Introduced in the Heist league, they work like Contracts, but additional details can be revealed to open up new wings, reward rooms, and emergency exits using Rogue's MarkerRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.s. Each wing also contains a choice between five Curio Displays which contain Heist-exclusive rewards such as experimented base types, replica unique items, or rarely "Curio Display Replacement" Uniques or special currency.
Like Contracts, Blueprints have an Area Level determined by the location it was obtained from, which determines the monster level and thus the difficulty of the monsters faced. It also determines the item level of items found within the Grand Heist. Blueprints above area level 67 are separated into four tiers: Low-Tier (68-72), Mid-Tier (73-77), High-Tier (78-82), and Top-Tier (83-84). Certain rewards are gated behind different Area Levels, and Influenced items can occasionally be found in the top few levels of Heists. Items in Curio Displays can spawn up to 3 ilvls higher than the Area Level of the Blueprint; additionally, items can only appear if the basetype's level requirement is equal to or below that item level. This can be utilized to block high level requirement Replica Uniques by running low zone level Blueprints.
Modifiers to Player Item Rarity or Item Quantity do not affect items found in Heist chests, though they do affect items dropped from monsters inside Heists. Only Thief's TrinketThief's TrinketCorrupteds and Brooches have an effect on the contents of Heist chests, see Optimal Gear for more info.
Like Maps, Blueprints can be crafted into Normal, Magic or Rare rarities. Additional modifiers increase Item Rarity and Quantity, but also modifies Alert Level Reduction, Time Before Lockdown, and Maximum Alive Reinforcements (similar to pack size). There are several modifiers exclusive to Contracts and Blueprints that may require extra care or planning to deal with.
A partially revealed blueprint
Unlocking reveals
Preparing for a Grand Heist
To reveal wings and rooms with Whakano, Niles, or Gianna, a player must use stored Blueprint reveals. Reveals can be obtained by completing regular HeistContracts of an appropriate area level compared to the character's level.
Area level 67 or lower contracts only grant Reveals if the character's level is no more than three levels above the contract. (e.g. a level 70 character will get a Reveal from a level 67 contract, but a level 71 character will not.)
Area level 68 or higher contracts always grant Reveals.
Completing an appropriate level contract will grant a Reveal from Whakano by default.
The #% chance on completing a Heist to generate an additional Reveal with Whakano can allow Whakano to grant a second Reveal.
Completing an appropriate level contract with Niles or Gianna will grant a Reveal from them respectively.
Revealing areas
Blueprints can be taken to Whakano, Niles, or Gianna to inspect its layout and unlock more wings and rooms. Initially, only one wing is revealed, and some reward rooms and escape points will be locked. You can use one Blueprint Reveal and a payment of Rogue's MarkersRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it. to reveal additional wings, reward rooms, and escape points. Any unrevealed wings or rooms will not spawn when performing the Grand Heist.
The cost of revealing wings and rooms increases with each reveal:
~20% every time a wing is revealed (except the first)
~5% every time a reward room is revealed.
These costs are additive and include the pre-revealed rooms.
Base blueprints will have 3 rooms revealed in the original wing, so base prices are already increased by 15% at the start. Additionally, 3 reward rooms are pre-revealed when revealing a wing, making the reveal cost for revealing a wing 35% (20% for the wing and 5% per room).
E.g. a normal blueprint has 3 rooms revealed, so a wing that costs 3000 Rogue's MarkersRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it. has a 'true' base cost of 2609. After revealing 2 reward rooms (10% increase, 5% per room) and a different wing (35% increase, 20% for the wing, and 15% for the three pre-revealed rooms), the total cost increases by a total of 60%. The base cost 2609 of the wing has increased to 4174 Rogue's MarkersRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it..
Whakano reveals wings and rooms at no discount, typically around 3000~4000 Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 1000 Rogue's Markers for a room.
Niles reveals wings and rooms at a flat 10% discount at all job levels, typically around 2700-3500 Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 750-900 Rogue's Markers for a room.
