Ahuatotli, the Blind is a boss that can only appear inside
The Grand Architect's Temple nodes within the Vaal Outpost biome inside The Azurite Mine in Delve, at a depth of 50 or greater.
The arena for the fight is called Vaal Nexus. The arena is X-shaped, with the outer areas darkened. The outer areas contain four Beam Pyramids which create beams that spin, dealing physical damage and applying Corrupted Blood. Each of the pyramids can be disabled by stepping on a pressure plate behind it.
Ahuatotli, the Blind has several different skills, focused solely on physical damage.
Name |
Description |
Basic Attack |
Winds up and shoots a blast that strikes a small area, dealing physical damage.
Blood Explosion |
Zahua moti! - Winds up, and targets the player with an explosion (visual of large skeleton exploding). Creates a circle that deals heavy physical damage over time when stepped on. Lasts 5 seconds.
Spirit Bomb |
Azcado! - Throws a large blob of blood that targets a player and explodes there shortly after, dealing physical damage.
Fire Blood Meteors 1 |
Spawns 20 blobs around the arena, which strike the ground shortly after.
Fire Blood Meteors 2 |
Ahuatotli levitates and fires a barrage of physical damage projectiles aimed at the ground.
Expanding Ring |
Only used after Ahuatotli is below 50% health. After a wind-up signal, creates an expanding nova that deals heavy physical damage and spans the entire lit section of the arena.
Quiquate! - At 50% health, Ahuatotli darkens the arena and becomes invulnerable. Vaal monsters spawn from four directions, and small circles of light appear and disappear during the phase.
Item drops
The following drop-restricted items can drop from this monster.
Item | Drop level |
Ahkeli's MountainRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeFleeing the destruction set upon her home, the Clayshaper sought safety in the clouds of ash above.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Valley ring at a Vendor. | — |
Cerberus LimbSceptre Physical Damage: 30-55 Critical Strike Chance: 7.00% Attacks per Second: 1.40 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 47, 81 Str, 81 Int24% increased Elemental Damage(70-100)% increased Spell Damage (15-20)% increased Cast Speed 0.5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life if Equipped Shield has at least 30% Chance to Block +1 to Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Armour on Equipped Shield +5 to Armour per 5 Evasion Rating on Equipped Shield +20 to Evasion Rating per 5 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped ShieldThe greatest of guardians make the greatest of sacrifices. | — |
Doryani's MachinariumMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 14 Guild Character: ‹ Item Quantity: +(40-60)% Item Rarity: +(40-60)%(20-50)% increased Experience gain Unique Boss is augmented by Player choices Found Items have 10% chance to drop Corrupted in AreaWe are ever the makers of our own undoing.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once. | 72 |
Putembo's ValleyRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeWith no stone for rebuilding, each storm took its toll on the village. Huts eventually collapsed, their occupants injured or dead. Bodies were left by the river, to appease the gods. But the dead would not remain there.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Mountain ring at a Vendor. | — |
Uzaza's MeadowRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+20 to Dexterity 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeCold winds blasted what little grew on the icy surface. The gifts of the land lay hidden deeper, and only patience and persistence would free them.This item can be combined with a Mountain and Valley ring at a Vendor. | — |
CuriosityYour broken body lies forgotten, nourishing only the worms.This item will transform when correctly arranged with other items. | 82 |
Version history
3.20.0 |
- Pinnacle bosses, Map bosses, Incursion architects, Betrayal targets, Breachlords and others no longer have 33% or 66% less effect of curses on them respectively.
3.4.0 |
Mechanics | |
Quests | |
Notable Nodes | |
Biomes | |
Major Bosses | |
Fossils | |
Resonators | |
Uniques | Delve Drops |
Mark of SubmissionRequires Level 24Has 1 SocketCurse Enemies with Socketed Hex Curse Gem on HitSo great was the thaumaturgy of a bloodpriest's mark, that sacrifices soon welcomed their death.
The Primordial ChainRequires Level 34Regenerate (2-4) Life per second+3 to maximum number of Summoned Golems You cannot have non-Golem Minions 25% reduced Golem Size Golems Deal (45-35)% less Damage Golems have (45-35)% less Life Golems have (80-100)% increased Movement Speed PrimordialThe leash of the lifegiver binds in both directions.
Demon StitcherEnergy Shield: (128-153)Requires Level 41, 60 Int(15-20)% increased Cast Speed +(100-120) to maximum Energy Shield +(100-120) to maximum Life Sacrifice (5-25)% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a SpellXibaqua's treachery was met with divine fury. One by one, the gods reclaimed their flesh, until all that remained was a droplet of pure light: The first Vaal.
SoulwrestWarstaff Physical Damage: 53-160 Critical Strike Chance: 8.50% Attacks per Second: 1.25 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffTrigger Level 20 Summon Phantasm Skill when you Consume a corpse (100-140)% increased Spell Damage (25-30)% increased Cast Speed (80-100)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate Minions deal (45-51) to (66-78) additional Physical Damage If you Consumed a corpse Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate 5% of Life per secondDeath is but the start of your servitude.
The Grey SpireWarstaff Physical Damage: 73-136 Critical Strike Chance: 8.00% Attacks per Second: (1.56-1.69) Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffHas no Sockets (250-300)% increased Global Damage (20-30)% increased Attack Speed +(1-4)% to all maximum ResistancesThere was never a simpler time. Just simpler motivations.
