Order of the Djinn

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The Order of the Djinn is a secret society of Wraeclast that serves as Wraeclast's protectors, preventing calamities and self-destruction of civilizations and guarding dangerous artifacts. It was founded in ancient times by the Maraketh and the Clayshaper.


  • Jun
  • Janus Perandus (former)[1]
  • Killam Creary (deceased)
  • Lynn Grey (deceased)
  • Sarina Titucius (deceased)
  • Xian Song (deceased)
  • Arin Kent (deceased)
  • Brin Barius (deceased)
  • Tej Alhamba (deceased)

The currently deceased members were killed sometime between or during Janus' betrayal of the Order and Catarina's infiltration of the Forbidden Vault.

Historical members

  • Ahkeli - "Clayshaper", "Honoured Founder" - a descendant of the primeval civilization that protected the Maraketh alongside Solerai and Lundara against the Lightless.
  • Narumoa - "Ageless" - a Karui hatungo who handled artefacts seeking to subvert Fate for centuries.
  • Saresh - "Surgeon of the Dead", "Necromancer of Weeping Black" - a Faridun reject who explored the concept of intrinsic darkness, later raising undead throughout Wraeclast before his death to Garukhan.
  • Ixchel - "Godstealer" - a Vaal member who stole the sleeping body of Yaomac for the Order. While attempting to infiltrate the Temple of Chaos, he was captured, becoming the Trialmaster.
  • Agnar - "Beastmaster" - an Ezomyte orphan that could see visions of the First Ones through wild-artefacts.
  • Sumei - "Master Lorekeeper" - a Maraketh reject was tasked with investigation the duplication of artefacts of power due to the influence of Kalandra.
  • Tsarsk - "Speaker of the Dead" - a Trarthan medium who saved many from torment from anguished spirits.
  • Dhunan - "Blightmaster" - a castaway that knew techniques to contain the Blight, and theorized the existence of the Blightheart.
  • Rindwik - "Master Warrior" - a Renegades warband member that once attacked the Order, later becoming a soldier who succumbed to old age.
  • Omid - "Master Researcher" - a Redblade warband member-turned-sacrifice who was tasked with investigating Xoph and artefacts relating to Breach rifts. His commandment of secrecy had failed after the discovery of the Beyond by the High Templar.
  • Raethan - "the Betrayer" - a Brinerot warband member who could control the power of lightning and discovered electricity as power for machines.
  • Icius Perandus - a member of the Perandus family formerly under Malachai, he protected the Order's artefacts from theft by Cadiro. He played a role in the Purity Rebellion, preventing the collapse of the Eternal Empire but ultimately leading to the Cataclysm.
  • Eutychus - "Deacon" - a member of the Order of the Templar that served under Cardinal Sanctus Vox, trapped in the Domain of Timeless Conflict.
  • Egrin - "of the Dark Between Stars", "Forger of the Sealing Blade" - an Azmeri outcast who may have contributed to the founding of Sarn; he spoke of the madness of the void and created the StarforgeStarforge
    Infernal Sword
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
    (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
    +(90-100) to maximum Life
    Your Physical Damage can Shock
    20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
    Deal no Elemental Damage
    The end is written into the beginning.
    through his self-sacrifice.
  • Qianga - "of the Stars", "of the Celestial Cold", "Deliverer of the Sealing Blade" - a Mutewind warband outcast who dreamt of the cosmos and the nightmares of Decay. She delivered the StarforgeStarforge
    Infernal Sword
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
    (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
    +(90-100) to maximum Life
    Your Physical Damage can Shock
    20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
    Deal no Elemental Damage
    The end is written into the beginning.
    to the Watchers of Decay.
  • Betucia - "Bearer of the Sealing Blade" - an Eternal orphan who managed dream-artefacts, bearing the StarforgeStarforge
    Infernal Sword
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
    (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
    +(90-100) to maximum Life
    Your Physical Damage can Shock
    20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
    Deal no Elemental Damage
    The end is written into the beginning.
    to imprison the Elder.
  • Revna - "Runesmith" - a foreign member that was tasked with learning of the past of the world and the secret of the stars.
  • Sarina Titucius - a descendant of Hector Titucius who could decipher the Harbinger text and investigated the Harbinger Gate, the only member to receive a Gilded Scarab while alive, and the last living recognized member until her death by the Immortal Syndicate.