Gianna reveals wings and rooms at the lowest rate, with a maximum 35/40% discount at job level 6/7 in Deception, typically around 2000-2400 Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 500 Rogue's Markers for a room, and is generally recommended for farming Blueprints.
After revealing the wings and optionally reward rooms, the Blueprint can then be taken to the Planning Table in the Planning Room at the center of the Rogue Harbour to assign your Rogues to each job. Each wing requires three Rogues with the qualifying job level to be assigned to it. You may use the same Rogue to cover multiple jobs in the same wing; however, any bonuses from the Rogue or their equipped items only apply once. You can then click "confirm plans" to stamp the Blueprint to take to Adiyah. You can still continue to modify the Blueprint's affixes after you've confirmed the plans, or return to the Planning Table to change job assignments after confirming.
Once the Blueprint is confirmed, the Grand Heist can be performed. It is typically a solo activity but multiple players can join in the same party. A full guide and walkthrough can be found on the Grand Heist article.
Valuable Grand Heist Blueprints can be traded freely between players. They can also be duplicated, copying the number of wings, types of reward rooms, and overall layout. However, splitting or duplicating a Blueprint not only resets all reveals on the duplicated Blueprint (requiring more markers to reveal), but also adds the "Split" tag to both Blueprints, preventing mass duplication. The process can be quite costly and not recommended unless you have a near-perfect Blueprint or are trying to farm a specific reward.
Beast splitting
An exact copy of a blueprint generated using Beast Splitting
This is the preferred method as it generates a non-mirrored blueprint which is an exact copy, and the mods can be re-rolled later if you rolled one that could potentially brick your run (e.g. reflect).
The steps are as follows:
First acquire a valuable blueprint (it needs to be non-Mirrored, ie. without the "Mirrored" mod)
Visit your Menagerie and run into one of the caverns
Right click the beast in your inventory to add it to your Menagerie
Use a Regal OrbRegal OrbStack Size: 20Upgrades a magic item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a magic item to apply it. Current modifiers are retained and a new one is added. or Orb of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. on your blueprint to make it Rare rarity
Go to the Beastcrafting Altar, and select "Split an Item Into Two", and then place your original blueprint into the socket
If the system says "Item cannot be split", then the blueprint is confirmed and you must unconfirm it (go to the Planning Table at The Rogue Harbour, and re-select any rogue for any job, unconfirming the blueprint)
Defeat the beast, and your new "beast-split" blueprint should be dropped
Re-roll the mods on the new blueprint using Orb of ScouringOrb of ScouringStack Size: 30Removes all modifiers from an itemRight click this item then left click on a magic or rare item to apply it. and Orb of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. till you get at least +70% Item Quantity
Ensure that you don't get any of these mods, which can be troublesome for some players:
Monsters Reflect %X of Physical Damage
Monsters Reflect %X of Elemental Damage
Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
Blueprints with confirmed plans cannot be split. You will get a message "Item cannot be mirrored". To fix this go to the Rogue Harbor and change any of the rogues in the blueprint. This will un-confirm plans and you will be able to split a blueprint.
To fracture a blueprint, you need a Fractured FossilFractured FossilStack Size: 10Creates a split copy Cannot be used to split Influenced, Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised itemsPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting..
This is a less preferable method, as it generates a split mirrored copy, which cannot be rerolled later.
The steps are as follows:
First acquire a valuable blueprint (it needs to be non-Mirrored, ie. without the "Mirrored" mod)
Purchase a Fractured FossilFractured FossilStack Size: 10Creates a split copy Cannot be used to split Influenced, Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised itemsPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting. and Powerful Alchemical ResonatorPowerful Alchemical ResonatorStack Size: 10Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. using the Trade Site
If you want to eliminate Monsters Reflect %X of Physical Damage, then purchase a Metallic FossilMetallic FossilStack Size: 20More Lightning modifiers No Physical modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting. as well
If you want to eliminate Monsters Reflect %X of Elemental Damage, then purchase a Corroded FossilCorroded FossilStack Size: 20More Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers No Elemental modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting. as well
If you want to eliminate Players cannot regenerate Life or Mana, then purchase a Dense FossilDense FossilStack Size: 20More Defence modifiers No Life ModifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting. as well
You should have at least 2 fossils at this point (Fractured & Metallic/Corroded), or 3 along with Dense Fossil
Add the fossils into the resonator
Use an Orb of ScouringOrb of ScouringStack Size: 30Removes all modifiers from an itemRight click this item then left click on a magic or rare item to apply it. on your blueprint to make it Normal rarity
Right-click the resonator and click on the blueprint, it should generate a new mirrored blueprint
Reveal all the rooms that you require using Whakano, Gianna or Niles.
