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Scarabs are a type of map fragment. They do not open portals to new areas, but are instead used to augment non-unique maps with various effects by enabling or enhancing Extra Content and Masters.

Scarabs can be found as random drops, as well as from Safehouses of the Immortal Syndicate.

Scarabs have a limit on how many of the same Scarab can be applied to a map. If using multiples of a Scarab, each Scarab must placed in its own map device slot in order for it to be used.

Table of scarabs

See also: List of scarabs
Syndicate Member Eldritch altar Basic Special1 Special2 Special3 Special4 SpecialReward
Abyss Hillock
Abyss ScarabAbyss ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Area contains an additional AbyssThey search forever for more souls to drag to the dark.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Abyss Scarab of MultitudesAbyss Scarab of MultitudesStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Abysses in Area spawn 75% increased MonstersThey ceaselessly sprout from the murderous earth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Abyss Scarab of EdificeAbyss Scarab of EdificeStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire
Abysses in Area spawn Hoards as they travel
Their empires ghastly and gaunt glitter with gold.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Abyss Scarab of Profound DepthAbyss Scarab of Profound DepthStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Monsters from Abysses in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for
each prior Pit in that Abyss
The deeper we dig, the more we find, be it fortune or foe.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ambush Haku
Ambush ScarabAmbush ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 3
Area contains 5 additional StrongboxesIs it still an ambush if you're expecting it?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ambush Scarab of Hidden CompartmentsAmbush Scarab of Hidden CompartmentsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
15% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable againBeneath the obvious lies the real treasure...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ambush Scarab of PotencyAmbush Scarab of PotencyStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
75% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in AreaThe locksmith dreams of building a better box.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ambush Scarab of ContainmentAmbush Scarab of ContainmentStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains many additional Strongboxes
Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush
The silence belies lurking doom.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ambush Scarab of DiscernmentAmbush Scarab of DiscernmentStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varietiesA keen eye sorts the worthy from the chaff.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Anarchy Hillock
Anarchy ScarabAnarchy ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 4 additional Rogue ExilesOn Wraeclast, it's kill or be killed.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Anarchy Scarab of GigantificationAnarchy Scarab of GigantificationStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Wild Rogue Exiles in Area have a 30% chance to be replaced with a Rogue GiantThe consumption of sulphite can cause strange growth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Anarchy Scarab of PartnershipAnarchy Scarab of PartnershipStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Wild Rogue Exiles in Area have a 50% chance to appear in pairsAmong exiles, alliances shift and change constantly.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Bestiary Jorgin
Bestiary ScarabBestiary ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains EinharThe Beastmaster answers the call.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Bestiary Scarab of the HerdBestiary Scarab of the HerdStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Area contains 5 additional Red Beasts if it contains EinharThe First Ones ran rampant and free in the forests of old.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Bestiary Scarab of DuplicatingBestiary Scarab of DuplicatingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Create a copy of Beasts captured in Area"What's better than one captured beast, exile?"Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Betrayal Betrayal ScarabBetrayal ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains JunThe Syndicate must pay for what they have done.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Betrayal Scarab of IntelligenceBetrayal Scarab of IntelligenceStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
150% Increased Intelligence gained from
Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in Area
Those that can never die fear only pain.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Betrayal Scarab of ReinforcementsBetrayal Scarab of ReinforcementsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Immortal Syndicate Members in Area have 50% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcementsMove and countermove.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Beyond Aisling