Egrin is a member of the Order of the Djinn only mentioned by the Elder Scarabs. According to the scarabs, they were cast out of the Azmeri after their visions may have led to the founding of the Eternal Empire. They were taken in by the Order of the Djinn. They are credited for the forging of StarforgeStarforge
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Physical Damage can Shock
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Elemental Damage
The end is written into the beginning.
, the weapon that led to the sealing of the Elder.

Artifacts related to the Order

  • StarforgeStarforge
    Infernal Sword
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
    (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
    +(90-100) to maximum Life
    Your Physical Damage can Shock
    20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
    Deal no Elemental Damage
    The end is written into the beginning.
  • Cane of KulemakCane of Kulemak
    Serpentine Staff
    Physical Damage: 56-117
    Critical Strike Chance: 7.80%
    Attacks per Second: 1.25
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 68, 85 Str, 85 Int+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(60-90)% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes
    Veiled Prefix
    Veiled Suffix
    <Veiled Prefix or Veiled Suffix>
    <veiled mod pool>
    Stolen power is still power.Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
  • Horns of Kulemak
  • ParadoxicaParadoxica
    Vaal Rapier
    One Handed Sword
    Physical Damage: 22-87
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
    Attacks per Second: 1.30
    Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
    Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierAttacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage
    Veiled Prefix
    Veiled Suffix
    <veiled mod pool>
    What has no siblings but is always a twin?Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.


The order has a secret vault in The Oasis of The Vastiri Desert (despite the in-game playable areas: The Oasis and The Vastiri Desert are two areas). Inside the vault is Horns of Kulemak, which Catarina, Master of Undeath used to revive corpses to zombies that have their mind restored. The Cane of KulemakCane of Kulemak
Serpentine Staff
Physical Damage: 56-117
Critical Strike Chance: 7.80%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 68, 85 Str, 85 Int+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(60-90)% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<Veiled Prefix or Veiled Suffix>
<veiled mod pool>
Stolen power is still power.Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
is probably the same item or related.


Exile, I fear I have not been entirely honest with you. This dusty pit was once the Forbidden Vault, and I its guardian. That you have not heard of it is not surprising; it was kept in absolute secrecy for countless generations, known only to my akhara, the--... the Order of the Djinn. It feels so strange to tell someone. To speak so plainly would have been a sin of the highest order, punishable by death. It seems harsh to an outsider like yourself, but you do not know the importance of what we did...


- Jun "Jun's Secret" dialogue


My akhara, my people, were long ago tasked with protecting the people of Wraeclast from themselves. Many artifacts of great power exist -- you have come across some such in your travels. But there are some artifacts whose power is so great that to use them would put the world in jeopardy. Artifacts like the Horns of Kulemak. We, the Order of the Djinn, existed to keep such power sealed away and secret. Better that the world forget that it, and we, exist, than fight for control of a power they have no hope of controlling.


- Jun "The Forbidden Vault" dialogue


You have not heard of us because you were never meant to hear of us. I say us... in truth, it is just me left. We came from all walks of life, but we were all orphans, taken in and raised by the Order, and taught never to speak of it under punishment of death. It sounds harsh, I understand, but such was the importance of our duty that a life of solitude and secrecy was necessary. For hundreds, maybe thousands of years, we remained secret, until Janus Perandus... that... that imbecile... He sold us out. Reaching for the last vestiges of his ancestral glory. Just like his great grandfather Chitus, he may have doomed us all.


- Jun "Order of the Djinn" dialogue


We were only taught what was passed down for generations. We believed the Horns to be the ultimate tool of life and death; capable of siphoning the very breath of life from any living thing. We do not know where it came from. Perhaps the remains of a powerful, long-dead animal. Perhaps a creation of the gods themselves. Regardless of its provenance, I believe the Horns are what have given the Immortal Syndicate their miraculous ability to return from the dead unscathed.


- Jun "Horns of Kulemak" dialogue


So Jun's people snuck about history stashing powerful artifacts, did they? Do you happen to know if any such artifacts were stashed in the Temple of Atzoatl at any point... no? Fine. Just a thought.


- Alva "Order of the Djinn" dialogue


The Order of the Djinn is real? You have no idea how much that means to me as an archaeologist. I was in an apprentice position, yes, but my colleagues still refused to listen to a degree I found absurd. I was convinced that there was a pattern behind the absence of artifacts of myth. My conviction reached a certainty so strong that, if a colleague told me about an expedition they had in mind, and if the sought after artifact was one of sufficient mythological renown, I would bet a month's pay that it would not be found at its supposed resting place. I never lost those bets, and now I know I was right, even though I didn't know the name of my theorized secret organisation of relic keepers until now. The Order of the Djinn found and sequestered all of those powerful artifacts long ago, and good they did. Power like that in the hands of men like Dominus would be catastrophic.