There are 4 different kinds of monsters that appear across the Grand Heist locations. The location is mentioned in the name of the Grand Heist blueprint, eg.Blueprint: TunnelsBlueprint: TunnelsArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist. indicates that the Grand Heist will take place in the Tunnels location.
Contract & Blueprint
Monster Type
Damage Type
Contract: BunkerContract: BunkerGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: BunkerBlueprint: BunkerArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: Records OfficeContract: Records OfficeGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: Records OfficeBlueprint: Records OfficeArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: MansionContract: MansionGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: MansionBlueprint: MansionArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: Smuggler's DenContract: Smuggler's DenGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: Smuggler's DenBlueprint: Smuggler's DenArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: UnderbellyContract: UnderbellyGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: UnderbellyBlueprint: UnderbellyArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: LaboratoryContract: LaboratoryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: LaboratoryBlueprint: LaboratoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: Prohibited LibraryContract: Prohibited LibraryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: Prohibited LibraryBlueprint: Prohibited LibraryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: RepositoryContract: RepositoryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: RepositoryBlueprint: RepositoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Contract: TunnelsContract: TunnelsGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist. Blueprint: TunnelsBlueprint: TunnelsArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: BunkerBlueprint: BunkerArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: LaboratoryBlueprint: LaboratoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: MansionBlueprint: MansionArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: Prohibited LibraryBlueprint: Prohibited LibraryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: Records OfficeBlueprint: Records OfficeArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: RepositoryBlueprint: RepositoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: Smuggler's DenBlueprint: Smuggler's DenArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: TunnelsBlueprint: TunnelsArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Blueprint: UnderbellyBlueprint: UnderbellyArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
In Ruthless mode, Heist Blueprints' reward chests only contain generic rewards (Weapon, Armour, Currency, Map). Rogue's equipment does not drop in Ruthless.
The number of Curio Displays at the end of each wing is reduced to 2-3. Thief's TrinketThief's TrinketCorrupteds, Tailoring OrbTailoring OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a body armour This may reforge the body armour's socketsRight click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.s, and Tempering OrbTempering OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a weapon This may reforge the weapon's socketsRight click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.s are not obtainable.
Added a series of new "Profane" modifiers that can roll on Maps, Logbooks, Delve Biomes, and Heist Contracts. These modifiers cause Monsters to deal extra Physical Damage as Chaos and cause Monsters to Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit.
[Ruthless-specific This patch note only applies to Ruthless mode and does not affect the main game mode.] Chests in Heist Blueprints in Ruthless now have appropriate minimap icons.
Introduced new modifiers that can roll on Maps, Expedition Logbooks, Heist Contracts, Blueprints and Delve areas.
Maps, Heist Contracts and Blueprints can no longer roll "Players have Point Blank".
Prophecy Item rewards are no longer obtainable from other League content. Existing Prophecy rewards types on Heist Blueprints and Itemised Metamorph Samples have been converted to Currency rewards.
Perception Heist Contracts and Blueprints can now spawn generic reward chest rooms at the same rate at which they used to spawn Prophecy reward chest rooms.
The amount of Regal OrbRegal OrbStack Size: 20Upgrades a magic item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a magic item to apply it. Current modifiers are retained and a new one is added.s dropped from large currency chests are reduced, in order to reduce the amount of Exalted OrbExalted OrbStack Size: 20Augments a rare item with a new random modifierRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.s obtained.
