The Elder

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For the encounter against The Elder and The Shaper simultaneously in The Shaper's Realm, see The Elder (The Shaper's Realm).
For other uses, see The Elder (disambiguation).
The Elder
The Elder
The Elder
Level(s) 83
Location(s) Absence of Value and Meaning
Quest(s) The Elder
Health 46 612 147
Damage 5740
ApS 1.85
Resistance(s) 50% Fire
50% Cold
50% Lightning
30% Chaos
Modifier(s) Cannot Be Fully Slowed
Immune To Knockback

The Elder is one of the bosses of the Atlas end game system. It is also known as Red Elder to distinguish with the Uber Elder fight or the deprecated "Yellow Elder" (The Elder fight that replaced a Yellow Map boss fight). It is considered to be the easiest of the major Atlas bosses, having relatively simple mechanics and having less life relative to other endgame bosses such as The Shaper, Sirus, or The Maven.

Defeating the Elder is guaranteed to drop a map fragment required for the Uber Elder encounter, either Fragment of TerrorFragment of TerrorStack Size: 10Fear drives survival.Can be used in a personal Map Device. or Fragment of EmptinessFragment of EmptinessStack Size: 10What is not cannot cause harm.Can be used in a personal Map Device.. The other 2 fragments are dropped by The Shaper.

The Uber Elder fight is a combination fight against The Elder and The Shaper.


Visualisation of the Key to Decay

Players must use the Key to Decay fragments in their map device to fight The Elder. These fragments drop from the Elder Guardians, or rarely from Fragment rewards, and they can also be traded amongst players.

  • Fragment of PurificationFragment of PurificationStack Size: 10Corruption is purged, not cleansed.Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of ConstrictionFragment of ConstrictionStack Size: 10Webs are torn, not untangled.Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of EnslavementFragment of EnslavementStack Size: 10Freedom is won, not given.Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of EradicationFragment of EradicationStack Size: 10Plagues are exhausted, not cured.Can be used in a personal Map Device.

The arena is called Absence of Value and Meaning.


The following is recommended:

  • At least 1 million damage per second
  • Capped elemental resistances (fire, cold and lightning resistance at 75%)
  • At least 5,000 combined Life and Energy shield
  • Moderate mitigation or avoidance, including Physical damage reduction
  • Method to protect the Shaper (discussed in Strategy)


Image Skill Phase Details
Default Melee Attack 1, 3
  • The Elder strikes the player, dealing Physical Damage.
Ice Spears 1 1, 3
  • The Elder fires multiple sets of 2 icy projectiles
  • Each projectile that hits the player deals 5006 to 7509 Cold Damage
Ice Spears 2 1, 3
  • The Elder fires 4 icy projectiles at once
  • Each projectile that hits the player deals 5006 to 7509 Cold Damage
Ice Spears 3 1, 3
  • The Elder charges up, and then fires 5+ icy projectiles
  • Each projectile that hits the player deals 6554 to 9832 Cold Damage
Siphon /
Super Siphon
  • The regular Siphon :
    • The Elder dives into the ground and reappears, siphoning energy out of the player within a 180 degree cone around himself
    • Players must stay out of the range of the siphon to escape the skill
    • If players are within the siphoning area:
  • The Super Siphon has these additional mechanics:
    • The Elder will freeze you in place by applying debuff Crystalised Fear
    • It guarantees him a second's worth of physical damage over time from debuff Fed Upon
    • It ends when The Shaper slams the Elder and frees you from the Elder's grasp
Tentacle Slam 1, 3
  • The Elder spawns several tentacles around the player that slam the ground to deal Area of effect Physical damage
  • This skill also leaves visual ground effect for a short time
  • Each tentacle that hits the player deals 130% of Damage
Expanding Nova /
Ring of Death
1, 3
  • The Elder casts a ring around him, creating a field that gradually grows larger over time
  • After several seconds, it explodes dealing massive physical damage, enough to kill most builds
  • Players must stay within the inner ring until the skill ends in order to survive
  • If players are outside the ring, it deals 5420 to 6625 Physical Damage when it explodes
  • It is the only one-shot mechanic
Rising Slam 1
  • The Elder spins around, launching multiple cold damage projectiles that impact in a ring around him, then teleports away.
  • He will then teleport to your location and do a slam that deals heavy cold damage.
Multi Expanding Nova 3
  • The Elder creates multiple expanding nova, with an inner ring and outer ring
  • Players must stay within the inner ring of any nova in order to survive
Pulse Nova 3
  • The Elder creates a powerful pulse, dealing damage to the player
Zana's Bubble 3
  • After the Elder has been defeated in Phase 3, he will create one last powerful shockwave before dying
  • Zana appears in the lower-right of the arena to save the player by creating a bubble shield
  • Players must rush into the bubble created by Zana in order to survive
  • Failing to reach the bubble will instantly kill the player once the elder detonates the shockwave

Video guide


Phase 1

The Elder uses the following moves from the start:

  • Default Attack
  • Ice Spears
  • Expanding Nova / Ring of Death
  • Siphon: -80% action speed

During the fight, Madness Propagators will spawn, which fires slow projectile shots and leaves a patch of eldritch decay permanently if it is left alive long enough, which deals physical damage over time while standing over them. Killing them quickly is important so that the arena does not become overwhelmed by them.