Beyond ScarabBeyond ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Slaying enemies close together in Area can attract monsters from Beyond this realmThe silent wall and the raging storm oppose the endless swarm.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Beyond Scarab of HaemophiliaBeyond Scarab of HaemophiliaStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased Merging RadiusReality itself begins to bleed.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Beyond Scarab of ResurgenceBeyond Scarab of ResurgenceStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Beyond Bosses in Area are enraged on low life
Beyond Bosses in Area drop 100% increased Tainted Currency
Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased chance to spawn a Unique Boss
They hunger.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Beyond Scarab of the InvasionBeyond Scarab of the InvasionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Rare and Unique Monsters slain in Area create 8 to 12 additional Beyond PortalsThe fated hour is almost nigh.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Riker
Blight ScarabBlight ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains a Blight EncounterThe tendrils creep and grow...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of the BlightheartBlight Scarab of the BlightheartStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Blight Encounters in Area have one Blighted Chest
Blight Encounters in Area spawn many more waves of Enemies
Blighted Chests in Area grow larger and more
rewarding the more Blighted Enemies are slain
The core grows larger with each cycle, doomed to spill forth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of BloomingBlight Scarab of BloomingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses
Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life
Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps instead
Once a century, the Blight spills forth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of InvigorationBlight Scarab of InvigorationStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Each Empowering Tower in Areas grants Blighted Monsters in
range increased Difficulty and Reward
Reversing the polarity of the compression modulator seems to have intriguing effects...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Breach It That Fled
Breach ScarabBreach ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 2 additional BreachesThey are never far.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Breach Scarab of LordshipBreach Scarab of LordshipStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Breaches in Area each contain a BreachlordTheir kingdoms always seek expansion.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Breach Scarab of SplinteringBreach Scarab of SplinteringStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Breach Monsters in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Clasped Hands in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Bit by bit.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Breach Scarab of SnaresBreach Scarab of SnaresStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Breaches in Area have 5 to 10 additional Clasped Hands
Clasped Hands in Area are guarded by a rare Breach Monster
Care where you step.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Breach Scarab of Resonant CascadeBreach Scarab of Resonant CascadeStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Breaches in Areas open and close 10% faster for each Breach already opened
Monsters from Breaches in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for
each Breach already opened
Reality weakens with each new wound.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Cartography Rin
Cartography Scarab of EscalationCartography Scarab of EscalationStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
10% increased Maps found in Area for each Map Modifier affecting AreaOpportunity thrives where dreams are most perilous.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Cartography Scarab of RiskCartography Scarab of RiskStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area has an additional random ModifierWhat we see in the mirror can only be our own reflection.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Cartography Scarab of CorruptionCartography Scarab of CorruptionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Non-Unique Maps found in Area are Corrupted with 8 ModifiersCorruption bleeds between realities.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Cartography Scarab of the MultitudeCartography Scarab of the MultitudeStack Size: 20
Limit: 3
Area contains 8 to 12 additional packs of
Difficult and Rewarding Monsters which drop 300% increased Maps
There is no end, no horizon.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delirium Vorici
Delirium ScarabDelirium ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains a Mirror of DeliriumA perfectly innocuous Scarab that does nothing at all.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delirium Scarab of ManiaDelirium Scarab of ManiaStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Delirium Reward Meters fill 100% faster in Area
Delirium in Area increases 50% faster with distance from the mirror
They're so loud! Why are they so loud?!
All you can do is scream!
Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delirium Scarab of ParanoiaDelirium Scarab of ParanoiaStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Delirium Encounters in Area generate 2 additional Reward typesIf it seems too good to be true...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delirium Scarab of NeurosesDelirium Scarab of NeurosesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Delirium Encounters in Area contain all Unique Delirium Bosses
Can only be used with Tier 11+ Maps
