Vaal Orb

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For lists of corruption modifiers obtainable using Vaal Orbs, see Vaal Orb#List of item corrupted implicit modifiers.
Vaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.
Drop level: 12
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Currency Item
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencyCorrupt

Vaal Orb is a currency item that will corrupt an item, causing unpredictable and possibly powerful results. Once an item is corrupted, it can only be modified by Tainted Currency or Crafting Bench. You can still craft sockets and links at a Crafting Bench by using Vaal Orbs in addition to the requirements. Once corrupted it's impossible to restore it to an uncorrupted state using an ImprintImprintRestores an imprinted item onto the original
Can't be applied to Fractured Items
Right click this item then left click on the imprinted original item to restore its modifiers. An imprint cannot be dropped or traded to other players.


Vaal Orbs always entail a risk: they can greatly improve an item but they can also change it for the worse. Only one of the effects listed for each type of item below may happen.


  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Change one or more sockets to white sockets. This has a 1/4 chance of occurring, with a 1/10 chance for each additional socket (1/40 for two, up to 1/400000 for 6 white sockets).[2]
    • This event can most likely even occur when the equipment has no sockets and will have the identical phenotype to "no effect". The assumption comes from the Altar of Corruption where the white socket achievement could be obtained from jewellery.
  • Reroll the item into a rare item with randomized sockets, links and six random affixes. If this result is chosen, there is a 1/36 chance the item will have the maximum number of sockets and links. Considering the 1/4 base chance for the "brick" outcome, this results in a 1/144 chance for an appropriate item to become six-linked on corruption.[3] An item with Prefixes Cannot Be Changed or Suffixes Cannot Be Changed will respect the effect of those metamods, similar to using a chaos orb.[4]
  • Change a random implicit to a Vaal implicit, including if the item has no implicit by default. If an item has more than one implicit mod, it will replace one of them at random.
    • Vaal Orbs cannot force Vaal implicits onto already corrupted items such as Talismans, but other sources of corruption can, such as corrupted strongboxes.
  • Certain items have a chance to turn into another related item when corrupted. The exact chance of this occurring and how it affects the outcome distribution is unknown; however, it likely replaces part of the white socket chance.[confirmation needed]
    • Tear of PurityTear of Purity
      Lapis Amulet
      Requires Level 5+(20-30) to IntelligenceGrants Level 10 Purity of Elements Skill
      +(10-20) to all Attributes
      +(20-40) to maximum Life
      +(5-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
      A shimmering symbol of Purity, clear as water,
      but I know better than most how quickly
      Purity can succumb to Corruption.
      How quickly water turns to blood.
      - Victario, the People's Poet
      -> Blood of CorruptionBlood of Corruption
      Amber Amulet
      Requires Level 5+(20-30) to StrengthGrants Level 10 Gluttony of Elements Skill
      Adds 19 to 43 Chaos Damage to Attacks
      -(10-5)% to all Elemental Resistances
      +(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
      CorruptedIn my dream, a voice spoke to me. It said:
      'My reach knows no bounds.
      All that is pure is destined to rot.
      All that lives is destined to serve.'
      - Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
    • Voll's VisionVoll's Vision
      Praetor Crown
      Armour: (421-485)
      Energy Shield: (51-58)
      Requires Level 68, 62 Str, 91 Int+(260-300) to Armour
      +(26-32)% to Fire Resistance
      +(8-16)% to Chaos Resistance
      20% increased Light Radius
      (8-12)% increased Maximum Life if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
      Regenerate 400 Life per second if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
      Righteous men seek virtue like tame pups seeking praise.
      -> Malachai's VisionMalachai's Vision
      Praetor Crown
      Armour: (161-185)
      Energy Shield: (201-258)
      Requires Level 68, 62 Str, 91 IntAdds (13-17) to (29-37) Chaos Damage
      +(150-200) to maximum Energy Shield
      +(32-40)% to Cold Resistance
      +(15-20)% to Lightning Resistance
      Regenerate 400 Energy Shield per second if all Equipped items are Corrupted
      Regenerate 35 Mana per second if all Equipped Items are Corrupted
      CorruptedWicked men chase power like stray dogs chase a rat.



