Love is Dead

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Love is Dead is a quest in Act 8.

Love is Dead
Love is Dead quest icon.png
Required No
Start Talk to Clarissa
Objective Find Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..." and bring back to Clarissa
Completion Talk to Clarissa in The Sarn Encampment (Act 8)
Key Item  Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..."


Clarissa has asked you to find the Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..." at the Quay, then bring it to her there so she can revive Tolman.

Clarissa: Exile... you’ve helped me before. You can help me again, can't you? My hope waits for me to the east, tucked away in a shrine in the Quay.

Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things...". Veruso, Prima lmperialus, placed it there himself at the dawn of the Empire. If the legends are correct, the Ankh has powers over life and death... when paired with the correct Azmerian ritual.

I've learned the ritual. All I need is the Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..." and I know I can bring Tolman back... properly this time.

Will you retrieve the artefact for us? I've tried but the creatures around the shrine... simply too dangerous.

Yes, yes, Tolman, I'm getting to that.

I've already prepared a site for the ritual, out in the Quay. Please, meet us there with the Ankh so that I may yet breathe life into my dearest love.

Search the Quay for the Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..." and bring it to Clarissa so she can revive Tolman.

Once you have found the Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things...", search the Quay for Clarissa, who can be found in the "Resurrection Site" side area, so you can give the Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..." to her and she can revive Tolman.

Clarissa: Give it to me, quickly! Finally, Tolman, we can be together as before.

Alright... let's begin.

Suffering will besiege us and yet love will prevail. Pain will imprison us and yet love will prevail. Grief will engulf us and yet love will prevail. Death will surely takes us and love... will...

No... this isn't right. This is... oh, Tolman, please... forgive me.

Exile! Look out!

Tolman will attack after a short wave of other zombies, afterwards you can talk to Clarissa in town for a reward.

Clarissa: How could I have been so stupid? Veruso didn't hide the ankh out of shame. He hid it out of fear, out of...oh my, what did the ankh really do to his wife? Everything I saw, that I read... lies to cover the truth of what Chiara had really become.

Alright, I'll destroy the ankh. We’ve come a long way since Veruso's day so I'm thinking I can manage where he so sorely failed. At least that's something I know I can do right.

I'll meet you back at the encampment soon. For now I need to... look, I'll just see you there. I promise.

Quest Complete - You have killed Tolman. Clarissa has rewarded you with 1 Passive skill Point and 2 Passive Respec Points.

Clarissa: Poor Tolman...he was never really with me, was he. Just the shell of a man I loved. Wherever he is now, I hope he is at peace, and that he can forgive me for not being able to let go.

Here, take something for at least helping me. And thank you, for... for everything.

Quest rewards

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
Love is Dead
Act 8
Book of SkillBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points.

Vendor rewards

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.