Niko's Fuel

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Niko's Fuel
Niko's Fuel quest icon.png
Required No
Start Speak with Niko
Objective Find Voltaxic Sulphite
Completion Talk to Niko

Niko's Fuel is an optional quest and a tutorial quest of Niko, one of the Master of the game. The quest will be available once the player has finished Breaking the Seal.



Niko wants you to find a vein of Voltaxic Sulphite. Search the Mines under Highgate for some.


- quest log


See that? One moment, big blades, next moment, gone! Should be able to go in there now. Heard this place reeked of Voltaxic Sulphite back in the day. I was planning on having a wander down there, only... I think I can hear things shuffling around down there, and I'm more of a lover than a fighter.

Actually, if you're headed in there, maybe you could do us a favour. See, I run a little mining operation of my own. Mining's dangerous at the best of times, but it's suicidal without a proper source of light. I've got lights, just ain't got no power. Run on Voltaxic Sulphite, they do. Nasty rocks. Stink like a dozen eggs rotting in the summer sun on the back of a whale carcass, and they're less stable than the High Templar on a bad day. Bloody toxic too.

Keep your nostrils peeled for some Voltaxic Sulphite while you're down there, or anywhere really.


- Niko "Voltaxic Sulphite" dialogue (version 1)

Voltaxic Sulphite can spawn anywhere but this tutorial quest will force spawn 3 Voltaxic Sulphite in The Mines Level 1.


Collect Voltaxic Sulphite for Niko.


- quest log

After clicking a Voltaxic Sulphite vein, Niko will teleported to the vein location and started the mining animation. Player does not need to collect all 3 Voltaxic Sulphite, but it is beneficial for the next quest.


Talk to Niko about the Voltaxic Sulphite you have found.


- quest log

Talk to Niko.


Ah, this is the stuff. Good nose, exile. You find more and I'll come right over. Don't touch it though. Stuff'll send you mad without the right precautions. You think I want to be dressed like this?
Tell you what - how about we take a look around my mine. Talk to me when you're ready to go.


- Niko "Voltaxic Sulphite" dialogue (version 2)

Visit Niko's Mine Encampment


Visit Niko's Mine Encampment from a waypoint or by talking to him.


- quest log

Click Azurite Mine Encampment from waypoint UI or select Azurite Mine Encampment from Niko's dialogue menu.


Talk to Niko at the Mine Encampment.


- quest log

Talk to Niko.


Looks like shite, eh? Well, don't judge a mine by its entrance. Eternals used to pull all sorts of goodies out of these rocks, and they never had my secret weapon.

Just inside the mineshaft is my creaky little Crawler. Took one of the ol' Eternal torture devices and... repurposed it. Oh, it can still tear your skin off like peeling a fruit, but hopefully it won't try to. Instead, it can lay down a daisy chain of lights powered by that Voltaxic Sulphite. You'll want to be on the lookout for more of that, mind you.

This big beauty next to me? My pride and joy. Feeds Crawler with refined and purified sulphite. And it's capable of taking all sorts of the raw materials strewn below ground and turning 'em into sources of light and explosives.

How 'bout you head underground and follow the mechanical little bugger to an azurite vein, eh?


- Niko "The Azurite Mine" dialogue

Quest Complete


Quest Complete - You have found some Voltaxic Sulphite for Niko and gained access to his Mine Encampment.


- quest log

The quest is followed by Niko's Mine quest.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.