As the Elder's life gets lower, he will start using more attacks:

  • Tentacle Whip
  • Rising Slam
  • Super Siphon: Applies Crystalised Fear, an immobilise effect.

Phase 2 - Captured Phase

The Captured Phase, where the Elder is captured by the Shaper (right) and the Shaper is channeling energy from the restraint (left)

When the Elder is brought down to 25% life, the Shaper will capture it and bind it at the center of the arena. It will be invulnerable and the Shaper must channel to fully form all four restraints. You must protect him while the Elder spawns Null Portals that spawn multiple Madness Propagators that can attack the Shaper. Each restraint takes 35 seconds to finish. The Elder will also attack with Tentacle Whip later in the phase. The Shaper performs his restraints in the following order: west, east, south, north. The number of Null Portals increases with each restraint.

If the Shaper's life is brought down to 0, he will retreat and the Elder will be freed, allowing it to move and you must finish the rest of the fight with the Elder's full skillset from Phase 1. Successfully clearing this phase without letting the Shaper die will move you on to Phase 3 with the Elder having healed to full life. You can only obtain a Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
if the Shaper is alive after phase 2 ends.

The Shaper can be protected by blocking the Madness Propagators' projectiles with the player character, minions, totems, Frost WallFrost WallSpell, Duration, Cold
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-33) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 4Creates a wall of ice which holds back enemies. Targets under the wall are damaged and pushed back.Deals (8-462) to (12-693) Cold Damage
Base duration is (3.00-4.90) seconds
0.15 seconds between appearance of Wall sections
Wall will be (2.8-5.6) meters long

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
, or Vaal Glacial HammerVaal Glacial HammerAttack, Melee, Strike, Duration, AoE, Vaal, Cold
Level: (1-20)
Souls Per Use: 15
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 4 sec
Attack Damage: (218-552)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (218-552)%
Hits enemies, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. It traps enemies with you in a circle of ice so that they can't escape. Requires a Mace, Sceptre or Staff.Base duration is (3.40-4.35) seconds
Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
25% chance to Freeze enemies
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Freezes enemies as though dealing (200-390)% more Damage
Can't be Evaded
35% increased Duration of Cold Ailments
(10-29)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Duration of Cold Ailments
CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
. Alternatively, the player can kill the Madness Propagators and Null Portals; however, both will continue to respawn on a short cooldown. The Shaper is considered an ally during this phase and can be healed with methods such as Consecrated Ground, VitalityVitalityAura, Spell, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Reservation: (28-233) Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: Instant
AoE Radius: 36
Requires Level 10Casts an aura that grants life regeneration to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius
You and nearby Allies Regenerate (10-193.2) Life per second

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Area of Effect
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
, or Rejuvenation TotemRejuvenation TotemTotem, Aura, Spell, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (9-32) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
AoE Radius: 10
Requires Level 4Summons a totem that has an aura which regenerates life for you and your nearby allies.Totem lasts 8 seconds
Supported Skills have (0-76)% increased Totem Life
Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
Regenerate (8.6-317.5) Life per second

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% more Totem Life
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
. Additionally, the Shaper can be affected by defensive auras and can be fortified (such as KingmakerKingmaker
Despot Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (360-414) to (488-561.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)%
Attacks per Second: (1.50-1.57)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 66, 140 Str, 86 Dex(300-360)% increased Physical Damage
(7-12)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Nearby Allies have 30% increased Item Rarity
Nearby Allies have Culling Strike
Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks
Nearby Allies have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Nearby Allies have +10 Fortification
A King and his people are linked together
like a soul and a beating heart.
Both can be severed by a same edge,
then forged anew.

Phase 3 - Unstable Phase

Once all four restraints have formed, the Shaper will leave and the Elder is vulnerable once again. It will no longer move around the arena, but it will continue to spawn Null Portals and attack with:

  • Ice Spear
  • Tentacle Whip
  • Expanding Nova / Ring of Death
  • Pulse Nova - The Elder will periodically release a large dark pulse that deals physical damage and covers the entire arena.

