Einhar, Beastmaster
Functions: Offers beast hunting missions, vendor
Einhar Frey is a major NPC as well as a master.
Einhar provides the player introduction to the Bestiary, beast hunting, and how to perform beastcrafting with them. As a master, Einhar directly assists the player in beast hunting by attacking monsters and throwing nets.
Einhar can also be found in the Menagerie, where you can use captured beasts for beastcrafting. He also sells Bestiary OrbsBestiary OrbStack Size: 10Stores a Beast in an itemRight click on this item then left click on a Beast in your Menagerie to itemise the Beast.
to itemize beasts for trading.
Key Shortcuts
Ctrl+Left Click: View Bestiary
In zones where Einhar can appear, the zone will contain special beasts, indicated by their icons. There will be 3-5 yellow beasts (Medium Difficulty) and 1-2 red beast (Hard Difficulty). Yellow beasts have 1 Bestiary mod, while red beasts have 2 Bestiary mods.
When a beast is brought to low health, Einhar will appear. He is an invulnerable NPC and attacks with ranged shots, as well as a volley of shots and bombs. He also has an aura that grants the Boon of the First Ones buff, which grants Regenerate 5% of Life per second, 3% of Damage Leeched as Life, and Recover 5% of Life on Kill. Einhar will throw a net at weakened beasts, capturing them and moving them to the Menagerie. Beasts cannot be killed. Loot dropped by captured beasts is affected by the quantity and rarity modifiers of the instance owner.[1]
Once all beasts in the zone are captured, the mission is complete and Einhar will leave the area, unless the Lone Hunter Atlas passive is allocated.
That look in your eye... I recognise it. A survivor, just like Einhar.
That is my name, exile. Einhar. In my native tongue it means 'lone fighter'. That is what Einhar was for many years.
But it is dangerous now to fight alone. Too dangerous, even for the mighty Einhar. We are in the final days of this world, exile. Of that, I am sure.
The animals in this land are sick. Sick in the body and sick in the mind. I have never seen such a sickness before. Only one thing can be done. We survivors must prepare for the end, and delay its arrival as long as we can.
For that we will need supplies. Weapons. Shelter. Food. This is where you come in.
You want to know Einhar's past? That is Einhar's business. No one else's.
The First Ones
They were the first survivors. The First Ones showed my people that to win, you must outlast. They left this world long ago to seek other survivors, but they will return. And when they do, I will join them in the Great Grove. And you will join Einhar, yes? Yes.
The Menagerie
It will surprise you to learn that I am not popular. The others here are ignorant. They do not see the end coming. They are not survivors like me... Or you.
Before we met, I kept beasts in the encampment. They got into the grain, then the meat. They were not as picky as Einhar about where they did their business. I learned that Rhoas do not digest Rhoa meat very well.
So I moved them to a new location. The Menagerie. Far away. It is a secret place. This is where we will perform the ritual for the First Ones. I have built a Blood Altar for such a purpose.
Do you wish to see it? Tell Einhar. You will be taken there.
Not all beasts were born equal, survivor. The First Ones look upon some captures and sacrifices more fondly than others. You may not even deem some beasts worthy of sacrifice!
Do not worry. Einhar has imbued some Orbs with powerful blood magic. You can use these Bestiary Orbs on any beast in the Menagerie and the beast will be bound to the Orb. Then you can do whatever you want with it. Give it to a handsome man like Einhar, maybe? You cannot tell, but I am very handsome under this mask.
Once a Bestiary Orb contains a beast, you can use it again to release the creature to the Menagerie. Be careful, though, it will break the Orb.
Ohhhh... Niko... I love Niko! Einhar digs around in the bellies of beasts for signs from the First Ones, and Niko digs around in the ground with a big metal spike! And he talks to the First Ones just like I do. Or... I think he does. He talks to someone! And what a voice! He is very skinny though. I am not sure he will be a survivor.
I love Alva! She is a student of blood thaumaturgy, just like Einhar. And she is collecting things, just like Einhar. But where I collect things so that we may survive the end of the world, Alva collects things from people who did not survive the end of the world already! It is as if we are two heads on the same hound, but her head is where the butt should be!
She is so mysterious, exile. And I love mysterious! She told me all her friends disappeared, which also happened to Einhar! She thinks her friends are dead, but I don't think my friends are dead. They disappeared after I cracked open a buck's skull while we were eating and plucked out its brain. We weren't even eating venison! I don't even remember where I found the buck! That was a wonderful birthday.
Einhar loves Zana! Her hair reminds me of the inside of a Devourer, all red and stringy. She says many things that I do not understand, and marks down locations of places I have never been, even though I have been everywhere! So mysterious! Einhar loves mystery and locations. She has not seen her father in a very long time, so I try to be her father. I try to feed her meat as red as her hair. "This will keep it red and stringy!" I say, and she tells me to close my eyes while she eats it. It is so red and stringy, it must be working!
The blackguard girl? Einhar hates blackguards... but I loooooove Helena! She is great at finding places to hide. I like to try and find her and then I hide and wait for her to find me! And she never can! Always I win! ...Now that I think about it, I do not think she knows to look for me. Maybe next time I should tell her before I hide.
