Drox, the Warlord

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This page is about the boss monster. For the divination card, see The Warlord.
"Warlord" redirects here. For the corpse item, see Warlord (corpse item).
Drox, The Warlord
Drox, The Warlord
Drox, The Warlord
Level(s) 81+
Location(s) Map with implicit:
Map contains Drox's Citadel
Item Quantity increases amount of Rewards Drox drops by 20% of its value

Boss arena:
Warlord's Keep
Resistance(s) 50% Fire
50% Cold
50% Lightning
30% Chaos
Modifier(s) Cannot Be Fully Slowed

Drox, the Warlord is one of the Conquerors of the Atlas of Worlds. He is an optional sub-boss and one of the targets of Maven's Invitation: The Elderslayers.

Items influenced by the Warlord have a yellow icon on their header and have unique Warlord modifiers. Maps influenced by the Warlord also have this icon on top of the map art.

Non-influenced items can have the Warlord's influence added using a Warlord's Exalted OrbWarlord's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Warlord influence and a new Warlord modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers., which is a rare drop from Drox.

Warlord's influenced mods were having the internal use code "adjudicator" in the spawn weight.


Drox can be encountered by opening a map with Map contains Drox's Citadel
Item Quantity increases amount of Rewards Drox drops by 20% of its value
Map contains Drox's Citadel
Item Quantity increases amount of Rewards Drox drops by 20% of its value
implicit. This map is also offered by Kirac as an Atlas mission or via his vendor shop. Conqueror Maps can drop randomly after defeating map bosses, and the drop rate can be enhanced by atlas passive skill Conquered Conquerors. Defeating the regular map boss will open a portal to the Conqueror's arena. Vaal charges will be carried over to the arena, as Warlord's Keep is within the same map area instance.


  • Drox often casts a war banner that increases his defense and the defense of nearby monsters.
  • Players can destroy the banners to reduce the difficulty of the fight.
  • Monsters often enter the area from the 4 edges of the arena.
  • Players must also keep moving to avoid the powerful Glove Slam Impact attack, wherein a giant glove appears above the player's position and slams the ground dealing high amounts of Physical damage.
  • Constant mobility during the fight is recommended.


  • Default Attack - Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.
  • Cascade
  • Rubble Slam
  • Summon Banner
  • Melee - 25% less Attack Speed
  • Glove Slam Impact - Deals 190% of Base Attack Damage
  • Spawn Slam Glove
  • Double Hands - Deals 70% of Base Attack Damage
  • Summon minions - Loyal Militant, Bone Chewer, War Fowl, Guard Fowl, he will go to the middle of the arena and recharge his energy shield, he does take damage and is NOT invincible.


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop from this monster.

DementophobiaDementophobia1110x Delirium OrbI never truly understood the depths of my insanity,
until I realized the voices beckoning me towards the abyss,
were none other than my own.
The Eternal WarThe Eternal War4Timeless Jewel
They believed, falsely, that the strongest of generals could outlast eons of corruption.
The Price of PrescienceThe Price of Prescience5Vaal Temple Map
Map Tier: 16
Delirium: 100%
The strange voice showed Aul a future where his legacy was forgotten, where new cultures broke themselves upon Aul's ruined world.
The StrategistThe Strategist6Inspired Learning
Know thine enemy better than you know thyself.
Warlord's Exalted OrbWarlord's Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Adds Warlord influence and a new Warlord modifier to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a high-level rare item with no influence to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.1
Justified AmbitionJustified Ambition5Synthesis Map"Everything I have done has been for Wraeclast. You would pledge your life to me if you saw things my way... and soon, you will."
- High Templar Venarius
Drox's CrestDrox's CrestStack Size: 10He sought a kingdom,
but lost his people.
Can be used in a personal Map Device.
A Fate Worse Than DeathA Fate Worse Than Death4Cortex
"It was as though my very thoughts were breaking... fracturing into tiny motes to be lost on the wind."

Drox is guaranteed to drop Drox's CrestDrox's CrestStack Size: 10He sought a kingdom,
but lost his people.
Can be used in a personal Map Device.
. The boss has a chance to drop one or several Warlord influence items upon death.


Main page: Drox's journals

Drox, the Warlord served as one of the end-game bosses of the Atlas during Conquerors of the Atlas and Echoes of the Atlas (3.9-3.16) expansions. Drox's journals are clickable lore items dropped each time you defeat Drox.

From Zana:

I've seen my fair share of combat, Exile, but never have I seen someone more comfortable on the battlefield than Drox. Though he was not our leader, he was our commander. When an impossible decision had to be made in the midst of battle, somehow, Drox always found the right path forward. He led us through numerous situations we thought fatal with an unflagging warm grin that let us know he believed in us.

But at some point, almost imperceptibly, Drox stopped making decisions for the group, and started focusing only on his new dream. His smiles turned to scowls. He remained fixated on this mad idea of building a kingdom in the Atlas. He became cold to Veritania and distant to the rest of us. All his efforts went towards securing the Atlas and establishing law. His obsession was putting us in danger, and that is something I could not tolerate.

When I led the group away from him, he either didn't notice, or didn't care.


Version history

Version Changes
  • After defeating Kitava, you will meet Commander Kirac in the Karui Shores and join his militia to safeguard the Atlas of Worlds. The Envoy will inform you that two Eldritch Horrors, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds, are approaching and will consume everything.
  • The Conqueror and Awakener encounters can still be accessed. If you're lucky, Kirac may offer a Conqueror's Map!
  • The Watchstone system has also been removed, and replaced with Voidstones which are obtained by defeating The Uber Elder, The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds.
  • Awakened Gems no longer drop from Conquerors.
  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds and The Shaper can no longer appear in The Sacred Grove, Temporal Incursions, Syndicate Laboratories and Conquerors arenas.
  • Added new lore objects to the Conqueror of the Atlas boss areas. Drox's journals added to the game.
  • The banners spawned by the Warlord's Influence no longer grant damage immunity to surrounding monsters, they instead just provide reduced damage taken.
  • Fixed a bug where the banners spawned by the Warlord's Influence could affect other banners.
  • Introduced to the game.

See also