Always Scorch while affected by Anger Aura Skills other than Anger are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you80% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you while affected by Clarity Aura Skills other than Clarity are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges while affected by Determination Aura Skills other than Determination are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you+1 to Maximum Power Charges while affected by Discipline Aura Skills other than Discipline are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges while affected by Grace Aura Skills other than Grace are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you10% increased Action Speed while affected by Haste Aura Skills other than Haste are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youAlways inflict Brittle while affected by Hatred Aura Skills other than Hatred are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youYou can apply an additional Curse while affected by Malevolence Aura Skills other than Malevolence are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you25% more Critical Strike chance while affected by Precision Aura Skills other than Precision are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youEnemies you Kill while using Pride have 25% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage Aura Skills other than Pride are Disabled (20-40)% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies+3% to all maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by Purity of Elements Aura Skills other than Purity of Elements are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you30% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire Aura Skills other than Purity of Fire are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you30% of Fire and Lightning Damage taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice Aura Skills other than Purity of Ice are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you30% of Fire and Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Lightning Aura Skills other than Purity of Lightning are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youRegenerate 15% Life over one second when hit while affected by Vitality Aura Skills other than Vitality are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youAlways Sap while affected by Wrath Aura Skills other than Wrath are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on youUnaffected by Curses while affected by Zealotry Aura Skills other than Zealotry are Disabled Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you
This world is not good enough for her, so I will make a better one. Nothing matters but the pursuit of perfection.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Sublime Vision is a uniquePrismatic JewelPrismatic JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.. It is a Shaper item.
The jewel has one hybrid mod which is related to a random aura skill. In the hybrid mod, the sentences Aura Skills other than <Aura> are Disabled and Auras from your Skills have (20-40)% increased Effect on you are presented in the all variant of this hybrid mod, and the actual variable sentence can be viewed in the infobox on the right or the table below.
Aura Skills other than <Aura> are Disabled: Aura Skills (including Banners), including those granted by Blessings or Curse Auras, are disabled. Some Mine skills, SmiteSmiteLightning, Attack, AoE, Duration, Melee, Strike, Aura Level: (1-20) Cost: (7-12) Mana Attack Speed: 85% of base Attack Damage: (225-488)% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: (225-488)%Performs a melee attack, and causes lightning to strike a nearby enemy, dealing damage in an area. Each target can only be hit once by this skill. Hitting an enemy grants an aura for a duration. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage Base duration is 4.00 seconds (30-20)% less Area Damage Base radius is (1.5-2.1) metres Base Aura radius is (3.6-4.2) metres Lightning strikes 1 target within 5 metres Aura grants (1-12) to (4-220) added Lightning Damage Aura grants (10-19)% chance to Shock
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: -(0.5-10)% less Area DamagePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Summon SkitterbotsSummon SkitterbotsTrap, Mine, Spell, Minion, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Aura Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 16Summon a Chilling Skitterbot and a Shocking Skitterbot, which will trigger your traps and detonate your mines. Mines detonated by Skitterbots will re-arm and can then be detonated again. The Skitterbots grant you more trap and mine damage, and cannot be targeted or damaged.(0-76)% increased Minion Movement Speed Minions have (0-19)% increased Chill Effect Minions have (0-19)% increased Shock Effect Maximum 1 Summoned Skitterbot of each type Chilling Skitterbot's Aura Chills Enemies near it Shocking Skitterbot's Aura Shocks Enemies near it Skitterbots grant 10% more Trap and Mine Damage
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Minion Movement SpeedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Flesh and StoneFlesh and StoneSpell, Aura, AoE, Stance, Physical Level: (1-20) Reservation: 25% Mana Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 16Buffs you, and affects nearby enemies with an aura, differently depending on your stance. Both stances are more impactful against enemies closer to you. Using the skill again alternates between Blood Stance and Sand Stance.Base Aura radius is 2.8 metres (0-50)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate While in Blood Stance, Aura makes Enemies take up to (10-20)% more Physical Damage from Hits While in Sand Stance, Buff makes you take up to (10-19)% less Damage from Enemies in Aura