  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Reroll the item with random affixes. Rare maps will have 4-6 affixes.
    • If the map is Tier 1-15, it has a 50% chance to increase its tier by one, changing the map base type to one of the appropriate natural tier.
      • Tier 16 maps cannot be changed into a tier 17 map.
      • When a Shaped or Elder Map gains a tier, it will become a Shaped or Elder (respectively) Map base of one tier higher, even if that map isn't unlocked on the player's Atlas. This system only exists on Standard, as it is no longer part of the current atlas system.
    • If the map is Tier 16, it has a ~10% chance to change into a rare tier 16 Vaal Temple MapVaal Temple MapMap Level: 83
      Map Tier: 16
      Guild Character: >
      Area contains 10 additional guarded Vaal VesselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
      They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
      Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Reroll the map into a rare item with eight random affixes, retaining the map base.
  • Add a special Vaal implicit. Any implicit mods already on the map will be retained.
    • Certain map corruption implicits cannot appear on Blighted maps and Blight-ravaged maps; the total chance to add any map corruption implicit is unchanged, however.

In addition to these effects, all bosses of corrupted maps have a chance to drop Sacrifice Vaal Fragments or Vaal Skill Gems.

Vaal side areas

  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Reroll the area into a rare area with eight random affixes.
  • Reroll the area into one of the three unique Vaal side areas.

Vaal side areas can only be corrupted in your maps and only while having Lucid Dreams allocated. An uncorrupted side area will automatically become corrupted when you enter it, but it seems this does not trigger the same effects that vaaling an area does.


  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Add or subtract one level. Max level gems can exceed their normal maximum this way. A corrupted gem at the normal maximum will not continue to gain experience.
  • Add or subtract 1-10 quality. Gems can have up to 23% quality this way.
  • Change the gem to its corresponding Vaal Gem.

Each effect has equal weight, meaning there is 1/4 chance on each possible effect. In case the effect of quality or level is chosen, the game will roll to add or subtract the value, each with equal weight.

Chance of obtaining +1 gem level

The chance of a gem exceeding the gem level cap is 1/8 (or 12.5%)

Explanation: Since the chance of any effect is 1/4, there is 1/4 of obtaining the level effect. The game will then roll to add or subtract the value, giving it a 1/2 chance of getting the positive value.

1/4 → 1/2 = 1/8


Using a Vaal Orb on a strongbox will corrupt it, either as is or after randomizing its modifiers. It will also cause items (including equipment, gems, and maps) that drop from the strongbox to drop corrupted as if a Vaal Orb was applied to each item.


Using a Vaal Orb on a flask will increase or decrease its quality by up to ±10% from the original value. Monster reward modifiers can cause flasks to drop with up to 30% quality uncorrupted, which can be corrupted to potentially increase its quality to up to 40%.

Item acquisition

Vaal Orb can drop anywhere.


Vaal Orb can be created from the following recipes:

3The CatalystThe Catalyst3Vaal OrbSimple actions can lead the world to an early grave.1x Vaal OrbM
6The InventorThe Inventor610x Vaal OrbJump right in,
But beware
Of things broken
Or beyond compare.
10x Vaal OrbM
5Emperor's LuckEmperor's Luck55x CurrencyThe house always wins.5x currency (random)M
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Usage in recipes

Vaal Orb is used in the following recipes:

