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For items with special 2D artwork formerly known as "relics", see Foil item.
For relics that affected character stats that were obtainable in Sanctum league, see sanctified relic.

Relics are a type of item that is exclusive to the Sanctum league. They can be placed in the Relic Altar to provide buffs to various mechanics related to the Forbidden Sanctum.


  • Relics can be found in the Sanctum as rewards from guards, minibosses or bosses, or purchased from Sister Divinia for 300 Aureus.
  • They can be stored in a special separate stash, which can also be placed as a hideout decoration.
  • To equip a Relic, they must be placed in the Relic Altar on a 5x4 grid with two of the corner slots blocked off. Additional grid slots can be unlocked as you progress, up to a total of 18 slots.
  • Relics are unmodifiable and always drops as Magic or Unique. They cannot be Rare.
  • Relics of the same base can be vendor 5 to 1 to obtain a new one with random modifiers.
  • The pool of modifiers Relics can roll depends on the total number of inventory slots it takes up, ranging from 2/3/4 or small/medium/large respectively.

List of relics

Main page: List of relics

Base types

Small relics

Censer RelicCenser RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run1×21
Urn RelicUrn RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run2×11

Medium relics

Processional RelicProcessional RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run1×31
Tome RelicTome RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run3×11

Large relics

Candlestick RelicCandlestick RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run1×475
Coffer RelicCoffer RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run2×282
Papyrus RelicPapyrus RelicUnmodifiablePlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run4×175


A unique relic is a special unique type of relic which is guaranteed to drop from Lycia, Herald of the Scourge. Unique relics are destroyed upon completing or failing a run. Only one unique relic can be used at a time per run.

ItemBase itemStats
The Blood of InnocenceThe Blood of Innocence
Censer Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge deals 50% more Damage
The Herald of the Scourge takes 50% less Damage
The Herald of the Scourge drops the Balance of Terror
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"After weeks of being pursued, the veiled traveller made her stand in a sandstorm.
Somehow, she wounded a god. Innocence relented; his brother and the traveller made
good their escape." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Censer RelicThe Herald of the Scourge deals 50% more Damage
The Herald of the Scourge takes 50% less Damage
The Herald of the Scourge drops the Balance of Terror
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Chains of CastigationThe Chains of Castigation
Processional Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops Sandstorm Visage
Rooms are unknown on the Sanctum Map
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"The mysterious traveller saw the vilified brother chained to a cliff, where all could point and shout and deride him. In one fell swing, she cracked the mountainside, freeing him." - Lycia, the HereticPlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Processional RelicThe Herald of the Scourge drops Sandstorm Visage
Rooms are unknown on the Sanctum Map
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Hour of DivinityThe Hour of Divinity
Censer Relic
Requires Level 64Duplicates up to 2 random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Cannot have Boons
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"They ascended together, one unwillingly. The vilified became black as coal, and the
lauded, golden. After a lifetime of ambition, he finally had his heart's desire. It only
cost him his brother." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Censer RelicDuplicates up to 2 random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Cannot have Boons
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Night LampThe Night Lamp
Urn Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops an additional Forbidden Tome
No Resolve Mitigation, chance to Avoid Resolve loss or Resolve Aegis
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"The newcomers were terrified of fire. He used their fear to control them, to lay the
seeds of unquestioning faith. He claimed only his god could protect them." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Urn RelicThe Herald of the Scourge drops an additional Forbidden Tome
No Resolve Mitigation, chance to Avoid Resolve loss or Resolve Aegis
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Broken CenserThe Broken Censer
Tome Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops 2 additional Forbidden Tomes
Rooms are unknown on the Sanctum Map
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"His followers were too small in number to spark divinity, so he turned to a greater
power: hatred. He vilified his brother, sparking zealotry, and the change finally began."
- Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Tome RelicThe Herald of the Scourge drops 2 additional Forbidden Tomes
Rooms are unknown on the Sanctum Map
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Gilded ChaliceThe Gilded Chalice
Processional Relic
Requires Level 64Duplicates up to 4 random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Cannot recover Resolve
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"He took the newcomers' symbol and made it his own. Finally, they flocked to him.
Finally, he had the power and wealth he so desired." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Processional RelicDuplicates up to 4 random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Cannot recover Resolve
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 75
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Power and the PromiseThe Power and the Promise
Tome Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops Eternal Damnation
Cannot have Inspiration
Cannot recover Resolve
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 80
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"Building on the fear and hatred that deified him, Innocence threatened an eternity of flames for nonbelievers. The newcomers wailed and threw themselves at his feet in the thousands." - Lycia, the HereticPlace this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Tome RelicThe Herald of the Scourge drops Eternal Damnation
Cannot have Inspiration
Cannot recover Resolve
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 80
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The First CrestThe First Crest
Coffer Relic
Requires Level 64This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Aureus Coins are converted to <3 variants> upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Unmodifiable"In pursuit of divinity, he tried many times to found a religion. Few followed his
initial symbols and proverbs. He needed something greater. A symbol none could
deny." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Coffer RelicThis item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Aureus Coins are converted to <3 variants> upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Aureus Coins are converted to Experience upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Aureus Coins are converted to Relics upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
Aureus Coins are converted to Tainted Currency upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge
The Original ScriptureThe Original Scripture
Papyrus Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops the Original Sin
Cannot have Inspiration
Maximum Resolve is 1
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 83
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"It's all here. The lie at the core of my faith. Maxarius was not the first chosen of
Innocence. Maxarius was Innocence himself. A charlatan, a liar, and a power-seeker."
- Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Papyrus RelicThe Herald of the Scourge drops the Original Sin
Cannot have Inspiration
Maximum Resolve is 1
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 83
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable
The Second SacramentThe Second Sacrament
Candlestick Relic
Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge deals 100% more Damage
The Herald of the Scourge takes 70% less Damage
The Herald of the Scourge drops the Winds of Fate
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 83
This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
Unmodifiable"He took many of his people's traditions and gilded them, hollowed them. They
rejected his new religion, and he and his followers were forced to depart the
mountains for lands unknown." - Lycia, the Heretic
Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
Candlestick RelicThe Herald of the Scourge deals 100% more Damage
The Herald of the Scourge takes 70% less Damage
The Herald of the Scourge drops the Winds of Fate
Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 83
This item is destroyed when applied to a SanctumUnmodifiable

