chain +1 times while you have Phasing
Celestial Footprints
"Test subject was able to walk into the walls of his chamber after breaking a rabbit's neck.
He was not fast enough, however. Suggest we begin excavation to retrieve prototype."
. They can be recognized by their cosmic background and symbols next to the item's name. Other methods of acquiring Shaper items include Shaper Scarabs, Delve rewards and Incubators.

  • Prefix: The Shaper's
  • Suffix: of Shaping

Shaper-influenced maps can be sold or offered as a mission by Kirac. The map item would have an implicit Area is influenced by The Shaper.

Unique items

ItemRequired levelStats
Sublime VisionSublime Vision
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1<Aura bonus modifier>This world is not good enough for her,
so I will make a better one. Nothing
matters but the pursuit of perfection.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
<Aura bonus modifier>
Always Scorch while affected by Anger
Aura Skills other than Anger are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
80% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you while affected by Clarity
Aura Skills other than Clarity are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges while affected by Determination
Aura Skills other than Determination are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
+1 to Maximum Power Charges while affected by Discipline
Aura Skills other than Discipline are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges while affected by Grace
Aura Skills other than Grace are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
10% increased Action Speed while affected by Haste
Aura Skills other than Haste are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Always inflict Brittle while affected by Hatred
Aura Skills other than Hatred are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
You can apply an additional Curse while affected by Malevolence
Aura Skills other than Malevolence are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
25% more Critical Strike chance while affected by Precision
Aura Skills other than Precision are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Enemies you Kill while using Pride have 25% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage
Aura Skills other than Pride are Disabled
(20-40)% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies
+3% to all maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by Purity of Elements
Aura Skills other than Purity of Elements are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
30% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire
Aura Skills other than Purity of Fire are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
30% of Fire and Lightning Damage taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice
Aura Skills other than Purity of Ice are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
30% of Fire and Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage while
affected by Purity of Lightning
Aura Skills other than Purity of Lightning are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Regenerate 15% Life over one second when hit while affected by Vitality
Aura Skills other than Vitality are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Always Sap while affected by Wrath
Aura Skills other than Wrath are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Unaffected by Curses while affected by Zealotry
Aura Skills other than Zealotry are Disabled
Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
Call of the VoidCall of the Void
Sapphire Ring
Requires Level 16+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
All Damage with Hits can Chill
All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect
Only when the mind is empty of ambition
can the cold truth of existence take hold.
16+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
All Damage with Hits can Chill
All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect
Entropic DevastationEntropic Devastation
Assassin's Mitts
Evasion: (208-307)
Energy Shield: (42-62)
Requires Level 58, 45 Dex, 45 IntGrants Call of Steel
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(30-50)% increased Effect of Impales inflicted with Spells
Critical Strikes with Spells inflict Impale
A legion of lives claimed
by the shards of obliterated worlds.
58Grants Call of Steel
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(30-50)% increased Effect of Impales inflicted with Spells
Critical Strikes with Spells inflict Impale
Maelström Staff
Physical Damage: (291-311) to (417-447)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.10%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Blurred is the boundary
between creator and destroyer.
64+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Solstice VigilSolstice Vigil
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
Regenerate (8-10) Mana per second
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Shaper's Presence for 10 seconds when you kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Time, like light, can be refracted into all its myriad colours.
The first shade is beautiful, but the last will drive the unwary insane.
64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
Regenerate (8-10) Mana per second
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Shaper's Presence for 10 seconds when you kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Echoes of CreationEchoes of Creation
Royal Burgonet
Armour: (678-954)Requires Level 65, 148 StrSocketed Warcry Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
(80-120)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
When you Attack, take (15-20)% of Life as Physical Damage for
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
Skills deal (10-15)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
A cacophony of battle cries
Reverberate through time and space
Inflicting pain beyond measure
65Socketed Warcry Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
(80-120)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
When you Attack, take (15-20)% of Life as Physical Damage for
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
Skills deal (10-15)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
Replica Eternity ShroudReplica Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Shade Form when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
"The form of this replica came to me in a troubled dream.
I do not believe we should ever allow it to be used."
- Researcher Arn
65Trigger Level 20 Shade Form when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
The Eternity ShroudThe Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items
There can be no defence against the celestial siblings entropy and time.
65Trigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items
