Aspect of the Cat

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NameAspect of the Cat
Skill IdCatAspect
Cast TimeInstant
Level Req.1
Reservation25% mana
Attack Speed100% of base
Attack Damage100% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage100%
Stored Uses1
Cooldown0.50 sec
Base duration4.00 sec
While active, grants the Cat's Stealth and Cat's Agility buffs in sequence. Cat's Stealth increases your critical strike chance, makes you harder to see, and gives you a chance to avoid damage for a short duration. Cat's Agility increases your attack and cast speed for a longer secondary duration.
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
Base secondary duration is 6.00 seconds
Grants (10-16)% increased Cast Speed
Grants (10-16)% increased Attack Speed
Grants (100-120)% increased Critical Strike Chance
15% chance to Avoid All Damage from Hits
100% increased Stealth
Cat's Stealth
Cat's Stealth status icon.png
You have increased Critical Strike Chance, a chance to avoid Damage, and are harder for enemies to see.
Cat's Agility
Cat's Agility status icon.png
You have increased Attack and Cast Speed.

Aspect of the Cat is an aspect skill that grants two alternating buffs, each with their own duration. Cat's Stealth increases the character's stealth, gives a chance to avoid all damage from hits, and increases critical strike chance. Cat's Agility increases attack and cast speed. By default, their durations are 4 and 6 seconds respectively. The game will track the time remaining for each buff and resume counting upon reactivation (for example, you cannot rapidly toggle the skill, remove/re-equip the gem, or cycle equipment to spend more time in one buff than allotted).

Aspect of the Cat is found on Farrul's BiteFarrul's Bite
Harlequin Mask
Evasion: (439-592)
Energy Shield: (89-121)
Requires Level 57, 64 Dex, 64 IntGrants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
(180-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Cold Resistance
+1% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat
Critical Strikes have (10-20)% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
It is a fool who strikes the turtle's shell. The First of the Plains teaches us to exploit weaknesses, and where no weakness can be found, to create one.
or beastcrafted onto gear as a suffix (of Farrulof Farrul
Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
), by using the captured Farrul, First of the Plains unique beast. A Familiar CallA Familiar Call3Jewellery of Farrul
Item Level: 100
Shaper + Hunter Item
The mighty huntress always called for her share,
But what we shared was a lifelong bond.
divination card also rewards a Jewellery with that mod. The skill can be further modified by equipping Farrul's ChaseFarrul's Chase
Slink Boots
Evasion: (516-707)Requires Level 69, 120 DexTrigger Level 20 Intimidating Cry when you lose Cat's Stealth
(110-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Life
20% increased Movement Speed
(40-50)% chance to Avoid Bleeding
20% increased Movement Speed while you have Cat's Stealth
A secret is a weapon your enemies do not have.
When the First of the Plains hunted, she moved in silence and acted quickly.
To do otherwise is to arm your foes.
, Farrul's FurFarrul's Fur
Triumphant Lamellar
Armour: (760-1092)
Evasion: (954-1372)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Stealth Duration
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Power Charges when you gain Cat's Stealth
You have Phasing while you have Cat's Stealth
The First of the Plains was the First of the Hunt
It was she who showed us that there is honour in waiting in the shadows and picking your moment.
, (or Replica Farrul's FurReplica Farrul's Fur
Triumphant Lamellar
Armour: (760-1092)
Evasion: (954-1372)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Agility Duration
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges when you gain Cat's Agility
You have Onslaught while you have Cat's Agility
"Attempt #120: the prototype has finally achieved power similar to the original without breaking all the bones of the test subject. A rousing success."
) and/or Farrul's PounceFarrul's Pounce
Hydrascale Gauntlets
Armour: (212-292)
Evasion: (212-292)
Requires Level 59, 45 Str, 45 Dex(100-140)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
Attacks always inflict Bleeding while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
You have Crimson Dance while you have Cat's Stealth
A hungry beast wastes no energy.
Every strike, no matter how small, must work towards victory.
The First of the Plains teaches us that the largest prey can still be whittled away.
. The Level 30 version the skill is acquired from beastcrafting with the addition of The Black Mórrígan.

Skill level progression

"Level" 1 in the below table refer to level 20 versions of this skill, while "Level" 2 refers to the level 30 version.

