The Ashen Fields

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The Ashen Fields
No Waypoint
Area level53
BossesAlira Darktongue
Greust, Lord of the Forest
Kraityn, Scarbearer
Oak, Skullbreaker
Area type tagssouthernforest
Tagsarea_with_water, act_boss_area, einharbeast, fields_area, has_road_area, bandit_area
ConnectionsThe Den
The Northern Forest
Vaal Side AreasHidden Patch
Scorched earth and slumbering cinder.

The Ashen Fields is an area in Act 7. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Den and The Northern Forest.

Web of Secrets must be completed in order to obtain Obsidian KeyObsidian Key"The cool blanket of shadows preserves our treasures."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
and access this area from The Den in the first playthrough.

The boss-arena is called The Fortress Encampment. Greust, the NPC met by the player in Act 2, has been possessed by Ralakesh and became a hostile humanoid called Greust, Lord of the Forest. Ralakesh itself is the totem in the centre of the arena. There is an environment lore object "Ode to Ralakesh" that can be interact at the entrance to the arena.

The area is called The Old Fields in Act 2, while the boss room is in fact the old Act 2 town The Forest Encampment.




Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

RebirthRebirth27Charan's SwordHe shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh
The HermitThe Hermit9LifesprigThe hermit's only friend is the greenery he can find.23
The Scarred MeadowThe Scarred Meadow9Wake of DestructionThe earth offers nourishment, growth and healing. Unless, of course, the sky has other plans.23

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.