Kishara's Star

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Kishara's Star is a quest in Act 7.

Kishara's Star
Kishara's Star quest icon.png
Required No
Start Talk to Weylam Roth
Objective Deliver Kishara's Star to Weylam
Completion Talk to Weylam
Key Item  Kishara's Star


Weylam has asked you to find Kishara's Star, an ancient Vaal relic that he wants to gift to his granddaughter, Lilly. Its last known location is the Causeway.

Weylam Roth I be missing me granddaughter something terrible. You know, I used to tell Lilly bedtime stories till she fell asleep in me arms. She loved the ones about Kishara, a tough-as-nails Vaal lassie said to have explored every coast, cove and bay of this blasted continent with the help of her Star, some nifty artefact she nabbed from somewhere on her first voyage. Young Lilly, she were fascinated by Kishara's Star . Said to be fair humming with thaumaturgy, able to guide its mistress wherever she be fixing to journey.

Methinks me granddaughter liked to imagine that one day she’d hold the Star in her hands and explore the outer reaches of this world. I’d dearly love to see her again, but there ain’t no way I’m making that journey with nothing to show for it. She looks up to me, does Lilly. So I’m reckoning that Star might put a smile on her pretty face. With such a gift in hand, I’d maybe have the guts to go visit me granddaughter instead of skulking here like some craven ghost… that’s if some kind and brave soul fetched it for me.

You have found Kishara's Star. Deliver it to Weylam in The Bridge Encampment in Act 7 for a reward.

Weylam: So this is Kishara’s famed Star. Hmmm, just as I reckoned, it won’t point me in any one direction, it can’t make up its mind I suspect due to me not being able to make up mine. I feel a tremor of prophecy coming over me, like some scallywag’s just stomped over me grave. If I go see Lilly , there’s to be only disappointment and sorrow.

If that’s what the future has in store then it can keep it. I wish a long and vibrant life for the girly, one free of the trouble that an old, dead buccaneer like I might bring upon her.

You have found Kishara's Star and delivered it to Weylam. He has rewarded you with a Book of Skill. Use it to gain 1 Passive skill Point and 2 Passive Respec Points.

Quest Complete - You have found Kishara's Star and delivered it to Weylam. He has rewarded you with 1 Passive skill Point and 2 Passive Respec Points.

Quest rewards

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
Kishara's Star
Act 7
Book of SkillBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points.

Vendor rewards

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.

ru:Звезда Кишары