Einhar is happy to hunt. Kirac asked me to do other things, but then I went hunting, and forgot all about it! Hunting beasts requires too much concentration. Now he only asks Einhar to hunt, so I love Kirac!
The Atlas
Einhar loves new hunting grounds! These ones go on forever in every direction! A feast of beasts, one for every net I bring! Though you must be wary, Exile, for the meat... it does not taste like it should...
Dialogue (The Menagerie)
This Menagerie
Welcome to Einhar's menagerie, exile. This is where I keep the beasts we capture. Do not worry about their wellbeing—I do not think they will worry about yours!! Haha! A little humour for you.
But seriously, exile, Einhar takes very good care of the beasts we capture. I feed them, clean them, and read them the poems I write. Then, when you are ready, we slaughter them at the blood altar, to prove to the First Ones that we are worthy of survival. That part is not so friendly to beasts, but if you read my poetry, you may consider it an act of mercy. Hahaha! Again, humour! My poetry is great.
Please, look around! Take your time! But do not feed the animals. That is Einhar's job.
The Blood Altar
The end is coming, exile. Of that, I am sure.
...Just not so sure when. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe three years form now. No more than three years from now.
When the end arrives, we must be ready. The First Ones will return. They will bring the survivors with them to the Great Grove. We must prove we are worthy. We must sacrifice the beasts we find at the Blood Altar.
Feed the altar the blood of these beasts, and the First Ones will bless us. And, perhaps, reveal to us their secrets.
Saqawal, First of the Sky
During a cold winter, Einhar camped on a mountain. I have many furs to keep me warm in the cold. ... I did not bring them. But I did have Rhoa ooze. While sipping warm ooze, Einhar had a vision. A lizard, feathered and crimson, watching from shadows of shadows.
An avatar of the First Ones. A test. Saqawal, First of the Sky. In my cup, ooze swirled. Another vision, in the blood of the birds and reptiles. It is lucky I had so much to drink that night, or else this secret may have remained a secret.
Find many birds and reptiles, Exile. The path to the First of the Sky is in their blood.
Farrul, First of the Plains
Years ago, Einhar was wandering the fields near Sarn in search of a worthy Survivor. I did not find one. Then I did not find water. Then I did not find shelter. This was a learning moment for Einhar.
Beneath the hot sun, Einhar saw a swirl of red and white. A flash of teeth. Farrul, First of the Plains, an Avatar of the First Ones. I pursued it, and as night fell, so did I... right into a Hellion pit. I drank my fill of Hellion blood that night. That is how I learned I do not like Hellion blood.
It is also how I learned that Farrul's secrets lie in the blood of hounds, cats, and others of warm blood. Go, find many, and we will find Farrul.
Craiceann, First of the Deep
Einhar has many talents. You will learn. I sailed to Wraeclast alone, a risky and brave feat. You are impressed, yes?
My boat was small and not well prepared for the journey. Then my ship ran aground... but there was no ground. Very confusing. Water all around, but the ship could not move. My food spoiled quickly. I am very good at fishing. I will have to show you how some time... maybe. I caught many fish. And crabs. And squid. I ate very well, but there was little water. I had booze. I threw the scraps to the sea.
Then... the ship moved. Lifted. I looked aft. A crab, massive and red, stood on a lone rock, covered in my scraps. It was Craiceann, an Avatar of the First ones.
Einhar knows the secret of Craiceann. It lies in the bellies of the sea creatures. Find them, and we will see Craiceann again.
Fenumus, First of the Night
Einhar is a brave explorer. The secret to my bravery? I do not think. One day I did not think as I went into a cave. It was very brave. But then I got lost. It was dark. I did not think, so I did not think to bring a torch.
I walked in total darkness by touch until... a light. Then two. Then many! So many lights! I got closer and closer. The lights got brighter and brighter. Then... I slipped. I fell very far. Einhar was sure he was dead. But then I was caught... in a web. The lights moved and swirled. Insects. And in front of them was a shadow of a spider. Fenumus... An Avatar of the First Ones.
Her web was strong, but Einhar's blade was stronger. I cut myself free. Into the river below. Washed to shore. A fun adventure.
The path to Fenumus is in the blood of bugs. Spiders. Insects. Carrion queens. Get them, and Fenumus will follow.
Hunting/Mission Dialogue
Mission Start
"Exile.... [laughs], you are a welcome omen!"
"I... love hunting!"
"Hunt or be hunted, exile!"
"This one is caught. Einhar will take it!"
"You are caught, beast! You will either be a survivor, or you will be food!"
"We will be best friends beast, until we slaughter you!" [Laughs maniacally] (3.5 Betrayal)
"Do not worry little beast, we are friends now!"
"Oooh, that was a juicy one exile!"
Mission Done
"There are no more worthy beasts nearby, so Einhar will feed the ones we caught."
"That was a great hunt, exile! Einhar will write a mighty poem about it."
"An exhilarating hunt, exile. Now it is time for Einhar to go do Einhar business."
Voice actor
Einhar is voiced by Jay Simon.
Concept art
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.5.1b |
3.5.0 |
3.2.0 |