Twisted Distant Memory Synthesised MapMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 11 Item Quantity: +100% Monster Pack Size: +25%25% increased Pack size 100% increased Experience gain Monster Level: 81 Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global ModifiersCorruptedWithout our strict rule, man's destructive side would take hold. Our beautiful public spaces, our services for the ill and the needy, all of it would crumble.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Twisted Distant Memory is a uniqueSynthesised MapSynthesised MapMap Level: 78 Map Tier: 11 Guild Character: uTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.. The base map may have variable tier, but the area level of the unique map is override as 81.
Twisted Distant Memory is not part of the Atlas of Worlds. There is no bonus objective for this map. However, this map can be witnessed by the Maven as part of the prerequisites of Maven's Invitation: The ForgottenMaven's Invitation: The ForgottenModifiers to Item Quantity will affect the number of encounter rewards dropped The Maven must Witness: Rewritten Distant Memory, Augmented Distant Memory, Altered Distant Memory, Twisted Distant MemoryFor those who must not endure it, there may be found a perverse joy in watching the struggle for survival.Open portals to The Maven's Crucible by using this item in a personal Map Device..
Despite not being on the atlas, this map can still be affected by atlas passive skills that affect Synthesised Maps. Note that atlas passive skills cannot affect maps from Kirac's atlas missions.
The map has two pools of map modifiers, one draw from "synthesis global" pool (mod domain = 19), one from "synthesis local" pool (mod domain = 18).
Synthesis map modifiers are not visible on the map itself, and these modifiers are only revealed upon entering the map.
The map uses the Park MapPark MapMap Level: 76 Map Tier: 9 Guild Character: ÷A brief respite in a sea of obligation and uncertainty.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once. tileset. The area contains several wagons and lamps along the path.
The boundaries of the map are surrounded in blue memory decay typical of a Synthesis zone, but cannot be directly interacted with.
A portal to the boss room is located at the top left.
Circle of AnguishCircle of Anguish Ruby RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Strength Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage +(20-30)% to Fire Resistance <Two Random Herald of Ash modifier>I condemned an innocent man to the pyres, but to admit this mistake is to condemn myself. My only choice is to strive harder.
Circle of FearCircle of Fear Sapphire RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Dexterity Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Cold Damage +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance <Two Random Herald of Ice modifiers>My subordinates circled me eternally, attuned to the slightest weakness, ready to tear me apart for their own gains.
Circle of GuiltCircle of Guilt Iron RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Physical Damage +(350-400) to Armour <Two Random Herald of Purity modifiers>I feel the moral weight of what I must to do to protect Wraeclast. I accept my guilt without shame. It is my gift to humanity.
Circle of NostalgiaCircle of Nostalgia Amethyst RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes Adds (15-20) to (21-30) Chaos Damage +(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance <Two Random Herald of Agony modifiers>I was a happy child, before the cruel truth was revealed to me. I fight so that the children may remain ignorant.
Circle of RegretCircle of Regret Topaz RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Intelligence Adds 1 to (48-60) Lightning Damage +(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance <Two Random Herald of Thunder modifiers>I sacrificed a life of love for one of responsibility, so that she, and others like her, might be kept safe.Combine this item with two Rare Fractured items of the same item class at the Synthesiser in the Memory Nexus
CortexCortex Synthesised MapMap Level: 83 Map Tier: 11 Item Quantity: +100% Monster Pack Size: +25%25% increased Pack size 100% increased Experience gain Monster Level: 83 Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global ModifiersCorruptedThough my life is gone, my purpose is not. My will remains, emboldened and empowered by the righteousness of my cause.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Magnum OpusMagnum Opus5Item Item Level:100 Three-Implicit SynthesisedWraeclast will unite. This shall be my great work - the minds of the people made one.
A Dusty MemoryA Dusty Memory5Item Item Level:100 FracturedIn the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.
Item acquisition
Twisted Distant Memory has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.
Drops from T14+ Map Bosses, and sometimes sold by Kirac or Tujen.
Twisted Distant Memory can be created from the following recipes:
Justified AmbitionJustified Ambition5Synthesis Map"Everything I have done has been for Wraeclast. You would pledge your life to me if you saw things my way... and soon, you will." - High Templar Venarius
Random Synthesised Map
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
All 5 Synthesis maps can now drop as unique items. They can only be acquired from map bosses of Tier 11 or greater maps (or Tier 14 or greater for Cortex), or if you're very, very lucky, maybe Zana will sell you one.
All Synthesis maps now require a minimum level 80 area to appear in Zana's mission window.
If you're lucky, Zana will now offer 5 new unique maps as part of her missions. Each map contains a boss encounter originally from the Synthesis league, and each can drop unique items originally exclusive to that league. Note, you cannot obtain Fractured items, nor will you have any access to the Synthesiser.
Valdo's MapValdo's Puzzle BoxStack Size: 10Contains a Mysterious Map with a Foil Unique RewardI can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within... perhaps, someday, you will find a way.Right click to open.