Extra Content

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Extra Content is a keyword that represents content and league mechanics from previous challenge leagues that can be encountered randomly in Maps, some of which are also encounterable in the Acts.

By default, most sources of Extra Content appear at a base chance of approximately >8% in maps. Older mechanics may have different spawn chance calculations which have never been officially published in patch notes. Some of these chances can be increased by various Notables and small passives on the Atlas Passive Skill Tree, or reduced to 0% through various Notables. Things that modify the rate of Extra Content do not prevent it from being spawned via guaranteed encounters e.g. Scarabs, map crafting options, or map modifiers.

Currently, Extra Content includes the following:

Extra content spawn chance
Mechanic League Base spawn chance Associated rewards
Abysses Abyss league ~8% Stygian ViseStygian ViseHas 1 Abyssal Socket, Abyss Jewels
Alva missions Incursion league ?% Access to the Temple of Atzoatl
Beyond Demons Beyond league 0%* Tainted currency items
Breaches Breach league ~8% Breachstones, breachstone splinters
Blights Blight league ~8% Oils, Blighted/Blight-ravaged maps
Einhar missions Bestiary league ?% Captured beasts for beastcrafting
Harbingers Harbinger league 0%* Harbinger currency shards
Niko missions Delve league ?% Sulphite for the Azurite Mine
Expedition Encounters Expedition league ~8% Logbooks, Expedition vendor currency, Ward equipment, Iron FlaskIron FlaskLasts 4.00 Seconds
Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use
+200 to Ward
Requires Level 27Restores Ward on useRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Jun missions Betrayal league ?% Veiled items, Immortal Syndicate Safehouse rewards
Legion Encounters Legion league ~8% Emblems, emblem splinters
Mirrors of Delirium Delirium league ~8% Cluster jewels, Simulacrum SplintersSimulacrum SplinterStack Size: 300Combine 300 Splinters to create a Simulacrum., Delirium Orbs
Monsters Imprisoned by Essences Essence league Unknown Essences
Nameless Seer Affliction league ?% (T16+ only) Unique items, Scrying maps
Reflective Mist Kalandra league ?% (T16+ only) Reflected jewellery, File:Reflecting Mist inventory icon.pngReflecting MistReflecting MistStack Size: 10Unpredictably reflects a rare amulet or ring, breaking it into two mirrored halves with reflected modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare amulet or ring to reflect it. Cannot be used on Synthesised, Veiled, or Influenced items.File:Reflecting Mist inventory icon.png
Ritual Altars Ritual league ~8% Ritual base type items, Omens, Ritual VesselsRitual VesselStack Size: 10Stores the monsters slain for the first time from a completed Ritual Altar for future useRight-click this item then left-click a Ritual Altar to store the monsters from the completed Ritual in this item. Cannot be used on a Ritual in a map opened with a Blood-Filled Vessel., Ritual SplintersRitual SplinterStack Size: 100Combine 100 Splinters to create a Ritual Vessel., An Audience With The KingAn Audience With The KingOn the edge of existence, he watches with ire.Open a portal to the Crux of Nothingness by using this item in a personal Map Device. Can only be used once.
Rogue exiles Anarchy league Unknown Additional unique monsters in areas
Tempests Tempest league 0%* Various buff/debuffs; increased item quantity/rarity
The Sacred Grove Harvest league ~8% Lifeforce for Harvest crafting
Sentinel Sentinel league ?% (T16+ only) Adds rewards to empowered monsters
Shrines Domination league Unknown Shrine buffs
Smuggler's Caches Heist league Unknown Contracts, Blueprints, Rogue's MarkersRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout
Used as Currency for services in the Rogue Harbour
Right click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.
Strongboxes Ambush league 24% [a][1]
Tormented Spirits Torment league Unknown Increased monster rarity/quantity
Ultimatum Encounters Ultimatum league ~8% Catalysts, Inscribed UltimatumsInscribed UltimatumCan be used in a personal map device to open portals to the Trialmaster's Domain and attempt his challenge. Portals will close once the challenge begins., Trialmaster encounters
The Viridian Wildwood Affliction league ?% (T16+ only) Adds Wisps to monsters in map

*Beyond Demons, Harbingers, and Tempests are not encountered naturally and require atlas passive skills, map crafting options, or scarabs to add them to areas.

