Contract: Breaking the Unbreakable

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Contract: Breaking the Unbreakable
Preventative Contract
Client: Isla
Heist Target: Destroy "The Unbreakable"
Area Level: 80
Requires Engineering (Level 3)
Requires Isla, the Engineer
Please don't run back to Anton."Give this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 80
Can drop from a Smuggler's Cache or from Reward Room Chests in Heists and Grand Heists after all of Isla's quest contracts have been completed in the current league.
Item class: Contract

Contract: Breaking the Unbreakable is a unique Preventative ContractPreventative ContractGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist.. It follows the questline of Isla, the Engineer regarding her design: The Unbreakable.

Despite being different in basetype, the unique contract can be placed in the Heist tab dedicated to Contract: BunkerContract: BunkerGive this Contract to Adiyah in the Rogue Harbour to embark on the Heist..

Item acquisition

Contract: Breaking the Unbreakable has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Can drop from a Smuggler's Cache or from Reward Room Chests in Heists and Grand Heists after all of Isla's quest contracts have been completed in the current league.


The area uses the Bunker tileset. The boss room is known as Combat Capacity Test Chamber, which is in the same instance.




3000 Rogue's MarkersRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout
Used as Currency for services in the Rogue Harbour
Right click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.
for first time completion.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.