Abomination Map

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This article is about the variant of Abomination Map from the most recent map series in which it appeared. For other variants, see § Map variants.
[view] [edit]Abomination MapMap Level: 84
Map Tier: 17
Modifiable only with Chaos Orbs, Vaal Orbs, Delirium Orbs and ChiselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Drop level: 83
Item class: Map
Map area
No Waypoint
Area level84
BossesNightmare of Doedre
Nightmare of Maligaro
Nightmare of Shavronne
Nightmare of the Depraved Trinity
Area type tagsmountain
Tagsmap, einharmaps, belly_area, harvest_area, vile_areas, cannot_be_twinned, doedre_map_area, fetid_area, toxic_pool_area, shavronne_area, unholy_trio_area, trio_soul_area
The Shaper: Boils swell from the earth. Foul malignant flesh without purpose.
Voices. Visions. Violence. They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.

Abomination Map is a map area. It is a tier 17 map.

Abomination Map is in the current map series (Settlers) for the Atlas of Worlds.


The layout of this map is somewhat maze-like reminiscent of The Belly of the Beast layouts, but with the tileset of Primordial Pool MapPrimordial Pool MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: Â
A dough of bad blood.
A yeast of ill will.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

The boss arena is typically located along the upper edge of the map. The arena itself is triangular, with each corner containing a corpse flower holding one of the members of The Godless Three that remain dormant until entering the center of the arena.



Nightmare of the Depraved Trinity - This boss is an uber version of The Depraved Trinity.

Phase 1: The player must fight the Godless Three (based on their regular map versions) simultaneously. When killed, their invulnerable apparitions (based on their The Rotting Core versions) will continue to attack and create arena hazards. They disappear after all three bosses have been defeated.

Nightmare of Maligaro: based on He of Many Pieces and Maligaro the Mutilator
  • Enemy: Ethereal Knives, Desecrate, Detonate Dead
  • Apparition: Melee Combo, Spectral Throw, Blade Vortex, Reverse Bladefall
  • Maligaro's Blade Vortex will persist indefinitely in Phase 2.
Nightmare of Shavronne: based on Liantra and Shavronne the Sickening
  • Enemy: Teleport, Levitating Projectiles, Rune Blast
  • Apparition:
Nightmare of Doedre: based on Portentia, the Foul and Doedre the Defiler
  • Enemy: Warp, Bubble Burst, Blood Mortar Nova
  • Apparition: Summon Accursed Monoliths, Blood Mortar
  • Doedre's Accursed Monoliths will persist into Phase 2 but can be removed by killing them.
Debuff name Colour Description (stacks to 5)
Doedre's Torment Red You are taking 6% increased damage for each stack of Doedre's Torment.
Doedre's Withering Green You and your Minions are dealing 5% less damage for each stack of Doedre's Withering.
Doedre's Suffering Purple Your action speed is 5% slower for each stack of Doedre's Suffering.

Phase 2: Nightmare of the Depraved Trinity (based on Amalgam of Nightmares)

  • Ball Lightning
  • Book Storm Call
  • Reverse Bladefall
  • Blood Mortar Bubble Burst
  • Create Effluent Pool
Debuff name Description (stacks to 10)
Red Effluent You are taking 10% increased damage for each stack of Red Effluent.
Green Effluent You and your Minions are dealing 7% less damage for each stack of Green Effluent.
Purple Effluent You are 7% slower for each stack of Purple Effluent.


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop from this monster.

Malachai's MarkMalachai's Mark
Murder Mitts
Evasion: (217-278)
Energy Shield: (45-56)
Requires Level 67, 51 Dex, 51 Int(80-100)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(60-80) to maximum Life
Gain (15-25) Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
Gain (15-25) Energy Shield per Enemy Hit with Attacks
Grants Malachai's Endurance, Frenzy and Power for 6 seconds each, in sequence
What man does not wish for immortality?
Devouring FragmentDevouring FragmentThe Absence of Symmetry and Harmony is level 85
The Eater of Worlds' full power is unleashed in The Absence of Symmetry and Harmony
At the core of the mass, a fierce hunger seethes,
as the Tangle's champion devours a myriad of worlds...
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Absence of Symmetry and Harmony. Can only be used once.
Awakening FragmentAwakening FragmentThe Eye of the Storm is level 85
Sirus' full power is unleashed in The Eye of the Storm
Agony born of ennui.
Hate born of love.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Eye of the Storm. Can only be used once.
Decaying FragmentDecaying FragmentThe Shaper's Realm is level 85
The Shaper's and The Elder's full power are unleashed in The Shaper's Realm
A void where only terror and emptiness exists;
those who attempt to struggle only hasten the assimilation
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Shaper's Realm. Can only be used once.
Cosmic FragmentCosmic FragmentThe Shaper's Realm is level 85
The Shaper's full power is unleashed in The Shaper's Realm
A single act of love and defiance
may cascade destruction across the cosmos.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Shaper's Realm. Can only be used once.
Reality FragmentReality FragmentThe Absence of Mercy and Empathy is level 85
The Maven's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Mercy and Empathy
You must rise from mere amusement to respected equal.Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Absence of Mercy and Empathy. Can only be used once.
Blazing FragmentBlazing FragmentThe Absence of Patience and Wisdom is level 85
The Searing Exarch's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Patience and Wisdom
Constellations are systematically incinerated
in the wake of an ever-expanding archive of minds.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Absence of Patience and Wisdom. Can only be used once.
Synthesising FragmentSynthesising FragmentThe Cortex is level 85
Venarius' full power is unleashed in the Cortex
When memories become twisted by a corrupted mind,
history is rewritten, time after time.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Cortex. Can only be used once.

