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Voidstones are items that enhance the Atlas of Worlds. They are used to upgrade maps' tiers progressively up to tier 16 and enable the acquisition of tier 17 maps, and are the successors to the previous watchstone system.

In item filter, they belongs to item class Atlas Upgrade Item (previously known as "Atlas Region Upgrade Item")


There are currently four different voidstones obtainable by defeating in approximate order of difficulty:

Socketing a voidstone into the Atlas will raise the base tier of maps found on the Atlas. The new tier can be seen by hovering over maps in your Atlas menu. This system does not retroactively upgrade maps which have already dropped, and certain mechanics (e.g. monster modifier conversion) ignore this system. However, this system also applies to certain mechanics outside of the Atlas, such as map drops in Delve.

Maps tiers scale based on the number of socketed voidstones:

  • One voidstone - Increases all maps on the atlas by +3 Tiers to a maximum of 16
  • Two voidstones - Increases all maps on the atlas by +7 Tiers to a maximum of 16
  • Three voidstones - Increases all maps on the atlas by +11 Tiers to a maximum of 16
  • Four voidstones - All maps on the atlas are Tier 16

Voidstones do not directly change the chance of a map of a given tier from dropping; instead, the dropped map selects an eligible map of the given tier based on your current Atlas, or adds to map equity. To help higher tier maps to drop more consistently, each socketed voidstone also grants Tier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher. The former stacks additively with similar stats from the Atlas Passive Tree; if the chance exceeds 100%, the excess chance instead applies to chance to be 2 tiers higher (to up to tier 16), and so on.[1]

Each voidstone also grants Tier 16 Maps dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone. This chance is multiplicative with each voidstone.

List of voidstones

ItemDrop Monsters
Ceremonial VoidstoneCeremonial VoidstoneTier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Tier 16 Maps Dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone
The Maven knew nothing of mercy
until she herself needed it.
Socket this into your Atlas to increase the Tier of all Maps.
The Maven
Decayed VoidstoneDecayed VoidstoneTier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Tier 16 Maps Dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone
The Elder fed on all that gave life meaning
until it encountered an unbreakable bond.
Socket this into your Atlas to increase the Tier of all Maps.
The Elder
Grasping VoidstoneGrasping VoidstoneTier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Tier 16 Maps Dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone
The Eater of Worlds consumed for countless
eons to satiate the desperation of masters
that could never be satisfied.
Socket this into your Atlas to increase the Tier of all Maps.
The Eater of Worlds
Omniscient VoidstoneOmniscient VoidstoneTier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Tier 16 Maps Dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone
The Searing Exarch spread the Word of
Enlightenment for countless eons without
ever understanding its master's message.
Socket this into your Atlas to increase the Tier of all Maps.
The Searing Exarch

Version history

Version Changes
  • Voidstones each now provide "Tier 16 Maps dropped in Areas have 0.4% chance to become a Tier 17 Map for each Socketed Voidstone".
  • Voidstones now give 15% chance for Tiers 1-15 maps to drop a tier higher (from 25% for all maps to drop a tier higher). [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Voidstones now upgrade Maps in Ruthless, though the number of Tiers they upgrade Maps by is less than the base game.
  • Socketing a Voidstone in your Atlas now causes Maps dropped in Areas to have a 25% chance to be one tier higher, with this chance increasing the more Voidstones you socket.
  • Introduced to the game.
  • The Watchstone system has also been removed, and replaced with Voidstones which are obtained by defeating The Uber Elder, The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds. These Voidstones raise the tiers of maps on your Atlas and can be augmented by Sextants
