Mesa Map

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This article is about the variant of Mesa Map from the most recent map series in which it appeared. For other variants, see § Map variants.
[view] [edit]Mesa MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Drop level: 70
Item class: Map
Map area
No Waypoint
Area level78
BossesOak the Mighty
Area type tagsmountain
Tagsmap, einharmaps, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_fortress
The Shaper: Barren and sun-bleached. Emptiness as far as the eye can reach.
Barren and sun-bleached.

Emptiness as far as

the eye can reach.

Mesa Map is a map area.

Mesa Map is in the current map series (Settlers) for the Atlas of Worlds.




Oak the Mighty, based on bandit lord Oak.

Boss video

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
The Scarred MeadowThe Scarred Meadow9Wake of DestructionThe earth offers nourishment, growth and healing. Unless, of course, the sky has other plans.23
TranquillityTranquillity7Voltaxic RiftBeware the sudden calm, for it is a sure sign of a storm on the horizon.68
The FortunateThe Fortunate122x Divine OrbThe fortunate find
generosity in the divine.

Item acquisition

Mesa Map can drop anywhere.


Mesa Map can be created from the following recipes:

4Boundless RealmsBoundless Realms4MapBoundless is the distance between where we start and where we start again.Random mapA
6The ExplorerThe Explorer6Map
A map is only useful if you know where you stand.
Random corrupted mapA
5A Dusty MemoryA Dusty Memory5Item
Item Level: 100
In the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.
Random fractured item level 100 itemA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Map variants

Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 11
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1178The Forbidden Sanctum
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 81
Map Tier: 14
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 68
Map Tier: 1
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 68
Map Tier: 1
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 81
Map Tier: 14
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 69
Map Tier: 2
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 77
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 11
Guild Character: Ò
Barren and sun-bleached.
Emptiness as far as
the eye can reach.
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 11
Guild Character: Ò
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1178War for the Atlas
Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 72
Map Tier: 5
Guild Character: h
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
572Atlas of Worlds
Shaped Mesa MapShaped Mesa MapMap Level: 77
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: h
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
1077Atlas of Worlds

Unique versions

The following unique items are derived from this base type.

There are no unique versions of this item.

Version history

Version Changes
  • The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Ancient City, Bazaar, Caldera, Carcass, Chateau, City Square, Colonnade, Colosseum, Core, Coves, Crater, Dark Forest, Desert, Dig, Ghetto, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Laboratory, Mesa, Mud Geyser, Overgrown Ruin, Precinct, Racecourse, Ramparts, Relic Chambers, Sepulchre, Spider Lair, and Summit.
  • The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Academy, Acid Caverns, Arena, Basilica, Bazaar, Bog, Cage, Carcass, Channel, Courthouse, Dark Forest, Estuary, Forking River, Glacier, Grave Trough, Graveyard, Haunted Mansion, Iceberg, Ivory Temple, Lava Chamber, Lava Lake, Lookout, Mausoleum, Mesa, Mud Geyser, Palace, Pen, Reef, Spider Forest, Summit, Sunken City, Vault, and Waterways.
  • The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Academy, Acid Caverns, Ancient City, Ashen Wood, Bazaar, Bog, Burial Chambers, Cage, Carcass, Channel, Courthouse, Dark Forest, Desert, Estuary, Forking River, Gardens, Ghetto, Grave Trough, Graveyard, Haunted Mansion, Iceberg, Ivory Temple, Lava Lake, Lookout, Mausoleum, Mesa, Peninsula, Sepulchre, Spider Forest, Spider Lair, Sunken City, and Villa.
  • The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Bazaar, Beach, Belfry, Bramble Valley, Burial Chambers, Cage, Channel, City Square, Cold River, Coral Ruins, Coves, Desert Spring, Frozen Cabins, Graveyard, Iceberg, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Jungle Valley, Lava Chamber, Marshes, Mesa, Peninsula, Phantasmagoria, Precinct, Primordial Pool, Shipyard, Shrine, and Volcano.
  • This map has been removed from the Atlas.
  • This map can no longer drop.
  • You can still use your existing maps in the Map Device.
  • You can trade your existing maps to vendors. You will receive other maps that are still in the Atlas.
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • Many map bosses have also shifted around. Some have been retired and replaced!
  • Added 32 new maps including two new Unique maps.
  • The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked.
  • The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time.
  • Added to the game.