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery RatePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., and Rejuvenation TotemRejuvenation TotemTotem, Aura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Cost: (9-32) Mana Cast Time: 0.60 sec AoE Radius: 10Requires Level 4Summons a totem that has an aura which regenerates life for you and your nearby allies.Totem lasts 8 seconds Supported Skills have (0-76)% increased Totem Life Summons a Totem which uses this Skill Regenerate (8.6-317.5) Life per second
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (1-20)% more Totem LifePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. are also disabled due to also having Auragem tag; Skills supported by High-Impact Mine SupportHigh-Impact Mine SupportMine, Support, AoE, Aura Icon: Y Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 31Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee Weapons Mine lasts 5 seconds Supported Skills gain a Base Reservation equal to Base Mana and Life Cost Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds Supported Skills deal (56-50)% less Damage Each Mine from Supported Skills applies 2% chance to deal Double Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 100%
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0.5-10)% increased Mine DamageThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. will work, as only the support gem has the aura gem tag, not the skill gem. Other non-Aura reservation skills (including Heralds, Aspects, Blood and SandBlood and SandSpell, Stance Level: (1-6) Reservation: 10% Mana Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 4Casts a buff that grants different bonuses to melee skills depending on your stance. Using the skill again alternates between Blood Stance and Sand Stance.Melee Skills deal (10-15)% more Area Damage while in Blood Stance Melee Skills have 5% less Area of Effect while in Blood Stance Melee Skills have (10-15)% more Area of Effect while in Sand Stance Melee Skills deal 5% less Area Damage while in Sand Stance (0-50)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery RatePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Petrified BloodPetrified BloodSpell Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 24Applies a buff that protects the lower half of your life, preventing some of the immediate life loss when damaged by hits and applying the loss over time instead. Your life cannot be raised above low life other than by flasks, and while above low life, skills will cost life as well as mana.Life Recovery other than Flasks cannot Recover Life to above Low Life When taking Damage from Hits, 40% of Life loss below half Life is Prevented, then (100-81)% of Life loss prevented this way is lost over 4 seconds Skills gain a Base Life Cost equal to 40% of Base Mana Cost while not on Low Life
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: -(0.25-5)% of Life loss prevented is lost over 4 secondsPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Tempest ShieldTempest ShieldSpell, Lightning, Chaining Level: (1-20) Reservation: 25% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Effectiveness of Added Damage: 220%Requires Level 16Enchants your shield with the power of storms, which lashes out to deal arcing lightning damage to attackers when you block them.Deals (38-896) to (115-2688) Lightning Damage Chains +1 Times Buff grants +(18-25)% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield Buff grants Immunity to Shock
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% chance to Shock enemiesPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Arctic ArmourArctic ArmourSpell, Duration, Cold Level: (1-20) Reservation: 25% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 16Conjures an icy barrier that chills enemies when they hit you. You drop chilled ground while moving, and take less Fire and Physical damage while stationary.Base duration is (2.50-4.40) seconds Buff grants (11-21)% less Physical Damage taken from Hits while stationary Buff grants (11-20)% less Fire Damage taken from Hits while stationary Chill Enemy for 0.5 seconds when Hit, reducing their Action Speed by 30% Buff grants Immunity to Freeze
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (1-20)% increased Skill Effect DurationPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., and Temporal RiftTemporal RiftSpell Level: (1-20) Reservation: 10% Mana Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: 0.25 secRequires Level 34Reserves mana to apply a buff and leave afterimages of your recent past. Cast the spell again to return to the oldest afterimage, teleporting to that location as well as resetting your Life, Mana and Energy Shield to the values they had then.(0-38)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate Buff makes you Unaffected by Temporal Chains This Spell's Cast Speed cannot be modified
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Buff causes Debuffs on you to expire (1-20)% fasterPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., etc) will function normally. Vaal counterparts of <Aura> will also still function as expected.
This item has different variations based on which Aura it generates with and cannot be divined between variations.
