The Desecrated Chambers

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The Desecrated Chambers
No Waypoint
Area level65
BossesAvarius, Reassembled
Area type tagsbarracks
Tagsindoors_area, no_tempests, delve_chest, kitava_cultist_area, SevenYearsBadLuck_area, LachrymalNecrosis_area
ConnectionsThe Torched Courts
Vaal Side AreasTwisted Inquisitorium (1_SideArea5_5)
Mad men toil under smoking skies to pervert a holy sanctum.

The Desecrated Chambers is an area with a waypoint in Act 10. It is connected to The Torched Courts. Vaal side area Twisted Inquisitorium has a chance to spawn.

It is equivalent to The Chamber of Innocence of the Act 5.


  • None



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Lachrymal NecrosisLachrymal Necrosis3Jewel
Implicit Modifier:
Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
Without the ability to weep, the heart hardens against both the pure and the corrupt.
RebirthRebirth27Charan's SwordHe shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh
Seven Years Bad LuckSeven Years Bad Luck13Mirror ShardIf enough people believe something to be true, whether or not it is becomes irrelevant.35
The Blazing FireThe Blazing Fire6Chin SolLethal, untouchable, keen, aflame. Just what I was looking for.62

Crafting recipes

The following crafting bench recipes can be unlocked from this location:

Cost Affix type Stats Item Classes Categories Unlock
2x Orb of Alchemy Suffix +(121-200) to Accuracy Rating One Hand Melee Two Hand Melee One Hand Ranged Two Hand Ranged The Desecrated Chambers
2x Orb of Alchemy Suffix +(121-150) to Accuracy Rating Gloves Helmet Ring Amulet Quiver Shield The Desecrated Chambers


The area contains environmental lore Cultist Tract.

And our father, the great Kitava will split asunder the rocks of the earth, pulling himself out of the miry clay. He shall lay a banquet table before us and we shall feast on his divine bounty.
- The Holy Book of Hunger by High Priest Utula

Version history

Version Changes
  • Overhauled Mastercrafting: You now have a single Crafting Bench in your Hideout that covers all item types and crafting mods. You now gain new crafting mods from a variety of different sources, including through exploration and helping the new Masters. You can also overwrite previously crafted mods at the cost of an Orb of Scouring.
  • Introduced to the game.