The Temple of Atzoatl

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The Temple of Atzoatl
Map area, Unique Map area
No Waypoint
Area level1
BossesThe Vaal Omnitect
Area type tagsdungeon, temple
Tagsindoors_area, incursion_temple_area
Area has increased monster variety
An example of a temple layout
For mechanics related to the Temple of Atzoatl in Ruthless mode, see The Temple of Atzoatl (Ruthless).

The Temple of Atzoatl is a large dungeon area. The layout and contents of the temple change depending on the player's incursions. After 12 temporal incursions, Alva Valai will have narrowed down the present-day location of the Temple of Atzoatl. Each type of room in the temple has its own modifiers, risks and rewards.

The player's actions in the incursions have significant consequences. By killing the Vaal Architects who guide the temple's construction, players can influence what rooms appear in the present-day version. During incursions, players may find keys that can be used to unlock doors in the past, allowing access to additional rooms in the future. Players can also upgrade the rooms they are building, potentially accessing greater treasures or dangers.

There is a quick guide that shows you how to navigate within the temple.

The id of the areas ranged from Incursion_Temple1 to Incursion_Temple10.


After 12 incursions, Alva Valai will open a portal to the temple. The temple contains different rooms inside a single area, that match the layout of the incursions that the player originally completed in order to access it. The doors opened will also match the doors the player managed to unlock during incursions using the Stone of PassageStone of PassageThis item can be placed into an Altar of Passage to create a connection between two adjacent rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl. This item will drop on the ground when leaving an Incursion.. There are always exactly 12 incursions for each temple, limiting the amount of attempts the player has to unlock and upgrade temple rooms. Alva will not appear in maps when no incursions are remaining, and will be limited to one or two appearances in the map when only one or two incursions remain.

Only 6 portals appear around the Map Device, as with running regular maps, meaning you don't get infinite lives and tries to complete the temple; running out of portals to rejoin the temple means you have to do 12 incursions again to get into temple. If players want to leave the temple, they may open a portal using the PortalPortalSpell
Level: 1
Cast Time: 2.50 sec
Requires Level 10Creates a portal to the current area's town.
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(3-60)% increased Cast Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
skill at any time like regular maps.

Alternatively, Alva can itemize the temple into a Chronicle of AtzoatlChronicle of Atzoatl"Grand plans were laid for a place called Atzoatl, though fierce bickering between its Architects is said to have stifled its development." - Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Research ReportRight click this item to view the Temple of Atzoatl.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to open portals to the Temple of Atzoatl in the present day.
which can be traded to other players or saved for later use with the map device.

The area level of the temple is determined by the average level of zones a player opened incursions in plus 10 levels, capped at the highest level of one of incursion the player did open. For example, if a player opened 3 incursions at area level 72, 3 at 75, 3 at 79 and 3 at 80, the average of those levels are area level 76 plus 10 levels, thus the temple would be area level 86. However, since the highest level zone completed is level 80, the temple level changes to that.

A more interesting example of level manipulation: Consider opening 3 incursions on Tier 16 (level 83) then doing all tier 1 maps to get remaining incursions for (3*83 + 9*68)/12+10 = 81.75, rounded down to 81.[1] To ensure the temple is level 83 you need to increase the average to 1.25, so can do tier 3 instead of 1, or any combination which averages out at > 69.67 (average tier 2.67). With the Artefacts of the Vaal notable passive skill, the lower level areas can all be tier 1 as long as 4 incursions are tier 16.

While inside the Temple, Alva will periodically grant the player Alva's Gift, a quantity and rarity buff.


Main page: incursion room

The temple is built up from different incursion rooms that each have different effects.


The final boss of the temple is the Vaal Omnitect. It is located in the top chamber, the final temple room.

This room is accessible if you create a route to it during the temporary incursions or the "present time" when you entered the temple from Alva's portal.

During temporary incursion, you can create a route by killing the mobs, until they drop a Stone of PassageStone of PassageThis item can be placed into an Altar of Passage to create a connection between two adjacent rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl. This item will drop on the ground when leaving an Incursion., then going to the door you want to open with the Stone and opening it.

During "present time", if you have access to the Explosives Room (or a higher tier version of that room) during the temple instance, you can use the Flashpowder KegFlashpowder KegThis item can be used to destroy a wall connecting two chambers in the Temple of Atzoatl. This item will drop on the ground when leaving the Temple. found inside it to open a path.

The Vaal Omnitect drops exclusive unique items and Rare items with an Incursion mod.

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop from this monster.

