Azurite Mine Encampment

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Azurite Mine Encampment
No Waypoint
Area level5
Area type tagscavern

Azurite Mine Encampment is the starting area of the Azurite Mine where the player can begin a "Delve".


The initial instance of the Azurite Mine Encampment is connected to the first few depths of the mine through a door. Once the Niko's Mine quest is completed, the player travels to accessible nodes via the Subterranean Chart.

Entering the Azurite Mine from the Azurite Mine Encampment creates a portal that party members can use. You can return to the player or a party member's Azurite Mine from the Azurite Mine Encampment by using the Subterranean Chart, which will now have a button in the upper left corner labeled "Visit: Mine Encampment". While in the Azurite Mine Encampment, you can return to the last visited node using the same button in the upper left, now labelled "Visit: The Mine". A second button in the same location will take you directly to your hideout, if any.

The game creates a new Azurite Mine and associated Mine Encampment instance depending on the Subterranean Chart nodes chosen (see also the conditions below). Thus, the player should not drop valuable items on the ground of Azurite Mine Encampment as the items may be lost. A player cannot re-enter the previous Azurite Mine Encampment instance.

  • Sometimes, completing connected node back to back will not refresh the instance
  • Long node will refresh the instance
  • Disconnected node (nodes that are not next to the current node) will refresh the instance
  • Death in solo will refresh the instance


Niko's stock refreshes after the player completes a node. Niko will occasionally sell Fossils, including rare ones, as well as Resonators.



Version history

Version Changes
  • You can now invite Niko to your Hideout from the Mine Encampment.
  • Entering the Azurite Mine from the Mine Encampment now creates a portal that party members can use.
  • You can now return to a party member's Azurite Mine from the Mine Encampment by using the Subterranean Chart.
  • Fixed a bug where Devourers could follow players into the Mine Encampment.
  • Introduced to the game.