The Wetlands (Act 6)

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The Wetlands
No Waypoint
Area level48
BossesRyslatha, the Puppet Mistress
Area type tagssouthernforest2
Tagsarea_with_water, act_boss_area, einharbeast, einharrhoa, einharparasite, has_foxes_area
ConnectionsThe Riverways
Vaal Side AreasNarrow Ravine
A corpulent grub flails mindlessly, infesting the putrescent muck.

The Wetlands is an area in Act 6. This area does not have a waypoint and is connected to The Riverways. It contains a subarea labelled as The Spawning Ground, the lair of a parasitic blight upon the forest.




In "The Spawning Ground" only

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

RebirthRebirth27Charan's SwordHe shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh
The Metalsmith's GiftThe Metalsmith's Gift6Prismatic RingA month's work, a year's wages, a foolish shortcut through a Rhoa's nest, and a grieving bride-to-be, who never received her betrothed's great gift.30


The blocked The Vaal Ruins entrance

The area contains a bandit fort much like Oak's in the area of the same name in Act 2. The area also has the area that used to be the entrance of The Vaal Ruins (and where the tree Lorrata used to be), but shown collapsed. Next to it, is a broken waypoint.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.