LevelRequired LevelCast SpeedAttack SpeedCritical Strike

Support gems

If crafting the Aspect of the Cat on gear that has sockets, or the Aspect skill from Farrul's BiteFarrul's Bite
Harlequin Mask
Evasion: (439-592)
Energy Shield: (89-121)
Requires Level 57, 64 Dex, 64 IntGrants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
(180-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Cold Resistance
+1% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat
Critical Strikes have (10-20)% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
It is a fool who strikes the turtle's shell. The First of the Plains teaches us to exploit weaknesses, and where no weakness can be found, to create one.
, the skill can be supported by socketed support gems. For example, More Duration SupportMore Duration SupportSupport, Duration
Icon: D
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports any skill with a duration.Supported Skills have (30-39)% more Skill Effect Duration

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% more Skill Effect Duration
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
or Less Duration SupportLess Duration SupportSupport, Duration
Icon: d
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 31Supports any skill that has a duration.Supported Skills deal (10-19)% more Damage
Supported Skills have (40-49)% less Skill Effect Duration

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% less Skill Effect Duration
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
or Efficacy Support to alter the buff duration of Cat's Stealth and Cat's Agility. Or supported by Arrogance SupportArrogance SupportAura, Support
Icon: B
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: (220-201)%
Requires Level 31Supports any non-blessing skill with a reservation.Supported Skills have (10-19)% increased Aura effect
Supported Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.25-5)% increased Aura effect
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
to reserve life instead of mana.

Aspect of the Cat Gear Set

ItemBase ItemRequired levelStats
Farrul's BiteFarrul's Bite
Harlequin Mask
Evasion: (439-592)
Energy Shield: (89-121)
Requires Level 57, 64 Dex, 64 IntGrants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
(180-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Cold Resistance
+1% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat
Critical Strikes have (10-20)% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
It is a fool who strikes the turtle's shell. The First of the Plains teaches us to exploit weaknesses, and where no weakness can be found, to create one.
Harlequin Mask57Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
(180-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Cold Resistance
+1% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat
Critical Strikes have (10-20)% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
Farrul's PounceFarrul's Pounce
Hydrascale Gauntlets
Armour: (212-292)
Evasion: (212-292)
Requires Level 59, 45 Str, 45 Dex(100-140)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
Attacks always inflict Bleeding while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
You have Crimson Dance while you have Cat's Stealth
A hungry beast wastes no energy.
Every strike, no matter how small, must work towards victory.
The First of the Plains teaches us that the largest prey can still be whittled away.
Hydrascale Gauntlets59(100-140)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
Attacks always inflict Bleeding while you have Cat's Stealth
(40-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
You have Crimson Dance while you have Cat's Stealth
Farrul's ChaseFarrul's Chase
Slink Boots
Evasion: (516-707)Requires Level 69, 120 DexTrigger Level 20 Intimidating Cry when you lose Cat's Stealth
(110-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Life
20% increased Movement Speed
(40-50)% chance to Avoid Bleeding
20% increased Movement Speed while you have Cat's Stealth
A secret is a weapon your enemies do not have.
When the First of the Plains hunted, she moved in silence and acted quickly.
To do otherwise is to arm your foes.
Slink Boots69Trigger Level 20 Intimidating Cry when you lose Cat's Stealth
(110-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Life
20% increased Movement Speed
(40-50)% chance to Avoid Bleeding
20% increased Movement Speed while you have Cat's Stealth
Farrul's FurFarrul's Fur
Triumphant Lamellar
Armour: (760-1092)
Evasion: (954-1372)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Stealth Duration
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Power Charges when you gain Cat's Stealth
You have Phasing while you have Cat's Stealth
The First of the Plains was the First of the Hunt
It was she who showed us that there is honour in waiting in the shadows and picking your moment.
Triumphant Lamellar69(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Stealth Duration
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Power Charges when you gain Cat's Stealth
You have Phasing while you have Cat's Stealth
Replica Farrul's FurReplica Farrul's Fur
Triumphant Lamellar
Armour: (760-1092)
Evasion: (954-1372)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Agility Duration
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges when you gain Cat's Agility
You have Onslaught while you have Cat's Agility
"Attempt #120: the prototype has finally achieved power similar to the original without breaking all the bones of the test subject. A rousing success."
Triumphant Lamellar69(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80-100) to maximum Life
+2.00 seconds to Cat's Agility Duration
Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges when you gain Cat's Agility
You have Onslaught while you have Cat's Agility

Version history

Version Changes
  • Added Level 30 versions of Aspect skills, acquired from beastcrafting recipes using The Black Mórrígan. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Updated descriptions for skills which grant critical strike chance through a buff, such as PrecisionPrecisionAura, Critical, Spell, AoE
    Level: (1-20)
    Reservation: (22-186) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: Instant
    Requires Level 10Casts an aura that grants accuracy and critical strike chance to you and your allies.+(0-1.9) metres to radius
    You and nearby allies gain (20-58)% increased Critical Strike Chance
    You and nearby allies gain +(93-701) to Accuracy Rating

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (2-40)% increased Area of Effect
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    and Aspect of the Cat.
  • Now instant by default and can therefore be used while moving.
  • All instant skills now have cooldown 1 second or less.
  • Instant skills cannot be supported by Spell Echo and will not be cast a second time by similar effects (such as from the Echoing Shrine).
  • Introduced to the game.

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