- Helena "Order of the Djinn" dialogue


I knew those of the Djinn well, when I was mortal. Despite that accursed word in their name, Order, they did not knowingly answer to a higher Impulse. I found it curious that the vagaries of Fate kept bringing such exceptional individuals together, and for a time, I believed that I was exceptional. My hubris was my own undoing, just as it was theirs... several times, in fact. Yet, they always reform. There is always a new gathering. Or hadn't you noticed your increasingly eclectic collection of allies in that increasingly crowded hole you call a hideout? The chaotic Impulse in a Perandus heart recently struck a great blow for us, but here you are, a mere heartbeat later.


- The Trialmaster "Order of the Djinn" dialogue

Starforge and the sealing of the Elder

Flavor texts on Scarabs reveal that StarforgeStarforge
Infernal Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
(5-8)% increased Attack Speed
+(90-100) to maximum Life
Your Physical Damage can Shock
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Deal no Elemental Damage
The end is written into the beginning.
was created by the Order of the Djinn, of whom Egrin forged it,[3] Qianga delivered it to the Watchers of Decay,[4] and Betucia bore it to imprison the Elder, sacrificing themselves in the process.[5]


Prior to version 3.24.0, scarabs contained epitaphs of notable members of the Order of the Djinn in their flavour texts. They followed a specific pattern based on the tier of the scarab:

  • Rusted: The member at the time of joining the Order.
  • Polished: The member's primary achievement.
  • Gilded: The member's death and legacy.
  • Winged: The current state of crisis without the member's presence.

The following are listed in roughly chronological order:

Abyss Scarabs - Ahkeli

  • Rusted: As the hordes of bone and blood and foul magic surge across the Vastiri Plains, the scant survivors of our akhara agree to your alliance, ash-scarred Ahkeli. Disorder means death. Order may mean life.
  • Polished: Your golems and your leadership have slowed the tide of death, Clayshaper. The relics of power you bid us find have kept the Vastiri Plains from the brink of oblivion. The defences of the Maraketh will hold.
  • Gilded: The Winter of the World has ended at the hands of the Three Sisters. We lay this scarab upon your ancient grave in thanks for your efforts, Honoured Founder. As you hoped, the fate of your people will never befall another.
  • Winged: The Abyssals creep forth by night and by storm. Their eons underground were not a respite, but an amassing, and now they number beyond comprehension.

Divination Scarabs - Narumoa

  • Rusted: You were a casualty of callous Karui warfare, ageless Narumoa, but the Order mended your wounds. You are bound to us now by your own code.
  • Polished: Though your peers fear you, Narumoa, the elders have decided that your second sight is ideal for handling all artefacts that seek to subvert Fate.
  • Gilded: Your centuries of service have been invaluable to us, Narumoa. Go now, return to Hinekora, and join your ancient kin in the halls of the dead.
  • Winged: Hinekora has sent the world another herald, but this hatungo walks another path. We are left blinded, and subject to the vagaries of Fate.

Metamorph Scarabs - Saresh

  • Rusted: Rejected even by the Faridun outcasts, young Saresh, you were cursed to walk the white sands until we found you. The Order shall command your penance now.
  • Polished: As you explore the vast well of human darkness, Saresh, our Surgeon of the Dead, remember that the price can sometimes exceed the value of knowledge.
  • Gilded: There was a man of bone, rotting flesh, and weeping black, but his name, his ill-gotten knowledge, and his role in the Order shall be stricken from memory.
  • Winged: Though the Necromancer of Weeping Black fell in the desert by the hand of Garukhan, his mindless legions remain scattered throughout Wraeclast, with no master to curb their hunger.

Bestiary Scarabs - Agnar

  • Rusted: Feuding Ezomytes slaughtered your kin, young Agnar, but we pulled you from the flames. The Order of the Djinn is your clan now.
  • Polished: None among us understand the beasts of this world better than you, honoured Agnar. You will root out the mysteries of wild-artefacts.
  • Gilded: The Order was your clan in life, Agnar, Beastmaster, but the First Ones call back their favoured son. The gift of their Visions will pass to another.
  • Winged: Without an experienced Beastmaster to find them new realms, the First Ones' ravaging hunt brings them ever closer to Wraeclast.

