Expedition Logbook

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Expedition LogbookTake this item to Dannig in your Hideout to open portals to an expedition.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 1
Drops from Expedition Runic monsters; certain Remnants can increase the chance of getting a Logbook. Can also be purchased from Dannig.
Item class: Expedition Logbook
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Expedition/ExpeditionLogbook

Expedition Logbooks is an item class[1] used to perform Expeditions. Expedition Logbooks (or simply Logbooks) are the only item of this item class. They were introduced in the Expedition league. They can be taken to Dannig, Warrior Skald to open a portal to a large Expedition area.

Item acquisition

Expedition Logbook has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

Drops from Expedition Runic monsters; certain Remnants can increase the chance of getting a Logbook. Can also be purchased from Dannig.

Starting a logbook expedition

While talking to Dannig, Warrior Skald, players can choose to open 1 out of 2 or 3 Expeditions. This will open 6 Portals to an Expedition area at your Map Device.


Logbooks have an item level, which reflects the area level of the Expedition. The highest Area Level is 83.

Logbooks can be crafted into Normal, Magic or Rare rarities with currency. Higher rarity Logbooks have higher Item Quantity and Item Rarity at the cost of more negative modifiers. Unlike maps, there is no bonus for opening Logbooks unidentified.

Logbooks offer 2 or 3 different Expedition areas which can have different implicit modifiers e.g. #% increased Explosive Placement Range. The numeric values of these modifiers can be re-rolled with a Blessed Orb — high rolls of #% increased number of Explosives and #% increased Explosive Radius can significantly increase the reward yield of a Logbook.

While in the Expedition area, numerous icons show the locations of Remnants that modify monsters or drops, reward chests with league-specific loot tables, Underground Area entrances, or Shrines.

Like in normal Expeditions, monsters and reward chests are affected by both good and bad modifiers in a detonation chain and typically stacks, making the final encounters in the detonation chain difficult but also rewarding. After a successful detonation chain, all openable chests are highlighted on the minimap.

Expedition Bosses have a 20% natural spawn rate in Logbooks of the appropriate zone level(privately confirmed by GGG). Certain rare implicit modifiers on Logbooks can guarantee a boss spawn. Expedition Bosses are affected by all previous Remnants in the explosive chain, and appear to gain about 5% increased Artifacts and Reroll Currencies per Remnant affecting it.[2]

Boss encounters are marked on the map with the icon.

Expedition factions

Expeditions are related to one of 4 factions e.g. if a player wants Exotic CoinageExotic CoinageStack Size: 1000These can be brought to Tujen to refresh his vendor inventory., they need to look for Black Scythe Mercenaries.

Vendor Faction Currency Expedition Boss
Gwennen Druids of the Broken Circle Medved, Feller of Heroes (68+)
Tujen Black Scythe Mercenaries Vorana, Last to Fall (68+)
Rog Order of the Chalice Uhtred, Covetous Traitor (75+)
Dannig Knights of the Sun
  • Lesser Sun ArtifactLesser Sun ArtifactStack Size: 50000These can be used to trade with Dannig.
  • Greater Sun ArtifactGreater Sun ArtifactStack Size: 50000These can be used to trade with Dannig.
  • Grand Sun ArtifactGrand Sun ArtifactStack Size: 25000These can be used to trade with Dannig.
  • Exceptional Sun ArtifactExceptional Sun ArtifactStack Size: 5000These can be used to trade with Dannig.
  • Burial MedallionBurial MedallionStack Size: 1000These can be brought to Dannig to refresh his vendor inventory.
Olroth, Origin of the Fall (81+)


Rewards are obtained by opening excavated chests or killing regular or Runic Monsters.

