Receiving damage

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Receiving damage involves several steps to determine whether the damage hits, how much damage is dealt by the attacker, how much of that damage is prevented by the defender's mitigation, and what resources (e.g. life, energy shield) are ultimately lost as a result.

Order of operations

The list below displays the order of operations when an attacker attempts to damage a defender:

  1. Preventing the hit:

    These are the only defensive mechanics that prevent hits entirely. Other forms of mitigation cannot undo the hit, even if they reduce damage taken to 0.

  2. Before being Hit:
    Effects such as Defiance of DestinyDefiance of Destiny
    Paua Amulet
    Requires Level 49(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate+(60-80) to maximum Life
    +(10-40)% to Fire Resistance
    +(10-40)% to Cold Resistance
    +(10-40)% to Lightning Resistance
    Gain (10-20)% of Missing Unreserved Life before being Hit by an Enemy
    The respect of Karui warriors is hard to earn,
    but lasts a lifetime... and beyond.
    's Gain #% of Missing Unreserved Life before being Hit by an Enemy occur immediately after the defender fails to prevent the hit. (Regular when-hit or on-hit effects do not apply until after all other steps on this page.)
  3. Calculating unmitigated damage:
    1. Flat damage
      • Base damage is typically gained from a weapon/unarmed for attacks, or the skill gem for spells.
      • Added damage can be gained from various sources, such as the skill, support gems, equipment, debuffs like Poacher's MarkPoacher's MarkPhysical, Spell, Curse, Mark
        Level: (1-20)
        Cost: (16-33) Mana
        Cast Time: 0.50 sec
        Requires Level 16Curses a single enemy, lowering their physical damage reduction, and adding physical damage to all hits against them. Attacking the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and killing them will grant a frenzy charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when slain
        Cursed enemies grant (15-50) Life when Hit by Attacks
        Cursed enemies grant (8-25) Mana when Hit by Attacks
        Cursed enemies have -20% to Physical Damage Reduction
        Adds (3-30) to (4-45) Physical Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies

        Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
        Cursed Enemies have a (0.25-5)% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when Hit
        Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
        , or unique mechanics like Flame WallFlame WallSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire
        Level: (1-20)
        Cost: (4-16) Mana
        Cast Time: 0.50 sec
        Requires Level 4Create a wall of fire for a duration, which deals burning damage to everything in its area. Each enemy that enters the wall also receives a secondary burning debuff which persists for a short duration after leaving the wall. Any projectiles fired through the wall by you and allies deal added fire damage and apply the wall's secondary debuff on hit.Deals (2.1-679.9) Base Fire Damage per second
        Secondary Debuff Deals (7.2-2266.4) Base Fire Damage per second
        Base duration is (3.00-4.90) seconds
        Base secondary duration is (1.00-2.00) seconds
        Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
        Wall will be (4-5.9) meters long
        Projectiles which pass through the wall deal (3-78) to (5-117) Added Fire Damage
        Maximum 3 Flame Walls at a time

        Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
        +(0.05-1) Maximum Flame Walls at a time
        Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
      Flat damage is scaled by base and added damage effectiveness.
    2. Damage conversion
      • Gain #% of X as extra Y modifiers add a percentage of one damage type as another damage type, for example Taste of HateTaste of Hate
        Sapphire Flask
        Lasts 8.00 Seconds
        Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use
        +40% to Cold Resistance
        +5% to maximum Cold Resistance
        Requires Level 18(20-30)% of Fire and Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect
        Gain (10-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage during effect
        30% chance to Avoid being Chilled during Effect
        30% chance to Avoid being Frozen during Effect
        A sip will freeze your lips,
        A swig will chill your heart,
        A glass will still your soul.
        Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
        's Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage during effect.[2]
      • Converted to modifiers change one type of damage into another, for example #% of Cold Damage Converted to Fire Damage.[2][3] Conversion can be granted to enemies with items like Kaom's BindingKaom's Binding
        Heavy Belt
        Requires Level 56+(25-35) to Strength+(30-40) to Strength
        +(300-500) to Armour
        Take no Burning Damage if you've stopped taking Burning Damage Recently
        Nearby Enemies Convert 25% of their Physical Damage to Fire
        For centuries, he burned in an unending
        nightmare of lava and flame... but he endured.
        or Pyroshock ClaspPyroshock Clasp
        Leather Belt
        Requires Level 43+(25-40) to maximum Life+(30-40) to Dexterity
        +(300-500) to Evasion Rating
        (10-15)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
        Enemies Ignited by you have (10-15)% of Physical Damage they deal converted to Fire
        Enemies Shocked by you have (10-15)% of Physical Damage they deal converted to Lightning
        Teach a man to burn, and you'll be warm for the rest of his life.
        , which can be useful if better mitigation is expected against the converted type.
    3. Damage multipliers
      • All increased and reduced modifiers to the same value stack additively and are applied together.
      • All more and less modifiers are independent and therefore multiplicative.
      Converted damage is affected by offensive bonuses to each damage type it was converted through. Damage modifiers can never apply twice to the same damage: increased elemental damage modifies elemental damage once, even when converted through multiple elements. Increased damage from strength applies to physical melee damage once, even if this bonus is applied to spell damage (Iron Will) and reapplied to attack damage (Crown of EyesCrown of Eyes
      Hubris Circlet
      Energy Shield: (176-230)Requires Level 69, 154 Int+(300-350) to Accuracy Rating
      (120-150)% increased Energy Shield
      -30% to Fire Resistance
      (0.4-0.8)% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
      (0.2-0.4)% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
      Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks at 150% of their value
      Turning, gazing, blinking,
      behold the eyes of void.
      Burning, razing, drinking,
      your mind is destroyed.
    4. Critical strikes
    5. If a hit's critical strike chance exceeds the requirement (usually rolled when the skill was used), damage is multiplied by 150% by default, or 130% for monsters. Critical strike multiplier in excess of 100% may be reduced by #% reduced Extra Damage taken from Critical Strikes. For example, 60% reduced Extra Damage taken from Critical Strikes will cause a critical strike from a regular monster to deal 112% of the default hit, instead of 130%.[4]
    6. Rolling for damage:
      The hit rolls for damage, in the range calculated by applying multipliers to the hit's minimum and maximum flat damage. If the attacker's damage is lucky, or damage against the defender is unlucky, damage rolls twice and ignores the lower value. Similarly, if the attacker's damage is unlucky, damage rolls twice and ignores the higher value. This does not affect rolls for other mechanics (e.g. crit, ailments, block, suppression).[5]
    7. Doubling/tripling damage:
      Modifiers that double or triple damage apply after other offensive damage modifiers.
  4. Cannot take damage:
    Damage is removed by modifiers that make the defender unable to take damage, such as Cannot take Reflected Physical/Elemental Damage or Proximity Shield. This step is not considered 'preventing' damage for e.g. Untiring. It should not be confused with immunity, which applies later.
  5. Damage taken as:
    Incoming damage can be shifted to another damage type.[6] It is usually done by utilizing an item which offers the #% of X Damage taken as Y modifier, for example: This is not damage conversion.[6] Damage cannot be shifted twice, exceeding 100% damage taken as will not scale damage proportionally,[7] and damage will only be affected by mitigation for its final type. For example, if incoming physical damage is taken as fire, the shifted damage will not be affected by physical damage reduction.
  6. Damage mitigation:
    1. Cannot take X damage prevents damage that wasn't already removed before the damage taken as step.
    2. Immunities prevent damage entirely, such as Shade Form or Chaos Inoculation.
    3. Damage avoidance offers a chance to prevent damage entirely, for example with Elusive or GlitterdiscGlitterdisc
      Burnished Spiked Shield
      Chance to Block: 26%
      Evasion: (136-175)
      Energy Shield: (72-110)
      Movement Speed: -3%
      Requires Level 27, 37 Dex, 37 Int+5% chance to Suppress Spell Damage(120-140)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
      +(20-30) to maximum Energy Shield
      +(30-50) to maximum Life
      10% increased Rarity of Items found
      25% chance to Avoid Fire Damage from Hits
      You always Ignite while Burning
      Izaro's insistence on using lava
      resulted in some surprising material discoveries.
    4. Resistance mitigates elemental and chaos damage. The attacker's penetration modifies resistances used in this step.
    5. Damage reduction mitigates damage types it exists for. By default, 'damage reduction' is only gained from armour against physical damage, but armour can grant damage reduction against other types through mechanics like Transcendence, Unbreakable, or The Fourth VowThe Fourth Vow
      Devout Chainmail
      Armour: (755-1270)
      Energy Shield: (155-259)
      Movement Speed: -5%
      Requires Level 55, 80 Str, 80 IntPhysical Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
      (150-250)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
      +(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
      Regenerate 3% of Life per second
      Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits
      Seek not to avoid the mortal pains of this world.
      In flagellation, there lies freedom from temptation.
      . Additional damage reduction is additive with damage reduction gained from armour, and can be gained from sources such as Endurance charges or Eternal DamnationEternal Damnation
      Agate Amulet
      Requires Level 52+(16-24) to Strength and Intelligence+(40-70) to maximum Mana
      +(-13-13)% to Chaos Resistance
      -5% to all maximum Resistances
      Gain additional Elemental Damage Reduction equal to half your Chaos Resistance
      Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0
      The price of immortality is isolation.
      . Damage reduction occurs after resistances[10] and is independent per damage type.[11]
  7. Damage taken:
    After damage mitigation, modifiers to damage taken are applied. Flat modifiers are applied first, then the sum of all increases/reductions, and lastly all more or less multipliers independently:[12]
    Order Modifier Examples
    1 ±# X Damage taken from Y AshrendAshrend
    Buckskin Tunic
    Evasion: (316-442)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 17, 53 Dex(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
    +(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
    Cannot be Ignited
    (75-150)% increased Physical Damage with Ranged Weapons
    -(60-30) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
    The blasted oak stands forever.