Toothy grins shine in the dark.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delirium Scarab of DelusionsDelirium Scarab of DelusionsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Maps found in Area have layers of DeliriumWhat are you talking about?
The Atlas was always like this.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Delve Cameria
Sulphite ScarabSulphite ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains Niko
Map owner gains 150% more Sulphite
Delve into darkness in search of the truth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Sulphite Scarab of FumesSulphite Scarab of FumesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Sulphite found in Map Area releases Enraging Fumes
Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 50% increased Item Quantity
Sulphite in your maps is guarded by Monsters from the Azurite Mine
When the land itself is sick, even the very ground rots and spills forth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Divination Gravicius
Divination Scarab of The CloisterDivination Scarab of The CloisterStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 8 to 12 additional packs of Doedre's Devoted
Doedre's Devoted have 1% additional chance to drop a Stacked Deck
No disease can be contained forever.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Divination Scarab of PlentyDivination Scarab of PlentyStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 3 additional Packs of Magic Monsters that
have 800% increased chance to drop Divination Cards
We create a thousand futures with every action.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Divination Scarab of PilferingDivination Scarab of PilferingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Divination Cards which drop in Area are stolen by a Final Map Boss
That Final Map Boss becomes more Difficult and deals
increased Damage the more Divination Cards they have stolen
That Final Map Boss duplicates all stolen Divination Cards when defeated
If you do not seize your fate, someone else will.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Domination Janus
Domination ScarabDomination ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 4
Area contains 2 additional ShrinesA simple exchange. Blood for power.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Domination Scarab of ApparitionsDomination Scarab of ApparitionsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains 2 additional Apparition ShrinesSome paths to power lead only to madness.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Domination Scarab of EvolutionDomination Scarab of EvolutionStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Area contains an additional Evolving ShrineThe Atlas and Wraeclast share one terrifying secret.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Domination Scarab of TerrorsDomination Scarab of TerrorsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Shrines in Area are guarded by an Atlas Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these Atlas Bosses
Whatever the prize, fight for it.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Essence Hillock
Essence ScarabEssence ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 2 additional Imprisoned MonstersIt is perfectly safe, the creatures trapped inside couldn't possibly still be living.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Essence Scarab of AscentEssence Scarab of AscentStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Essences found in Area are a tier higherA more perfect facet cannot be achieved.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Essence Scarab of StabilityEssence Scarab of StabilityStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Using a Remnant of Corruption in Area can only result in
upgrading or transforming Essences
With the right tools and a precise hand, the manipulation of the crystals
can be made predictable.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Essence Scarab of CalcificationEssence Scarab of CalcificationStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Rare monsters that are natural inhabitants of the Area are imprisoned by EssencesThe crystals... can spread?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Essence Scarab of AdaptationEssence Scarab of AdaptationStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Imprisoned Monsters released in Areas grant a random Essence Modifier to another Imprisoned Monster in the Area
Imprisoned Monsters in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for
each Essence Modifier
The crystalline lattice expands in directions alien to the mortal mind.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Expedition Janus
Expedition ScarabExpedition ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains an Expedition EncounterThey come from across the sea in search of ancient truth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Expedition Scarab of RunefindingExpedition Scarab of RunefindingStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Expedition Encounters in Area have 100% increased
number of Runic Monster Markers
That which came from the stars longs to return.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Expedition Scarab of Verisium PowderExpedition Scarab of Verisium PowderStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Expedition Encounters in Area have 20% increased number of Explosives
80% increased Explosive Radius