When the Elder reaches 0 life in this phase, he will charge up a final lethal blast. Zana will appear at the bottom right side of the arena with a protective bubble with the voiceline "To me, exile! Quickly!" that the player must go into. Being outside of this bubble when the final blast explodes will cause the player to take a fatal amount of Physical damage that cannot be survived by most characters. The Elder cannot be culled in the Absence of Value and Meaning.

Note: clicking the Portal out of the arena before the final blast will cause the final blast to occur upon returning to the arena. Unfortunately, the blast only occurs while the player is not in grace period - meaning that the player will be hit before being able to use a movement skill to get into Zana's bubble.

Unlike many other Pinnacle bosses, the Elder does not have an Uber variant. Instead, the Uber Elder is considered a completely separate boss fight which combines The Elder and The Shaper fights (with its own Uber variant, the Uber Uber Elder).


Currently listed drop rates reflect testing in version 3.17.0 and may be incorrect future updates.

Always drops one of the two:

  • Fragment of TerrorFragment of TerrorStack Size: 10Fear drives survival.Can be used in a personal Map Device. (50%)
  • Fragment of EmptinessFragment of EmptinessStack Size: 10What is not cannot cause harm.Can be used in a personal Map Device. (50%)

Always drops one of the following[1]:

Can drop any of the following:

  • Orb of DominanceOrb of DominanceStack Size: 10Removes one Influenced Modifier from an item with at least two Influenced
    Modifiers and upgrades another Influenced Modifier
    Upgrading a modifier of the highest tier transforms the
    modifier into an Elevated Modifier
    Attempting to upgrade an Elevated Modifier rerolls its values
    Can be used on Body Armours, Boots, Gloves and Helmets
    Right click this item then left click an item with at least two Influenced Modifiers to apply it.
    (~6%) [2]
  • 2 mod Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
    Prismatic Jewel
    Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
    (4-6)% increased maximum Life
    (4-6)% increased maximum Mana
    <Two or Three random aura modifiers>
    One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
    they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
    and one by one, they became a part of it.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.

Additionally, The Elder drops several elder-influenced items when slain.

A Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
and one by one, they became a part of it.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
obtained from the Elder will have two modifiers. For a Watcher's Eye to have three modifiers, it must drop from Uber Elder. The Watcher's Eye will not drop if Shaper is killed during the Captured Phase (Phase 2).


A creature of malignant madness, born of that oblivion from before time itself began. Once only an abstract expression, the Elder was given physical form. The Elder came here out of hunger. Preferring victims of a younger flesh, it became the bogeyman, dragging our children off into the night, casting them into its realm of shadow and feasting upon their nightmares undisturbed, for it was imagination that truly satiated it.

The Elder is a boss that is invading the Atlas of Worlds. It was the main antagonist of the War for the Atlas expansion, where it would take over maps of the Atlas. As of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion, as part of the canonization of the defeat of the Elder, it no longer actively interacts with the Atlas. The player characters who fought during the War for the Atlas expansion are represented by the Elderslayers led by Sirus, Awakener of Worlds.[3] Players can still fight the Elder aka Red (map) Elder, using the Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Key to Decay" map fragments set, and do not need to chase the Elder and Shaper across the Atlas anymore. While the Yellow map Elder which has a lower area level is not in-game anymore. These map fragments can be obtained by defeating the Elder Guardians. Like other fragment bosses, the fight in the current Siege of the Atlas expansion is re-enactment of the fight as memories, rather than occurring in real-time in-universe. [4]


It lurched across these places with a hunger insatiable. It craved events past and prevented events passing. A mind like yours, so full of ideas and memories that flutter and swirl around you like smoke, would have been an irresistible temptation.

It went by a great many names. The Unraveller. The Child of Decay. The echoing whispers of history here give a different name. The Elder.

It served greater forces, as I do. Those forces are still at work, but the servant is gone, the home left vacant. For now.


- The Envoy "The Elder" dialogue


Version history

Version Changes
  • Pinnacle bosses, Map bosses, Incursion architects, Betrayal targets, Breachlords and others no longer have 33% or 66% less effect of curses on them respectively.
  • The Elder and Shaper were defeated and are no longer part of the atlas.
    • They can still be accessed with new Fragment sets.
    • White, Yellow and Red Elder are now a single encounter.
  • The Elder's Unstable phase is now more difficult, and can drop more Elder items if successfully completed. This is now the only way to obtain the Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
    Prismatic Jewel
    Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
    (4-6)% increased maximum Life
    (4-6)% increased maximum Mana
    <Two or Three random aura modifiers>
    One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
    they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
    and one by one, they became a part of it.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    unique jewel.
  • Introduced to the game.

See also