    Plate Vest
    Armour: (19-27)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    +(30-60) to maximum Life
    -(15-10) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
    1000% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker
    It is safer to be feared than to be loved.

    Onyx Amulet
    Requires Level 20+(10-16) to all Attributes+(80-100) to all Attributes
    -4 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
    Mindless rage will shake the world,
    Cunning lies will bend it.
    Reckless haste will break the world,
    And into darkness send it.
    2 #% increased/reduced X Damage taken Shock
    VulnerabilityVulnerabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (16-33) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    AoE Radius: 22
    Requires Level 24Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage. Attacks against the cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding.Base duration is (8.00-11.80) seconds
    +(0-1) metre to radius
    Cursed enemies take (15-30)% increased Physical Damage
    Attacks Hits against Cursed Enemies have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Duration of Bleeding on Cursed Enemies
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

    Ezomyte Burgonet
    Armour: (692-838)Requires Level 60, 138 Str+(20-25) to all Attributes
    Adds 40 to 60 Physical Damage to Attacks
    +(100-125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
    (100-120)% increased Armour
    (40-50)% increased Physical Damage taken
    When you have slain all of your enemies,
    what is left to fear?
    3 #% more/less X Damage taken Toughness
    Arctic ArmourArctic ArmourSpell, Duration, Cold
    Level: (1-20)
    Reservation: 25% Mana
    Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: Instant
    Requires Level 16Conjures an icy barrier that chills enemies when they hit you. You drop chilled ground while moving, and take less Fire and Physical damage while stationary.Base duration is (2.50-4.40) seconds
    Buff grants (11-21)% less Physical Damage taken from Hits while stationary
    Buff grants (11-20)% less Fire Damage taken from Hits while stationary
    Chill Enemy for 0.5 seconds when Hit, reducing their Action Speed by 30%
    Buff grants Immunity to Freeze

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

    Exquisite Leather
    Evasion: (1548-2106)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 62, 170 Dex(120-160)% increased Evasion Rating
    +(30-50)% to Fire Resistance
    35% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently
    100% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
    Do not hide your flaws, your cracks,
    mend them, and display them proudly.
    For it is these that set us apart.