Ultimatum Scarabs - Ixchel

  • Rusted: We pulled you from the piled dead, young Ixchel, while your people were going mad with fear. The gods may have vanished, but the Order will watch over you now.
  • Polished: For infiltrating the Priesthood of Yaomac and returning with their sleeping form, Ixchel, we honour you. Your next task must be to infiltrate the Temple of Chaos.
  • Gilded: It was our error, Ixchel Godstealer, that led to your fate. Chaos is not asleep, thus not a god, and for your eternal suffering, you have our eternal remorse.
  • Winged: The silent war of shadows and struggle must be set aside. Order and Chaos must ally against the coming tide.

Reliquary Scarabs - Sumei

  • Rusted: The Maraketh left you to die alone in the desert, young Sumei, but we saw the potential in you. The Order of the Djinn is your akhara now.
  • Polished: As the best of our lorekeepers, honoured Sumei, it is now your task to investigate the mysterious duplication of artefacts of power.
  • Gilded: Go to your rest now, Sumei, Master Lorekeeper. The Order shall keep contained the terrible secret that burdened your final years.
  • Winged: The books were burned, and the scribes set themselves aflame. What secret so terrible could they have discovered? Though centuries have passed, we must investigate this for ourselves.

Breach Scarabs - Omid

  • Rusted: The Ember-dwellers sought to throw you to their volcanic god, young Omid, but we caught you instead. The Order of the Djinn is your tribe now.
  • Polished: We task you, honoured Omid, with the investigation of this mysterious 'Xoph' and artefacts related to rifts in the boundaries of our world.
  • Gilded: Omid, Master Researcher, has left a final commandment upon his death: the world must never know.
  • Winged: The Master Researcher's final commandment has failed. The High Templar has seen the truth of our situation, and the world will be undone by his fear.

Cartography Scarabs - Betucia

  • Rusted: Consider yourself an orphaned Eternal no longer, young Betucia. The Order of the Djinn is your family now.
  • Polished: For your loyalty and valour, honoured Betucia, we are proud to put the requisition of dream-artefacts in your capable hands.
  • Gilded: Betucia, Bearer of the Sealing Blade, the Order of the Djinn survives because of your sacrifice, but will be forever wounded by your loss.
  • Winged: The Sealing Blade has been removed, and the agent of Decay shall feed upon this world until nothing remains but dust.

Elder Scarabs - Egrin

  • Rusted: Your visions led the Azmeri down into a world left abandoned by the Vaal. They cast you out, young Egrin, but the Order of the Djinn accepts you.
  • Polished: Speaker of unclean truths, Egrin of the Dark Between Stars. We curse you whose soul echoes the madness of the void!
  • Gilded: Egrin of the Dark Between Stars, Forger of the Sealing BladeStarforge
    Infernal Sword
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
    (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
    +(90-100) to maximum Life
    Your Physical Damage can Shock
    20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
    Deal no Elemental Damage
    The end is written into the beginning.
    , let your name be redeemed by your unexpected sacrifice.
  • Winged: We are all equally fools for our childish notions. That dread force Decay cannot be defeated by self-sacrifice.

Shaper Scarabs - Qianga

  • Rusted: The Peak-dwellers saw you as impure, young Qianga, but the Order of the Djinn sees you as all the stronger for your uniqueness.
  • Polished: Bold dreamer, Qianga of the Stars, she of the Celestial Cold! These titles we bestow upon the one among us whose soul speaks to the ineffable.
  • Gilded: Qianga of the Stars, Deliverer of the Sealing Blade to the Watchers, go now, and let your half-dreamt life be troubled by nightmares of achromic hunger no more.
  • Winged: The Watchers have gone silent, yet they scream still. Something lurks among the stars of our dreams, knocking at the door, whispering with the voices of long lost friends...

Expedition Scarabs - Revna

  • Rusted: Your people no longer walk this continent, young Revna, but the Order of the Djinn will give you a new home.
  • Polished: As you delve into the mysteries of this world, apprentice Revna, remember to learn from the past, not be consumed by it.
  • Gilded: We lay you to rest in the forest deep, Runesmith Revna, so that you may be forever hidden from the stars which so terrified you in your final days. May the secret you took to your grave be lifted from your burdens.
  • Winged: Darkness surges in the shadows of the past. Ancient evils stir. The stars watch, forever aloof, forever menacing. None remain who know the secret, so we are defenseless in the face of the unknown.