A properly refined pinch makes all the difference.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Expedition Scarab of ArchaeologyExpedition Scarab of ArchaeologyStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Remnants in Expedition Encounters in Area have 2 additional Suffixes and PrefixesCuriosity leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to power.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harbinger Tora
Harbinger ScarabHarbinger ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 4
Area contains 3 additional HarbingersTheir troops came in numbers uncountable and from lands unknown.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harbinger Scarab of ObelisksHarbinger Scarab of ObelisksStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Harbingers in Area spawn Empowered Obelisks
Empowered Obelisks drop Currency Shards when defeated
They seek to establish an unknown pattern.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harbinger Scarab of RegencyHarbinger Scarab of RegencyStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Harbingers in Area have a 50% chance to be replaced by a powerful Harbinger BossThe truly noble wage war from the front.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harbinger Scarab of WarhoardsHarbinger Scarab of WarhoardsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Currency shards dropped by Harbingers in Area are duplicatedFor those who can leverage it, war can be as much a machine of profit as it is death.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harvest Vorici
Harvest ScarabHarvest ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains the Sacred GroveHidden routes lead to vales of shadow and light...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harvest Scarab of DoublingHarvest Scarab of DoublingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Lifeforce dropped by Harvest Monsters in Area is duplicated
Harvest Monsters in Area have 100% more Life
A good season brings bounty.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Harvest Scarab of CornucopiaHarvest Scarab of CornucopiaStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
If Area contains the Sacred Grove, it will contain up to 1 additional Tier 4 seed of each type, if possibleThe taller the tree, the better the fruit.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Incursion Guff
Incursion ScarabIncursion ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains AlvaUncover the secrets of the Vaal one incursion at a time.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Incursion Scarab of InvasionIncursion Scarab of InvasionStack Size: 20
Limit: 3
Area contains 12 to 16 additional packs of Incursion MonstersA gate, once opened, may swing in either direction.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Incursion Scarab of ChampionsIncursion Scarab of ChampionsStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Incursions in Area have a 35% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic
Incursions in Area have 15% increased Pack Size
Only the best served in Atzoatl.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Incursion Scarab of TimelinesIncursion Scarab of TimelinesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Final Architect slain in Area will drop an Itemised Temple
Itemised Temples dropped in Area are generated based on current Temple layout, but with randomised room tiers
They say if you go far enough, you will meet yourself...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Influencing Korell
Influencing Scarab of the ShaperInfluencing Scarab of the ShaperStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Adds Shaper Influence outcome to AreaA sea of stars awaits those who dare imagine.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Influencing Scarab of the ElderInfluencing Scarab of the ElderStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Adds Elder Influence outcome to AreaBeyond the light lies only the void.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Influencing Scarab of HordesInfluencing Scarab of HordesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Influenced Monster Packs in Area have 40% increased Pack SizeIdeas cannot be contained.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Influencing Scarab of ConversionInfluencing Scarab of ConversionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Tier 14+ Maps found in Area have a chance to drop as Shaper Guardian, Elder Guardian, Conqueror or Unique Synthesised Maps insteadMemories resound in the Atlas, echoing forever.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Legion Vagan
Legion ScarabLegion ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 5
Area contains an additional Legion EncounterWhat good is peace to a warrior?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Legion Scarab of OfficersLegion Scarab of OfficersStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Legion Factions in Area have 5 additional SergeantsEven a battlefield has middle management.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Legion Scarab of CommandLegion Scarab of CommandStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Legion Factions in Area are accompanied by a GeneralCut off the head and the snake will perish.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Legion Scarab of Eternal ConflictLegion Scarab of Eternal ConflictStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Legion Monsters in Area can be broken out of Stasis multiple times
Legion Monsters in Area gain increased Difficulty and Reward for each time they are broken out
An eternity of blood. Glorious.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ritual Jorgin