Note that previous league mechanics that did not go core (e.g. Invasion, Rampage, Talisman, Warbands, Synthesis, Trial of the Ancestors, Necropolis, etc.) are not considered Extra Content. Vaal side area and Trials of Ascendancy are also not considered Extra Content. Other former league mechanics that were part of the core game but were subsequently removed (e.g. Prophecy, Nemesis, Bloodlines, Archnemesis, Perandus, Metamorph) are not considered "Extra Content" as well.

Related Atlas passive skills

Back to Basics
Your Maps randomly have between 0 to 80% more Explicit Modifier Effect
Extra Content cannot appear in your Maps
Cannot apply Influence to your Maps [1]
Black Thumb
Your Maps have no chance to contain the Sacred Grove
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Harvest Scarabs [1]
Dimensional Barrier
Your Maps have no chance to contain Breaches
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Breach Scarabs [1]
Fungal Remission
Your Maps have no chance to contain Blight Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Blight Scarabs [1]
Loved by the Sun
Your Maps have no chance to contain Abysses
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Abyss Scarabs [1]
Ominous Silence
Your Maps have no chance to contain Mirrors of Delirium
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Delirium Scarabs [1]
Sealed Domain
Your Maps have no chance to contain Legion Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Legion Scarabs [1]
Secular Focus
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ritual Altars
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ritual Scarabs [1]
Servant of Order
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ultimatum Scarabs [1]
Straight and Narrow
Your Maps have no chance to contain Smuggler's Caches
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Rogue's Markers, Contracts and Blueprints cannot be found in Your Maps [1]
Trade Embargo
Your Maps have no chance to contain Expedition Encounters
Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Expedition Scarabs [1]

Version history

Version Changes
  • Tempests and Affliction Wisps are now considered as Extra Content, and will no longer be present in Map Areas with the Back to Basics Atlas Keystone Passive allocated.
  • The definition of Extra Content has changed to include wild masters and certain league mechanics such as Beyond and Torment, based on new Back to Basics keystone's reminder text.
  • [Ruthless-specific This patch note only applies to Ruthless mode and does not affect the main game mode.] Einhar, Alva, Jun and Niko missions are now part of the pool of available outcomes for extra content individually.
  • Ultimatum has been added to the core game, replacing Metamorph. You will have approximately an 8% chance to find the Trialmaster and his Trials of Chaos in Maps.
  • Metamorph has been removed from the core game.
  • We want to improve on the concept that the Atlas Tree allows players to invest into leagues that they enjoy, and have added new clusters to the passive tree for league content that can be blocked through Atlas Passive Skills. We've also increased the chances for such league content to appear.
  • The chance for Map Areas to contain a Mirror of Delirium no longer increases by a small amount for each other league, atlas or master mechanic that appears in that area. Instead, Map Areas now have an 8% chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium, with campaign areas from the Torched Courts onwards having a slightly higher chance.
  • Added a new Atlas Keystone Passive Skill, Stream of Consciousness, which grants "Your Maps cannot be modified by Fragments" and "Your Maps have 50% more Base chance to contain Extra Content".
  • "Extra Content" as a keyword is introduced (see: Stream of Consciousness)
  • Increased the chance for Map Areas to contain The Sacred Grove by 60%. The chance to encounter a Zana mission requiring you to complete a Harvest encounter has also been increased by the same amount.
  • Reduced the chance for Map Areas to contain Abyss, Ambush, Blight, Breach, Domination, Essence, Heist, Legion, Metamorph and Torment encounters by 20%. The chance to encounter a Zana mission containing any of these mechanics has also been lowered by the same amount.
  • Reduced the chance for Map Areas to contain a Delirium Mirror by approximately 20%. The chance to encounter a Zana mission containing a Delirium encounter has also been lowered by the same amount.
  • Rogue Exiles will start to spawn in all leagues (including Race events) at around 60% of the rate that they appear in Anarchy.[2]


  1. Datamined metadata for strongbox spawn chance was decreased from 30 to 24 in version 3.14.0, corresponding to the 20% reduction in encounter rate from the patch notes.[1] This data is no longer dataminable as of version 3.16.0.