List of modifiers

Version history

Version Changes
  • Relics have returned and are now tradeable.
  • Unique Relics have been rebalanced and reworked.
  • Introduced 7 new Unique Relics that drop from the final form of the Sanctum Boss. These Relics challenge you to complete an entire run of The Forbidden Sanctum at area level 80+ under special rules. If you're able to complete such a run, you'll be rewarded in new and special ways. However, the Unique Relic will be destroyed regardless of the outcome of your run, so if you fail to complete it, you'll forfeit your potential rewards.
  • Some of these Unique Relics cause the Herald of the Scourge to drop additional or specific items, while others causes Aureus Coins to be converted to certain outcomes upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge.
  • We've also introduced a new Unique RingOriginal Sin
    Amethyst Ring
    Requires Level 52+(17-23)% to Chaos ResistanceAll Elemental Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
    Nearby Enemies' Chaos Resistance is 0
    Innocence rose to godhood not on inspired faith,
    but on the vilification and hatred of another.
    that can be earned by defeating the Herald of the Scourge with one of the new Unique RelicsThe Original Scripture
    Papyrus Relic
    Requires Level 64The Herald of the Scourge drops the Original Sin
    Cannot have Inspiration
    Maximum Resolve is 1
    Cannot be used with Forbidden Tomes below level 83
    This item is destroyed when applied to a Sanctum
    Unmodifiable"It's all here. The lie at the core of my faith. Maxarius was not the first chosen of
    Innocence. Maxarius was Innocence himself. A charlatan, a liar, and a power-seeker."
    - Lycia, the Heretic
    Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of each Sanctum run
  • Relics are now able to be dropped onto the ground by players, though these still remain Account-bound to the player that dropped them.
  • Introduced to the game.