(Blood-filled VesselBlood-filled VesselCan be used in a personal Map Device alongside a Map to add the monsters stored from a previous Ritual Altar to a Ritual Altar in that Map.)
Ritual Scarab of SelectivenessRitual Scarab of SelectivenessStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in Area has no cost the first 2 times
Ritual Altars in Area allow rerolling Favours 1 additional time
Pick and choose which sacred tenets you prefer...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ritual Scarab of WispsRitual Scarab of WispsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Ritual Altars in Area spawn a Wildwood Wisp
Wildwood Wisps grant 70% increased Tribute Gained to nearby Players
Trust in the Draíocht, and you shall never be alone.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ritual Scarab of AbundanceRitual Scarab of AbundanceStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Rituals in Area offer 100% increased FavoursHe draws ever closer...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Titanic Elreon
Titanic ScarabTitanic ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Unique Monsters have 2% increased Toughness, Damage, Rarity and Quantity of items dropped per 1% increased Pack Size of AreaWhat power lies in a name?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Titanic Scarab of TreasuresTitanic Scarab of TreasuresStack Size: 20
Limit: 3
Unique Monsters in Area have 2 additional Rewards
Unique Monsters in Area have 30% increased Toughness
Greed is a trap of the mind.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Titanic Scarab of LegendTitanic Scarab of LegendStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Unique Monsters in Area have 2 additional Monster ModifiersPower accumulates.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Torment Aisling
Torment ScarabTorment ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Area is haunted by 3 additional Tormented Spirits
Tormented Spirits in Area have a 25% chance to
be set free when Possessed Monsters are slain
Their crimes in life haunt you in death.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Torment Scarab of PeculiarityTorment Scarab of PeculiarityStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Tormented Spirits in Area are replaced with unusual variantsNow there's a blood-curdling wail I haven't heard before!Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Torment Scarab of PossessionTorment Scarab of PossessionStack Size: 20
Limit: 4
Rare Monsters in Area have a quarter chance to be Possessed by up to 1 Tormented SpiritThe strong are never truly alone.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ultimatum Leo
Ultimatum ScarabUltimatum ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains an Ultimatum EncounterA challenge may be requested at any time.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ultimatum Scarab of BribingUltimatum Scarab of BribingStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Ultimatum Monsters grant 150% increased Experience
Ultimatum Encounters grant rewards as though you completed 2 additional Rounds
A trial is only as incorruptible as its judge.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ultimatum Scarab of DuelingUltimatum Scarab of DuelingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Ultimatum Encounters in Area will always lead to a Unique Boss if possibleVictory is meaningless, failure will be mocked.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ultimatum Scarab of CatalysingUltimatum Scarab of CatalysingStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Ultimatum Encounters in Area will only offer Catalysts
as Rewards to the Map Owner
Most regret finding out how the powder is made.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Ultimatum Scarab of InscriptionUltimatum Scarab of InscriptionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Ultimatum Encounter rewards in Area offering Catalysts
will offer Inscribed Ultimatums to the Map Owner instead
There is always a wager to be made... if you can afford it.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Misc. (enemy) Scarab of Monstrous LineageScarab of Monstrous LineageStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
40% increased Magic Pack SizeThe bloodlines evolve faster than they can be culled.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of AdversariesScarab of AdversariesStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Area contains 4 additional Packs with Mirrored Rare MonstersThey stand against you with equal enmity.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of Hunted TraitorsScarab of Hunted TraitorsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains Hunted TraitorsNothing is as unforgiveable.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of DivinityScarab of DivinityStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Up to 2 additional Rare Monsters in Area will be Pantheon-Touched
Apparitions spawned by Pantheon-Touched Monsters deal 100% increased damage
Faith transforms.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of WispsScarab of WispsStack Size: 20
Limit: 2
Monsters in Area have a chance to be Empowered by 2000 Wildwood WispsThe Draíocht connects everything that lives.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Misc. (area) Scarab of BisectionScarab of BisectionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
You can select the Nullify Prefixes or Nullify Suffixes crafting options on the Map DeviceWhen something is cut in half, which half is the original?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of StabilityScarab of StabilityStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Portals to Area have a 50% chance to not be consumed on useAstonishing! A means to sustain the connection...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Scarab of Radiant StormsScarab of Radiant StormsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains a Resplendent TempestThe great cacophony of life roars to a crescendo.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned (enemy) Horned Scarab of BloodlinesHorned Scarab of BloodlinesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area has 150% increased Magic MonstersOnly the hardiest survive. Only survivors perpetuate.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned Scarab of NemesesHorned Scarab of NemesesStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Rare Monsters in Area have 2 additional ModifiersGlory draws ever tighter its own doom.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned Scarab of TraditionHorned Scarab of TraditionStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
All Rare and Unique Monsters in Area have dropped items
transformed by a Reward Modifier
To the strongest, prosperity be thine.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned Scarab of PandemoniumHorned Scarab of PandemoniumStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Monster packs in Area have a 15% chance to be replaced by a random Atlas Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these Atlas Bosses
Punctured dreams bleed into the mind.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned (area) Horned Scarab of AwakeningHorned Scarab of AwakeningStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
You can select one Imbued crafting option on the Map DeviceThe Atlas can be anything you want... and everything you want.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned Scarab of PreservationHorned Scarab of PreservationStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Other Scarabs are not consumed on useWe must not forget those who came before.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Horned Scarab of GlitteringHorned Scarab of GlitteringStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Players in Area gain increased Item Rarity and Item Quantity for each Monster slain recently, up to 200% and 100% respectivelyWealth flows to those that shine brightest.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.