Primordial Might(25-30)% increased Damage if you Summoned a Golem in the past 8 seconds Golems Summoned in the past 8 seconds deal (35-45)% increased Damage Golems have (18-22)% increased Maximum Life Summoned Golems are Aggressive Primordial"Do not cause the land to stir, It holds secrets better unknown." - Azmerian proverbPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Primordial EminenceGolems have (16-20)% increased Attack and Cast Speed 30% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems Golems have +(800-1000) to Armour Primordial"Kings fall, empires crumble, mortals perish. All turn to earth and sand." - Maraketh proverbPlace into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Primordial HarmonyGolem Skills have (20-30)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate Summoned Golems have (30-45)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (16-20)% increased Golem Damage for each Type of Golem you have Summoned Summoned Golems Regenerate 2% of their Life per second Primordial"A stone is not a stone, It is but one part of a fortress." - Ezomyte proverbPlace into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
| Boss Drops |
Ahkeli's MeadowRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeWhere once had stood a village, lay naught but splinters. Some had once been her home. Some had once been her creations. Some had once been her family.This item can be combined with a Mountain and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Ahkeli's MountainRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeFleeing the destruction set upon her home, the Clayshaper sought safety in the clouds of ash above.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Ahkeli's ValleyRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+20 to Strength 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeThe river, once fertile and fresh, and flowing briskly to the sea, now stood, stained, at a standstill. Dammed by the coagulating dead.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Mountain ring at a Vendor.
Putembo's MeadowRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeThe fields were silent but for the plucking of fruits, the rustling of leaves, and the breaking of stone. No slave dared to speak or look the passing king in the eye. No one... except Aul.This item can be combined with a Mountain and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Putembo's MountainRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeHe surveyed his lands, green and vital, watched with pride as his slaves quarried fine stone for his fortress, and thanked the heavens for his many blessings. But this pilgrimage to the peak was to be his last.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Putembo's ValleyRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeWith no stone for rebuilding, each storm took its toll on the village. Huts eventually collapsed, their occupants injured or dead. Bodies were left by the river, to appease the gods. But the dead would not remain there.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Mountain ring at a Vendor.
Uzaza's MeadowRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+20 to Dexterity 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeCold winds blasted what little grew on the icy surface. The gifts of the land lay hidden deeper, and only patience and persistence would free them.This item can be combined with a Mountain and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Uzaza's MountainRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+20 to Dexterity 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeThe narrow path turned to rough rocks that led towards the sky. One last obstacle in a life-long journey to find a land they could call home.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Valley ring at a Vendor.
Uzaza's ValleyRequires Level 49+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance+20 to Dexterity 5% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum LifeSheltered beneath thick ice, the river ferried fat fish towards the sea. But the First King knew the river's secret, and the fish were not the only ones who grew fat.This item can be combined with a Meadow and Mountain ring at a Vendor.
Doryani's MachinariumMap Level: 81 Map Tier: 14 Guild Character: ‹ Item Quantity: +(40-60)% Item Rarity: +(40-60)%(20-50)% increased Experience gain Unique Boss is augmented by Player choices Found Items have 10% chance to drop Corrupted in AreaWe are ever the makers of our own undoing.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Cerberus LimbSceptre Physical Damage: 30-55 Critical Strike Chance: 7.00% Attacks per Second: 1.40 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 47, 81 Str, 81 Int24% increased Elemental Damage(70-100)% increased Spell Damage (15-20)% increased Cast Speed 0.5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life if Equipped Shield has at least 30% Chance to Block +1 to Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Armour on Equipped Shield +5 to Armour per 5 Evasion Rating on Equipped Shield +20 to Evasion Rating per 5 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped ShieldThe greatest of guardians make the greatest of sacrifices.
- Command of the Pit (2 variants)
- Hale Negator (2 variants)
- Aul's Uprising (multiple variants)
Crown of the TyrantArmour: (160-189) Energy Shield: (33-39)Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 IntHas 1 Socket +(50-175) to maximum Life Nearby Enemies have -10% to all Resistances You and Nearby Allies have 64 to 96 added Fire Damage per Red Socket You and Nearby Allies have 56 to 88 added Cold Damage per Green Socket You and Nearby Allies have 16 to 144 added Lightning Damage per Blue Socket You and Nearby Allies have 47 to 61 added Chaos Damage per White SocketYou will know if your subjects follow you from fear or respect when you have your first moment of weakness. If it's the former, they will tear you into pieces like rabid dogs.
| Doryani's Machinarium Boss Drops |
Doryani's Delusion (Armour)Armour: (482-611)Requires Level 68, 120 Str(100-120)% increased Armour +(60-70) to maximum Life 30% increased Movement Speed <One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth. I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water." - Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Doryani's Delusion (Evasion)Evasion: (492-622)Requires Level 69, 120 Dex(100-120)% increased Evasion Rating +(60-70) to maximum Life 30% increased Movement Speed <One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth. I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water." - Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Doryani's Delusion (ES)Energy Shield: (127-165)Requires Level 67, 123 Int(150-180)% increased Energy Shield +(60-70) to maximum Life 30% increased Movement Speed <One Purity of # mod of one element and One Added # damage mod of one element>"Every day we choose safety or knowledge. Live and stagnate, or risk death for truth. I would rather see the end of the Vaal than help it tread water." - Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
| Recipe | |
Scarabs |
Sulphite ScarabStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Area contains Niko Map owner gains 150% more SulphiteDelve into darkness in search of the truth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Sulphite Scarab of FumesStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Sulphite found in Map Area releases Enraging Fumes Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 50% increased Item Quantity Sulphite in your maps is guarded by Monsters from the Azurite MineWhen the land itself is sick, even the very ground rots and spills forth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.