List of Aura bonus modifiers
Aura bonus modifier
AngerAngerAura, Spell, AoE, Fire Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 24Casts an aura that adds fire damage to the attacks and spells of you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies deal (16-109) to (23-155) additional Fire Damage with Attacks You and nearby allies deal (16-109) to (23-155) additional Fire Damage with Spells
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
HatredHatredAura, Spell, AoE, Cold Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants extra cold damage based on physical damage to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (30-39)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
WrathWrathAura, Spell, AoE, Lightning Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that adds lightning damage to the attacks of you and your allies, and makes your spells deal more lightning damage.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies deal (2-16) to (37-248) additional Lightning Damage with Attacks You and nearby allies deal (15-21)% more Spell Lightning Damage
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
ZealotryZealotryAura, Critical, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 24Casts an aura that grants bonuses to damage and critical strike chance of spells to you and your allies, and gives a chance to create Consecrated Ground against stronger enemies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby Non-Minion Allies have a 10% chance to create Consecrated Ground on Hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds You and nearby allies have (20-39)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance You and nearby allies deal (10-15)% more Spell Damage
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
MalevolenceMalevolenceAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 24Casts an aura that multiplies damage over time and increases skill effect duration of you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies deal (14-20)% more Damage over Time You and nearby allies have (10-19)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
You can apply an additional Curse while affected by Malevolence
PridePrideSpell, AoE, Aura, Physical Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 24Casts an aura that causes nearby enemies to take more physical damage.+(0-1) metre to radius Nearby Enemies take at least (15-19)% more Physical Damage, raising up to (30-39)% as they stay in the Aura for 4 seconds
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
(20–40)% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies (instead of Aura effect on you) Enemies you Kill while using Pride have 25% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage
DeterminationDeterminationAura, Spell, AoE, Physical Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants armour to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (90-1026) additional Armour You and nearby allies gain (40-49)% more Armour
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
DisciplineDisciplineAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants additional energy shield and increased energy shield recharge rate to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (60-217) additional Energy Shield You and nearby Allies gain 30% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
+1 to Maximum Power Charges while affected by Discipline
GraceGraceAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (136-1545) additional Evasion Rating You and nearby allies gain (20-29)% more Evasion rating
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
HasteHasteAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that increases the movement speed, attack speed and cast speed of you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (10-16)% increased Movement Speed You and nearby allies gain (15-24)% increased Attack Speed You and nearby allies gain (15-24)% increased Cast Speed
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
10% increased Action Speed while affected by Haste
Purity of ElementsPurity of ElementsAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: 50% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants elemental resistances and elemental ailment immunity to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain +(20-34)% to all Elemental Resistances You and nearby allies are Immune to all Elemental Ailments
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: You and nearby allies gain +(0.25-5)% to all Elemental ResistancesPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Purity of FirePurity of FireAura, Spell, AoE, Fire Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants fire resistance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (22-41)% additional Fire Resistance You and nearby allies gain (0-4)% additional maximum Fire Resistance
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: You and nearby allies gain (0.5-10)% additional Fire ResistancePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
30% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire
Purity of IcePurity of IceAura, Spell, AoE, Cold Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants cold resistance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (22-41)% additional Cold Resistance You and nearby allies gain (0-4)% additional maximum Cold Resistance
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: You and nearby allies gain (0.5-10)% additional Cold ResistancePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
30% of Fire and Lightning Damage taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice
Purity of LightningPurity of LightningAura, Spell, AoE, Lightning Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 24Casts an aura that grants lightning resistance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (22-41)% additional Lightning Resistance You and nearby allies gain (0-4)% additional maximum Lightning Resistance
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: You and nearby allies gain (0.5-10)% additional Lightning ResistancePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
30% of Fire and Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Lightning
VitalityVitalityAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: (28-233) Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 10Casts an aura that grants life regeneration to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby Allies Regenerate (10-193.2) Life per second
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Regenerate 15% Life over one second when hit while affected by Vitality
ClarityClarityAura, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: (34-279) Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 36Requires Level 10Casts an aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby Allies Regenerate (2.9-33) Mana per second
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
80% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you while affected by Clarity
PrecisionPrecisionAura, Critical, Spell, AoE Level: (1-20) Reservation: (22-186) Mana Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 10Casts an aura that grants accuracy and critical strike chance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius You and nearby allies gain (20-58)% increased Critical Strike Chance You and nearby allies gain +(93-701) to Accuracy Rating
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (2-40)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.