Chill of CorruptionChill of Corruption
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 150% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy ShatteredCorruptedEven a millennium later, Atziri's presence
casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Cobalt Jewel
-1 to Maximum Power ChargesCorrupted"Your desires will mislead you."Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
To DustTo Dust
Cobalt Jewel
(20-10)% reduced Skeleton Duration
Minions deal (8-12)% increased Damage
(7-10)% increased Skeleton Attack Speed
(7-10)% increased Skeleton Cast Speed
(3-5)% increased Skeleton Movement Speed
CorruptedIn the end, time comes for all of us.
It just comes for some much sooner.
Place into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Rain of SplintersRain of Splinters
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1(50-30)% reduced Totem Damage
Totems fire 2 additional Projectiles
Corrupted"If one is an annoyance
then a hundred is a threat."
- Ancient Karui Proverb
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Energised ArmourEnergised Armour
Crimson Jewel
Radius: Large(15-20)% increased Armour
Increases and Reductions to Energy Shield in Radius are Transformed to apply to Armour at 200% of their value
Corrupted"I've yet to see prayer stop an arrow."Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Fortress CovenantFortress Covenant
Cobalt Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Medium
Minions deal (35-45)% increased Damage
Minions have +(10-12)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Minions have +(10-12)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to
instead grant: Minions take 20% increased Damage
CorruptedForsake what you might have had.
Command power beyond your potential.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you
An additional Curse can be applied to you
CorruptedBeg for forgiveness.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Seething FurySeething Fury
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(10-15)% increased Attack Damage while holding a Shield
+0.15% to Off Hand Critical Strike Chance per 10 Maximum Energy Shield on Shield
+4% to Off Hand Critical Strike Multiplier per 10 Maximum Energy Shield on Shield
CorruptedIt took the Bloody Flowers Rebellion to show the clans of Ezomyr the truth;
What kept them apart was just a fabrication.
Conjured rivalries from men who grew fat from the discord they sowed.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Reckless DefenceReckless Defence
Cobalt Jewel
+(2-6)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(2-6)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Hits have (140-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance against you
CorruptedThere's no motivation for genius
quite like desperation.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
The Golden RuleThe Golden Rule
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(30-40)% increased Armour while Bleeding
Bleeding you inflict is Reflected to you
+1% to Chaos Resistance per Poison on you
Poison you inflict is Reflected to you if you have fewer than 100 Poisons on you
CorruptedHurt as you would be hurt.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Hidden PotentialHidden Potential
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(20-25)% increased Damage for each Magic Item EquippedCorruptedThe difference between the master and his apprentice
is what they see when they look at the same block of wood.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Fevered MindFevered Mind
Cobalt Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Small
+(5-10) to Intelligence
Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to
instead grant: 10% increased Mana Cost of Skills and 20% increased Spell Damage
CorruptedIn sickness, the insane becomes sane.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Healthy MindHealthy Mind
Cobalt Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Large
(15-20)% increased maximum Mana
Increases and Reductions to Life in Radius are Transformed to apply to Mana at 200% of their value
CorruptedFor the ambitious, flesh is a limitation.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Malachai's VisionMalachai's Vision
Praetor Crown
Armour: (161-185)
Energy Shield: (201-258)
Requires Level 68, 62 Str, 91 IntAdds (13-17) to (29-37) Chaos Damage
+(150-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(32-40)% to Cold Resistance
+(15-20)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 400 Energy Shield per second if all Equipped items are Corrupted
Regenerate 35 Mana per second if all Equipped Items are Corrupted
CorruptedWicked men chase power like stray dogs chase a rat.
1Voll's VisionVoll's Vision
Praetor Crown
Armour: (421-485)
Energy Shield: (51-58)
Requires Level 68, 62 Str, 91 Int+(260-300) to Armour
+(26-32)% to Fire Resistance
+(8-16)% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Light Radius
(8-12)% increased Maximum Life if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
Regenerate 400 Life per second if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
Righteous men seek virtue like tame pups seeking praise.
N/ACorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Crimson Jewel
-1 to Maximum Endurance ChargesCorrupted"Your flesh will fail you."Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Quickening CovenantQuickening Covenant
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Medium
Minions have (12-16)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (12-16)% increased Cast Speed
Minions have +(20-24)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to
instead grant: Minions have 25% reduced Movement Speed
CorruptedLose that which you never had.
Gain power you could not have grasped.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Atziri's ReignAtziri's Reign
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1(15-20)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration
Vaal Skills have (15-20)% chance to regain consumed Souls when used
CorruptedAtziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Blood of CorruptionBlood of Corruption
Amber Amulet
Requires Level 5+(20-30) to StrengthGrants Level 10 Gluttony of Elements Skill
Adds 19 to 43 Chaos Damage to Attacks
-(10-5)% to all Elemental Resistances
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
CorruptedIn my dream, a voice spoke to me. It said:
'My reach knows no bounds.
All that is pure is destined to rot.
All that lives is destined to serve.'
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
1Tear of PurityTear of Purity
Lapis Amulet
Requires Level 5+(20-30) to IntelligenceGrants Level 10 Purity of Elements Skill
+(10-20) to all Attributes
+(20-40) to maximum Life
+(5-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
A shimmering symbol of Purity, clear as water,
but I know better than most how quickly
Purity can succumb to Corruption.
How quickly water turns to blood.
- Victario, the People's Poet
N/ACorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Fluid MotionFluid Motion
Viridian Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Dexterity
Strength from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Dexterity
CorruptedEven the strongest of steel can be made to bend.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Careful PlanningCareful Planning
Viridian Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Dexterity
Intelligence from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Dexterity
Corrupted"Greatly outnumbered, Deshret dressed her personal guard in identical garb. When the Empire rode north, Deshret and her guard took turns revealing themselves, creating the illusion of speed beyond the capabilities of even the Virtue Gems."
- History of the Maraketh
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Brute Force SolutionBrute Force Solution
Cobalt Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Intelligence
Strength from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Intelligence
CorruptedPicking a lock takes an immense amount of skill and practice.
Breaking it with a hammer takes about three seconds.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Viridian Jewel
-1 to Maximum Frenzy ChargesCorrupted"Your fear will overcome you."Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Viridian JewelViridian JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Energy From WithinEnergy From Within
Cobalt Jewel
Radius: Large(3-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
Increases and Reductions to Life in Radius are Transformed to apply to Energy Shield
CorruptedThe Azmeri ascetics learnt the power
of going without the body's ordinary cravings.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Crimson Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Strength
Dexterity from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Strength
CorruptedThere is no force without movement.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Efficient TrainingEfficient Training
Crimson Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Strength
Intelligence from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Strength
CorruptedWorking smart and working hard aren't mutually exclusive.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A
Fertile MindFertile Mind
Cobalt Jewel
Radius: Large+(16-24) to Intelligence
Dexterity from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Intelligence
Corrupted"The swallow flew fast and took many turns,
spilling a seed where no plant had grown before.
This seed grew and grew until the desert became fertile and abundant.
Your mind is like this seed."
- Maraketh Proverb
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
1Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.Any rarityCorruption transformationM
1Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.N/A