Image Type Typical drops
Random Random items from other reward chests.
Currency Basic currency. Small chance for Harbinger-related Exalted ShardsExalted ShardStack Size: 20A stack of 20 shards becomes an Exalted Orb. and Ancient ShardsAncient ShardStack Size: 20A stack of 20 shards becomes an Ancient Orb..
Divination Cards 2-8 Stacked DecksStacked DeckStack Size: 20A stack of unknown divination cardsRight click to take a divination card out of the deck. [confirmation needed], random Divination Cards
Gems Skill gems, which may have levels and quality.
Uniques Unique items, Titanic Scarabs.
Armour Armour, some of which may be veiled, fractured, 20% quality, influenced, enchanted, Incursion mods or unique.
Armour-related Divination Cards and Basic Currency usable with Armour.
Weapons Weapons, some of which may be veiled, fractured, 20% quality, influenced or unique.
Weapon-related Divination Cards and Basic Currency usable with Weapons
Jewellery Rings, Amulets, Jewels, Abyss Jewels and Belts, which may be veiled, fractured, or influenced.
Jewellery-related Divination Cards.
Maps Maps of all Tiers, Basic Currency usable with Maps
Map Fragments Scarabs, Sacrifice at DuskSacrifice at DuskStack Size: 10The Vaal shall never fear the setting of our sun.Can be used in a personal Map Device./Dawn/Noon/Midnight, Offering to the GoddessOffering to the GoddessIt is time for the Goddess to give her final verdict.
Your fate rests in her even hands.
Travel to the Aspirants' Plaza and spend this item to open the Eternal Labyrinth.
, Small chance for valuable map fragments
Harbinger Harbinger currency, Beachhead map, small chance for Exalted ShardsExalted ShardStack Size: 20A stack of 20 shards becomes an Exalted Orb. and Ancient ShardsAncient ShardStack Size: 20A stack of 20 shards becomes an Ancient Orb.s, Harbinger Scarabs
Heist Rogue's MarkerRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout
Used as Currency for services in the Rogue Harbour
Right click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.
, Contracts, Blueprints
Ritual Ritual SplinterRitual SplinterStack Size: 100Combine 100 Splinters to create a Ritual Vessel.
Expedition Artifacts (autolooted into Expedition locker)
Essences Essences, small chance for high level Essences, Remnant of CorruptionRemnant of CorruptionStack Size: 9Corrupts the Essences trapping a monster, modifying them unpredictably
Right click this item then left click a monster trapped by Essences to corrupt them. Corrupted Essences cannot be modified again.
or Essence of HorrorEssence of HorrorStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8
Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: 16% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
Gloves: Socketed Gems have +3.5% Critical Strike Chance
Boots: 5% reduced Elemental Damage Taken while stationary
Body Armour: You take 10% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes per Endurance Charge
Helmet: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage
Shield: Chill Nearby Enemies when you Block
Quiver: 8 to 12 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Amulet: (15-25)% chance to Crush on Hit
Ring: 4 to 7 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Belt: Gain Alchemist's Genius when you use a Flask
Right click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Blight Oils, Blighted Maps, Blight Scarabs
Ultimatum Catalysts, Ultimatum Scarabs
Delirium Simulacrum SplintersSimulacrum SplinterStack Size: 300Combine 300 Splinters to create a Simulacrum., Cluster Jewels, Delirium orbs
Abyss Abyss Jewels, Stygian Vise belts, Abyss Scarabs
Breach Breach Splinters, Breach RingsBreach RingProperties are doubled while in a BreachCorrupted, Breach Scarabs and rarely Breachstones or Flawless Breachstones
Fossils Fossils, Resonators, Sulphite Scarabs
Essences Essences, small chance for high level Essences, Remnant of CorruptionRemnant of CorruptionStack Size: 9Corrupts the Essences trapping a monster, modifying them unpredictably
Right click this item then left click a monster trapped by Essences to corrupt them. Corrupted Essences cannot be modified again.
or Essence of HorrorEssence of HorrorStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8
Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: 16% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
Gloves: Socketed Gems have +3.5% Critical Strike Chance
Boots: 5% reduced Elemental Damage Taken while stationary
Body Armour: You take 10% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes per Endurance Charge
Helmet: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage
Shield: Chill Nearby Enemies when you Block
Quiver: 8 to 12 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Amulet: (15-25)% chance to Crush on Hit
Ring: 4 to 7 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Belt: Gain Alchemist's Genius when you use a Flask
Right click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Talismans Talismans with Anoints


Underground areas contain additional loot. They are marked on the map with icons and have to be destroyed with explosives like remnants.