Shaper's TouchShaper's Touch
Crusader Gloves
Armour: (217-305)
Energy Shield: (45-61)
Requires Level 66, 51 Str, 51 Int(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+4 Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence
+1 Life per 4 Dexterity
+1 Mana per 4 Strength
1% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength
2% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence
2% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity
By my hand, the inert is given life.
By my hand, that which rots is reborn.
There is nothing that cannot be changed.
66(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+4 Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence
+1 Life per 4 Dexterity
+1 Mana per 4 Strength
1% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength
2% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence
2% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity
Primal Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsConsumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill
Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (20-40) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every 0.5 seconds
Even emptiness may be harnessed.
66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsConsumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill
Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (20-40) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every 0.5 seconds
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Physical Damage can Shock
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Elemental Damage
The end is written into the beginning.
6730% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Physical Damage can Shock
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Elemental Damage
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: 62-129
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Elemental Damage can Shock
Gain 700% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Non-Elemental Damage
A weapon born of nothingness,
can only create more nothingness.
6730% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Elemental Damage can Shock
Gain 700% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Non-Elemental Damage
Hubris Circlet
Energy Shield: (200-257)Requires Level 69, 154 Int(150-180)% increased Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Mana
Recover (8-10)% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life
(50-60)% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%
Where the body's limits begin,
the mind's limits end.
69(150-180)% increased Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Mana
Recover (8-10)% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life
(50-60)% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%
Replica VoidwalkerReplica Voidwalker
Murder Boots
Evasion: (444-596)
Energy Shield: (43-58)
Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int+(30-50) to Dexterity
(140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
30% increased Movement Speed
10% increased Damage taken while Phasing
You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
Projectiles Chain +1 times while you have Phasing
Celestial Footprints
"Test subject was able to walk into the walls of his chamber after breaking a rabbit's neck.
He was not fast enough, however. Suggest we begin excavation to retrieve prototype."
69+(30-50) to Dexterity
(140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
30% increased Movement Speed
10% increased Damage taken while Phasing
You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
Projectiles Chain +1 times while you have Phasing
Celestial Footprints
Murder Boots
Evasion: (444-596)
Energy Shield: (43-58)
Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int+(30-50) to Dexterity
(140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
30% increased Movement Speed
20% chance to Avoid Projectiles while Phasing
You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
Projectiles Pierce 5 additional Targets while you have Phasing
Celestial Footprints
Step into the void
and experience true freedom.
69+(30-50) to Dexterity
(140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
30% increased Movement Speed
20% chance to Avoid Projectiles while Phasing
You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
Projectiles Pierce 5 additional Targets while you have Phasing
Celestial Footprints
The Tides of TimeThe Tides of Time
Vanguard Belt
Requires Level 78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion Rating100% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
100% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Flasks applied to you have 25% increased Effect
Life Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
Mana Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
Utility Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
There is an ebb and flow to all things,
tangible to those who watch and wait.
78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion Rating100% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
100% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Flasks applied to you have 25% increased Effect
Life Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
Mana Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
Utility Flasks gain (0-3) Charges every 3 seconds
Mark of the ShaperMark of the Shaper
Opal Ring
Requires Level 80(15-25)% increased Elemental Damage20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Summon Volatile Anomaly on Kill
Adds (13-18) to (50-56) Lightning Damage to Spells
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Spell Damage if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Cannot be Stunned by Spells if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Let madness take control.
80(15-25)% increased Elemental Damage20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Summon Volatile Anomaly on Kill
Adds (13-18) to (50-56) Lightning Damage to Spells
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Spell Damage if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Cannot be Stunned by Spells if your other Ring is a Shaper Item

Elder item

An example of a rare Elder item

Elder items are found in Elder-influenced maps or dropped by the Elder (including Uber Elder and Uber-Uber Elder fights which some of the drops are dual Shaper-Elder influenced), with the exception of Replica Eternity ShroudReplica Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Shade Form when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
"The form of this replica came to me in a troubled dream.
I do not believe we should ever allow it to be used."
- Researcher Arn
. They can be recognized by their tentacle background and symbols next to the item's name. Other methods of acquiring Elder items include Elder Scarabs, Delve rewards and Incubators.