Sacrificial HeartSacrificial Heart
Paua Amulet
Requires Level 32(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAdds (22-27) to (34-38) Fire Damage
Adds (20-23) to (31-35) Cold Damage
Adds (1-3) to (47-52) Lightning Damage
Gain up to maximum Power Charges when you use a Vaal Skill
Gain 10 Life per Enemy Hit if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
10% increased Movement Speed if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
The seed of life, saved and savoured.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Sacrifice
Soul CatcherSoul Catcher
Quartz Flask
Lasts 6.00 Seconds
Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
+10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Requires Level 27Cannot gain Mana during effect
(60-80)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect
(60-80)% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect
Vaal Skills used during effect have 10% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
Freedom is for the privileged, even in death.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of the Ghost
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
String of ServitudeString of Servitude
Heavy Belt
Requires Level 1<(1-2) Random corrupted implicit modifiers>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are tripled
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
CorruptedFor the Vaal, the relationship between slave and master was as intimate and volatile as that of lovers.
Tempered FleshTempered Flesh
Crimson Jewel
Radius: Medium-1 Strength per 1 Strength on Allocated Passives in Radius
2% increased Life Recovery Rate per 10 Strength on Allocated Passives in Radius
We are born raw and untested, and we are shaped by life.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Transcendence
Place into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Tempered MindTempered Mind
Cobalt Jewel
Radius: Medium-1 Intelligence per 1 Intelligence on Allocated Passives in Radius
2% increased Mana Recovery Rate per 10 Intelligence on Allocated Passives in Radius
Any thought, no matter how fleeting, changes the thinker.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Transcendence
Place into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Tempered SpiritTempered Spirit
Viridian Jewel
Radius: Medium-1 Dexterity per 1 Dexterity on Allocated Passives in Radius
2% increased Movement Speed per 10 Dexterity on Allocated Passives in Radius
Though the body rots, the spirit lives on.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Transcendence
Place into an allocated jewel socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Vial of AwakeningVial of AwakeningStack Size: 10The eyes of Apep flicker open and the Poisoned One stirs.Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Apep's Slumber to transform it.50
Vial of ConsequenceVial of ConsequenceStack Size: 10Your actions live but a moment;
their repercussions never die.
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Coward's Chains to transform it.
Vial of DominanceVial of DominanceStack Size: 10Blood, slaves and stone.
The timeless edifice of Dominance.
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Architect's Hand to transform it.
Vial of FateVial of FateStack Size: 10Ancient myths of flame, frost and thunder.
Will we ever know the way forward?
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Story of the Vaal to transform it.
Vial of SacrificeVial of SacrificeStack Size: 10Festivities of blood. Bleeding hearts and screaming lungs.Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Sacrificial Heart to transform it.68
Vial of SummoningVial of SummoningStack Size: 10Call to place the demon gods of the past.Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Mask of the Spirit Drinker to transform it.50
Vial of TranscendenceVial of TranscendenceStack Size: 10It is not our flesh, our thoughts, or our soul that limits us;
it is the distinction between them.
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with any Tempered Flesh, Tempered Spirit or Tempered Mind to transform it.
Vial of the GhostVial of the GhostStack Size: 10With great tragedy and power,
the dead are netted in anguish.
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Soul Catcher to transform it.
Vial of the RitualVial of the RitualStack Size: 10The ritual creates order.
Both in the minds of men and gods.
The ritual creates order.
Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Dance of the Offered to transform it.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.81
Vaal Aspect
Mortals spend their lives wondering which
fate shall be theirs. Chaos takes amusement
in knowing the answer: all of them.
This item will transform when correctly arranged with other items.

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Flashpowder KegFlashpowder KegThis item can be used to destroy a wall connecting two chambers in the Temple of Atzoatl. This item will drop on the ground when leaving the Temple.1
The SeekerThe Seeker93x Orb of AnnulmentAll that is flawed is worthless. The slightest error, and this might as well be trash.35

Version history

Version Changes
  • Alva can now convert your completed and ready-to-run Temple of Atzoatl into an tradeable object that can be consumed in the Map Device. You will need access to the Map Device to use this convert function.
  • The Omnitect also drops rare items with Incursion modifiers based around the themes of the rooms your temple contains, and has a higher chance to drop Vials related to that room. Having higher tier rooms also causes more rare items to drop.
  • Specific rooms now add specific Monster packs to the temple and Temple modifiers have been improved which results in more monster density, challenge and reward.
  • Temple modifiers have been improved so that if your temple has more higher-tier rooms, then it's comparable to a good map. We have also performed a modernisation pass on room rewards so that they're competitive with newer leagues.
  • The Explosives Rooms now contain some basic chests that can be opened with Flashpowder Kegs if you don't need them for opening a path elsewhere in the temple.
  • The Shrine of Empowerment room in the Temple of Atzoatl now randomly empowers one connected room that is tier 2 or below and upgrades it by one tier. The Sanctum of Unity room now randomly empowers two connected rooms that are tier 2 or below and upgrades them by one tier each.
  • The Table of Sacrifice in the Hall of Offerings room now allows you to sacrifice a unique item for another random unique of the same item class.
  • Portals to the Temple of Atzoatl now open around your Map Device instead of around Alva. (hidden change)
  • Rebalanced the life regeneration Temple-wide modifier with respect to monsters of magic and rare rarity.
  • You can now encounter Legion-themed rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl.
  • Reduced the life of Vaal Advocates and Enhanced Vaal Fallens by 25%
  • You can now find items that affect Mines from the Trap rooms of the Temple of Atzoatl.
  • It now requires 12 separate Incursions to enter the Temple of Atzoatl in the present (up from 11). This gives you an extra attempt to upgrade or change a room before you enter the Temple with Alva.
  • Introduced to the game as core mechanics
  • The level of the present-day temple is now the average level of each Incursion, +10, capped at the highest level Incursion for that Temple.
  • Introduced to the game as league mechanics

See also

  1. Ran 10 Incursions at Tier 2 (area level 69), one at Tier 1 (area level 68), and one at Tier 14 (area level 81). The average of that is 79.9, and the Temple generated at area level 79.