Fracturing or beast-splitting a Blueprint will now require players to reveal all the rooms again.
This change now requires players to obtain Whakano reveals and spend Rogue's MarkerRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.s to run a duplicated blueprint.
This change was implemented to prevent players from duplicating a fully-revealed Blueprint and obtaining large profits.
Added information to the Contract UI screen and at the completion of a Heist to tell you if the area level of the Heist would be or was too low to grant Blueprint Reveals upon completion.
Blueprint Heist Targets which are Item Rewards now generate 1 to 3 item levels higher than the area level.
Fixed a bug where the "Reveal Entire Wing" button in the Blueprint Reveal UI didn't give the right amount of progress towards the "Reveal Rooms" step of the "Complete Heist Encounters IV" challenge.
Rogue's MarkerRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout Used as Currency for services in the Rogue HarbourRight click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.
BunkerContract: BunkerGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
UnderbellyContract: UnderbellyGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
MansionContract: MansionGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Records OfficeContract: Records OfficeGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Smuggler's DenContract: Smuggler's DenGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
RepositoryContract: RepositoryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
TunnelsContract: TunnelsGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
LaboratoryContract: LaboratoryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Prohibited LibraryContract: Prohibited LibraryGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Breaking the UnbreakableContract: Breaking the Unbreakable Preventative ContractClient:Isla Heist Target:Destroy "The Unbreakable" Area Level:80 RequiresEngineering(Level3) RequiresIsla, the EngineerPlease don't run back to Anton."Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Death to DarnawContract: Death to Darnaw Naval ContractClient:Faustus Heist Target:Kill Admiral Darnaw Area Level:82 RequiresCounter-Thaumaturgy(Level4)"If Admiral Darnaw is stupid enough to send orders to his fleet members and not expect us to steal them, then he deserves what's coming to him!"Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Heart of GloryContract: Heart of Glory Familial ContractClient:Adiyah Heist Target:Confront Nashta Area Level:81 RequiresPerception(Level4) RequiresAdiyah, the Wayfinder"A part of me still believes I can convince Nashta to give up her rebellious ways and come home. That part of me will forever be nine years of age, futilely chasing her as she runs off into the dunes yet again."Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
The Slaver KingContract: The Slaver King Vigilante ContractClient:Whakano Heist Target:Defeat Friedrich Tarollo Area Level:80 RequiresBrute Force(Level3)"There can be no freedom while hate still reigns."Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
The TwinsContract: The Twins Vengeful ContractClient:Kurai Heist Target:Defeat the Vox Twins Area Level:83 RequiresLockpicking(Level5) RequiresKurai, the Administrator"The Vox speak in threats. We will answer them with action."Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
BunkerBlueprint: BunkerArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
MansionBlueprint: MansionArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Records OfficeBlueprint: Records OfficeArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
RepositoryBlueprint: RepositoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Smuggler's DenBlueprint: Smuggler's DenArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
TunnelsBlueprint: TunnelsArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
UnderbellyBlueprint: UnderbellyArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
LaboratoryBlueprint: LaboratoryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Prohibited LibraryBlueprint: Prohibited LibraryArea Level:(?-83) Wings Revealed:(1-4)/(2-4) Escape Routes Revealed:(2-8)/(4-8) Reward Rooms Revealed:#/<random> Requires<random Rogue skill>(Level(1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist.
Tempering OrbTempering OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a weapon This may reforge the weapon's socketsRight click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.
Tailoring OrbTailoring OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a body armour This may reforge the body armour's socketsRight click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.
Unique Items
Expedition's EndExpedition's End Sentinel JacketEvasion: (660-925) Energy Shield: (134-190) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 59, 86 Dex, 86 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield (5-10)% increased maximum Life All Damage can Freeze FreezeChilled Enemies as though dealing (50-100)% more Damage Nearby Enemies are ChilledHe may have returned from the frozen southern reaches, but that doesn't mean he ever truly escaped them.
