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Hope5Prismatic Ring
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 30 / 68
Academy MapAcid Caverns MapAlleyways MapAncient City MapArachnid Nest MapArachnid Tomb MapArcade MapArena MapArid Lake MapArmoury MapArsenal MapAshen Wood MapAtoll MapBarrows MapBasilica MapBazaar MapBeach MapBelfry MapBog MapBone Crypt MapBramble Valley MapBurial Chambers MapCage MapCaldera MapCanyon MapCarcass MapCastle Ruins MapCells MapCemetery MapChannel MapChateau MapCity Square MapCold River MapColonnade MapColosseum MapConservatory MapCoral Ruins MapCore MapCourthouse MapCourtyard MapCoves MapCrimson Temple MapCrimson Township MapCrystal Ore MapCursed Crypt MapDark Forest MapDefiled Cathedral MapDesert MapDesert Spring MapDig MapDry Sea MapDunes MapDungeon MapEstuary MapExcavation MapFactory MapFields MapFlooded Mine MapForbidden Woods MapForking River MapFoundry MapFrozen Cabins MapGardens MapGeode MapGhetto MapGlacier MapGrave Trough MapGraveyard MapGrotto MapHaunted Mansion MapIceberg MapInfested Valley MapIvory Temple MapJungle Valley MapLaboratory MapLair MapLava Chamber MapLava Lake MapLeyline MapLighthouse MapLookout MapMalformation MapMarshes MapMausoleum MapMaze MapMesa MapMineral Pools MapMoon Temple MapMud Geyser MapMuseum MapNecropolis MapOrchard MapOvergrown Ruin MapOvergrown Shrine MapPalace MapPark MapPen MapPeninsula MapPhantasmagoria MapPier MapPit MapPlateau MapPlaza MapPort MapPrecinct MapPrimordial Pool MapPromenade MapRacecourse MapRamparts MapReef MapRelic Chambers MapResidence MapScriptorium MapSepulchre MapShipyard MapShore MapShrine MapSiege MapSilo MapSpider Forest MapSpider Lair MapFungal Hollow MapStagnation MapStrand MapSulphur Vents MapSummit MapSunken City MapTemple MapTerrace MapThicket MapPrimordial Blocks MapTower MapToxic Sewer MapCrater MapTropical Island MapUnderground River MapUnderground Sea MapVaal Pyramid MapVaal Temple MapVault MapVilla MapVolcano MapWasteland MapWaste Pool MapWaterways MapWharf Map
Drops from any map area. Has a minimum drop level restriction of 68 Equivalent to Normal monsters in T1 maps. and a maximum drop level restriction of 68 Equivalent to Normal monsters in T1 maps..
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Divination Card
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardHope

Hope is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random corrupted unique Prismatic RingPrismatic RingRequires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances.

Item acquisition

Hope has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Drops from any map area. Has a minimum drop level restriction of 68 Equivalent to Normal monsters in T1 maps. and a maximum drop level restriction of 68 Equivalent to Normal monsters in T1 maps..

Area restrictions

This item can be acquired in the following areas:


Hope can be created from the following recipes:

5The GamblerThe Gambler5Divination Card"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."Random divination cardA
1Stacked DeckStacked DeckStack Size: 20A stack of unknown divination cardsRight click to take a divination card out of the deck.Random divination cardA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Usage in recipes

Hope is used in the following recipes:

Lori's LanternLori's Lantern
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances+10% to all Elemental Resistances
(6-8)% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life
31% increased Light Radius
+(20-25)% to Chaos Resistance when on Low Life
Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life
By its light, Lori led her young charges to safety
and bound up their wounds.
Her sword arm was iron, yet her heart gentle
and proof against hate.
5HopeHope5Prismatic Ring
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.
Random corrupted Prismatic RingA
Thief's TormentThief's Torment
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances(20-30)% increased Rarity of Items Found
Can't use other Rings
+(25-40)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain (40-60) Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
Gain 30 Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacks
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
The ring I stole,
My finger they took,
A shrouded mind,
Cut their curses short,
As I drained their spirit
And stole their soul.
A blessing is often a curse.
5HopeHope5Prismatic Ring
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.
Random corrupted Prismatic RingA

Design attribution

This card has not yet been assigned or the creator wishes to remain anonymous.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Confirmed by Divcord to be restricted to T1 maps. [Verified on Divcord This information has been verified by players on Divcord, the divination card discovery Discord server. Actual undocumented changes to drop locations may have occurred in a previous patch.]
  • This card's drop level requirement was changed. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Drop weightings and minimum area levels for the vast majority of cards have not been changed, but drop weightings for a very small number of cards have been reduced in cases where the number of maps they're available from has greatly increased.
  • A longstanding bug in the code determining area level restrictions for some divination card drops has been fixed. This means that cards intended to have a high area level requirement (mostly ones that grant item level 100 items) will no longer fluctuate wildly in availability from league to league.
  • Introduced to the game.