Scarabs can drop anywhere. Their drop rates are determined by one of five internal rarity tiers: "Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Mythic", and "Extreme". Their artwork is not indicative of rarity tiers.

Using or vendoring a Veiled ScarabVeiled ScarabStack Size: 20A collection of unknown ScarabsRight Click to reveal a random Scarab will transform it into a random Scarab.

Vendor recipe

Players can use the vendor recipe system to swap undesirable scarabs for potentially more desirable ones.

  • Vendoring 3 Scarabs of the same tier and type will result in a random Scarab, respecting drop weights.

Divination cards

The following divination cards can be exchanged for Scarabs:

DescriptionDrop areasDrop monstersAdditional
drop restrictions
Buried TreasureBuried Treasure3Sulphite ScarabYou can't seek riches without getting your hands dirty.3Sulphite ScarabGeode Map
Cameria's CutCameria's Cut2Scarab"There are two ways to pay, Gold and Blood. I'll take my share in both."

-Cameria the Coldblooded
2ScarabCameria the Coldblooded
Man With BearMan With Bear3Bestiary ScarabA stereotypical joke may lead to an unexpected bond.3Bestiary ScarabCemetery MapUnderground River Map
More is Never EnoughMore is Never Enough74x ScarabGreed is a hunger that only grows as you feed it74x ScarabCemetery Map
Rebirth and RenewalRebirth and Renewal4Horned ScarabLife has an end, then life begins again.4Horned ScarabBone Crypt Map
The Card SharpThe Card Sharp4Divination Scarab"The house always wins... except when I do."4Divination ScarabZalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
Paquate, Architect of Corruption
Paquate, Architect of Corruption
Drops from completing a temporal incursion encounters after killing a corresponding Architect. Also drop from these Architects in maps affected by Alva's MemoryAlva's MemoryUnmodifiableRight-click on this, then left click on a completed Map on your Atlas to apply this Memory. of Reverse Incursion.
The DealThe Deal5Cartography ScarabIn the pursuit of wealth, as in that of power, anything goes.5Cartography ScarabCameria the Coldblooded

Related items

Related currency

The following currency items are related to Scarabs:

Maven's Chisel of ScarabsMaven's Chisel of ScarabsStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a map enhancing Scarabs found
Replaces other quality types
Right click this item then left click a map to apply it. Has greater effect on lower tier, non-unique maps. The maximum quality is 20%.
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Scarabs found
Replaces other quality types
Skittering Delirium OrbSkittering Delirium OrbStack Size: 10Modifies a Map item adding layers of Delirium with the Scarabs reward typeRight click this item then left click a Map item to apply it. Can apply up to 5 to a single Map item.Modifies a Map item adding layers of Delirium with the Scarabs reward type
Veiled ScarabVeiled ScarabStack Size: 20A collection of unknown ScarabsRight Click to reveal a random ScarabA collection of unknown Scarabs

Related incubators

The following incubators are related to Scarabs:

Skittering IncubatorSkittering IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Scarab item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Adds an incubated Scarab item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters

Related Atlas passive skills

The following Atlas passive skills are related to Scarabs:

Scarab Drop Chance
4% increased Scarabs found in your Maps [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
3% increased Scarabs found in your Maps [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76]
Amplified Artefacts
Rare Monsters in your Maps have 50% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster Modifier affecting them [1]
Ancient Conflict
Abyssal Troves and Stygian Spires in your Maps have 3% chance to drop an Abyss Scarab [1]
Black Thumb
Your Maps have no chance to contain the Sacred Grove
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Harvest Scarabs [1]
Chittering Champions
Final Map Boss in each Map has 25% chance to drop an additional Scarab [1]
Crystalline Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Essence Scarabs [1]
Devoted Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Domination Scarabs [1]
Dimensional Barrier
Your Maps have no chance to contain Breaches
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Breach Scarabs [1]
Explorative Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Cartography Scarabs [1]
Fungal Remission
Your Maps have no chance to contain Blight Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Blight Scarabs [1]
Harrowing Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Harbinger Scarabs [1]
Loved by the Sun
Your Maps have no chance to contain Abysses
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Abyss Scarabs [1]
Ominous Silence
Your Maps have no chance to contain Mirrors of Delirium
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Delirium Scarabs [1]
Outcasted Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Anarchy Scarabs [1]
Possessed Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Torment Scarabs [1]
Remarkable Relics
Scarabs found in your Maps are more likely to be less common varieties [1]
Sealed Domain
Your Maps have no chance to contain Legion Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Legion Scarabs [1]
Secular Focus
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ritual Altars
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ritual Scarabs [1]
Servant of Order
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ultimatum Scarabs [1]
Significant Troves
Unique Monsters in your Maps have 200% increased chance to drop Scarabs [1]
Skittering Swarms
12% increased Scarabs found in your Maps [1]
Subtle Manipulations
Map Device has 10% chance not to consume Scarabs [1]
Tainted Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Beyond Scarabs [1]
Towering Carapaces
Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Titanic Scarabs [1]
Trade Embargo
Your Maps have no chance to contain Expedition Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Expedition Scarabs [1]
Trapping Carapaces
Scarabs found in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Ambush Scarabs [1]