The Iron MassThe Iron Mass GladiusOne Handed Sword Physical Damage: (148.5-162) to (214.5-234) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: (1.48-1.53) Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating(175-200)% increased Physical Damage (14-18)% increased Attack Speed Unholy Might Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers wield this Weapon while in your Main Hand Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers deal Triple Damage with this Weapon if you've Hit with this Weapon RecentlyLead by example.
Fated EndFated End Paua RingRequires Level 38+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(20-40) to Intelligence CurseSkills have (8-12)% increased Cast Speed Non-Aura Hexes gain 20% increased Effect per second Non-Aura Hexes expire upon reaching (180-220)% of base EffectAll roads lead to that destined doom.
ActumActum Butcher AxeOne Handed Axe Physical Damage: (141-164.5) to (261-304.5) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.30 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 63, 149 Str, 76 DexHas no Sockets (200-250)% increased Physical Damage You have no Intelligence Critical Strike Chance is (20-30)% for Hits with this WeaponBetter to act without thought than to think without action.
The Hidden BladeThe Hidden Blade AmbusherDagger Physical Damage: (62.7-68.4) to (244.2-266.4) Critical Strike Chance: 7.80% Attacks per Second: 1.50 Weapon Range: 1.0 metresRequires Level 60, 113 Dex, 113 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceTrigger Level 20 Unseen Strike every 0.5 seconds while Phasing +(20-40) to Dexterity (230-260)% increased Physical Damage 30% reduced Attack Speed while PhasingThe shadow warrior moves like the wind; his strikes land long after he is gone.
Crest of DesireCrest of Desire Fluted BascinetArmour: (320-472) Evasion: (320-472)Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 DexHas 1 Socket +(5-8) to Level of Socketed Gems +(30-50)% to Quality of Socketed Gems SocketedSkills deal Double Damage (100-150)% increased Armour and EvasionExpand one single ambition to crystal clarity... and beyond.
ShattershardShattershard Crimson Round ShieldChance to Block: (34-38)% Armour: (341-445) Evasion: (341-445) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 49, 64 Str, 64 DexTrigger Level 20 ShieldShatter when you Block (120-150)% increased Armour and Evasion +(80-100) to maximum Life +(8-12)% Chance to BlockFragile, explosive, and punishing.
Boss Drops
Apex ModeApex Mode Cobalt JewelLimited to: 1(20-25)% increased Spell Damage Spells have 10% reduced Critical Strike Chance per Intensity Spells which have gained Intensity Recently gain 1 Intensity every 0.50 SecondsMaximum power fueled by science gone mad.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Nadir ModeNadir Mode Cobalt JewelLimited to: 1(20-25)% increased Spell Damage Spells have 30% increased Critical Strike Chance per Intensity Spells which have gained Intensity Recently lose 1 Intensity every 0.50 SecondsIndiscriminate destruction fueled by science gone mad.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Leadership's PriceLeadership's Price Onyx AmuletRequires Level 68+(10-16) to all Attributes+(-3-3)% to maximum Fire Resistance +(-3-3)% to maximum Cold Resistance +(-3-3)% to maximum Lightning Resistance You have Scorching Conflux, Brittle Conflux and Sapping Conflux while your two highest Attributes are equal Cannot Ignite, Chill, Freeze or ShockCorrupted"Remain poised. Remain balanced. Keep all the emotions of a lifetime caged. Let only your enemies see the truth of your rage."
The FledglingThe Fledgling Lacquered HelmetArmour: (345-465) Evasion: (345-465)Requires Level 51, 57 Str, 57 Dex(150-200)% increased Armour and Evasion (30-50)% increased Projectile Speed (30-50)% increased Projectile Damage Projectiles cannot collide with Enemies in Close Range Far ShotThe single well-placed arrow that changes the world must be preceded by ten thousand practice shots.
The AdmiralThe Admiral Varnished CoatEvasion: (774-1041) Energy Shield: (158-213) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 62, 96 Dex, 96 Int+(30-40) to Intelligence (100-140)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances (5-10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite Elemental Damage you Deal with Hits is Resisted by lowest Elemental Resistance insteadThe Oriathans built their empire on naval mobility, which allowed them to wage war wherever their enemy was weakest.
