Courtyard Map

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This article is about the variant of Courtyard Map from the most recent map series in which it appeared. For other variants, see § Map variants.
[view] [edit]Courtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Drop level: 71
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Map
Map area
No Waypoint
Area level75
BossesOriath's Virtue
Oriath's Vengeance
Oriath's Vigil
Area type tagsforest, swamp, urban
Tagsmap, einharmaps, garden_area, lightning_area, triple_boss_map, rain_area, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_citadel
The Shaper: An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.

Courtyard Map is a map area.

Courtyard Map is in the current map series (Necropolis) for the Atlas of Worlds.




Boss video

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Emperor's LuckEmperor's Luck55x CurrencyThe house always wins.23
Her MaskHer Mask4Sacrifice FragmentTo her beauty you submit,
lest your neck the great Queen slit.
HopeHope5Prismatic Ring
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.
Lingering RemnantsLingering Remnants16Vaal Temple Map
Item Level: 83
Never dying, yet not living,
Endlessly they wander
beneath the harvest moon.
Peaceful MomentsPeaceful Moments5Timeless JewelSavour these moments, for they may never return.68
Rain TempterRain Tempter9Map
Map Tier: 6
Be like water, friend.
Struck by LightningStruck by Lightning3Electrocuting Jewellery
Item Level: 76
'Lightning never strikes the same place twice'
is really just wishful thinking.
The Easy StrollThe Easy Stroll2Map
Map Tier: 15
Modifiers: 8
"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon."

- Blonca's last words
The Encroaching DarknessThe Encroaching Darkness8Map
No matter where your dreams take you, Nightmare follows close behind.
The GamblerThe Gambler5Divination Card"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."68
The PorcupineThe Porcupine6Six-Link Short Bow
Item Level: 50
The first quill separates the quick learners from the dead.
The StormcallerThe Stormcaller4Agnerod StaffIf you beckon the
Lord of Lightning,
do not be surprised
when you are struck.
The Tinkerer's TableThe Tinkerer's Table55x FossilTrying to bring your vision to life is enough to drive you mad.33
The TrialThe Trial7Map
Map Tier: 15
You cannot journey to new lands until you have the courage to leave the safety of home.
Three VoicesThree Voices33x EssenceThe village elders had a curious rule: If you hear three voices scream for aid, flee as fast as you can.23
Thunderous SkiesThunderous Skies5Storm CloudMany that have wielded the power of lightning have said that death by electrocution looks like the victim is more alive than ever before.23
The Fox in the BramblesThe Fox in the Brambles7Bramblejack
Hemmingsworth 6:10 - "And the fox gazed out from the brambles, unreachable and smirking."

Item acquisition

Courtyard Map can drop anywhere.


Courtyard Map can be created from the following recipes:

3Cartographer's DelightCartographer's Delight3Map
Map Tier: 5
A map is similar
to a pair of eyes,
without one you stumble
around, unable to find your way.
Random tier 5 mapA
4Boundless RealmsBoundless Realms4MapBoundless is the distance between where we start and where we start again.Random mapA
6The ExplorerThe Explorer6Map
A map is only useful if you know where you stand.
Random corrupted mapA
5A Dusty MemoryA Dusty Memory5Item
Item Level: 100
In the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.
Random fractured item level 100 itemA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Map variants

Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
572The Forbidden Sanctum
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 74
Map Tier: 7
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden,
hidden from the public. Selfish.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 80
Map Tier: 13
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 73
Map Tier: 6
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: 4
An elaborate, beautiful garden, hidden from the public. Selfish.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: 4
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
875War for the Atlas
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 77
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: ~
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1077Atlas of Worlds
Shaped Courtyard MapShaped Courtyard MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: ~
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1582Atlas of Worlds
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 80
Map Tier: 13
Guild Character: ~
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1380The Awakening
Courtyard MapCourtyard MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 13
Guild Character:
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

Unique versions

ItemBase ItemRequired level
The Vinktar SquareThe Vinktar Square
Courtyard Map
Map Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: ²
Item Quantity: +(100-150)%
Item Rarity: +(100-150)%
Monster Pack Size: +(30-50)%
20% more Monster Life
(30-50)% increased Pack size
Monsters are Unaffected by Shock
20% increased Monster Damage
+35% Monster Lightning Resistance
Monsters deal 35% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
To the east,
it cannot be seen.
To the west,
it cannot be touched.
To the south,
it cannot be remembered.
And to the north,
it cannot be contained.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Courtyard Map1

Version history

Version Changes
  • The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Academy, Bazaar, Burial Chambers, Cage, Channel, City Square, Courthouse, Courtyard, Coves, Estuary, Forbidden Woods, Graveyard, Haunted Mansion, Iceberg, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Lookout, Mineral Pools, Primordial Blocks, Sepulchre, Shipyard, Spider Lair, Sunken City, Toxic Sewer, and Volcano.
  • The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Basilica, Bazaar, Beach, Burial Chambers, Cage, City Square, Core, Courtyard, Crystal Ore, Desert Spring, Fields, Glacier, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Lookout, Mineral Pools, Palace, Pit, Reef, Sepulchre, Sunken City, Tower, Toxic Sewer, Tropical Island, and Volcano.
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • Many map bosses have also shifted around. Some have been retired and replaced!
  • The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked.
  • The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time.
  • The signature monsters for Courtyard and Palace Maps have been swapped.
  • Added eight new end-game Maps including a new tier of level 78 maps.

ru:Карта подворья