The Cathedral Rooftop (Act 5)

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The Cathedral Rooftop
No Waypoint
Area level45
BossesKitava, the Insatiable
Area type tagscity1
Tagsact_boss_area, no_echo, no_divine, no_tempests, delve_chest, kitava_area, kitava_cultist_area
ConnectionsThe Ruined Square
Lioneye's Watch
Vaal Side AreasSide Chapel (1_SideArea5_8)
Atop this burning monument to arrogance, Oriath's final hope remains.

The Cathedral Rooftop is an area in Act 5. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Ruined Square and Lioneye's Watch. The waypoint is only accessible after the player defeats Kitava, the Insatiable and will be blocked by a red flaming wall before the player did so. The entrance is located at the bottom north-west of the Ruined Square.

The layout is mostly linear across the roof of the cathedral, and the boss fight takes place in the Cathedral Apex at the end.

Sin called the place Chitus Cathedral, the peak of false faith, which Sign of PuritySign of PurityWrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.
served as the new standard of the empire.[1]




Boss Fight:

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

The WrathThe Wrath810x Chaos Orb"Daughter of catastrophe, mother of pain. Amongst the filth of Wraeclast, she wanders, and her wrath follows." - Quintoon the Returned23

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.