Chasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Acquisition Drop restricted Drop level: 81 Drops from the Vaal Omnitect in areas of level 79 or greater.Metadata Item class: Divination Card Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardChasingRisk
Chasing Risk is a divination card. A set of four can be exchanged for a random unique item that can drop only from bosses of the unique Synthesised MapsSynthesised MapMap Level: 78 Map Tier: 11 Guild Character: uTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once..
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
Random divination card set exchange
Usage in recipes
Chasing Risk is used in the following recipes:
Circle of AmbitionCircle of Ambition Prismatic RingRequires Level 64<Three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes +(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances 10% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Herald Skills <Three Random Herald modifiers>I will build the wall that stands against the tide. The day is coming... I have seen it.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Circle of NostalgiaCircle of Nostalgia Amethyst RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes Adds (15-20) to (21-30) Chaos Damage +(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance <Two Random Herald of Agony modifiers>I was a happy child, before the cruel truth was revealed to me. I fight so that the children may remain ignorant.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Garb of the EphemeralGarb of the Ephemeral Savant's RobeEnergy Shield: (322-435) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 56, 600 Str, 752 Int<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>(180-230)% increased Energy Shield +600 Strength and Intelligence Requirement Gain a Divine Charge on Hit +10 to maximum Divine Charges You gain Divinity for 10 seconds on reaching maximum Divine Charges Lose all Divine Charges when you gain Divinity Nearby Allies' Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value Nearby Enemies cannot deal Critical StrikesExceptional men and women of strong will can flicker a spark, but something much greater is needed to unleash the wildfire of true divine flames.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
PerepiteiaPerepiteia Ezomyte Spiked ShieldChance to Block: 25% Evasion: (724-1045) Energy Shield: (148-215) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 62, 85 Dex, 85 Int<Three random synthesis implicit modifiers>+(1-3) to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems Triggers Level 20 Lightning Aegis when Equipped (1-20)% increased Attack Speed (1-20)% increased Cast Speed (300-400)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(1-75) to maximum Mana (1-20)% increased Movement SpeedSomething within the machine never stops moving, but Oriathan scholars dare not open it to find out why.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Circle of RegretCircle of Regret Topaz RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Intelligence Adds 1 to (48-60) Lightning Damage +(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance <Two Random Herald of Thunder modifiers>I sacrificed a life of love for one of responsibility, so that she, and others like her, might be kept safe.Combine this item with two Rare Fractured items of the same item class at the Synthesiser in the Memory Nexus
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Circle of GuiltCircle of Guilt Iron RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(10-20) to all Attributes Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Physical Damage +(350-400) to Armour <Two Random Herald of Purity modifiers>I feel the moral weight of what I must to do to protect Wraeclast. I accept my guilt without shame. It is my gift to humanity.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Offering to the SerpentOffering to the Serpent Legion GlovesArmour: (257-363) Energy Shield: (52-75)Requires Level 57, 44 Str, 44 Int<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(15-25) to all Attributes (150-200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield 50% reduced Maximum Recovery per LifeLeech (6-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed (15-25)% increased Damage while Leeching LifeLeech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled"You covet the strength of your peers, mortal? Perhaps it can be yours, if you are willing to make an offering of their blood..." - Vaal Myth of the Third Snake
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Circle of AnguishCircle of Anguish Ruby RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Strength Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage +(20-30)% to Fire Resistance <Two Random Herald of Ash modifier>I condemned an innocent man to the pyres, but to admit this mistake is to condemn myself. My only choice is to strive harder.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Bottled FaithBottled Faith Sulphur FlaskLasts (5.60-6.80) Seconds Consumes 40 of 60 Charges on use 40% increased DamageRequires Level 27Creates Consecrated Ground on Use(30-15)% reduced Duration Consecrated Ground created by this Flask has Tripled Radius Consecrated Ground created during Effect applies (7-10)% increased Damage taken to Enemies (100-150)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during EffectA tourniquet for the soul, squeezing ethereal into physical.Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
Circle of FearCircle of Fear Sapphire RingRequires Level 52<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(20-30) to Dexterity Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Cold Damage +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance <Two Random Herald of Ice modifiers>My subordinates circled me eternally, attuned to the slightest weakness, ready to tear me apart for their own gains.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
NebulisNebulis Void SceptreSceptre Physical Damage: 50-76 Critical Strike Chance: 7.30% Attacks per Second: 1.25 Weapon Range: 1.1 metresRequires Level 68, 104 Str, 122 Int<Three random synthesis implicit modifiers>(15-20)% increased Cast Speed (15-20)% increased Cold Damage per 1% Cold Resistance above 75% (15-20)% increased Lightning Damage per 1% Lightning Resistance above 75%The vastness of the cosmos holds energies beyond comprehension, should one have the fortitude to grasp them.
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
This card's drop level requirement was changed. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
Drop weightings and minimum area levels for the vast majority of cards have not been changed, but drop weightings for a very small number of cards have been reduced in cases where the number of maps they're available from has greatly increased.
A longstanding bug in the code determining area level restrictions for some divination card drops has been fixed. This means that cards intended to have a high area level requirement (mostly ones that grant item level 100 items) will no longer fluctuate wildly in availability from league to league.