    Infused Channelling SupportInfused Channelling SupportSupport, Channelling, Duration
    Icon: b
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
    Requires Level 4Supports any channelling skill, protecting you from damage while you channel it. Cannot support skills used by totems. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Infusion lasts 6 seconds after you finish Channelling
    Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for (1.6-1) second
    Supported Skills deal (15-24)% more Damage
    Infusion grants 10% more Damage of Types matching Supported Skill Gem's tags
    While Channelling a Supported Skill, take 8% less Damage from Hits of types matching the Skill Gem's Tags

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for -(0.02-0.4) seconds
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

  8. Suppressing the damage:
    Spell suppression applies, usually halving spell hits and ailments.[13][14][15]
  9. Being stunned:
    Stun chance is rolled based on damage at this point.
  10. Blocking the damage:
    Block or spell block rolls to prevent all damage, or a percentage of damage with modifiers like Glancing Blows.[16] Block also prevents most of the attacker's on-hit effects, including triggers.[17]
  11. Damage taken:
    Effects that count the amount of damage taken by the player, such as Cast when Damage Taken Support and Bloodnotch use the damage value at this point. The difference between this damage and the damage before the 'damage mitigation' step is considered prevented damage for effects like Untiring or Divine Shield.
  12. Losing resources due to damage:
    Damage (or a portion thereof) is taken from resources in the following order. Any remaining damage will be taken from the next resource. Some effects allow damage to bypass a resource, in which case the bypassing damage will apply directly to the next resource instead.
      From other entities or effects:
      1. Effects that change damage to take resources from other objects 'before you'.[18].
        • Each effect is multiplicative, not additive: when 20% of damage is taken from Sentinel of Radiance, The Jinxed JujuThe Jinxed Juju
          Citrine Amulet
          Requires Level 48+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity+(30-40) to Intelligence
          +(23-31)% to Chaos Resistance
          (10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
          10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you
          Burned rhoa's eye and goatman's beard do demand:
          Leave behind those lazy bones;
          Dance, ye dead, at my command!
          causes Raise SpectreRaise SpectreSpell, Minion
          Level: (1-20)
          Cost: (15-28) Mana
          Cast Time: 0.85 sec
          Requires Level 28Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a minion to fight for you in battle.Maximum (1-2) Raised Spectres
          Minions have +30% to all Elemental Resistances
          55% more Minion Movement Speed
          Minion Movement Speed is Capped
          Minions have (105-776) additional Accuracy Rating
          Raised Spectres are Level (28-70)

          Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
          Minions have +(1-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
          Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
          minions to take 10% of the remaining 80%.
      2. Effects that change damage to take from other objects 'before your life or energy shield', such as Frost ShieldFrost ShieldCritical, Spell, AoE, Duration, Cold
        Level: (1-20)
        Cost: (30-54) Mana
        Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec
        Can Store 1 Use(s)
        Cast Time: 0.50 sec
        Requires Level 34Place a Frost Shield that drains your energy shield for one second or until you run out, gaining stages while this drain occurs. The Frost Shield takes some damage from hits in place of you and allies while in its area. Enemies in the area are Chilled. You can only have one Frost Shield active at once.Base duration is 10.00 seconds
        20% of Damage dealt to you or Allies in Area with Hits by Enemies in Area is taken from Frost Shield's Life before your Life or Energy Shield
        60% of Damage dealt to you or Allies in Area with Hits by Enemies outside Area is taken from Frost Shield's Life before your Life or Energy Shield
        You gain +(0.1-0.38)% to Spell Critical Strike Chance per Stage while in Area
        Frost Shield has (190-910) maximum Life per Stage
        Maximum 4 Stages
        Gains 1 Stage every 0.3 seconds while you are losing Energy Shield
        You lose (150-730) Energy Shield per second

        Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
        (1-20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
        Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
      3. Buffs that intercept all damage (of a type), such as Aegises.[18]
      4. Buffs that intercept a percentage of damage, such most Guard skills.[18]
      From the defender's resources:
      1. Ward takes damage if not broken.[19]
      2. Damage is taken from energy shield before the resource that it protects (life by default, or mana if using Eldritch Battery).
        • By default, all Chaos Damage bypasses energy shield. This applies regardless if energy shield is protecting life or mana.
        • Energy shield recharge is interrupted when energy shield or the resource it is protecting is lost due to damage.[20]
        • If Eternal Youth is allocated, only directly losing life due to damage will interrupt life recharge. Delayed life loss from Petrified Blood or Progenesis does not interrupt life recharge.
      3. #% of the remaining damage is removed from mana, if granted by an effect such as Mind over Matter or The Ivory Tower.
      4. The remaining damage is removed from Life. Life does not protect any other resource. If all Life is removed, you die.
      5. Life loss can be prevented by various effects. Effects that grant #% of life loss prevented are multiplicative rather than additive.
        1. #% of Life loss from damage is prevented while affected by Progenesis and an equal amount of life loss is applied over time.
        2. #% of remaining Life loss from damage that would reduce your life below 50% while affected by Petrified Blood is prevented and a proportional amount of life loss is applied over time.
        3. If Dissolution of the Flesh is socketed, all remaining life loss is prevented and that amount is reserved as life.

Damage over time

Damage over Time generally follows the same principle, however this damage source doesn't hit, which means that it ignores evasion, armour, ward, and other mechanics limited to hits.

While damaging ailments are applied by hits, they have a separate base dps calculation, starting from the flat damage of a hit. Hit-specific offensive modifiers will not apply to this calculation, nor will the defender's mitigation. This prevents debuffs like ignite from scaling twice with stats like #% increased Fire damage, or being reduced twice by fire resistance. Mitigation applies after the hit, over time, when damage is actually taken. (This includes immunities: physical immunity does not remove base damage for poison inflicted by a hit of mixed physical and chaos.)

Version history

Version Changes
  • Corrected calculation issue with damage reduction.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Daniel_GGG (January 2, 2014). "reflect mechanics VS evasion,blocking,acrobatics". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mark_GGG (February 22, 2015). "Elemental To Physical Conversion". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved March 18, 2016.
  3. Mark_GGG (November 27, 2013). "Avatar of Fire ~ Elemental Damage Nodes". Official Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved March 2, 2016.
  5. Mark_GGG (May 13, 2013 4:01 AM). "p/c new ring lori's lantern". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved September 22, 2013.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Mark_GGG (September 26, 2013). "Specifics on Lightning Coil mechanics?". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  8. Mark_GGG (June 22, 2016). "Mechanical Questions Thread". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 22, 2016.
  9. Mark_GGG (June 23, 2016). "Regarding Glitterdisc". Official Path of Exile Forums Private Messages. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  12. Mark_GGG (May 15, 2014). "defensive mechanisms activate in which order?". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved May 15, 2014.
  13. Mark_GGG (August 5, 2022). "Utter trust in your defense unleashes ultimate potential.". Official Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved August 6, 2022.
  14. Mark_GGG (November 2nd, 2021). "Thoughts on Transcendence + Divine Shield interaction?". Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved August 5th, 2022.
  15. Mark_GGG (August 5th, 2022). "When does Spell Suppression happen in the damage calculation". Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved August 5th, 2022.
  16. Mark_GGG (May 24, 2019). "Utter trust in your defense unleashes ultimate potential.". Official Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved May 25, 2019.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Community Team (May 19th, 2021). "Game Mechanics Q&A Answers". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved August 6th, 2021.
  19. Mark_GGG (July 19th, 2021). "Ward as an Overlooked Defensive Mechanic - Precis of the Implications". Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved August 3rd, 2021.

ru:Расчет урона