The Western Forest (Act 6)

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The Western Forest
No Waypoint
Area level48
BossesDefiled Proclamation
Area type tagsforestdark
Tagseinharcavespiders, einharcavespiders, einharmonkey, einharparasite, has_foxes_area, has_road_area, chamber_of_sins_area
ConnectionsPrisoner's Gate
The Riverways
Vaal Side AreasNarrow Ravine
What madness flitters and creeps through the darkened trees?

The Western Forest is an area in Act 6. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Prisoner's Gate and The Riverways.

The area bears a similar structure to the area of the same name in Act 2, with a road leading through the area. The Blackguard barricade remains in place, and Alira's fort is present. However, the Blackguards are undead, the camp infested with thaumaturgical abominations, and the entrance to the Weaver's cave is no longer present.


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

The Metalsmith's GiftThe Metalsmith's Gift6Prismatic RingA month's work, a year's wages, a foolish shortcut through a Rhoa's nest, and a grieving bride-to-be, who never received her betrothed's great gift.30

Crafting recipes

The following crafting bench recipes can be unlocked from this location:

Cost Affix type Stats Item Classes Categories Unlock
2x Orb of Alchemy Suffix +(21-25) to Strength One Hand Melee Two Hand Melee One Hand Ranged Two Hand Ranged Body Armour Gloves Boots Helmet Shield Ring Amulet Belt Quiver The Western Forest
2x Orb of Alchemy Suffix +(21-25) to Dexterity One Hand Melee Two Hand Melee One Hand Ranged Two Hand Ranged Body Armour Gloves Boots Helmet Shield Ring Amulet Quiver The Western Forest
2x Orb of Alchemy Suffix +(21-25) to Intelligence One Hand Melee Two Hand Melee One Hand Ranged Two Hand Ranged Body Armour Gloves Boots Helmet Shield Ring Amulet Quiver The Western Forest

This recipe is located in Alira's old spot in The Western Forest (Act 6)

Version history

Version Changes
  • Masters, including Zana, no longer have Reputation levels. Features such as crafting bench options are, as a result, no longer unlocked by grinding master missions, and are instead unlocked by encountering specific locations, situations or completing specific objectives.
  • Introduced to the game.