The Lunaris Temple Level 2 (Act 3)

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The Lunaris Temple Level 2
No Waypoint
Area level30
Area type tagslunaris
Tagsindoors_area, act_boss_area, no_tempests, area_with_water, delve_chest, lunaris_area, lunaris_blood_area, thaumaturgy_area
ConnectionsThe Lunaris Temple Level 1
Vaal Side AreasArcane Chambers
Depravity is boundless.

The Lunaris Temple Level 2 is an area in Act 3. This area does not have a waypoint and is connected to The Lunaris Temple Level 1.

The first part of this area is a maze with numerous branches. The goal is to climb three staircases to reach the second half; players will never need to go down a staircase. Occasionally, Blood Elementals will rise onto the platform and attack. The third staircase leads to the second part of the level, which has piles of corpses and cages holding monsters. This area has two large gates, beyond which is a giant pile of corpses on a circular platform. There is a red portal to Piety's room at the top of the stairs. The final battle with Piety begins when you approach her.

The depths of Lunaris are a horrifically desecrated counterpart to the Solaris temple. Piety's thaumaturgy has warped the peaceful white fog of the Solaris temple into a sea of congealed blood and viscera. Unlike the previous level which contained small isolated pools of blood, the landscape here has been reversed and small islands of black marble sit amongst a complex of canals, causeways and dams, all the better to manipulate the flow of blood for Piety's work.

In a monument to Piety's madness and sadism, body parts can be found littering the floor and impaled on stakes to serve as warnings to her miscreations of the price of disobedience. Small hills of corpses resulting from Piety's failed attempts at manufacturing miscreations can be found. It appears the miscreations couldn't be bothered to clear the bodies of their less fortunate comrades away.




Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Crafting recipes

The following crafting bench recipes can be unlocked from this location:

Cost Affix type Stats Item Classes Categories Unlock
4x Orb of Alteration Prefix (37-51)% increased Lightning Damage Two Hand Melee The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Alteration Prefix (25-34)% increased Lightning Damage One Hand Melee One Hand Ranged The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Suffix (9-12)% increased Lightning Damage Ring Amulet One Hand Melee Two Hand Melee One Hand Ranged Two Hand Ranged The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (2-5) to (46-64) Lightning Damage Two Hand Melee Two Hand Ranged The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (1-3) to (27-37) Lightning Damage One Hand Melee One Hand Ranged The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (1-4) to (32-36) Lightning Damage to Attacks Ring Amulet Gloves The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (1-5) to (59-63) Lightning Damage to Spells Two Hand Melee The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (1-4) to (39-42) Lightning Damage to Spells One Hand Melee One Hand Ranged The Lunaris Temple Level 2
4x Orb of Transmutation Prefix Adds (1-4) to (32-36) Lightning Damage to Attacks Quiver The Lunaris Temple Level 2


Version history

Version Changes
  • Overhauled Mastercrafting: You now have a single Crafting Bench in your Hideout that covers all item types and crafting mods. You now gain new crafting mods from a variety of different sources, including through exploration and helping the new Masters. You can also overwrite previously crafted mods at the cost of an Orb of Scouring.
  • Lunaris Temple Level 1 and Lunaris Temple Level 2 have been merged. The waypoint is now in this merged area.
  • Lunaris 3 renamed to Lunaris 2. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Piety's boss arena in Lunaris Temple Level 2 has been changed.
  • Introduced to the game