  • Prefix: The Elder's
  • Suffix: of the Elder

Elder-influenced maps maps can be sold or offered as a mission by Kirac. The map item would have an implicit Area is influenced by The Elder.

Unique items

ItemRequired levelStats
Call of the VoidCall of the Void
Sapphire Ring
Requires Level 16+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
All Damage with Hits can Chill
All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect
Only when the mind is empty of ambition
can the cold truth of existence take hold.
16+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
All Damage with Hits can Chill
All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect
Soul AscensionSoul Ascension
Carnal Mitts
Evasion: (198-252)
Energy Shield: (41-52)
Requires Level 50, 39 Dex, 39 Int(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
Eat a Soul when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, no more than once every 0.5 seconds
+(-10-10) to maximum number of Eaten Souls
Fear can be instilled by the smallest entity.
50(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
Eat a Soul when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, no more than once every 0.5 seconds
+(-10-10) to maximum number of Eaten Souls
Blasphemer's GraspBlasphemer's Grasp
Assassin's Mitts
Evasion: (260-369)
Energy Shield: (52-75)
Requires Level 58, 45 Dex, 45 Int+(40-50) to Dexterity
(150-200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(50-60) to maximum Life
+6 to Maximum Life per Elder Item Equipped
+4% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
8% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
Remove an Ailment when you use a Flask if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
Reaching nature's limits,
many sought power in the unnatural.
58+(40-50) to Dexterity
(150-200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(50-60) to maximum Life
+6 to Maximum Life per Elder Item Equipped
+4% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
8% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elder Item Equipped
Remove an Ailment when you use a Flask if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
Ranger Bow
Physical Damage: 56-117
Elemental Damage: (130-150) to (270-300)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.49-1.62)
Requires Level 60, 212 DexAdds (130-150) to (270-300) Cold Damage
4% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
(15-25)% increased Attack Speed
12 to 14 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
2% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits per Frenzy Charge
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life per Frenzy Charge
200 Cold Damage taken per second per Frenzy Charge while moving
Their last thoughts were not of their friends,
or their families, or their homes.
Their last thoughts were untethered from reality,
and bathed in fear and ferocity.
60Adds (130-150) to (270-300) Cold Damage
4% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
(15-25)% increased Attack Speed
12 to 14 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
2% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits per Frenzy Charge
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life per Frenzy Charge
200 Cold Damage taken per second per Frenzy Charge while moving
The Devourer of MindsThe Devourer of Minds
Pig-Faced Bascinet
Armour: (412-578)
Evasion: (286-402)
Requires Level 63, 85 Str, 62 Dex+(30-50) to Intelligence
(80-120)% increased Armour and Evasion
+1 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
25% increased Light Radius
Minions count as having the same number of
Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Minions have the same maximum number of Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
The Decay infects thought itself, leaving nothing
but hollow husks filled with virulent void...
63+(30-50) to Intelligence
(80-120)% increased Armour and Evasion
+1 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
25% increased Light Radius
Minions count as having the same number of
Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Minions have the same maximum number of Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Maelström Staff
Physical Damage: (291-311) to (417-447)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.10%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Blurred is the boundary
between creator and destroyer.
64+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffAdds (220-240) to (270-300) Physical Damage
+1 to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped
25% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill
Adds (12-14) to (15-16) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge
0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge
Take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
<Secondary Curse> has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all Attributes(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Cold Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(45-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20-25)% to Cold Resistance
Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (20-24) to (33-36) Fire Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (10-13) to (43-47) Lightning Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second
Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Onyx Amulet
Requires Level 64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
64+(10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
(30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Replica Eternity ShroudReplica Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Shade Form when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
"The form of this replica came to me in a troubled dream.