This map's uber fragments are biased towards: Blazing FragmentBlazing FragmentThe Absence of Patience and Wisdom is level 85
The Searing Exarch's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Patience and Wisdom
Constellations are systematically incinerated
in the wake of an ever-expanding archive of minds.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Absence of Patience and Wisdom. Can only be used once.
, Reality FragmentReality FragmentThe Absence of Mercy and Empathy is level 85
The Maven's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Mercy and Empathy
You must rise from mere amusement to respected equal.Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Absence of Mercy and Empathy. Can only be used once.
, and Synthesising FragmentSynthesising FragmentThe Cortex is level 85
Venarius' full power is unleashed in the Cortex
When memories become twisted by a corrupted mind,
history is rewritten, time after time.
Use five of these in a personal Map Device to open Portals to The Cortex. Can only be used once.

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

DeathDeath4Mon'tregul's GraspThe end of the old,
the beginning of the new.
A unique opportunity for transformation,
for those with the power
to grasp it.
Harmony of SoulsHarmony of Souls99x Shrieking EssenceShrieking souls locked away
Hate splits frozen cells asunder
The knot of corruption
undone at last
Immortal ResolveImmortal Resolve6Six-Linked Body Armour
Influenced Item
The threads of fate are the strongest ties.
The AestheteThe Aesthete8Shavronne Item"Some see our mortal flesh as a limitation. I see it as an opportunity for vast, miraculous improvements."
- Shavronne of Umbra
The ArtistThe Artist11Level 4 Enhance
"Paint, metal, flesh... A true artist does not limit himself." - Malachai the Soulless
The HungerThe Hunger9Taste of Hate"How many lives have you consumed?"
"How many times have you blinked?"
The InoculatedThe Inoculated4Seraphim's ArmourChaos spread, wreaking havoc and death. They said none would be spared, and yet here I stand.73
The InsatiableThe Insatiable3The Harvest
A lust for souls. The urge to kill just to satisfy its thirst. An unbearable burden that would make even the purest heart blacken over time.
The NurseThe Nurse8The DoctorWe tried to tell him to get his head checked.75
The OfferingThe Offering8Shavronne's WrappingsEternal beauty has a cost, one which Shavronne was happy to pay with the lives of others.47
The SoulThe Soul9Soul Taker"Most people only have one. I'm a bit of a hoarder."68
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.81
Vile PowerVile Power5DoomfletchDread and danger
makes the air feel thin.
Above, power slumbers, tempting fate.
Greed and ambition
draws countless in,
For those who seek power
can never wait.
The Prince of DarknessThe Prince of Darkness6Elegant HubrisFear a man who is willing to sacrifice anything for power.68

Item acquisition

Abomination Map can drop anywhere.


Abomination Map can be created from the following recipes:

4Boundless RealmsBoundless Realms4MapBoundless is the distance between where we start and where we start again.Random mapA
6The ExplorerThe Explorer6Map
A map is only useful if you know where you stand.
Random corrupted mapA
5A Dusty MemoryA Dusty Memory5Item
Item Level: 100
In the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.
Random fractured item level 100 itemA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Map variants

Abomination MapAbomination MapMap Level: 84
Map Tier: 17
Modifiable only with Chaos Orbs, Vaal Orbs, Delirium Orbs and ChiselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Abomination MapAbomination MapMap Level: 84
Map Tier: 17
Modifiable only with Chaos Orbs, Vaal Orbs, Delirium Orbs and ChiselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

Unique versions

The following unique items are derived from this base type.

There are no unique versions of this item.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.