Vaal Orbs are uncommon currency items that can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist's Strongboxes. Vaal Orbs have an increased drop rate in Vaal side areas. Vaal Orbs can be farmed by placing a sacrifice fragment in the map device, and completing the Vaal side areas.

Vendor recipe

They can be also obtained through the following vendor recipe:

Result Recipe
1× Vaal Orb 7x Vaal skill gems
1x Sacrifice Fragment


List of item corrupted implicit modifiers


Using a Vaal Orb on an item can earn the following achievements:

Name Description
Dream Enrichment
Corrupt a map into a Vaal Temple map.
Full Spectrum
Corrupt an item to have a white socket.
Identity Corruption
Corrupt an item to have a new implicit mod.
Hostile Territory
Corrupt a map to have eight mods.
Virtue Corruption
Corrupt a skill gem into a Vaal skill gem.
Corrupt a Unique Jewel into a different Unique Jewel

Ruthless mode

In Ruthless mode, corrupted map bosses can drop Vaal Orbs.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Influenced and Corrupted Modifiers that provide Increased Item Quantity can no longer roll.
  • (in hotfix 7) The vendor recipe that provides a Life Flask with the "of the Novice" modifier no longer works with Corrupted Flasks.
  • (in hotfix 7) The maximum amount of Quality possible on Life Flasks is now 40% (previously 60%). Existing items with a Quality greater than 40% will be updated to 40% upon logging in.
  • Flasks can now be corrupted using Vaal Orbs, adding a random quality value from -10% to +10%.
  • The corruption outcome for Maps that unidentified the item has been replaced with a corruption outcome that adds an Implicit.
  • The following currencies now have a stack size of 20: Orb of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it., Vaal Orb, Chaos OrbChaos OrbStack Size: 20Reforges a rare item with new random modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it., Tainted Chaos OrbTainted Chaos OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably either reforges a corrupted rare item with new random modifiers or removes all of its modifiersRight click this item then left click a corrupted rare item to apply it., Eldritch Chaos OrbEldritch Chaos OrbStack Size: 20If The Searing Exarch is dominant, reroll prefix modifiers
    If The Eater of Worlds is dominant, reroll suffix modifiers
    Right click this item then left click a rare item with The Searing Exarch or The Eater of Worlds dominance to apply it.
    , and Veiled Chaos OrbVeiled OrbStack Size: 20Removes a random modifier and adds a random Veiled modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it..
  • The drop chance for Vaal Orbs in Ruthless has been increased.
  • Added new corrupted implicits which can appear on items corrupted by Vaal Orbs, bringing the total to approximately 176. Many of the old implicits were buffed or moved to different items, and some were disabled. Generally, corrupted implicits are now more powerful on average.
  • Vaal Orbs can now generate more corrupted implicit mods than before.
  • Fixed a problem that would allow a 0% quality gem to reach 23% quality with one Vaal Orb.
  • Added a new currency item: Vaal Orb. It corrupts a target item, modifying it unpredictably. Once an item is corrupted, further currency cannot be applied to it. This includes restoring imprints. There are many possible outcomes of corruption, some of which may be undesirable. Consider its use carefully!

See also


  1. Chris (March 4, 2014). "1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal". Official Path of Exile Forums.
  2. chris_wilson (July 16, 2015). "Chris Wilson on chances of corrupting White Sockets". Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
  3. chris_wilson. "Secret Info From San Fransisco Meetup". Path of Exile Subreddit.

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