I do not believe we should ever allow it to be used."
- Researcher Arn
65Trigger Level 20 Shade Form when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items
Tornado Wand
Physical Damage: 22-65
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Requires Level 65, 212 IntAdds (3-5) to (70-82) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks(30-40)% increased Spell Damage
Adds (26-35) to (95-105) Lightning Damage to Spells
+(6-10)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
+0.3% Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge
+2% Chance to Block Spell Damage per Power Charge
Adds 3 to 9 Lightning Damage to Spells per Power Charge
200 Lightning Damage taken per second per Power Charge if
your Skills have dealt a Critical Strike Recently
All at once, a calmness would encompass them,
and all at once, it would be torn away,
unveiling forms no sound mind could grasp.
65Adds (3-5) to (70-82) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks(30-40)% increased Spell Damage
Adds (26-35) to (95-105) Lightning Damage to Spells
+(6-10)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
+0.3% Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge
+2% Chance to Block Spell Damage per Power Charge
Adds 3 to 9 Lightning Damage to Spells per Power Charge
200 Lightning Damage taken per second per Power Charge if
your Skills have dealt a Critical Strike Recently
The Eternity ShroudThe Eternity Shroud
Blood Raiment
Evasion: (872-1252)
Energy Shield: (146-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 107 Dex, 90 IntTrigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items
There can be no defence against the celestial siblings entropy and time.
65Trigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit
(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-100) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Gain (3-5)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items
Primal Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsConsumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill
Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (20-40) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every 0.5 seconds
Even emptiness may be harnessed.
66(20-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsConsumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill
Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (20-40) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every 0.5 seconds
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: 62-129
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Elemental Damage can Shock
Gain 700% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Non-Elemental Damage
A weapon born of nothingness,
can only create more nothingness.
6730% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Elemental Damage can Shock
Gain 700% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Non-Elemental Damage
Cyclopean CoilCyclopean Coil
Leather Belt
Requires Level 68+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life
(5-15)% increased Attributes
Cannot be Frozen if Dexterity is higher than Intelligence
Cannot be Ignited if Strength is higher than Dexterity
Cannot be Shocked if Intelligence is higher than Strength
1% increased Damage per 5 of your lowest Attribute
With the patience of a prowling lion,
the Shade watched the Scholar.
68+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life
(5-15)% increased Attributes
Cannot be Frozen if Dexterity is higher than Intelligence
Cannot be Ignited if Strength is higher than Dexterity
Cannot be Shocked if Intelligence is higher than Strength
1% increased Damage per 5 of your lowest Attribute
Nightmare Mace
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (83-98) to (180-200)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 68, 212 Str10% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdAdds (45-60) to (100-120) Physical Damage
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge
Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
+500 to Armour per Endurance Charge
200 Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently
They hoped that, trapped in its prison,
the creature would age and perish.
But time would not touch the fiend.
6810% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdAdds (45-60) to (100-120) Physical Damage
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge
Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage per Endurance Charge
+500 to Armour per Endurance Charge
200 Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently
Hubris Circlet
Energy Shield: (200-257)Requires Level 69, 154 Int(150-180)% increased Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Mana
Recover (8-10)% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life
(50-60)% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%
Where the body's limits begin,
the mind's limits end.
69(150-180)% increased Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Mana
Recover (8-10)% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life
(50-60)% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%
Mark of the ElderMark of the Elder
Steel Ring
Requires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Tentacle Whip on Kill
Adds (26-32) to (42-48) Cold Damage to Attacks
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item
Be not stirred by the Void.
80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Tentacle Whip on Kill
Adds (26-32) to (42-48) Cold Damage to Attacks
(6-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
(60-80)% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item
Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item

Divination cards

The following divination cards can be exchanged for influenced items:

A Familiar CallA Familiar Call3Jewellery of Farrul
Item Level: 100
Shaper + Hunter Item
The mighty huntress always called for her share,
But what we shared was a lifelong bond.
3Jewellery of Farrul
Item Level: 100
Shaper + Hunter Item
Astral ProtectionAstral Protection5Shield
Shaper Item
For a time, we had something stronger than eldritch evil.
We had each other.
Shaper Item
Auspicious AmbitionsAuspicious Ambitions4Experimented Item
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
"Gaze upon the mirrors of what may come and step backward into infinity."
- Dexion, Thaumetic Aspirant
4Experimented Item
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
Costly CurioCostly Curio6Item
Double-Influenced Item
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly afford this fine artefact. I'm... just looking."
Double-Influenced Item
Dark DreamsDark Dreams4Bone Helmet
Elder Item
No one ever truly understood what she meant when she said she wanted to raise a family.
4Bone Helmet
Elder Item
Draped in DreamsDraped in Dreams5Six-Link Astral Plate
Item Level: 100
Influenced Item
The suit I wear,
Is heavy and bare.
A canvas, it seems, breathing life into dreams.
5Six-Link Astral Plate
Item Level: 100
Influenced Item
DualityDuality2Body Armour
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
Good and Evil can be woven together to become something greater than either.
2Body Armour
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
Dying LightDying Light10Diamond Ring
Item Level: 100
Shaper + Elder Item
Even the brightest eventually fade to darkness.
10Diamond Ring
Item Level: 100
Shaper + Elder Item
Fateful MeetingFateful Meeting9League-Specific Item
Double-Influenced Item
Item Level: 97
Some people act as beacons, illuminating the path for others. I was lucky to meet one such person.

- Anton to Zhenya
9League-Specific Item
Double-Influenced Item
Item Level: 97
Further InventionFurther Invention4Helmet
Double-Influenced Item
Item Level: 100
Why not both?
Double-Influenced Item
Item Level: 100
Immortal ResolveImmortal Resolve6Six-Linked Body Armour
Influenced Item
The threads of fate are the strongest ties.
6Six-Linked Body Armour
Influenced Item
Keeper's CorruptionKeeper's Corruption7Eldritch Bone Helmet (Concentrated Effect)
Item Level: 89
Elder Item
With great power comes...