Blight Scarabs - Dhunan

  • Rusted: We pulled you from the raging ocean, young Dhunan, but we cannot return you to your home. The Order of the Djinn offers you a place on Wraeclast.
  • Polished: For using the techniques of your homeland to contain the fungal plague, honoured Dhunan, you shall lead the war to eliminate it and end the century-cycle of infestation.
  • Gilded: Be at rest, Blightmaster Dhunan, on the distant shores of your home. A dangerous expedition, but one worthy for he who gave his life to cleanse Wraeclast.
  • Winged: The fungal plague returns, and its roots have adapted. The undiscovered Blightheart that Dhunan theorised must still exist somewhere, yet none remain with the skill to see to its destruction.

Torment Scarabs - Tsarsk

  • Rusted: Young Tsarsk, you were a broken and forgotten child lying glassy-eyed in a flesh-pit in Trarthus, but the Order found and cleansed you.
  • Polished: Your tortured soul long kept you isolated from your peers, Tsarsk, but has attracted new kindred in kind. You are tasked with appeasing these anguished spirits.
  • Gilded: Though you were swallowed by your own darkness, you saved countless others from eternal misery, young Tsarsk. You were not nothing, as you feared.
  • Winged: Without a speaker of the dead, the countless anguished spirits only grow in number. They have no voice, and no hope. The sun darkens with each passing year.

Ambush Scarabs - Rindwik

  • Rusted: Your outlaw camp abandoned you when their surprise attack failed, young Rindwik. Now that you know we exist, we cannot let you go. You have two choices.
  • Polished: Your people were renegades, Rindwik, but you have proven your loyalty. You will lead the martial defence of our expeditions.
  • Gilded: Master Warrior Rindwik fell to one opponent alone: old age. Only the greatest soldiers can say as much.
  • Winged: In the absence of a strong martial presence, the renegades rise once more. Their poisons threaten to cloud the land.

Sulphite Scarabs - Raethan

  • Rusted: As the first Brinerot to join the Order, you have much to prove, young Raethan. We are confident you will succeed.
  • Polished: For harnessing and controlling the power of lightning, you, Raethan, are now charged with researching this new energy.
  • Gilded: Let him not be called Raethan the Betrayer. His discovery was too important to keep locked away. Now, for good or ill, it is in civilisation's hands.
  • Winged: Madness marches in machine form. Harnessed lightning, grim faces, and cold ambition abounds. Civilisation will be its own undoing.

Legion Scarabs - Eutychus

  • Rusted: Your faith and our Order are not in opposition, young Eutychus. Let this be the start of a new era of cooperation.
  • Polished: As our hand in the Chamber, we grant you, Deacon Eutychus, access to a domain we lack the resources to explore.
  • Gilded: Given the fate of Deacon Eutychus and the men under Cardinal Sanctus Vox, let none dare the Domain, lest they too feed that vile hunger eternal.
  • Winged: As the passage between Wraeclast and the land beyond time's reach is torn open, we stand on the precipice of eternal war. And no one remains to hold us back.

Perandus Scarabs - Icius Perandus

  • Rusted: We plucked you from Malachai's torturous grasp, Icius Perandus, for a reason. Mankind is in grave peril. By accepting this scarab, you pledge your life.
  • Polished: By planning against the theft and plundering of artefacts by your family's patron, Cadiro, you have shown your intellect, Icius. The Order of the Djinn puts its faith in you.
  • Gilded: The dark day has come, Icius Perandus. Today either we succeed or humanity dies. Enact your plan. Prevent the fate of the Vaal from befalling the Eternal Empire!
  • Winged: We few who remain live in the envy of those who do not. The land rots, the water is poison, and the air is fire. We curse you, Icius, for succeeding in saving us.

Harbinger Scarabs - Sarina Titucius

  • Rusted: Your ancestry has been much maligned by history, young Sarina Titucius, but to the Order of the Djinn, you are born anew.
  • Polished: For deciphering the language of the inscrutable ones, honoured Sarina, we charge you with investigating their intent in our land.
  • Gilded: For your valour beyond the Gate, Sarina Titucius, we honour you with the first Gilded Scarab awarded while its recipient still lives. Remain vigilant.
  • Winged: The thousand year truce has faltered, for the inscrutable ones have imprisoned their own God. Should they invade again, there will be no warning.


  1. Based on the dialogue of Jun
  2. Cadiro: "Ah yes, Paradoxica. One of many relics that the Order of the Djinn fought to protect. They thought they operated in secret, but Perandus coin unveils all secrets in time."
  3. Based on the flavour text of Gilded Elder Scarab
  4. Based on the flavour text of Gilded Shaper Scarab
  5. Based on the flavour text of Gilded Cartography Scarab