Offering to the GoddessIt is time for the Goddess to give her final verdict. Your fate rests in her even hands.Travel to the Aspirants' Plaza and spend this item to open the Eternal Labyrinth.
Acquisition Drop restricted Drop level: 1 This item can be obtained by completing Labyrinth trials in maps. It can also be obtained from Rituals and Delve city chamber chests.Metadata Item class: Map Fragment Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/MapFragments/CurrencyOfferingToTheGoddess
Offering to the Goddess is a map fragment received upon completing an Eternal trial, found randomly in Tier 6 or higher maps. It cannot be used on the map device, but rather it's used at the Aspirants' Plaza to enter the Eternal Labyrinth. Only one person per party needs to use an Offering.
One Offering to the Goddess is dropped when the plaque at the end of the Trial is touched. Only one Offering is dropped per Trial, regardless of the number of party members in the Trial.
Offering to the Goddess has restrictions on where or how it can drop.
This item can be obtained by completing Labyrinth trials in maps. It can also be obtained from Rituals and Delve city chamber chests.
Offering to the Goddess can be created from the following recipes:
Fragmented IncubatorFragmented IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Fragment item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random fragment
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
Random divination card set exchange
Offering to the Goddess is a guaranteed reward from Enchanted IncubatorEnchanted IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Labyrinth item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.s and Imperial Delirium OrbImperial Delirium OrbStack Size: 10Modifies a Map item adding layers of Delirium with the Labyrinth Items reward typeRight click this item then left click a Map item to apply it. Can apply up to 5 to a single Map item.s in permanent leagues.
Consuming an Offering to the Goddess in the Map Device now opens portals to a random Trial of Ascendancy for the Eternal Labyrinth. Trials opened in this way will not award an Offering to the Goddess upon completion.
Fragmented IncubatorsFragmented IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Fragment item to an equippable item Item drops after killing {0} monstersRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters. can now drop Offering to the Goddess.
Fixed a bug where you could use an Orb of ChanceOrb of ChanceStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a random rarityRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. on the Offering to the Goddess.