...Even greater power.
7Eldritch Bone Helmet (Concentrated Effect)
Item Level: 89
Elder Item
MatryoshkaMatryoshka8 Onyx Amulet
Item Level: 85
Quality: +20%
Influenced Item
Four Anointments
Incubating Talisman Item
I cannot contain myself,
but I can barely squeak,
so many words I'd have for you,
if I could only speak!
8 Onyx Amulet
Item Level: 85
Quality: +20%
Influenced Item
Four Anointments
Incubating Talisman Item
Nook's CrownNook's Crown4Bone Helmet
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
Every skull was once a person.
Though 'Who?' is rarely asked.
Friends, who wear
the crown of Nook,
Never need to ask.
They remember.
4Bone Helmet
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
Item Level: 100
Shaper Item
There are countless worlds, but only those with limitless potential will be able to achieve perfection.
Item Level: 100
Shaper Item
Influenced Item
One who is blinded by their past may only see a sliver of the present.
Influenced Item
Prometheus' ArmouryPrometheus' Armoury6One-Hand Weapon
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
It is a mortal man's folly to seek power beyond his comprehension.
6One-Hand Weapon
Item Level: 100
Double-Influenced Item
The AspirantThe Aspirant5Item
Elevated Item
Influenced Item
Those Exiles that survive Wraeclast
dream not of home, but of power.
Elevated Item
Influenced Item
The AstromancerThe Astromancer7The Eternity Shroud
They would say that he was a dangerous man,
unbound by the sense of morality,
but what does this matter,
when his love for humanity is undeniable
and completion of his work would benefit everyone?
7The Eternity Shroud
The AwakenedThe Awakened6Jewellery
Item Level: 86
Double-Influenced Item
Some seek to change the world. Others change the world as a consequence of what they seek.
Item Level: 86
Double-Influenced Item
The Bear WomanThe Bear Woman6Fecund Ursine Pelt
Warlord Item
For the blessed bear in the cave,
A hundred days pass in silence and darkness,
until moon begins its fourth passage,
the bear sheds her beastly fur,
and is reborn, human and whole.
6Fecund Ursine Pelt
Warlord Item
The Celestial StoneThe Celestial Stone10Opal Ring
Item Level: 100
Shaper Item
Stare into its depths too long, and you may lose yourself entirely.
10Opal Ring
Item Level: 100
Shaper Item
The Dungeon MasterThe Dungeon Master7Belt
Double-Influenced Item
"So desperate was I for control, I turned my entire world into a prison. Now you will share in my agony."
Double-Influenced Item
The Endless DarknessThe Endless Darkness9VoidforgeGaze towards the stars, but beware what gazes back.9Voidforge
The EnforcerThe Enforcer4Spiked Gloves of the Conquest (Culling Strike)
Item Level: 86
Warlord Item
"Boss said to get rid of him, didn't say not to make a mess."
- Rune The Goon
4Spiked Gloves of the Conquest (Culling Strike)
Item Level: 86
Warlord Item
The Forgotten TreasureThe Forgotten Treasure6Leather Belt
Double-Influenced Item
Don't let fool's gold deceive you.
6Leather Belt
Double-Influenced Item
The Hale HeartThe Hale Heart4Item
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
Though the years weakened his mind, his body remained deadly as ever.
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
The Jeweller's BoonThe Jeweller's Boon5Five-Linked Body Armour
Influenced Item
The jeweller's true talent is the capacity to see a jewel's beauty before they draw it out.
5Five-Linked Body Armour
Influenced Item
The Lord of CelebrationThe Lord of Celebration4Sceptre of Celebration
Shaper Item
Though they were a pack of elite combatants, the Emperor's royal guards were not ready to face one of his notorious parties.
4Sceptre of Celebration
Shaper Item
The TumbleweedThe Tumbleweed2Diamond Ring of Redemption
Item Level: 100
Redeemer Item
Love is the only redemption after succumbing to the grasps of the Wasteland.
2Diamond Ring of Redemption
Item Level: 100
Redeemer Item
The UndisputedThe Undisputed8Merciless Vaal Axe
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
To create something truly spectacular, you must risk total failure.
8Merciless Vaal Axe
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
The White KnightThe White Knight8Six-Link Astral Plate
Item Level: 100
Crusader Item
Where Decay festers, I shall expunge it, and leave in its place a shining monument.
8Six-Link Astral Plate
Item Level: 100
Crusader Item
Void of the ElementsVoid of the Elements3Overpowering Opal Ring
Item Level: 100
Elder Item
Though the forces of nature are mighty and intimidating, it is their absence which should be feared.
3Overpowering Opal Ring
Item Level: 100
Elder Item

Version history

Version Changes
  • Kirac can now offer Shaper- and Elder-influenced Maps as an option for his Atlas Missions.
  • Influenced Amulet prefix modifiers that grant +1 to level of gems have been added to the core Amulet modifier pool, and can no longer roll on Influenced Amulets.
  • Influenced Shield prefix modifiers that grant increases to maximum Resistances have been added to the core Shield modifier pool, and can no longer roll on Influenced Shields.
  • Influenced prefix modifiers that grant increases to maximum Resistances on Boots, Gloves, and Helmets are now suffix modifiers.
  • The Elder prefix is now known as The Elder's instead of Eldritch. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Maps Influenced by The Shaper or The Elder can no longer be obtained as a reward for completing tiers 1-4 of The Maven's Challenge for an Atlas region.
  • Added new Elderslayer influence modifiers to several slots.
  • The Hunter influenced ring modifier that grants faster start of Energy Shield recharge is now instead found on Redeemer influenced rings. Existing items with this modifier are unaffected.
  • Fixed a bug where Influence items were not dropping from monsters in maps influenced by Conquerors of the Atlas (they could drop from chests).
  • Added Crusader, Warlord, Redeemer, and Hunter influenced items.
  • Added Shaper and Elder influenced items to the game.

See also