Version history

Prior to version 3.24.0, scarabs were ordered into four explicit tiers, with higher tiers having more significant effects on maps. From lowest to highest, the prefix words used to indicate the tiers were: "Rusted", "Polished", "Gilded" and "Winged". The types of scarabs available in the previous generation were Abyss, Ambush, Bestiary, Blight, Breach, Cartography, Divination, Elder, Expedition, Harbinger, Legion, Reliquary, Shaper, Sulphite, Torment and Ultimatum. Metamorph and Perandus Scarabs were removed before this change. Their flavour texts contained lore about the Order of the Djinn.

Scarab of Unity was mentioned as becoming drop-restricted in version 3.25.0; however, this scarab was never originally added to the game.

Version Changes
  • Added 7 new Scarabs: Abyss Scarab of Profound Depth, Blight Scarab of Invigoration, Breach Scarab of Resonant Cascade, Essence Scarab of Adaptation, Torment Scarab of Possession, Scarab of Radiant Storms, and Scarab of Wisps.
  • We've completely reworked Scarabs to include many of the options that were previously covered by the Sextant and Master Mission mechanics, and more.
  • You might come across Scarabs that simply grant access to different content, and others that cause that content to grant better rewards and its monsters to yield more experience. Each type of Scarab now has multiple versions, so if you want to fully invest into a single type of content you can do so.
  • All Scarabs are now world drops, and no longer have tiers. Some might be rarer than others, but the intention is that there will be a lot more options than before, and more interesting combinations to consider. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • In addition to reworking the currently available Scarabs, we've also introduced 20 new Scarabs.
  • Scarabs now have a stack size of 20 (previously 10).
  • Previous vendor recipes for Scarabs have been removed, though we have added a new vendor recipe that can be used to trade three Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.
  • All existing Scarabs will be converted to Veiled ScarabsVeiled ScarabStack Size: 20A collection of unknown ScarabsRight Click to reveal a random Scarab upon logging in after the launch of 3.24.0.
  • [Ruthless-specific This patch note only applies to Ruthless mode and does not affect the main game mode.] With the removal of Scarab Tiers, all Scarabs are now usable on all Map Tiers in Ruthless.
  • Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
    Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
    Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
    Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
    Power is a curious thing.
    It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
    and yet it always breaks free.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
    s and Scarabs now allocate based on the item allocation option selected, rather than always allocating to the Map owner.
  • Rusted Scarabs have been added to the core drop pool.
  • Added a vendor recipe that trades three of the same Scarabs into one Scarab of a tier higher.
  • Replaced Perandus Scarabs with new Expedition Scarabs. This change affects existing Scarabs.
  • Scarabs now have a Stack Size of 10
  • Polished and Gilded Scarabs can now be obtained as a rare drop when Bargaining during a Betrayal encounter.
  • Scarabs can no longer be obtained from Bargaining in Areas under level 68.
  • Scarabs can now be swapped in a vendor recipe with an Orb of Horizons
  • Added Winged Scarabs.
  • Aisling can now award Metamorph Scarabs if she has the Intervention Job.
  • Vagan now awards various Legion-related items in Betrayal Safehouses. In Intervention he awards Legion Scarabs.
  • Added slots for Legion Splinters, Emblems and Scarabs to the Fragment Stash Tab.
  • Perandus scarabs can now cause Cadiro Perandus to appear. Rusted scarabs have a 33% chance for a Cadiro appearance, Polished have a 66% chance, and Gilded guarantee that he appears.
  • Cartography Scarabs now give 20/35/50% more chance to find Maps (from 30/60/100%).
  • Sulphite Scarabs give 20/40/60% more Sulphite to Map Owner (from 50/100/150%).
  • Divination Scarabs now give 50/100/150% more chance to find Divination Cards (from 100/200/300%).
  • Introduced to the game.