Curio Display

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Curio Display is a loot container in the final reward room of Heist (non-unique and non-quest rarities) and Grand Heist.

In Heists, it always contain the Heist target that specified on the contract description.

In Grand Heists, there are five different Curio Displays in the reward room that contain various items, but you can only take one of them.

Currency Equipment Unique items
Tempering OrbTempering OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a weapon
This may reforge the weapon's sockets
Right click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.

Tailoring OrbTailoring OrbStack Size: 20Adds or replaces an enchantment on a body armour
This may reforge the body armour's sockets
Right click this item then left click on the item you wish to modify.

Delirium orbs
Miscellaneous currency
Thief's TrinketsThief's TrinketCorrupted
Experimented base types
Enchanted Rare Body Armour
Enchanted Rare Weapon
Replica unique items
Expedition's EndExpedition's End
Sentinel Jacket
Evasion: (660-925)
Energy Shield: (134-190)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 59, 86 Dex, 86 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(5-10)% increased maximum Life
All Damage can Freeze
Freeze Chilled Enemies as though dealing (50-100)% more Damage
Nearby Enemies are Chilled
He may have returned from the frozen southern reaches, but that doesn't mean he ever truly escaped them.

Fated EndFated End
Paua Ring
Requires Level 38+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(20-40) to Intelligence
Curse Skills have (8-12)% increased Cast Speed
Non-Aura Hexes gain 20% increased Effect per second
Non-Aura Hexes expire upon reaching (180-220)% of base Effect
All roads lead to that destined doom.

Crimson Round Shield
Chance to Block: (34-38)%
Armour: (341-445)
Evasion: (341-445)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 49, 64 Str, 64 DexTrigger Level 20 Shield Shatter when you Block
(120-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
+(8-12)% Chance to Block
Fragile, explosive, and punishing.

Butcher Axe
One Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (141-164.5) to (261-304.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 63, 149 Str, 76 DexHas no Sockets
(200-250)% increased Physical Damage
You have no Intelligence
Critical Strike Chance is (20-30)% for Hits with this Weapon
Better to act without thought
than to think without action.

The Hidden BladeThe Hidden Blade
Physical Damage: (62.7-68.4) to (244.2-266.4)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.80%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Dex, 113 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceTrigger Level 20 Unseen Strike every 0.5 seconds while Phasing
+(20-40) to Dexterity
(230-260)% increased Physical Damage
30% reduced Attack Speed while Phasing
The shadow warrior moves like the wind;
his strikes land long after he is gone.

The FulcrumThe Fulcrum
Ezomyte Staff
Physical Damage: (127.2-148.4) to (384-448)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(140-180)% increased Physical Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
(0-50)% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you
Elemental Damage with Hits is Lucky while you are Shocked
Damage Penetrates (8-10)% Elemental Resistances while you are Chilled
Gain (30-40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element while you are Ignited
To stand at the confluence of the elements,
the master must achieve perfect balance.

Crest of DesireCrest of Desire
Fluted Bascinet
Armour: (320-472)
Evasion: (320-472)
Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 DexHas 1 Socket
+(5-8) to Level of Socketed Gems
+(30-50)% to Quality of Socketed Gems
Socketed Skills deal Double Damage
(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
Expand one single ambition to crystal clarity... and beyond.

Font of ThunderFont of Thunder
Mirrored Spiked Shield
Chance to Block: 26%
Evasion: (755-1044)
Energy Shield: (155-210)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 66, 85 Dex, 85 Int+5% chance to Suppress Spell Damage(400-500)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(25-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+50% chance to be Shocked
40% of Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage
40% of Fire Damage taken as Lightning Damage
The lightning fears not the flame.

The Iron MassThe Iron Mass
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (148.5-162) to (214.5-234)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.48-1.53)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating(175-200)% increased Physical Damage
(14-18)% increased Attack Speed
Unholy Might
Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers wield this Weapon while in your Main Hand
Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers deal Triple Damage with this
Weapon if you've Hit with this Weapon Recently
Lead by example.


Version history

Version Changes
  • Grand Heist Rewards no longer differ based on type of Blueprint Area.
  • Some of the more common but very low value Currencies are no longer offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
  • Increased the stack size of Currency offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
  • Fixed a rare bug where a Curio Display in a Grand Heist could contain nothing.
  • Introduced to the game.