The Devouring Diadem

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The Devouring Diadem
Necromancer Circlet
Energy Shield: (154-204)Requires Level 54, 112 Int+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency
Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
(180-220)% increased Energy Shield
10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
Eldritch Battery
Veiled Suffix
(10-12)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention
+(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
+(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
+(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
+(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
(14-16)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
(36-40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused
+(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
+(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
The spirit hungers for the flesh.Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Drop restricted
Vendor Offer
16x Alchemy Shard
3x Alteration Shard
Item class: Helmet

The Devouring Diadem is a unique Necromancer CircletNecromancer CircletEnergy Shield: (55-64)Requires Level 54, 112 Int.


Feast of Flesh

When triggered the spell consumes up to 10 corpses and restores 400 Life, 200 Mana, and 400 Energy Shield per corpse consumed.

The time between triggers is not affected by Increased Cooldown Recovery.


The Eldritch Battery mod has the same effect as the keystone, Eldritch Battery. Taking the keystone in addition to equipping this item will impart no additional benefit.

The veiled modifier can unveil into the following modifiers:

StatsSpawn Weighting
+(31-35) to Strength and Dexteritybody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
shield 600
quiver 600
+(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligencebody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
shield 600
quiver 600
+(31-35) to Strength and Intelligencebody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
shield 600
quiver 600
(10-12)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Preventionhelmet 1000
body_armour 1000
(14-16)% increased Mine Throwing Speedamulet 1000
helmet 1000
(36-40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focusedhelmet 1000
Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
helmet 1000
+(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistancesbody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
shield 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
quiver 600
+(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistancesbody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
shield 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
quiver 600
+(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistancesbody_armour 600
boots 600
gloves 600
helmet 600
shield 600
amulet 600
ring 600
belt 600
quiver 600

Item acquisition

The Devouring Diadem has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:

Ruthless mode

Although veiled rare items cannot be found in Ruthless mode, this item will still drop with a veiled modifier and can be unveiled via Jun.

Legacy variants

The Devouring Diadem has legacy variants.

Version discontinued Stats Compare each legacy variant to the current variant.
  • Stat line – Same as current variant
  • Stat line – Different from current variant

  • +1 to Level of Socketed Gems
  • Socketed Gems have 20% increased Reservation Efficiency
  • Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
  • (180-220)% increased Energy Shield
  • 10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
  • Eldritch Battery
  • One veiled suffix
  • +1 to Level of Socketed Gems
  • Socketed Gems have 20% increased Reservation Efficiency
  • Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
  • (180-220)% increased Energy Shield
  • 10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
  • Eldritch Battery
  • One legacy veiled suffix
  • +1 to Level of Socketed Gems
  • Socketed Gems have 20% increased Reservation Efficiency
  • Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
  • (180-220)% increased Energy Shield
  • 10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
  • Eldritch Battery
  • One double legacy veiled suffix

The veiled mod unveiled on this item prior version 3.14.0 are crafted mod, thus can be removed via crafting bench, potentially brick the item. There are other numeric change in the veiled modifier. For details, read veiled modifier § Version history and relevant patch notes.

The crafting bench version of veiled modifiers are difference between the version introduced in version 3.6.0 (and not obtainable on this item post-3.14), and the initial version released during Betrayal league.

Item skins

The following item skins apply only to The Devouring Diadem:

Cosmic Devouring DiademCosmic Devouring DiademHelmet SkinYour Devouring Diadem triggers a cosmic Feast of Flesh effect and causes your Energy Shield to take on an ethereal appearance.Your Devouring Diadem triggers a cosmic Feast of Flesh effect and causes your Energy Shield to take on an ethereal appearance.


Version history

Version Changes
  • The Unique Item drop chances for Catarina, Master of Undeath have been rebalanced.
  • Can now drop from any level of the Catarina encounter. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • If not mentioned below, all sources that previously provided reduced reservation, including for specific skills or types of skills, now provide increased mana reservation efficiency at twice the value of the reduced reservation they used to give. Modifiers on existing items are affected by these changes.
    • Items that previously caused socketed gems to have reduced reservation have been balanced separately to other reservation efficiency effects. They still provide generic reservation efficiency rather than mana reservation efficiency, but generally have values lower than double the amount of reservation reduction they used to provide. Existing items will be updated to the functionality and values stated below, but will still display the old values unless updated with a Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it..
      • The Devouring Diadem now grants “Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency”, instead of “Socketed Gems have 20% reduced Reservation”.
  • The basetype now has new defence value, affects all versions. Existing items received the lowest roll, and can be rerolled by using a Sacred OrbSacred OrbStack Size: 10Randomises the numeric values of base defences on an armourRight click this item then left click an armour to apply it..
  • Modifiers that are unveiled through Jun are now more powerful than before. Previously, when an item was unveiled, the veiled modifier added to the item would be equal to the highest tier modifier available on the Crafting Bench. Now, the modifier being unveiled no longer counts as a crafted modifier and will be stronger than any craftable veiled modifier.
  • There are other balance changes on veiled modifiers that affect legacy Vivinsect. See Version 3.14.0 § Crafted Veiled Modifier Balance for details.
  • Several veiled modifiers now have fewer tiers. Low tiers contribute more towards unlocking higher tiers, however it will, on average, take more unveils to unlock the highest tier.
  • Introduced to the game.

ru:Пожирающая диадема