The Eater of Worlds (quest)

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For the NPC and boss fight, see The Eater of Worlds.
The Eater of Worlds
The Eater of Worlds quest icon.png
Required No
Start Talk to The Envoy
Objective Kill The The Eater of Worlds
Completion Atlas Book of SkillAtlas Book of SkillGain an Atlas Passive Skill Point and two Atlas Passive Respec Points
Boss The Eater of Worlds
The Eater of Worlds

The Eater of Worlds is an epilogue quest. This quest runs in parallel to The Maven (quest) and The Searing Exarch (quest).


While the player is exploring mapping yellow maps (T6+), they will encounter The Envoy, which notes the influence of The Eater of Worlds in the map. The player will be given the Flesh CompassFlesh CompassAllows you to pursue The Eater of Worlds by adding its influence to a map from your Map Device.Use this item on the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Flesh Compass..

A picture of the Eater of Worlds Beacon selected on the Atlas Device. The slices around the Beacon indicate how many bosses have been defeated.

Use the Beacon to upgrade the Map DeviceMap DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations. A symbol of the Eater of Worlds will be added to the map device, toggling that button to allow Eater of Worlds influence to spawn in a map.

Then the following steps must be completed:

  • Use the map device to add The Eater of Worlds influence to a tier 9+ map.
  • Use the map device to add The Eater of Worlds influence to a tier 10+ map.
  • Use the map device to add The Eater of Worlds influence to a tier 11+ map and defeat the map boss.
  • The tier 11 map boss will drop a quest invitation Writhing InvitationWrithing InvitationThe Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
    whole civilisations are digested - but do not die.
    , to initiate the boss fight against Infinite Hunger.
  • Use the invitation in the map device to open the map and defeat the Infinite Hunger.
  • After the boss fight, spawn The Eater of Worlds's influence in a T12+ map, and then T13/14/15/16+, by using the button on the map device.
  • Defeat the T16 boss and the boss will drop another invitation: Screaming InvitationScreaming InvitationFrom the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
    reaches out for control of the Atlas.
  • Use the invitation in the map device to open the map and defeat the The Eater of Worlds.
  • Talk to Kirac to complete the quest and receive the Grasping VoidstoneGrasping VoidstoneTier 1-15 Maps found have 25% chance to become 1 tier higher
    Tier 16 Maps Dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone
    The Eater of Worlds consumed for countless
    eons to satiate the desperation of masters
    that could never be satisfied.
    Socket this into your Atlas to increase the Tier of all Maps.

After defeating the final invitation, the player can repeat 24 Tier 14+ maps with The Eater’s influence to challenge a harder version of The Eater of Worlds boss fight.

Pick up the Flesh Compass

Pick up The Eater of Worlds' beacon.

  • Pick up the Flesh CompassFlesh CompassAllows you to pursue The Eater of Worlds by adding its influence to a map from your Map Device.Use this item on the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Flesh Compass..

Use the Flesh Compass to augment your Map Device

Use the Flesh CompassFlesh CompassAllows you to pursue The Eater of Worlds by adding its influence to a map from your Map Device.Use this item on the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Flesh Compass. to augment your Map DeviceMap DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations to enable you to perceive the influence of The Eater of Worlds.


So The Maven has given you a tool to begin hunting The Tangle. I knew finding her was our best shot at facing these abominations. Attack it on her behalf, and we can begin setting them against each other.


- Kirac

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 9+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 9+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 10+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 10+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 11+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 11+ map.

Defeat the Map Boss

Defeat the map boss to receive an invitation.

Pick up the Writhing Invitation

Pick up the Writhing InvitationWrithing InvitationThe Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
whole civilisations are digested - but do not die.

Use the Writhing Invitation in the Map Device

Use the Writhing InvitationWrithing InvitationThe Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
whole civilisations are digested - but do not die.
in the map device to gain access to the Infinite Hunger's arena.


My engineers have looked at that key... it's some sort of purposeful invitation, almost ceremonial in design. If you put this in the Map Device, it will open the way to somewhere far beyond the Atlas. It's about time we went on the offensive. Prepare yourself for a bit of a tussle.


- Kirac

Enter Seething Chyme

Enter The Infinite Hunger's arena.

Defeat The Infinite Hunger

Defeat The Infinite Hunger.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 12+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 12+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 13+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 13+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 14+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 14+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 15+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 15+ map.

Pursue The Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 16+ map

Pursue the Eater of Worlds' influence in a Tier 16+ map.

Defeat the Map Boss

Defeat the map boss to receive an invitation.

Pick up the Screaming Invitation

Pick up the Screaming InvitationScreaming InvitationFrom the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
reaches out for control of the Atlas.

Use the Screaming Invitation in the Map Device

Use the Screaming InvitationScreaming InvitationFrom the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
reaches out for control of the Atlas.
in the map device to gain access the Eater of Worlds' arena.


This is it, Godslayer. That key is an invitation to face The Tangle's primary champion in some far-off realm. The enemy is expecting you, so stay wary.


- Kirac

Enter Absence of Symmetry and Harmony

Enter The Eater of Worlds' arena.

Defeat The Eater of Worlds

Defeat The Eater of Worlds.

Talk to Commander Kirac

You have defeated The Eater of Worlds and the Infinite Hunger, unlocking the Grasping Voidstone. Talk to Commander Kirac for a reward.


You've given The Tangle's champion a beating, but this was only one part of some ritual of ownership between eldritch entities. You've solidified The Maven's hold on the Atlas, but I doubt this is the end of the conflict. Stay wary.


- Kirac

Quest Complete

Quest Complete - You have defeated The Eater of Worlds, unlocked the Grasping Voidstone and gained 1 Atlas Passive Skill Point and 2 Atlas Passive Respec Points

Atlas Book of SkillAtlas Book of SkillGain an Atlas Passive Skill Point and two Atlas Passive Respec Points

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game