Expedition areas Possible underground areas
Battleground Graves Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber
Bluffs Sandy Vestige, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber
Cemetery Fortified Redoubt, Heroic Tomb, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber
Desert Ruins Fortified Redoubt, Sandy Vestige, Heroic Tomb
Dried Riverbed Fortified Redoubt, Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige, Lost Sanctum
Forest Ruins Heroic Tomb, Mushroom Thicket, Chittering Chamber
Karui Wargraves Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber
Mountainside Fortified Redoubt, Heroic Tomb, Forgotten Grotto
Rotting Temple Fortified Redoubt, Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber
Sarn Slums Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige
Scrublands Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber
Shipwreck Reef Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool
Utzaal Outskirts Noxious Gutter, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber
Vaal Temple Heroic Tomb, Forgotten Grotto
Volcanic Island Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto

List of logbook modifiers

For generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
1Excavated Chests have a (5-20)% chance to contain twice as many Itemsdefault 115
1(10-40)% increased Explosive Radiusdefault 500
1(10-40)% increased number of Explosivesdefault 500
1Remnants have (10-40)% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifierdefault 500
1(20-50)% increased Explosive Placement Rangedefault 1000
1Area contains (10-40)% increased number of Monster Markersdefault 1000
1Area contains (10-40)% increased number of Remnantsdefault 500
1Area contains an additional Underground Areadefault 115
1(10-40)% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monstersdefault 1000
1Area contains (8-16) additional Chest Markersdefault 500
1Area contains (10-40)% increased number of Runic Monster Markersdefault 500
68Area contains Vorana, Last to Fallexpedition_faction_black_scythe 23
68Area contains Medved, Feller of Heroesexpedition_faction_druids_of_the_broken_circle 23
75Area contains Uhtred, Covetous Traitorexpedition_faction_order_of_the_chalice 23
81Area contains Olroth, Origin of the Fallexpedition_faction_knights_of_the_sun 23

Version history

Version Changes
  • Metamorph rewards from Heist, Expedition, Betrayal, Delirium, Legion and Eldritch Altars have been replaced with Ultimatum rewards.
  • Expedition Remnant modifiers in Expedition sites that grant Runic Monsters and Chests a chance to drop Catalysts have been replaced with modifiers that drop Heist Contracts instead.
  • Logbooks and Atlas Memories now allocate based on the item allocation option selected, rather than always Free for All allocation.
  • Added a series of new "Profane" modifiers that can roll on Maps, Logbooks, Delve Biomes, and Heist Contracts. These modifiers cause Monsters to deal extra Physical Damage as Chaos and cause Monsters to Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit.
  • Introduced new modifiers that can roll on Maps, Expedition Logbooks, Heist Contracts, Blueprints and Delve areas.
  • Logbooks now have a maximum Area Level of 83.
  • Logbooks now display their Area Level on their Item Icon.
  • The Remnant modifier that grants chests more Rarity no longer rolls in Logbook areas. The reason behind this change is that chests in Logbook areas drop extremely few regular items, so this modifier was not very beneficial here.
  • Reduced the area of which you cannot place explosives around the camp in Logbook areas.
  • Added a visual indicator to display the area of which you are unable to place explosives in around the camp in Logbook areas.
  • Increased Logbook drops from Runic monsters in Expedition by 54%
  • Increased the chance for Expedition Bosses to appear in level 68 and above Logbooks.
  • Introduced to the game.