Rough Sharpening StoneRough Sharpening StoneRequires 2 in Any job(11-15)% increased Melee DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Standard Sharpening StoneStandard Sharpening StoneRequires 3 in Any job(16-20)% increased Melee DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Fine Sharpening StoneFine Sharpening StoneRequires 4 in Any job(21-25)% increased Melee DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Obsidian Sharpening StoneObsidian Sharpening StoneRequires 5 in Any job(26-30)% increased Melee DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Focal StoneFocal StoneRequires 2 in Any job(11-15)% increased Spell DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Conduit LineConduit LineRequires 3 in Any job(16-20)% increased Spell DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Aggregator CharmAggregator CharmRequires 4 in Any job(21-25)% increased Spell DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Burst BandBurst BandRequires 5 in Any job(26-30)% increased Spell DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Flanged ArrowheadFlanged ArrowheadRequires 2 in Any job(11-15)% increased Projectile Attack DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Fragmenting ArrowheadFragmenting ArrowheadRequires 3 in Any job(16-20)% increased Projectile Attack DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Hollowpoint ArrowheadHollowpoint ArrowheadRequires 4 in Any job(21-25)% increased Projectile Attack DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Precise ArrowheadPrecise ArrowheadRequires 5 in Any job(26-30)% increased Projectile Attack DamageCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Torn CloakTorn CloakRequires 2 in Any job2% reduced raising of Alert LevelCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Tattered CloakTattered CloakRequires 3 in Any job3% reduced raising of Alert LevelCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Hooded CloakHooded CloakRequires 4 in Any job4% reduced raising of Alert LevelCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Whisper-woven CloakWhisper-woven CloakRequires 5 in Any job5% reduced raising of Alert LevelCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Silver BroochSilver BroochRequires 2 in Any job(11-15)% increased Rarity of Items dropped in HeistsCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Golden BroochGolden BroochRequires 3 in Any job(16-20)% increased Rarity of Items dropped in HeistsCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Enamel BroochEnamel BroochRequires 4 in Any job(21-25)% increased Rarity of Items dropped in HeistsCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Foliate BroochFoliate BroochRequires 5 in Any job(26-30)% increased Rarity of Items dropped in HeistsCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Simple LockpickSimple LockpickThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Karst, the Lockpick, Kurai, the Administrator, Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 2 in Lockpicking(4-6)% increased Lockpicking speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Standard LockpickStandard LockpickThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Karst, the Lockpick, Kurai, the Administrator, Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 3 in Lockpicking(7-9)% increased Lockpicking speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Fine LockpickFine LockpickThis item can be equipped by: Karst, the Lockpick, Kurai, the AdministratorRequires 4 in Lockpicking(10-12)% increased Lockpicking speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Master LockpickMaster LockpickThis item can be equipped by: Karst, the Lockpick, Kurai, the AdministratorRequires 5 in Lockpicking(13-15)% increased Lockpicking speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Brute Force
Leather BracersLeather BracersThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Tibbs, the GiantRequires 2 in Brute Force(4-6)% increased Brute Force speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Studded BracersStudded BracersThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Tibbs, the GiantRequires 3 in Brute Force(7-9)% increased Brute Force speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Runed BracersRuned BracersThis item can be equipped by: Tibbs, the GiantRequires 4 in Brute Force(10-12)% increased Brute Force speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Steel BracersSteel BracersThis item can be equipped by: Tibbs, the GiantRequires 5 in Brute Force(13-15)% increased Brute Force speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Steel DrillSteel DrillThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Isla, the Engineer, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 2 in Engineering(4-6)% increased Engineering speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Flanged DrillFlanged DrillThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Isla, the EngineerRequires 3 in Engineering(7-9)% increased Engineering speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Sulphur BlowtorchSulphur BlowtorchThis item can be equipped by: Isla, the EngineerRequires 4 in Engineering(10-12)% increased Engineering speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Thaumetic BlowtorchThaumetic BlowtorchThis item can be equipped by: Isla, the EngineerRequires 5 in Engineering(13-15)% increased Engineering speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Eelskin SoleEelskin SoleThis item can be equipped by: Karst, the Lockpick, Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 2 in Agility(4-6)% increased Agility speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Foxhide SoleFoxhide SoleThis item can be equipped by: Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 3 in Agility(7-9)% increased Agility speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Winged SoleWinged SoleThis item can be equipped by: Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 4 in Agility(10-12)% increased Agility speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Silkweave SoleSilkweave SoleThis item can be equipped by: Tullina, the CatburglarRequires 5 in Agility(13-15)% increased Agility speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Crude WardCrude WardThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Nenet, the Scout, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 2 in Counter-Thaumaturgy(4-6)% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Lustrous WardLustrous WardThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Nenet, the Scout, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 3 in Counter-Thaumaturgy(7-9)% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Shining WardShining WardThis item can be equipped by: Nenet, the Scout, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 4 in Counter-Thaumaturgy(10-12)% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Thaumaturgical WardThaumaturgical WardThis item can be equipped by: Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 5 in Counter-Thaumaturgy(13-15)% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Crude Sensing CharmCrude Sensing CharmThis item can be equipped by: Adiyah, the Wayfinder, Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Karst, the Lockpick, Nenet, the ScoutRequires 2 in Perception(4-6)% increased Perception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Fine Sensing CharmFine Sensing CharmThis item can be equipped by: Adiyah, the Wayfinder, Karst, the Lockpick, Nenet, the ScoutRequires 3 in Perception(7-9)% increased Perception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Polished Sensing CharmPolished Sensing CharmThis item can be equipped by: Adiyah, the Wayfinder, Nenet, the ScoutRequires 4 in Perception(10-12)% increased Perception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Thaumaturgical Sensing CharmThaumaturgical Sensing CharmThis item can be equipped by: Adiyah, the Wayfinder, Nenet, the ScoutRequires 5 in Perception(13-15)% increased Perception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Voltaxic FlashpowderVoltaxic FlashpowderThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Tibbs, the Giant, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 2 in Demolition(4-6)% increased Demolition speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Trarthan FlashpowderTrarthan FlashpowderThis item can be equipped by: Huck, the Soldier, Tibbs, the Giant, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 3 in Demolition(7-9)% increased Demolition speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Azurite FlashpowderAzurite FlashpowderThis item can be equipped by: Tibbs, the Giant, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 4 in Demolition(10-12)% increased Demolition speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Thaumetic FlashpowderThaumetic FlashpowderThis item can be equipped by: Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 5 in Demolition(13-15)% increased Demolition speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Trap Disarmament
Essential KeyringEssential KeyringThis item can be equipped by: Isla, the Engineer, Tullina, the Catburglar, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 2 in Trap Disarmament(4-6)% increased Trap Disarmament speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Versatile KeyringVersatile KeyringThis item can be equipped by: Isla, the Engineer, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 3 in Trap Disarmament(7-9)% increased Trap Disarmament speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Skeleton KeyringSkeleton KeyringThis item can be equipped by: Isla, the Engineer, Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 4 in Trap Disarmament(10-12)% increased Trap Disarmament speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Grandmaster KeyringGrandmaster KeyringThis item can be equipped by: Vinderi, the DismantlerRequires 5 in Trap Disarmament(13-15)% increased Trap Disarmament speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Basic Disguise KitBasic Disguise KitThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 2 in Deception(4-6)% increased Deception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Theatre Disguise KitTheatre Disguise KitThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 3 in Deception(7-9)% increased Deception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Espionage Disguise KitEspionage Disguise KitThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of Disguise, Niles, the InterrogatorRequires 4 in Deception(10-12)% increased Deception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.
Regicide Disguise KitRegicide Disguise KitThis item can be equipped by: Gianna, the Master of DisguiseRequires 5 in Deception(13-15)% increased Deception speedCan only be equipped to Heist members.